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1;Preface;6 2;Contents;7 3;Chapter 1 Introduction;11 3.1;1.1 This Book;11 3.2;1.2 What Measurements are Considered?;12 3.3;1.3 Scale of Measurement;13 4;Chapter 2 Measurements;15 4.1;2.1 Measuring Things;15 4.2;2.2 Accuracy;15 4.3;2.3 Bias;17 4.4;2.4 Precision;18 4.5;2.5 Bias, Precision and the Value of Measurements;18 5;Chapter 3 Stem Diameter;21 5.1;3.1 Basis of Diameter Measurement;21 5.2;3.2 Stem Cross-Sectional Shape;22 5.3;3.3 Measuring Stem Diameter;23 5.4;3.4 Tree Irregularities;24 5.5;3.5 Bark Thickness;25 6;Chapter 4 Tree Height;26 6.1;4.1 Basis of Height Measurement;26 6.2;4.2 Height by Direct Methods;27 6.3;4.3 Height by Trigonometric Methods;27 6.4;4.4 Height by Geometric Methods;29 7;Chapter 5 Stem Volume;31 7.1;5.1 Reasons for Volume Measurement;31 7.2;5.2 ?Exact? Volume Measurement;32 7.3;5.3 Volume by Sectional Measurement;33 7.4;5.4 Volume by Importance or Centroid Sampling;38 8;Chapter 6 Stem Volume and Taper Functions;41 8.1;6.1 The Functions;41 8.2;6.2 Volume Functions;41 8.3;6.3 Taper Functions;47 9;Chapter 7 Biomass;55 9.1;7.1 Reasons for Biomass Measurement;55 9.2;7.2 Measuring Biomass;55 9.3;7.3 Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Functions;60 9.4;7.4 Biomass Estimation Functions for Tree Parts;66 10;Chapter 8 Stand Measurement;72 10.1;8.1 Stands and Why They are Measured;72 10.2;8.2 Measurements Taken in Stands;72 10.3;8.3 Age;73 10.4;8.4 Basal Area;74 10.5;8.5 Stocking Density;80 10.6;8.6 Quadratic Mean Diameter;81 10.7;8.7 Dominant Height;82 10.8;8.8 Site Productive Capacity;84 10.9;8.9 Volume;87 10.10;8.10 Biomass;89 10.11;8.11 Stand Growth;93 11;Chapter 9 Measuring Populations;97 11.1;9.1 Forest Inventory and Sampling;97 11.2;9.2 Subjective Versus Objective Sample Selection;98 11.3;9.3 Population Statistics;99 11.4;9.4 Calculating the Population Statistics;100 12;Chapter 10 Sampling Theory;104 12.1;10.1 Sampling Techniques and Their Efficiency;104 12.2;10.2 Sampling with Varying Probability of Selection;104 12.3;10.3 Stratified Random Sampling;111 12.4;10.4 Model-based Sampling;113 12.5;10.5 Choosing the Sampling Technique;117 13;Chapter 11 Conducting an Inventory;119 13.1;11.1 Objectives;119 13.2;11.2 Approach and Methods;120 13.3;11.3 Forest Area;121 13.4;11.4 Sampling Units and Calculation of Results;122 13.5;11.5 Systematic Sampling;124 13.6;11.6 Stand Measurement;125 13.7;11.7 Measurement Errors;127 13.8;11.8 More Advanced Inventory;128
14;Chapter 12 The Plane Survey;129 14.1;12.1 Mapping;129 14.2;12.2 Survey Example;130 14.3;12.3 Conducting the Survey;130 14.4;12.4 Calculating the Survey Results;133 14.5;12.5 Area of a Surveyed Region;135 14.6;12.6 Global Positioning System;137 15;Chapter 13 Remote Sensing;139 15.1;13.1 Ground Measurement;139 15.2;13.2 Airborne Measurement;147 15.3;13.3 Satellites;153 15.4;References;156 16;Glossary;173 16.1;Appendix A Glossary;173 16.2;Appendix B Conversion Factors;180 16.3;Appendix C The Greek Alphabet;182 16.4;Appendix D Basic Trigonometry;184 17;Index;186 EAN/ISBN : 9783540959663 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin Discussed keywords: Forstwirtschaft, Waldbau Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): West, Philip W.
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