7 minute read
Hiking Half Dome

in Yosemite Na�onal Park
A Guide to Permits and Expecta�ons on Yosemite Na�onal Parks most celebrated hike.
Rising nearly 5,000 feet above Yosemite Valley Half Dome is a Yosemite icon and a bucket list adventure to many hikers. Despite an 1865 report declaring it was "perfectly inaccessible, being probably the only one of the prominent points about the Yosemite which never has been, and never will be, trodden by human foot," George Anderson reached the summit in 1875, and in the process created the predecessor for today's cable route. The 14 to 16 miles round-trip adventure gains 4,800 feet, making the Cables only part of the difficult experience. If you're planning to hike Half Dome, you should be in good physical condi�on. However, the reward is worth the effort! Along the way, you'll encounter outstanding views of Vernal and Nevada Falls, Liberty Cap, Half Dome, and—from the subdome and summit—panoramic views of Yosemite Valley and the High Sierra. It takes most people 10 to 12 hours to hike to Half Dome and back. If you plan on hiking during the day, it's smart to leave before or at sunrise. Check sunrise and sunset �mes before you embark on your hike, and always bring a flashlight or headlamp with fresh ba�eries for each person. Although the trail is well marked, you should be prepared with a good topographic map and compass, and knowledge of how to use them. Permits to hike to the top of Half Dome are required seven days per week when the cables are up (as called for in the Half Dome Stewardship Plan in order to protect wilderness character, reduce crowding, protect natural and cultural resources, and improve safety). The cables are normally up the Friday before the last Monday in May (Memorial Day) and the last day to use the cables is the day a�er the second Monday in October. These dates are condi�onal based on annual snow pack and weather condi�ons 300 hikers are allowed (about 225 day hikers and 75 backpackers) each day on the Half Dome Trail beyond the base of the sub dome. Permits for day hikers are distributed by lo�ery via Recrea�on.gov. One preseason lo�ery having an applica�on period in March and and daily lo�eries during the hiking season. Backpackers— including those who plan to spend the night in Li�le Yosemite Valley—should apply for Half Dome permits with their wilderness permit rather than using the process described below. Half Dome permits for day hikers do not include any camping, lodging, or overnight accommoda�ons of any kind. Rangers patrol this region of the park checking Half Dome permit holders. Bring a photo ID and the email confirma�on indica�ng that the permit has been paid. Permits for Backpackers (including Camping in Li�le Yosemite Valley)
Backpackers should apply for Half Dome permits with their wilderness permit. Popular des�na�ons Sierra Rec Magazine Special Edi�on 34 h�ps:// sierrarecmagazine.com
as Yosemite Valley or hikers coming in from the East via May Lake s�ll need permits to climb. Backpackers beginning a wilderness trip outside Yosemite should apply for Half Dome day hiker permits as day hikers. It is popular side trip for PCT or JMT hikers to try and bag Half Dome on their journey. Preseason Lo�ery
During the preseason lo�ery, 225 permits are available for each day in the Hiking season of Yosemite. The applica�on period for this lo�ery is from March 1 through March 31 (eastern �me). Applicants will receive an email with lo�ery results in mid-April or can get results online or by calling Recrea�on.gov. On each preseason lo�ery applica�on, an applicant can apply for up to six permits (six people) and for specific range of dates. Applica�ons will only be successful if the number of permits requested is available on at least one of the requested dates. Permits will be automa�cally awarded to the highest priority date, as entered by the applicant. All applicants must specify the name of the permit holder and may specify the valid email address of an alternate permit holder. Applicants may be a permit holder or alternate only once on only one applica�on during the preseason lo�ery. (That is, a person's name may appear on only one applica�on, as either a permit holder or alternate). People applying mul�ple �mes as permit holder/alternate permit holder will have all their lo�ery applica�ons canceled. Permits are only valid if the permit holder and/or alternate specified on the permits is part of the group using the permits. The permit holder or alternate must be present with the en�re group at the base of the subdome, where rangers will check for permits. The names of the permit

holder and alternate may not be changed once the applica�on is submi�ed. Permits are not transferable. Alternate permit holders must have or create a Recrea�on.gov account within the specified amount of �me noted on the applica�on. Alternates must accept this role within the specified amount of �me or they will not be considered a valid member of the group.
Daily Lo�ery
Addi�onal Half Dome permits are available each day by lo�ery during the hiking season. The daily lo�eries have an applica�on period two days prior to the hiking date with a no�fica�on late that night. (Example - to hike on Saturday, you would apply on Thursday and receive an email no�fica�on of results late on Thursday evening. Results are also available online, or by phone the next morning.) The applica�on period is from midnight to 4 pm Pacific �me. Daily lo�ery applica�ons only allow a permit holder (no alternate).
Improve your chances
There is no magical formula. It's as simple as lo�ery. You apply and you wish everything is right. Although there is no guarantee that success is possible, there are ways in which you can increase your chances of achieving them. Apply on the weekends instead of weekdays. You have more chances of being selected on Tuesdays rather than Saturdays. Maybe the job schedules make you hard, but take it out of someone that has done it. Taking a day off during vaca�on would be worthwhile. November – November. Plan to travel from September to October. The following months are more likely than July and August. If you have flexibility on which days to hike Half Dome, in general, your chances of success are higher on weekdays (especially beginning at the end of August). For the en�re 2018 season, average success rate on weekdays was 47%, but only 24% on weekends.209/372-0826 (MondayFriday, 9 am to noon and 1 pm to 4:30 pm, March through early October). All daily lo�eries have a two-day applica�on Sierra Rec Magazine Special Edi�on 36 h�ps:// sierrarecmagazine.com

Yosemite Na�onal Park Permit Cheat Sheet 2023
Hiking permits - No Permits needed, you don't need a permit to day hike in Yosemite Na�onal Park, with the excep�on of Half Dome (when the cables are up). Half Dome permits - Permits are available via a lo�ery through Recrea�on.gov. Permits required for all visits when the cables are up, from 26 May - 10 October 2023. Pre-season lo�ery opens from March1-31 2023.
process before the hike and will inform the user later in the evening. If hiking Saturday then apply on Thursday with the expected results received later Thursday evening. Results are also available via email or by phone in person. Applica�ons are open between midnight and 4 PM EST. Daily lo�ery requests are limited to one permit holders (without alterna�ve). How to Apply for a Permit
To apply for a permit, visit Recrea�on.gov or call 877/444-6777 (call center is open from 7 am to 9 pm Pacific �me; online requests can be made any �me during a lo�ery period).
Two separate fees are collected. The first fee, which is charged at the �me you submit an applica�on, is $10. This non-refundable fee, which is per applica�on (not per person), is charged by Recrea�on.gov for the costs of processing your permit applica�on.
Backcountry permits - You always need a
Wilderness Permit to camp overnight in the backcountry. Available by lo�ery 24 weeks in advance through Recrea�on.gov. (This includes Winter and Off Season Month’s)
Horsetail Fall reserva�on requirements
For visits for selected dates in February 2023, reserva�ons are required. There is a three week window in 2023 where reserva�ons to get into the park are needed all around Firefall Event.