Introduction When you are going to create a website on your own or thinking to hire a web designer to create one for you, there are some specific things that you need to be aware of. Things that normally wouldn’t cross your mind. For an average person who wants a website or a blog for their business, as there focus is on a very important thing i.e. revenue or sales.
No Page Counters Page counters do nothing except make your web design look like ugly and mess your design, and tell the people about that information of your site that you probably don’t want them to know and judge your website according to it.
Make Your Titles On Your Web Page Make Sense Title is considered as one of the main attributes of a web page. As you can specify the title between <title> </title> tags that you want to specify the pageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s title as it appears in the browsers top title bar and in the search engine results. People always pay attention to the page titles, so you should make sure that your titles are unique and clear. So you can also consider Web Design Toronto for that.
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Pressurized The People To Download A New Browser To See Your Site Properly Until and unless you have a site that people are dying to see, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make fool your audience as you want to use some special features or a plug-in feature like Flash in a browser. Nowadays with the proper use of CSS and HTML, you can make your web design to look more fantastic and unique.
Forget Blinking Or Attractive Text The only place where you can see blinking or flashing text is on the neon signs of naked bars or web sites that were made in the 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s era. Now people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like them and expect to see texts and fonts inside sites or buildings that have them.
Chat Rooms In today’s time, most people don’t give a damn about the chat rooms at various sites. And the worse thing than having a chat room is having an empty chat room. So who wants to hang out at a club that has nobody inside? So unless you have a web site with tens of thousands of visitors a month and is of a subject that might necessitate a chat room, don’t do it.
Contact Us 481 University Avenue, Suite 703 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5G 2E9 +1-647-799-0657