Getting Familiar with US Immigration Forms Due to the fact that there are several US Immigration Forms available now, chances are people might get confused on the difference of one form to another. This is true when one has no background in such kinds of documents. As a matter of fact, even people who have already encountered some in the past are still confused of these forms. The reason is that most people devote their time and attention in securing these forms and they do not do their assignments in researching about it. In case you also did the same in the past, you have to know some information concerning these forms. In case you will browse in some best immigration forms website or a forum, US Citizen Application Form N-400 is among the possible types you might encounter. The form is generally used by applicants 18 years old and up who want to file for permanent residency in the United States. In addition to that, the form is also being used by people who want to commence their application for naturalization in the country. Naturalization Certificate Citizenship Form N-565 is also among the possible forms you might encounter. According to the site, the form is being utilized by applicants who want to get replacement for their certificate of citizenship in the US. This is probably because such people have lost or damaged their previous certificate. The form is currently available in some sites. Thus, accessibility of the document is not a problem. Apart from the US Immigration Forms mentioned, Application for Duplicate Approval Notice Form I824 is also another form that you might see in some sites. Application for Duplicate Approval Notice Form I-824 is being used by people who have not yet obtained their form I-797 or those who have been issued by the document but they have lost it in the past. Likewise, Application for Duplicate Approval Notice Form I-824 is also available online. This is especially true if you will browse the concerned government of the United States. The next US Immigration Forms you might encounter during your online research is Certificate of Citizenship Form N-600. Particularly, the form is being obtained by children who are a non-US citizen ad has parents who have acquired their citizenship certificates already. Similarly, the form is also available in government sites of the US. Therefore, those who want to use Certificate of Citizenship Form N-600 in the future can easily obtain their copy through US government sites. If you are not yet familiar of the forms being used in US Immigration process, these are the things you need to keep in mind. In every type of form you will encounter, there is a corresponding use about it. As a person who will probably use the form, it is important to know a little information about it. To those who want additional information about the form, you can just click here and see valuable information that will help you. Not only that because you can visit our website if you have some queries that require proper clarification.