1 minute read

Feasibility Studies

Relevant information is gathered to meet the programing goals in order to effectively and efficiently begin the Schematic Design process.

Building codes, surveys, deeds, CAD files, and relevant data are reviewed. Current construction costs are used to determine the best design to meet the owner’s budget.

Schematic Design

Information gathered in the previous steps is presented in a graphic and written design solution that the owner can review and approve.

The primary objective of Schematic Design is to arrive at a clearly defined, feasible concept and to present it in a form that achieves client understanding and acceptance. Although the design is not entirely represented, the schematic drawings can demonstrate basic spaces, scale and relationship of components.


Design Development

Define and describe all important aspects of the project so that all that remains is the formal documentation step of construction contract documents. The design achieves the refinement and coordination necessary for a polished product.

Issues left unresolved at the end of Schematic Design can be worked out at a scale that minimizes the possibility of major modifications during the Construction Documentation phase.

Construction Administration

Our core responsibility during this phase is to assist the General Contractor in construction of the project in accordance with the construction documents, as approved by the owner.

Construction Documentation

This phase indicates the end of the design process. The design of the building should be finalized and we proceed with the intricate tasks of documenting the entire building and the site.


The drawings generated during the prior phases are now evolved from primarily graphic presentations to rigorous technical drawings. It is during this phase that we quantify and define the quality of the installed work.

A complete review of the Permit and Pricing Documents is conducted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, the owner, owner’s consultants and ownerselected General Contractor.

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