How To Draw Manga #32

Page 114

Once you have drawn your mecha, add special effects. Effects intended to show movement, such as speed lines (streak lines) or radiating lines are called "special effect lines." Speed lines suggest a right-to-left movement, while radiating lines (burst effect) suggest movement away from the picture plane, creating a sense of speed and tension, giving the composition impact.

Radiating Lines

~~V'I~ ·~ ==- ...-=== -.

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Radiating lines are geared toward suggesting movement toward or running away from the picture plane.

Speed lines suggest a right-to-left or up-and-down movement.

Creating Special Effect Lines

Masking tape

• Speed Lines While drawing a straightedge downward across the paper, draw horizontal lines at random intervals. Use a stiff saji-pen, etc.

• Radiating Lines


Attach a thumbtack to the center. Using a straightedge set to the center and rotated around the paper, draw fading*2 radiating lines, matching them with the guidelines. Thumbtack


~~~~ ] Block

Space ) =

) ======== ~~~~




Divide the lines into blocks. Add

J lines in between these to produce satisfying speed lines. When

J spotting blacks, ink in any space in


Masking tape

between as deemed appropriate.

How to Draw Tapered Lines Pen

Point for raising 1

p~eTh eange1


')------of th~ pen r+---=--..;.._------------, rema1ns constant.

To create a well-formed, tapered stroke, hold the pen at a consistent angle, drawing it quickly in the direction in which you want the line to taper.

Straightedges for Creating Special Effect Lines

/ / i j l j ~:r~~;htedges LJ' j

X 112

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shown to the left, the one with the raised edge is best suited for special effect lines.

Note 1: Guidelines-Pencillines that indicate how far to draw. Note 2: Tapered lines- Lines with tapered ends.

Lay masking tape over the thumbtack in an X. This allows you to establish the center without piercing the paper.

Not good------ Even line




Tapered line




A flat-bottomed straightedge will cause the lines' ink to smudge and bleed under the straightedge. There is a danger you will not notice until your drawing has a jet-black smear on it, so be very careful. Pen Paper

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