1 minute read
Post Modern
by Charles Ross
As she said herself “Grief is the price you pay for love”. There have been countless stories and anecdotes about Her Majesty since the day of her passing to higher service and if I may I would like to recite one which I think has relevance to all Military Personnel both Serving and Veteran and sums up the type of Woman she was.
The planning of Operation London Bridge, the Queens State Funeral, started a considerable time prior to the death of Her Majesty; she even had the final say in all things ceremonial. The Royal Air Force had a problem. The only aircraft they had that were capable of carrying the state coffin were the C130 Hercules (of SA flossy fame), and the Globemaster Heavy Lift Transport. Both of these were more used to transporting Battle Tanks and large numbers of soldiers than carrying a single coffin. But the Gargantuan Globemaster had been used in the past to repatriate military personnel who had fallen in service while overseas.( You will recall the sad sight of funeral corteges leaving RAF Brize Norton on their way to the families of the fallen). C130 Hercules was thought to be too noisy and not suited to such a solemn occasion. So Globemaster it was to be.
Her Majesty was asked if she thought this was in order, her reply. “If it`s good enough for my boys I`m sure it will be just fine for me”
Rest in peace Ma’am along with your beloved Phillip, your duty has been done, multiple times over.
Legionnaire Terry Pattison Chairman – Port Elizabeth Branch Sunday 18th September 2022 Annual Battle of Britain Commemoratives Service St Paul’s Church