2011 YMCA Camp Harrison transportation form Please mail the completed form and a $40 check to:
Charlotte Christian School • Attn: Summer Camp/YMCA Camp Harrison Transportation • 7301 Sardis Road • Charlotte, NC 28270 To register online go to www.campharrison.org.
Date of Birth
Parent’s Name
Home Phone
Emergency Phone
Preferred E-mail
Applicant’s School
Grade Entering Fall of 2011
emergency medical information
Physician’s Name
Physician’s Phone Number
Insurance Company
Policy Number
Local Emergency Contact (Other Than Parent)
Home Phone Number
transportation form
Hospital Preference
Cell or Work Phone Number
Please list any special medical conditions of which the school should be aware. (ex. known allergies)
YMCA Camp Harrison Dude Ranch Adventure & Resident Camp transportation form I hereby give permission to Charlotte Christian School to provide transportation from the Charlotte Christian School campus to YMCA Camp Harrison. I hereby agree to hold the school harmless in case of accident or injury to my child. I understand that, in case of medical emergency, every effort will be made to contact me. If the school personnel are unable to contact me, or if time is of the essence, I give permission for emergency medical treatment and agree to assume any costs involved in such treatment. The school and its personnel, for its part, agree to act in a prudent, reasonable and responsible manner in all cases, acting in “loco parentis” and to take all reasonable and prudent care.
______ Parent/Guardian Initials
waiver The following MUST BE SIGNED by parent/guardian of ALL REGISTRANTS in order to participate in ANY program or course. In the event that my child needs medical attention, I authorize the school and give my consent to the school to provide such service and/or to transport my child to a hospital or treatment facility. I hereby certify my child is in good health and may participate in all activities. The parent’s signature below indicates the agreement of the parent and the student to abide by the summer school policy on the inside back cover. All camps are non-refundable within one week of the start of the camp, unless the school cancels a course.
Parent’s Signature
Date 25