Long-Term Care Insurance (LTC) primarily pays for expenses related to medical situations, such as nursing home costs or home health care.
This type of policy is designed for those who do not have the financial or physical capacity to care for themselves or require assistance in their day-to-day lives.
The costs associated with long-term care are not usually covered under Medicare, Medicaid, or standard health insurance.
While these costs are expensive, LTC policies designed by Ideal Insurance Agency provide benefits that will keep your financial position secure, assisting with: - Respite or home care - Adult daycare - Hospice care - Assisted living - Nursing homes
To find out whether you or a loved one quality for LTC, speak with your insurance specialist from Ideal Insurance Agency call at 623-933-8263 and 602-938-7579.
Contact us: Ideal Insurance Agency 14239 WBell BellRd Rd#240, #205, 7121 W Surprise AZ Glendale, AZ85374 85308 Phone: 623-933-8263 602-938-7579 https://www.idealins.com/