Architecture Diploma Portfolio

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The Island Charlie Barnard Architecture Diploma

Contents Project 1 Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar Project 2 DLR Space Time Analysis Project 3 Thesis Design Project

Drawings 0.1 Final Film Chronogram 0.2 Hair follicles 0.3 Section 0.4 Plan Day 0.5 Plan Night 0.6 Plan Layout and Research Justification 0.7 Island by Day 0.8 Island by Night 0.9 Night Scene 0.10 Chronogram of growing scene 0.11 Crystal Workshop 1 0.12 Crystal Workshop 2

Films Project 1

Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar 1.1 Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar Sound Animation

Project 2

DLR Space Time Analysis 2.1 DLR Soundscape 2.2 DLR Datascpae 2.3 Reactive Advertising 2.4 Unplugged City

Project 3

Thesis Design Project 3.1 Disposable Lifestyles: Fishing Village 3.2 Thesis Trailer 3.3 Christmas Film: Utopian Dream 3.4 Final Film: The Island

Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar Project 1

Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar Our brief was to produce a time based drawing of Michael Gondry’s Star Guitar video for the Chemical Brothers, we were asked to combine orthographic, isometric, perspectival and photographic means to represent the spaces described in the sequence. The video was of an animated train journey between Nimes to Valence in France, with everything in view out the window passing in time with the music. Below are some stills taken from the Star Guitar music video. The first thing that I did was to look at the objects passing by and its relationship to the sound wave. The image to the right lays out the length of the track against, the sound wave, the journey, and marking significate moments in the video. After looking at the whole length of the some I then zoomed into 10 second, seeing how the sound waves bend up and down as a new building passes by.

Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar To analyses 10 second further I made a sound wave animation using After Effects. Below are some stills for the animation. The animated sound wave can be view at: chemical-brothers-star-guitar-chronogram/

Wire frame of Guitar Star Sound Wave

Render Sound Wave from Guitar Star

Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar The following image is a Chronogram drawing of Chemical Brother’s Star Guitar. The drawing looks at the train journey from Nimes to Valence in France against the sound waves of the track, looking at changes in the architecture along the way. The drawing looks at the track as a whole and also zooms into 10 second of it, in order to studying the sound waves in relationship to objects passing by.

DLR Space Time Analysis Project 2

Project 2 DLR Soundscape Our brief was to make a space-time analysis of the DLR. I based my analysis from Bank to London City Airport, looking at the sound pollution of our city. I stood in Canary Wharf listening to the humming of the air-conditioning and rumbling of trains passing by. As I moved east the sounds still continued buzzing, even in Robin Hood Gardens which was designed in such a way to reduce sound pollution entering the estate it still managed to find its way in. As I went toward the water things became quieter, looking at the water and how the sound waves are reflecting in the ripples. In the film below I wanted to see what it would be like if you could see sound, and how a new landscape could be created from the sounds of the city. The DLR Soundscape film can be view at:

Bank to London City Airport Soundscape The film ends with an animation of a new typology created from the sound recordings from Bank to London City Airport.

DLR Datascpae I started by looking at how oyster cards work as a massive tracking system telling us where Londoners are. This is also the case with car number plates, flight number, phones, internet etc… What can be learnt by knowing the location of the cities populations… What happens to all this data? Who is looking at it and using it…? The DLR is run by a computer system intelligent enough to do the job of a large amount of drivers, who would be needed daily to operate all the trains. Are machines starting to take sole control over our movement, putting us directly into their database… By knowing where people are located advertising could be more targeted, like how the advertising that you see on facebook is tailored to your profile. How much more can this invade our lives… The big lights of Piccadilly Circus… Covering Canary Wharf with advertising to promote buying, to support the bank’s stock market inside… If allowed how far would advertising go to keep us consuming… What would the world look like if advertising brought the rights to colour. The DLR Datascape film can be view at:

DLR Datascpae As the world develops more cities are being created, with huge populations of people migrating towards the cities to seek work and opportunities. Erection of high-rise towers and flashing advertisement has become apart of modern day life of living in a city. Being surrounded by the electronic signboards of Piccadilly Circus and flashing advertisement it could have a better relationship with a SF movie rather than how we traditionally define a city. The modern city has excelled the technical definition with its wallpapering of advertisement and lighting. “Is the sign the building or the building the sign?” Learning from Las Vegas, Robert Venturi, 1994 The urban fabric of our modern cities is changing the identity of our architecture. As signage plasters our city, cities are losing their cultural identity, as one city starts to look like another, as the architecture is hidden under blankets of posters and lights. The purpose of this being to keep business in business, and as a refection of this city’s wall paper, desire among our society is created, and consumerism continues. This branding is also visible at our city gates, airports, upon arrive you may be greeted by Starbucks Coffee before being able to recognize the country you are in. “airports… have now, all the new ones, also become shopping malls, into museums, finally into the city itself” (Future City: Fredric Jameson pg 255) The financial districts of the world seem to be in their own bubble all together. From Canary Wharf, New York, Dubai, to Hong Kong you can familiarise yourself with the corporate glass high-rise architecture. From visiting one financial district to the next, one is able to maintain the same daily routine, eat the same food and experience the same climate in the environmentally controlled towers. In these financial districts you are able to shut yourself off from all other realities and places. This same fantasy space is carried between districts in different countries allowing one to completely cut their selves off from the rest of the world erasing it from their reality. “Where culture was thinnest, will it be the first to run out? Is emptiness regional?” Junkspace, Rem Koolhaas pg150

DLR Datascpae Sigmund Freud founder of psychoanalysis discovering a new a approach to understanding human personalities, which he believed were hidden in our unconscious minds. “Freud developed the theory that humans have an unconscious in which sexual and aggressive impulses are in perpetual conflict for supremacy with the defences against them. In 1897, he began an intensive analysis of himself. In 1900, his major work ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’ was published in which Freud analysed dreams in terms of unconscious desires and experiences.” In 1923, Freud published ‘The Ego and the Id’, which suggested a new structural model of the mind, divided into the ‘id, the ‘ego’ and the ‘superego’.” Freud’s nephew was Edward Bernays and he was the founder of Public Relations in America. Public relations connected organizations with the public in order to find out their desire, which companies could then market to. “Bernays was the first person to take Freud’s ideas about humans being and use them the mutilate the masses. He showed American corporate for the first time they could make people want things they didn’t need by linking mass produced goods to their unconscious desires. Out of this would come a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying peoples inner selfish desires one made them happy and docile, it was the start of the all consuming self which has come to dominate our world today” Adam Cirtis, The Century of The Self Part 1 of 4. In Adam Curtis’ documentary The Century of the Self, looks at how consumerism started and evolved. Edward Bernays found a way to connect the public with products, creating desire. Before the first world war people brought only what they needed, but Bernays help to create the culture of desire. This desire would keep alive mass production, which was a new manufacturing process founded for the war to produce weapons. Once the war was over there was no longer a need for this productions line, in order to keep it alive consumerism was created. This images explore to what extent will businesses go in order to keep people consuming. As Edward Bernays discovered we are refections of our environment therefore if advertisement wallpapers our urban environment this could result in an increase in product consumption.

Reactive Advertising The short animation looks at how adverts could react to human behaviour, changing the immediate environment, suggesting that people could be in the same place but experiencing different environments. The Reactive Advertising animation can be viewed at: reactive-advertising/

Canary Wharf This model was used to create the animation. This image shows the camera route taken to create the short film.

Unplugged City The Unplugged City animation can be viewed at: http://

Plugged City This images represents how our movement and actions are recorded and a plugged into big companies so they can concentrate their advertising and marketing. Our behaviour is being recorded in order to promote consumerism.

Time This diagram represents one month, each cube representing one hour. The solid cubes are the hours of a month, which is taken up by advertising. The diagram is based on a 31-day month containing 744 hours, 148.8 of which are consumed by advertising. This is based on TV advertising where, 12 minutes per hour is devoted to advertising. What would you do if you were given this time back? What if you could choose how you consumed advertising, deciding to sit 6.2 days a month of solid adverts to have the rest of the month visually free‌ The image to the far right is a college of a protest, were the public are protesting against hyper advertising, the idea is if adverts are removed form our society there would be more space, time and freedom.

Protest As advertising increases and continues to wallpaper our environment protest take place appealing for freedom back. As data collection gets out of control every step people take is monitored. People have started to lose their identity and have be come a data number on a computer.

Thesis Design Project Project 3

Floating Utopias - China Mieville “Not content with existing offshore tax shelters, multimillionaires and property developers have aspired to build their own.” Pg 252 “Freedom Ship is a floating shopping mall, a block like a midrange Mediterranean hotel. This collapse of utopian imagination is nowhere clearer than in the design for the floating city of the long defunct but still influential Atlantis” Project” Pg225 “Capital does not need to piss and moan about taxes…just get on with not paying for it.” Pg 255 “Libertarian seasteader, Mare liberum… giant of international law, Hugo Grotius… reason for the sea’s stateless nature is that water resists occupation and thus ownership, as it ‘can neither easily be built upon, nore enclosed.’ Water is free because it wobbles. The absurdity of this reasoning was pointed out four hundred years ago by Grotius’s great interlocutor John Selden in Mare clausum.” Pg 256 “Seasteaders, knowingly or not, base their utopia on a model of free sea.” Pg 257

Floating Utopias The London diagram below was drawn by drawn up by Patrick Abercrombie. This map of London districts, was intended to be used as a grand “masterplan” of how a post-WW2 London could look. The map breaks down the city into social & function areas. Using the idea behind this master plan, the following drawing is of London’s architecture being socially grouped onto different islands.

Floating Utopias The financial districts of the world seem to be in their own bubble all together. From Canary Wharf, New York, Dubai, to Hong Kong you can familiarise yourself with the corporate glass high-rise architecture. From visiting one financial district to the next, one is able to maintain the same daily routine, eat the same food and experience the same climate in the environmentally controlled towers. In these financial districts you are able to shut yourself off from all other realities and places. This same fantasy space is carried between districts in different countries allowing one to completely cut their selves off from the rest of the world erasing it from their reality. “Where culture was thinnest, will it be the first to run out? Is emptiness regional?� Junkspace, Rem Koolhaas How do you server these capitals. Mike Davis planet of slums, migration towards the city

Disposable life style We have developed a culture where to change what is a round us we can simply dispose of products. Bored of our current consumer product we ‘throw it way’ just to buy a new product, branded to be in fashion. Believing we are keeping up with the time, keeping up with reality, not to be left behind. Products are designed to be disposed of, we are living in a culture of mass production and mass consumption. Baudrillard suggests that “just as the wolf-child became a wolf by living among wolves, so we too are slowly becoming fictional. We live by object time: by this I mean we live at the pace of objects, live to the rhythm of their ceaseless succession. Toda it is we who watch them as they are born, grow to maturity and die, whereas in all previous civilizations it was timeless objects, instruments or monuments which outlived the generations of human beings” “time-travel is (probably) impossible, but fantasmatic scenarios about it are nonetheless “true” in the way they render libidinal deadlocks. … the idea of passing from reality to VR through the phone makes sense, since all we need is a gap/hole through which one can escape. (Perhaps, an even better solution would have been the toilet: is not the domain where excrements vanish after we flush the toilet effectively one of the metaphors for the horrifyingly-sublime Beyond of the primordial, pre-ontological Chaos into which things disappear? Although we rationally know what goes on with the excrements, the imaginary mystery nonetheless persists – shit remains an excess with does not fit our daily reality, and Lacan was right in claiming that we pass from animals to humans the moment an animal has problems with what to do with its excrements, the moment they turn into an excess that annoys it. The Real is thus not primarily the horrifyingly- disgusting stuff reemerging from the toilet sink, but rather the hole itself, the gap which serves as the passage to a different ontological order – the topological hole or torsion which “curves” the space of our reality so that we perceive/imagine excrements as disappearing into an alternative dimension which is not part of our everyday reality” (The Matrix, or, the Two Sides of Perversion By Slavoj Zizek) Zizek talks of the disconnection of our waste, disposing it from our reality. “out of sight out of mind” but what is the reality of our waste, what is this other dimension that we block out of our minds as it does not fit into our desired lifestyles. The only way we can except the amount of waste we produce is to disconnect ourselves from it.

Disposable life style

Sea of Treasure - David Lazar

Fishing Village Animation View animation at: fishing-village/

Time, Speed & Evolution This is a quick sketch diagram explaining the relationship between time, speed, evolution and its importance. At the top of the pyramid is the individual, most easy to change over a short period of time, which is instantly visible, but superficial. In the middle of the pyramid is species, as individuals change and stay in like groups, different species evolve over time. At the bottom of the pyramid holding the greatest power over all species and individuals is the environment, changing at such a slow rate that it appears invisible, but it is the fundamental key to life.

Thesis Diagram This is my thesis diagram; I have tried to break down my written thesis into chapters and used images from my design project to represent research themes. The diagram includes a collection of my favourite quotes and references; some written references and images apply across chapters therefore crossing over in the diagram.

Thesis Trailer I am planning to make a documentary as part of my thesis, so I decided to make a trailer for this, introducing my thesis themes and points of interest. The following two pages are the Trailer’s story board and the film trailer can be view here:

Thesis Trailer

“I feel that the balance between fiction and reality has changed significantly in the past decades. Increasingly their roles are reversed. We live in a world ruled by fictions of every kind – mass-merchandising, advertising, politics conducted as a branch of advertising, the pre-empting of any original response to experience by the television screen. We live inside and enormous novel.� (Ballard, 1973)

Looking at the start of consumerism with the work of Edward Bernays and how his theories were used to control the masses, and how this has been reflected in the way we live and design architecture. Man has become slaves to their own machine, working incessantly to pay for their own technology, working relentlessly to pay for their own survival and falling into debt.

Reviewing these environments against science fiction it is hard to decide whether we live in and real or fictional world.

With mass consumption comes mass waste as products are designed with short life expectancy, where does this waste go and how does man-kind cope with the disposable lifestyles we lead, Zizek suggests that we cut out waste from our everyday realities, is it our detachment from the natural environments which causes us to carelessly consume.

Thesis Trailer

By re-connecting with different realities can we re-write the novel of the consumer. Releasing man from his technologies and designing a city for play.

This thesis reviews the possibility that if we are reconnected with the natural environment, will this effect how much we consume and waste, and will this change how we behave, live, and design a city.

Urban Concept- Garden City of To-morrow Garden City of To-morrow was designed by Sir Ebenezer Howard and was published in 1898 in the UK. The idea behind the utopia master plan was to create a mix of city and nature which people could live in. The new city design was to be free of slums and aiming to provide a better standard of living for the working class. This would allow the city to be self contained where people would work and play. The city would be surrounded by “greenbelts� to persevere the natural around the towns. The Garden City was designed to give relief to over populated cites and once a Garden City was to reach its maximum capacity an other one would be built. The city is planned out in a circular shape with a central city area which everything else is planned around. With in my project design I want to embody the importance of living within a mix of city and nature, maintain man’s connection with the natural environment. There is also the importance of the city centre and area where the community can meet, interact and enjoy leisure activities.

Urban Concept- Black Rock City Black Rock City is home to Burning Man Festival, it is the third biggest city in the Nevada Desert for the one week a year it stands. Burning Man being the largest “Leave No Trace” event in the USA. At Black Rock City has an alternative way of living with no money, freedom of expression and creativity. Rod Garrett helped to develop the master plan of the city, the city designed with a geographic centre where the Burning Man is located, this gives an identifier of one’s position by providing a visual bearing at every radial road. The Man is located in the middle of the Playa, which is also filled with installations, art cars and structures (sometimes burning). The central playa provides an area where the community can meet and enjoy social and creative activities, due to the cities design the residents are able to easily navigate to this area. A gap in the circle of the city’s master plan is there left open to invite the natural world into the city. The break in the city’s circle provides a humbling view into the vast desert and sky. When I went to visit Black Rock City I walked to the open edge of the city, it was so silent and as you looked out into the Nevada you felt like you could suddenly see forever. This gap in the city, which allows you to see into the horizon, allows the re-connection with our surrounding natural environment, something that it almost impossible in most cities in the world. From looking at Garden Cites and Black Rock City’s master plans I believe that it is very important to have this connection with our natural world, be it seeing into the distant horizon or being able to experience fast green spaces. What these two city’s plans also have in common is the circular plan and central community space, something that I believe is important in order to gain a sense of community and to be able to navigate yourself easily around the city.

Urban Concept- Decompression Zone

Freedom of Movement


Always having views out the city to see the horizon. Maintaining a connection with the surround natural environment

With the floating city people are able to move there home around freely. With the creative community space in the centre of the Island and the outskirts of the island is make up people’s floating houses, giving them the freedom to attached and detach their homes to the island. This to meaning that form of the island is constantly changing, therefore a reflection of the people who live there. A city is only as big as the amount of people it has there, all attaching their floating homes together to create a larger settlement.

Removal of Boundaries As the peoples home are constantly changing and moving this mean there is a removal of city boundaries, allowing freedom of movement and removing the constrain that come with boundaries and city walls

Removal of Road, only allowing for pedestrian routes across the city Constant’s New Babylon: The Hyper-architecture of Desire, Page 168 - ... curtailed his freedom of movement to such an extent that it now amounts to less than that of a vehicle. So much public space is forbidden ground to the pedestrian that he is forced to seek his social contacts either in private areas (houses) or in commercially exploited ones (cafes or rented halls), where he is more or less imprisoned. In this way the city is losing its most important function : that of a meeting-place With removal of large road only having paths rather will reduce the segregation cause by roads in the city, leaving more space fro meeting point and undisturbed urban leisure space

Design for Freedom

Constant’s New Babylon: The Hyper-architecture of Desire, Page 160 - With productive work disappearing, collective timekeeping has no more raison d’etre; the masses will on the other hand have a considerable amount of free time. The network It Where we are currently surround by desire for products, this city will promote creating desire outlets, with its flexible environ- is obvious that a person free to use his time for the whole of his life, free to go where he wants, when he wants, cannot make ment, shaped by the people who live there. the greatest use of his freedom in a world ruled by the clock and the imperative of a fixed abode. Constant’s New Babylon: The Hyper-architecture of Desire Page 169 - Utilitarian norms such as those that apply in the Freedom at Sea functional city must yield to the norm of creativity. In future, man’s way of life will be determined not by profit but by play Harvesting energy from the sea leave the city free of large corporal energy companies.

Full fill creative Desires

Creative social city space Moving settlements arranged around the city’s facilities

Evolving Urban Plan

The Projective Cast- Perturbed Circles Robin Evans

The point of centre. “The ideal type of the Renaissance church was central in plan and surmounted by a dome. In this form the age found its most perfect expression... Every line, inside and outside, seems to be conditioned by one central regularizing and unifying force, and it is this that accounts for the static and restful quality characteristic of buildings of this kind. The four arms of the cross are in dome is distributed equally to all parts of the building. A stat of fulfilment, of perfect being reigns throughout� [Projective Cast p.3 (Joseph Conrad, The Secret Agent, Toronto, 1984. p 43)]


1. Renaissance modification of the Ptolemaic system of celestial orbits (after A.Koyre, The Astronomical Revolution) 2. Marco Rabio Calvo, map of ancient Rome, 1527 (from Le piante di Roma, ed. A. Pietro Frutaz) 1.


3. Leonardo da Vinci, map of Imola, 1502-1503, Royal Collection, Windsor.

Shopping- Town Centre Consumer Madness In our current capital cities and towns the centre is surrounded by shops. Shopping has become a leisure activity buying for desire rather than need. “A product of modernization is not modern architecture but Junkspace.” (Rem Kooolhass, Junkspace p.136). This central “Junkspace” encourages consumerism. If these shops were to be taken away from our town centres, what would stand in its place, which could also full fill the desire of the consumer. The high street shop can cause society to behave in odd ways. Shoppers have been know during Black Friday sales to become aggressive and there have been reports of assaults, shootings and people trampling on other shoppers in order to reach their product to full fill their consumer’s desire. The erratic behaviour of these shoppers on Black Friday 2012 was reported by the BBC; “As shoppers flocked to the stores, various incidents were reported: -A man reportedly pulled a gun on a shopper who punched him in the face while the two were waiting in line in a Sears store in South Park Mall in San Antonio, Texas late on Thursday -A couple heading into a Walmart on Thursday night was hit by an SUV driven by a driver police suspect was under the influence of alcohol -Video footage emerged from a Walmart store in Moultrie, Georgia, showing a large crowd of people pushing, yelling and grabbing boxes of mobile phones off a shelf; Walmart said nobody was injured” This report reveals the anxieties and behaviours caused by the consumerist market and the pressures it imposes onto people. In Adam Curtis’ documentary Century of The self he looks at the start of consumerism with the work of

Edward Bernays. “Bernays was the first person to take Freud’s ideas about humans being and use them the mutilate the masses. He showed American corporate for the first time they could make people want things they didn’t need by linking mass produced goods to their unconscious desires. Out of this would come a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying peoples inner selfish desires one made them happy and docile, it was the start of the all consuming self which has come to dominate our world today” Adam Curtis, The Century of The Self Part 1 of 4. Looking at the work of Bernays, could it be possible to redesign desire, replacing the town centre’s shops with an alternative, which does not mean the consumer would have to repress the feeling of desire, but to find an alternative, something which does not have such a damaging effects on our environment and have such a large waste product. “Remember that our basic message is “We are allowed to think about alternatives.” If the taboo is broken, we do not live in the best possible world. But there is a long road ahead. There are truly difficult questions that confront us. We know what we do not want. But what do we want? What social organization can replace capitalism? What type of new leaders do we want?” (Zizek, At-occupy-wall-street-transcript, 2011) How could we redesign the desire for the highstreet...

Concept Diagram


Purchase of Resources

Energy Resources

Monetary System Corporation Business

Material Resources

Capitalise Product

Controlled Release Technologies

Patent System

Funding for Resources

The Inventors

Public Society

Designers Engineers Scientists

Designers Engineers Scientists

Product built to last

No Release control of Technologies

Money from Retail

The Masses

The Inventors


Waste Product Waste Resource Waste Energy Waste

Our current world evolves around a monetary system. Inventor’s ideas are limited to the amount of exposure they receive and businesses controlling the release dates to the masses, holding back societies development. The inventor is also limited by money as this controls how much resource they can afford in order to develop their ideas, again holding back our development. Currently products are capitalised, designed to break within a short life span in order to keep the masses consuming. Skills are learnt by how much that skill is worth in labour time, rather than how that knowledge can benefit our quality of life. Within this system of control their is also mass waste which is destroying our natural environment and consuming resources.

Use of Renewable Energy Resources

Research to sustain the world’s environment and resources



Education Re-Use

The Masses Public Society


End of one person’s use


Waste Product Waste Resource Waste Energy Waste

With out controlled release dates of technologies, society will be able to develop at a much faster rate. With more education and shared skill bases among the masses, society can become more independent, relying on their own knowledge of survival rather than what is “sold” to them. Without the limitations of money inventors will be free to develop technologies, find cures for diseases and look toward sustainable development of our future.

Masterplan Development of City Centre The masterplan has been design to allow the city to be self sustained, where an Island is able to produces its own food, water and energy. In relation with crop fields, the plan has been broken down into different segments, each serving the city with needs to live independently. Between buildings there will be a collection of horizontal and vertical gardens and water reservoirs providing clean drinking water. The plan has been organised in a way to minimise travel distance between the city’s functions, with the main functions centre in the middle.

Sketch Development

Hand Sketch Development

Computer Sketch Development

Bubble Structure

Bubble Structure

Research Laboratory A key driver of this project is to excel research and learning through open sourcing. These laboratories become a tool to investigate and discover new sciences, designs and technologies. Using nature as the engineer, man can learn how to live in harmony with the planet, rather than using the world’s resources to generate technologies, but learning from many technologies that exist within nature. Learning how to live with nature rather than against it. This would hopefully result in a change of attitude towards our current products, which are superficially created with short life expectancies, but instead designing to last and live for longer.

Transport The main transport system will be through tunnels under the city, allowing the removal of roads within the city. The modular form lends itself well to creating these direct routes needed. This will reduce the segregation caused by roads and leave more space for meeting places and undisturbed urban leisure space. Constant’s New Babylon: The Hyper-architecture of Desire, Page 168 - “... curtailed his freedom of movement to such an extent that it now amounts to less than that of a vehicle. So much public space is forbidden ground to the pedestrian that he is forced to seek his social contacts either in private areas (houses) or in commercially exploited ones (cafes or rented halls), where he is more or less imprisoned. In this way the city is losing its most important function : that of a meeting-place� With the transport space detached from pedestrian space this also eliminates the risk of accidents caused by vehicle transportation a cross the city.

Developing Form

Portuguese Man-of-War

Energy from the Sea This will be a self sustain city living off natural energy resources from the sea. The central core of the island will generate power from the sea’s movement and circulate this directly to into the city’s centre. Cord’s coming off the city will be used to connect floating houses to the city, and providing them with power. This form of energy generation has no pollution waste products and does not consume the earth’s minerals.

Under Water Anti Gravity PODs

Natural Sail

Portuguese Man of War

Bird’s Wing

Fish Fin

Bird’s Wind


Butterfly Wing

Drift Map

Carbon Nanotube Carbon Nanotubes are extremely light and strong. The usual from for carbon is in a diamond or graphite, Graphite is made up of many ‘sheets’ of carbon atoms, one on top another, in which each carbon atoms is connected to three other nearby atoms in the same plane. Diamond is a tetrahedral shape in which each carbon atom is connected to four other nearby atoms in all three dimensions. Carbon nanotubes differ to diamond and graphite as they have to be synthesized artificially. The carbon nanotubes are formed into a hollow cylinder of carbon atoms. The tensile strength and lightness of this material allows it to have great application to structural engineering. In this project it is proposed that the tentacles are made of carbon nanotubes.





Image 1: Carbon Nanotube http://www.spaceismysterious. net/?attachment_id=54 Image 2: Diamond & Graphite Structure http://boomeria. org/chemlectures/crystals/crystals.html Image 3: Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Yarn http://www.

Capillary Network The carbon tubes will work together like a capillary network. The image below left, is a section of a capillary, each strand of carbon will act as a capillary used to filter and transfer water and nutrients from the sea to the city above. Energy can be harvest through movement of water through these tubes and changes in pressure. Energy can also be harvest from the collective movement of the strands from the sea currents. The image below right demonstrates how the carbon tubes can connect and work together as a network system. These tubes will also be used to direct and steer the island.


Images Image 1: Capillary Section images/mammalianPancreasTEM/source/14.html Image 2: Carbon Nanotube Network


Salt Crystals

Using the by-product of producing drinking water to construct the city The by product of filtering sea water to provide the city with drinking water will be salt. This project will explore how this by product could be partly used in the construction of the city, also looking at the crystal formation of salt. The drawings below are a study of crystal salt construction. This would be a sustainable material to use to construct the city as is it is a by product of producing drinking water and any salt which was to enter back into the sea would cause no harm as it returns to its dissolved state.

Salt Landscape

Utopian Dream- Film Stills This film looks at the floating open source city as it drifts past the UK. Offering people the chance to escape the city, walled in by its own architecture and incubated in office space. The island cleanses consumerism, washing over advertising which causes anxiety, freeing us from our incubators and allowing us too see into the horizon. The film starts in London, where areas of the island are projected onto the city in a dreamy state, expressing the wonder of people thinking beyond their current environment. Is this floating city a utopian myth or does it really exist... A boat is filmed crossing the sea to meet the island and on its approach the island lifts its tentacles to greet the boat and connect it to the island. The island then continues drifting along the current.

Evolving Crystal Towers

Creation of Rooms & Gardens

Crystal Tower

Vertical Gardens

Growing Frame Work

Floating Community & Organic Gardens

Film Story Board 1

1. Glowing moving arrows representing the ocean’s currents which the island follows. From this view of the world the camera will zoom in to located the island.

2. Island moving across the sea.

3. Camera moves closer towards the living towers.

4. Moving into the city’s landscape

5. A view of gardens and water reservoirs.

6. People moving within the landscape, tending to the gardens.

Film Story Board 2

7. Moving through the internal gardens.

8. Moving through the internal spaces, seeing and hearing people within it.

9. Internal spaces

10. The filtering of sea water to create drinking water

11. Salt is created as a by-product of creating drinking water. This salt is used 12. Crystal workshop. This is where the salt crystals are used to create sculpas a construction material on the island. tures and construct areas of the buildings.

Film Story Board 3

13. Salt is used as a construction material. The natural formation of salt crystals is used as a structural concept for the buildings.

14. When a salt sculpture is no longer needed it is disposed of in the sea, where it will dissolves back into the ocean.

15. The island sets off on its travels around the ocean’s current.

16. Cleaning of the Pacific garbage patch.

17. Filtering the sea.

18. Filtering the sea.

Film Story Board 4

19. Moving through Arctic Water.

20. Moving through Arctic Water. Hair becomes frozen and stiff as it moves through freezing water.

21. Ocean wild life

22. Corral reef

23. Hair slowly swimming and drifting along current

24. Zoom out to see the island drift off into the horizon

Section Zones

Apartments Vertical Gardens Wave Breaker Central Gardens Drinking Water Reservoir Baths & Pools Salt Production Crystal Workshops Open Source Learning Workshop Hair Filtering sea water Research Workshops Coral Underwater Sea Life Hair supports the movement of the island Rudder

Island’s Stability • Island is less dense than water • Wide top helps it to float • Wave breakers going around the island creates still water near the island. • Wave breakers supports the balance of the island. • The hair swims the island along the ocean’s current. • At very bottom of the island there is a rudder to direct it.


Rough Water

Wave Breaker

Wave Breaker Still Water

Still Water

Buoyant Force

Buoyant Force

Stability Stability

Rough Water

Underwater Habitat • • • • •

Promotes Biodiversity Provides Shelter and home for sea life Promote natural sea wild life Sustains healthy seas Promotes coral grow

The Coral Reef Provides: Habitat: Home to more than 1 million diverse aquatic species, including thousands of fish species Food: For the people living on the island the coral reefs, promotes fish life which can be used as a source of food. Medicine: Potential treatments for many of the world’s most prevalent and dangerous illnesses and diseases

Sustainable Fishing Creating a home for fish to bread and thrive means the island will be able to source its own food from the over spill from the reef, while maintaining and promoting marine life.

Coral over spill can be fished

Corral reef promotes sea life

Crystal Caves

Salt Buildings Presidents

Salt Construction

Geotube, Faulders Studio

Salt Facade

Bolivian Salt Hotel

Tower Development

Island Development

Atoll Reef

The Removal of the fourth Wall Arcosanti Arcosanti is an experimental town designed by Paolo Soleri on the principles of Arcology. It is a prototype of how man can live in harmony with the environment. The town is an urban laboratory with strong environmental principles which minimise resources and provides access to the natural environment. Arcosanti is a community driven project, which opens up onto the landscape rather than roads of cars. Within the communal spaces the fourth wall has not been built, this is so people always have a visual connection with surround natural environment. The removal of the fourth wall connects people with the landscape, in order to appreciate and understand what is around you.

Burning Man “The open side to the circular scheme of the city takes on spiritual and psychological importance. Instead of completely circling the wagons, we invite the natural world to intrude. We will never further close that arc, as it is humbling to have the vast desert and sky intrude into our self-styled small world. Our hope is that by glimpsing the minute place we occupy in the infinite, we will also sense our unity with it.� (DESIGNING BLACK ROCK CITY,

New tower development

Wave breakers to protect the main island

The community are involved in the development and construction of the island and this process extends the residents skills and knowledge making them independent from outside sources of services. Through an increased skill set the residents are able to have more control of their homes, rather than relying on machines and paying for their maintenance. It also gives people a chance to play with time rather than working constantly to be able to consume.

Trees are grown to protect the residential towers

Objects created within the workshops are designed for long-term fulfilment rather than fleeting gratification, this is achieved through better design and craftsmanship. This gives an object an embodied sense of satisfaction therefore it could reduce the anxieties caused through constant consumption.

Through out the development information and data is collected, the information that is learnt is used to support the development of the community, this means that the island is constantly evolving. This is a much more robust form of evolution than development that is based on current short term fragmented political objectives.

Garden views Long distance views into the horizon Living All living and communal spaces open up onto the natural landscape. The spaces have views into gardens, wooded areas and long distance views into the horizon. This gives the community a connection with their surrounding natural environment.

Within the landscape there are community workshops that are used to create objects.

Apartments open up onto a central community space

Food is grown locally in fields and vertical gardens

Creativity is developed through workshops and the island’s construction. The inhabitants’ creativity promotes the development of the island.

Knowledge sharing is encouraged through community spaces in order to promote the development of the society.

Lakes storing drinking water Crystal formation towers Growing towers

The architecture is designed to work in harmony with the environment, through making the most of locally sourced materials, all materials are decomposable so leave no waste, promotion of planting, harvesting natural energy from the seas movement, and the island gently drifts along the ocean’s currents. Salt is a byproduct of making drinking water from seawater. The salt is then used as a construction material. The salt is harvest directly from the sea around the island therefore removing the need for import.

The island is self sustained

Island Grow and Development New towers grow and develop around the island and once developed it breaks away to grows into a new island.

Garden of Eden

Bioluminescent Garden The Island will use bioluminescent Science to light up the plants, there will provide a sustainable source of lighting.

Bioluminescent Marine Creatures

Final Film Chronogram Full size print found in drawings.


Final Film: The Island

Film: Scene 1 Salt Crystal Formation

Film: Scene 1 Exploring Under Water

Film: Scene 2 Salt Caves/ Living Caves

Growing Scene: Chronogram

Film: Scene 3 Growing Scene; Salt Landscape

Film: Scene 3 Growing Scene; Growing Structures

Film: Scene 4 Crystal Work Shop

Film: Scene 5 Sun Set & Transforming Gardens

Film: Scene 5 Night Scene & People moving in at night

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