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HOW TO DRAW MANGA: Making Ani me Co-authored by Yoyog1 An1mation Gakuin and AIC

Copyright Cl 1996 Yoyogi Animation Gakuln (YAG) Copyright Cl1996 Ani me International Company, Inc. (AIC) Copyright Cl1996 Graphic-she Publishing Co., Ltd.

ThiS book was first designed and published in 1996 by Graph1c-sha Publishing Co., Ltd. Th1s English edition was published 1n 2003 by Graph1c-sha Publishmg Co., Ltd. 1·14·17 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda·ku, Tokyo 102-0073 Japan

Main text: Yoyogi Animation Gakuin Drawing: AiC (Hiroyuki Kitazuma, Matsuri Okuda, Akihiro Izumi) Original cover art: Hlroyuki Kitazume Photography: Katsuyuki Klhara Assistance: Pioneer L.D.C. Co .. Ltd I Studio BIHOU English main title logo design: Hldeyuki Amemura English edition layout: Remlnasu English translauon management: Lingua franc.a, Inc. (an3y·skmt@asahi-net.or.jp) Planning editor: Motofumi Nakanishi (Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd.) Foreign language edn. project coordinator: Kumiko Sakamoto (Graphic-she Publishing Co., Ltd.)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored In a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior wntten permission of the publ1sher

First pnntmg: Second pnnting: January 2003 January 2004

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