Content Curriculum Vitae
1. Urbavore Farms - Kansas City, MO 2. the Madhouse - Kansas City, MO 3. Fairgrove House - Fairgrove, MO 4. Rothko / Turrell Museum - Philadelphia, PA
5. Brewery Emperial - Kansas City, MO 6. Make-It-Right - Kansas City, MO 7. Synergy Services Children’s Center - Kansas City, MO 8. Spin! Neapolitan Pizza - Kansas City, MO
1643 Jefferson Street Kansas City, Missouri 64108
(816)868.4156 |
Academic Kansas State University -- Manhattan, Kansas Bachelor of Architecture
Achieved a 5-year NAAB accredited degree in a design-centered curriculum of professional and critical discourse reinforced by liberal studies. During my time at KSU, I began my search for the foundational responsibility of architecture and the philosophy behind an honest creative process. This lead ultimately to a search for a more poetic architecture.
Italart Centro Studi -- Castiglion Fiorentino, Arrezo, Italy Santa Chiara Study Center
Beyond immersing myself in Italian life, I spent my time in the study of textiles and the creation of accidental public space with a focus on ‘folk space’ and the impact of regulations on private building situations.
Professional LIONarchitecture, Kansas City, Missouri Independant Architectural Work LIONarchitecture is a design practice based on the creation of a new/old lexicon of architecture through the study of the human response to the conditions of the planet.
Selected Built Works: Urbavore Farms - Kansas City, MO Completion Date for Construction - April 2015 An 850 s.f. house on a 15 acre site for a family of three submerged in the earth, Madhouse - 1811 Madison Avenue, Kansas City, MO Completion Date for Construction - August 2015 A 1500 sf house in the Westside Neighborhood of Kansas City, MO. Halfway in the hill and halfway overhanging it, the house is the stable geometry on site.
LIONarchitecture cont’d Publications: ‘Tautological Redundancy’ Lantern Journal Volume I, Issue 1. Published (April 2012) ‘Urban Green-House Project,’ D3 Natural Systems: ‘Origins.’ Published D3, Brooklyn, New York (2012) ‘Futureless’ Ktisma Journal_volume 2. Published Department of Architecture, Eugene, Oregon (2012) ‘Radix’ In conjunction with Black Lantern Synergy Lantern Journal Volume I, Issue 2. Published (June 2012)
Exhibitions: ‘Hjem änd,’ Nelson Atkins Art Museum - Kansas City, MO (April 2013) ‘Urban Green-House Project,’ Gallery MC - New York, New York (May-June 2012) ‘Radix’ University of California Berkely - Berkely, California (April 2011) Exhibition in conglomeration with Black Lantern Synergy on Earth Day 2011.
Design Awards: Top Selected Project - ‘Urban Green-House’ D3 Natural Systems International Competition Best Un-Built Project - ‘Urbavore Farm’ (now under construction) Monster of Design 2012 Winner
Pendulum Architecture Lead Designer Lead project teams through all phases of multiple project design and construction. Brewery Emperial - Kansas City, Missouri - Lead Project Design & Management Make-It-Right House - Kansas City, Missouri - Lead Project Deisgn & Management Madison Mallards Event Space - Madison Wisconsin 200 Person Event Space
Dec. 2014 - Present
Lanten Journal, Kansas City, Missouri co-Editor, Lead Design Editor Lantern Journal is an academic journal focused on collaboration of minds. I work as a literary editor, the design editor as well as the graphic designer & coordinator for the journal. Inaugural issue (Volume I, Issue 1) was released in the Spring of 2012 with subsequent issues at the equinoctes and solstices. The final issue of Volume III (VIIIi4 Unknown) is to be published on the Winter Solstice. This will be the 12th issue.
Blackbird Design Studio Designer
I currently work as a designer at blackbird design studio. Tasks at blkbrd include project conceptualization, design documentation as well as website design, document design and graphic design: Toner Jewelers - Overland Park, KS - Design, Construction Documentation, Construction Administration - Completed Synergy Services Children’s Center - Kansas City, MO - Design, Construction Documentation - Funding 1409 Illinois - Kansas City, MO - Design, Construction Documentation, Construction Administration - Under Construction Kansas City rescue Mission - Kansas City, MO - Design, Construction Documentation, Construction Administration - Completed Blue Springs Community Center (Contract) - Blue Springs, MO - Concept Design - Funding
Tompkins Architects, Kansas City, Missouri Lead Designer I worked as Lead Designer for various office design, residential, health care and governmental projects. I have and continue to work on all phases of design from concept, design development, construction documentation and construction administration. Projects I have completed or that I am currently working on include: Puget Sound Healthcare System - Seattle, WA - Designer, Construction Documentation - Under Construction The Decker House - Residence in Kingsville, Missouri - Project Manager, Lead Designer,Construction Documentation The Indoor Playground - Not for Profit Indoor Playground - Project Manager, Lead Designer - In Funding Lee’s Summit School District - Designer, Construction Documentation Whiteman AFB - 4 Seperate Office Design Projects - Lead Design, Construction Documentation 100% IDP Completion; Begun the ARE Process
360 Architects, Kansas City, Missouri Designer
During my time at 360, I worked on all phases of design from concept, design development, construction documentation and construction administration. I managed and designed on small design projects such as restaurants and worked with large and small design teams on private sports clubs, commercial,religious, large scale sports facilities, graphics as well as custom furniture and fixture design. New Meadowlands Stadium - Exterior Design Team in conjunction with Bruce Mau Design BB&T Ballpark - Winston-Salem, NC - Design Team Three Trails Park (Initial ‘Wizards’ Soccer Stadium) - Design Team Spin! Neapolitan Pizza - Project Manager, Lead Design & Construction Administration Heartland Community Church - Design Team Zest Restaurant - Wine Cellar Design & Custom furniture/fixture design KCP&L Headquarters - Conceptual Design & Graphic Branding
A+B Design Studio, Santa Barbara, California Intern Worked in small teams for home design in Southern California. Dealt with unique environmental issues such as animal sanctuary and cliff design. Market Street Lofts - Initial modeling & site investigation El Capitan - Model making
Living Room
exterior entry
exterior clerestory
Master Bedroom
the Madhouse
Within the vibrant, tight-knit Westside Neighborhood near downtown Kansas City, MO, sits a steep sloped, narrow, over-grown site. The house exists and the site remains. Allowing the hilly nature of the city to remain was a driver of this design. A house for a family of four, we call this project the Madhouse for a few reasons. One being that it sits on a quiet neighborhood street named Madison; but mostly because everyone who drives by comments on the madness of the owner for putting a house on the side of an urban cliff. Sunken beneath the ground on the North-East corner, the site quickly drops nearly 40 feet to the South letting the house project over the site 20 feet in the air. Though complex in construction and implementation, the simple design does not buck the eclectic style of the surrounding houses. The use of air, stone, and light have driven this design since the beginning. The solidity of the house is derived from the bedrock it is intertwined with. The natural flow of air allows this house to exist mostly passive in systems. The duality of both being in the ground and in the trees allows for an array of lighting techniques.
K a n s a s C i t y, M O
Independent Project LIONarchitecture Client: Private Completed $155,000 1600 s.f. ROLE: Designer, Documenter, General Contractor
Teetering between inside the hill and out, allows the entry to be tucked at the pivit point as well as allowing its entirety to be heated and cooled by means of passive techniques. Additional heat is supplied through radiant floors.
Progress photo during construction of concrete earth contact portion, pre-radiant flooring and slab.
open to below
bedroom 3
open to below
second level
kitchen / dining
living room
bedroom 1 office
entrry level
bedroom 2
Living Room
Master Bedroom
Fa i r g r o v e H o u s e Located in Fairgrove, Missouri just outside of Springfield, this house had a simple program: To house a family of four amongst the surrounding farm land while remaining safe from the extreme weather the area is known for. Using the diagram of the native Missouri ‘collapsing barn’, this house seems to be falling into the earth. Starting above ground and diving down 4 feet, the majority of the house sits partially submerged. With no immediate tree growth around the site location for the house, the light is filtered through the native grasses that surround the house. The grasses sit at around eye level, giving a unique opportunity to sit on the front porch and experience the coolth of the shade while witnessing the dynamic play of light over the Ozark hills.
Fa i r g r o v e , M O
Independent Project LIONarchitecture Client: Private Funding $230,000 1400 s.f. ROLE: Designer, Documenter,
linen media access
safe room / storage
garage mud area
storage rr
gabion basket wall
Set partially within the earth, the family carries a traditional building type of the region into a modern aesthetic.
With no immediate tree growth around the site location for the house, the light is filtered through the native grasses that surround the house. The grasses sit at around eye level, giving a unique opportunity to sit on the front porch and experience the coolth of the shade while witnessing the dynamic play of light over the Ozark hills.
R o t h k o / Tu r r e l l How can a museum have physical presence amongst such towering creations? The top heavy context which surrounds the site in downtown Philadelphia reveals and projects a dance with the sun with the site. Rather than react in a way that reaches for light, this project aims to take advantage of the light conditions presently on site and set them free within the earth. This project is a study in the ability to use what I see as the manifestation of all living & non-living things’ connection to each other: Shadow. When amongst the sun, light hits us and shadows are revealed. If it were possible to collect all the shadows on the earth, they would show a perfect image of a single source. In a sense, they are one and the same, light and shadow. The shadow/ light patterns created on the “empty” site, revealed a building already in existence within the site as part of a greater context, more stellar & more solar. Below is the projections of light as taken throughout a year’s time frame and shaved to the most persistant of the lighted areas as they hit the gound plane. This informed the placement of all above ground elements of the architecture.
P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA Independent project Kansas State University Client: Rothko/Turrell Museum ROLE: Designer
Brewery Emperial The Brewery Emperial is a collection of Brewers and Restaurateurs from successful places in Kansas City who joined forces to create a new concept in the East Crossroads area. Deemed the Brewers’ District, this gastro-pub will give a unique experience. The Existing Building site un-assumingly at 19th and Oak Street. Previously a bilboard structure, the small jewel of a building is to be wrapped in a barrel-vaulted manufactured building that will act as the brewery. Using simple details and honesty to the building, this design is intended to blend well with the food and beer made on-site.
K a n s a s C i t y, M O
Professional Project Pendulum Client: Brewery Emperial Funding $1 m 5000sf ROLE: Designer, Documenter
Walk-in Brewery
New Addition Existing Building Beer Garden
New Addition
Make-it-Right House Distend, meaning to stretch or to inflate, best describes the approach we have taken toward the design of this home. That which is stretched and inflated is the skin of the building as well as its contents. It holds within the activities of the private home life, while allowing for the surrounding site and community to breathe into the space and back out again. The warmth of the sunlight as it is absorbed into the soft matte finish of the rubber skin of the house, can both conceal and reveal the house depending on time and season. This figurative expansion and contraction through light follows the more literal interpretation of the extruded “house� form. Being a combination of EPDM Roofing membrane and a choice of two wood styles, the contrast of light with dark, manufactured with natural, and warm and cool play toward the environmental needs and stewardship of the house. The breathable yet water tight EPDM exterior allows for a durable, and long lasting membrane to hug the house. This will gather the heat in the winter time, while blending into shadow in the summer. The Pine Beetle Wood plank allows for a place to nestle onto the porch in either season.
K a n s a s C i t y, M O
Professional Project Pendulum Client: Make-it-Right Foundation Funding $170,000 1200sf ROLE: Designer, Documenter,
ORIENTATION Smart orientation of the house’s spaces and openings allows for the house to passively cool and heat itself keeping the owner informed about how best to use the house. In cold months, winds predominantly from the north will be guarded against by minimal openings.
January In warmer months, the northern windows can open and allow the cool shaded air to come in to the house and exit through skylights. Warmer breezes from the west and south can be utilized to keep a high turnover of fresh air within the house.
S y n e r g y C h i l d r e n’s C e n t e r As the mission for Synergy Services grows, the need for more space has presented itself along with a land grant by the late Judge Pratt of Kansas City, North. We worked closely with the board at Synergy Services to provide a design with which they have achieved the funding needed to build a new facility to house up to 12 children at any given time. The house provides temporary housing to children in need at one of the most pivotal times in each of their lives. The house is a place not just of healing, but of normalcy of life. The simple ability to live and achieve fun, is something natural within children, but can be difficult to bring out in some situations. This place acts as a background and facilitator to such extractions.
K a n s a s C i t y, M O
Professional Project Blackbird Design Studio Client: Synergy Services Construction Documentation $3.4mil 10,000 s.f. ROLE: Designer, Documenter
A careful mix of permeable, semi-permeable and non-permeable spaces allows for a simple security system and an added sense of safety for the children.
permeable spaces
semi - permeable spaces
non - permeable spaces
existing building components
The house diagram is drawn from the existing residnece on the site.
existing building facades
existing building facades
Spin! Pizza an eort to create a more urban style for their already successful brand, the owners decided to place a Spin at 50th and Main in the Brookside neighborhood south of the Country Club Plaza. As lead designer on the project, I worked intimately with ownership to help realize their goals. This included many custom fabrications such as light ďŹ xtures, a steel oven and wine racks requiring on site coordination.
K a n s a s C i t y, M O Professional Project 360 Architects Client: Spin! Neopolitan Pizza Construction Complete 2009 Role: Lead Design Awards: Mid-America Design Awards - Best of Show