Policy of smart city development in Hong Kong (2017-8-3)

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Policy of smart city development in Hong Kong Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (IT) Fast Forward to 2030: Megacities – The New Land of Opportunity and Crisis Future Cities Summit 2017

Each city’s government has their unique set of problems



Hong Kong: Study, Study, Study


Latest report from PwC commissioned by government (ITB)

9 “strategic actions� 5

Invigorating the

ecosystem for innovation

Integrating with

city planning Equipping students and workforce with the knowledge and skills

Cultivating a

Engaging the public and business and

culture of



smart solutions


Establishing a sound digital


Reducing the digital divide and ensuring



infrastructure Developing an innovative strategy for procuring


preparedness and prevention 6

Proposed structure of governance


SCSC: ● chaired by the CS/FS, high-level steering and coordination of relevant policy bureaux ● Members: heads of bureaux SCPO: ● Oversight, management of the implementation of smart city programmes at departmental level ● Overseeing and promoting collaboration with private sector and academia on research 8

Hong Kong in 2030‌ Infrastructure and city expansion?

Sustainability and development?

Citizen’s quality of life?


How to design goals and measure progress?

Tablet project Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.


Comparing to other Asian countries / cities


Taiwan Singapore 11

Singapore ●A top global smart city in 2016 ●Smart Nation strategy covers a wide range of smart city initiatives related to energy, transport, lighting, mobility and technology innovation ●The Prime Minister is the champion who provides high-level direction and coordination ●The Smart Nation Programme Office (SNPO) has been established to provide effective integration of stakeholder views and to coordinate activities across departments 12

"You have to be in time for the future!" Jacqueline Poh Chief Executive Government Technology Agency (GovTech) of Singapore 13

GovTech Hive ● Singapore Government’s innovation lab for digital services – using government data ● 100-strong team of coders, UX designers and software testers 14

Success credited to... ● leadership and effective delivery - ensures cooperation from within the government ● flexible "living" blueprint - 'do it now and fix it later‘, rather than ‘delay and miss’ ● early successes - attracts firms to use Singapore as a test bed


A transportation system powered by Big Data and IoT

Seoul – Efficiency builders 16

• Operation data: gathered via GPS + wireless communication • Bus lanes to the centre: drastic increase in bus speed and punctuality


Seoul Distance-based integrated fare system passengers get discounts based on the total travel distance, as the card stores record of time and location of travel 18

TOPIS – virtual control tower for Seoul’s transportation system, managing operation of buses and road traffic


What’s behind Seoul’s progress? A government which is… ● Proactive in addressing its issues ● Has its own unique urban planning

● Strong public-private partnership


Taiwan #1 out of 94 regions in open data (2016)




Smart city applications


Hong Kong – our hurdles • Bureaucracy in procurement • Lack of incentive for internal innovation and transformation • Need coordination and KPIs in implementation • Prolonged decision making • Outdated regulatory framework

We need to catch up! 24

Thank You Facebook: Charles Mok 莫乃光 charlesmok@charlesmok.hk 25

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