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A World Cup of Controversies

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Summer Zodiac


By Oscar


Photo by Canva.com

Kickoff for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar is less than five months away, and the excitement that surrounds it continues to grow.

According to https://vault.si.com/vault/2011/05/23/sorrysoccer, "The tournament was not brought about without it's fair share of controversies. Qatar's bid for the 2022 World Cup was met with trouble, as claims of corruption and cheating surfaced. Allegations of bribery in order to secure FIFA Executive Committee votes for the Qatari bid were brought to light in 2011, but without full proof that Qatar cheated to get rights to host the 2022 World Cup, a revote cannot be held. "

Photo by Canva.com Photo by Joshua Choate | Pixabay.com

According to https://www.britannica.com/place/Qatar http://www.worldfootballinsider.com/Story. aspx?id=33206, "Qatar's climate was also a cause of debate when it was announced that they'd host the 2022 World Cup. Qatar has a desert climate, which poses challenges to a tournament that is traditionally held in a northern hemisphere summer. Qatar averages 90 degree weather in June, posing uncomfortable conditions for the players. While Qatar has said that they have the technology to cool stadiums to make it comfortable for the players and fans alike, they ultimately decided to move the World Cup to November, causing backlash from fans. "


Background by Canva.com

When people accomplish something, they feel powerful, happy and relieved.

People have their struggles along the way, knowing they accomplished something difficult, they know they can accomplish anything.

Finding love is not easy, especially going into high school. Finding the true meaning of love is difficult when you never really know the true meaning.

Having someone by your side during your toughest and greatest moments is better than being alone. "Finding the meaning of love and finding a person to be by my side is my greatest accomplishment, " said Adrian.

Accomplishing straight A's after being taught online, talking to a teacher through a screen can be tough.

It's also not easy to stay focused knowing your phone is by your side, it is actually very difficult.

Struggling to understand the subject and not being able to ask questions in person is hard.

Fatima, one of my good friends, talked about her achievement. "Being able to get straight A's at the end of the semester is my greatest accomplishment, " she said.

My brother Oscar lived in another state, far from our family for three and a half years and it was difficult for him to be away from everyone.

Having to provide for his own family, his wife and kid was difficult when he couldn't find a job. Having people who we thought supported him and leaving him at his worst moment - was also hard for him.

After having all the support of his siblings and parents, he was able to see them again, and be with them. "Coming back to the U.S and being together with my entire family is my greatest accomplishment, " said Oscar.

Accomplishing anything - even the smallest things- are great, whether it's passing a level on a video game or getting into you're dream college - it's an accomplishment.

Being able to live my life and share it with wonderful people that support me is everything to me.

I have tiny accomplishments that I'm proud of, my small accomplishments are my starting point that turn into my greatest accomplishments.

Although my greatest accomplishments are different, having the struggles that come with life and being able to overcome them is one of my greatest achievements.

Photo by RichVintage | Pixabay


Did you know that the deadliest animal isn't what you expect it to be? Normally, when the phrase deadliest animal pops-up, you would normally think of animals like a bear, lion, tiger or even a shark, but instead the real deadliest animal is in fact ... the mosquito! According to the World Health Organization, mosquitos are the cause of 725,000 deaths yearly, making them "the worlds deadliest animal.

1 1 1 Did you know...? Did you know...? COOLEST FUN COOLEST FUNFACTS! FACTS!By Juan

Information found https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malaria Photo by ЕгорКамелев | Unslpash


Did you know that the giant pacific octopus has ... 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood? Isn't that crazy! Octopuses also have many other abilities that the giant pacific octopus doesn't have solely, like the ability to change their skin color and texture, regenerate limbs, squirt ink and they also posses the highest IQ for an invertebrate.

Information found on https://oceanconservationtrust.org/app/uploads/OctopusFacts.pdf FUN FACT Did you know that the 3 3 3 black howler monkey is actually the loudest land animal and it can be heard up to three miles away? With a voice like that, they should be singers.

Information found on https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/black-howler-monkey FUN FACT4 4 4

Did you know hippos don't actually swim, in fact they can't even float at all! Instead, they just walk on the river or lake floor and waddle their way through. Another cool fact is that hippos can also sleep underwater with a reflex that bobs their head up above the water to take a breath and sink back down without ever waking up.

Information found on https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/hippo

Photo by Linda20july | Unsplash

Photo by lisacks | Pixabay

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