Time Management Strategies to Write a Book – Charlii App
Time Management Strategies to Write a Book
Project management for writers is important and easy nowadays as there are different tools for this.
But still, time management is a difficult skill to master.
Here few Time Management Strategies to Write a Book that might help you
Time Management for Writers
These strategies don’t account for the mental effort and creative energy that our job demands either.
Don’t lose hope just yet, though! You don’t have to be sleep-deprived and stressed out to pursue your career in writing. You just need to read this article to find out the ten most efficient time management strategies you need to finish writing your book on time.
Whenever you decide to sit down and write, you need to make sure that you will not be interrupted throughout your entire writing session. Keep your phone away, and if necessary, let your friends and family know that you’ll be working. Avoid checking your email, log yourself out of social media, and don’t mind the doorbell. If you need to stay online for writing purposes, make sure to close all the other tabs on your browser.
Use Your Writing Time to, Well, Write
t doesn’t matter if you have as little as five minutes or as long as three hours to jot down some words for your book. The most important thing is that you make the most out of the time you have. Dedicate this time for writing, and nothing else. You may be surprised to find that the same number of words that took you three hours to write yesterday, can take you half the amount of time when you’re solely focused on the task at hand.
Be Prepared
You want to make sure that you eliminate all possible diversions. This is why you need to be prepared for your writing session. If you’re hungry, make sure you’ve had a meal or a snack before you write. You should also try to finish any chores on your to-do list to get them out of the way. Make sure that your space is prepared, clean, and de-cluttered so you don’t feel compelled to clean it up as you write. Make yourself a nice cup of coffee and get started.