: If you've ever tried getting your loved one out of jail, you probably know what is a bail bond. But for those who do not know what bail bonds are, here's a quick low-down on what is a bail bond, why and how you can get it. Bail Bond is like a surety (or promise from the bondsmen to the court) bond provided by a bond company to secure the release of a defendant from jail.
The 2 types of bonds that a bail bond company can assist you with are:
1. Criminal Secure Bail Bonds
2. Criminal Cash Only Bonds
To get a bail bond, you can simply reach out to a bond company or a Bail Bondsman who can thoroughly take you through the bail bonds process. Sanctuary Bail Bonds offer fast, friendly, and professional bail bond services 24/7. Our agents guide you through all aspects of the bail bonds process and have all the forms ready when you stop by our office.
Contact Us:
Sanctuary Bail Bonds
337 N 4th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003