3 minute read
In conclusion, Renewal is an organization that certifies fashion
brands on their supply chain, energy usage, water usage, material
sourcing, and end of life responsibility. It utilizes iconography
in conjunction with brand partnerships, to build upon existing
consumer trust, while also building its own brand. Renewal aims
so be a quiet assistant, popping up when it’s needed most, and
being a resource for those who get curious as to how their clothes
are made.
This design service is deeply routed in the primary research
findings from consumer surveys and expert interviews. Climate
change is a present day threat, and tremendous obstacle we will
all face globally. The fashion industries supply chain is complex
and far reaching, impacting all corners of the world. In order to
stimulate change, because we live in a capitalist society, the power
lays in the consumers hands. Renewal was designed to empower
and assist consumers in their journey in navigating a variety of
mis labeling and green washing in the fashion industry. An all in
one trust worthy source, but also a desirable brand, leaning into
the trend driven society to make positive change.
Next Steps
As Renewal is established, the next steps would be
to have publicity partnerships with prominent brands
to boost Renewal’s name. In addition, as it’s platform
grew, it would branch out into a mobile app to increase
convenience and accessibility. Furthermore, Renewal’s
long term goal is to work with the government to
establish stronger legislation to force the hands of
corporations and their harmful practices.
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Photos are Courtesy of Unsplash and Pexels
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