1 minute read
Both Arms Raised to the Side
by Charlie San
Both Arms Raised to the Side
The sleeve is pulled toward the body. Represent this by showing creases at an oblique angle. Avoid drawing horizontal crea
ate the seam where the ruffles attach to the apron shoulder. Only the ruffles along the seam rise with the shoulders. en drawing a character with the arms raised, as in this figure, US€ the seam as a guideline for positioning
Not good
e ruffles. As the arms are raised higher and higher, the trunk becomes increasingly triangular.
When drawing ruffles on the apron and the seam is not visible, add a line representing the hidden seam to help you calculate how long the ruffles should be drawn.
The sash of this apron is fastened in the back with a button (indicated by the arrow). There are also designs where the sash is stitched onto the apron. Show careful consideration to such details when drawing.