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NEWS SOURCE Americas Finest
As Bill plopped down on the couch Sunday night, the realization that he hadn’t even begun to write his paper due tomorrow flashed through his mind.
“Oh, shoot!” Bill thought, “I need to do that now!”
Quickly, he scrambled upstairs. While the paper was assigned on Friday, relatives had come over, so the idea of starting the paper that day vanished from his mind. Bill decided to start the paper on Sunday morning and then dismissed the issue.
The three-page long paper was supposed to be written on an impact that COVID had on a nation-wide scale; however, he needed to find a source, pronto.
The words: “America’s finest news source” flashed across the search bar of Bill’s laptop, and he dragged his cursor over to the first link that popped up, something titled “The Onion.”
The paper was due in just under an hour, at midnight. How could I be so stupid, he thought, I should at least have remembered about this before now!
Bill hastily chose the first article he found upon searching the word COVID, titled: “During the pandemic, the country of Fiberia fell to a robot uprising!”
Ryan Purdom
As his eyes dashed across the article, he noted down how Fiberia was a major exporter of precious metals and was an island located near Madagascar.
His quickly-composed paper contained information on the prosperous state of Fiberia before the pandemic struck, and how, during 2021, a large number of workers at a secret military base got terribly ill from the virus, allowing for the robots made in that facility to rise up against the workers who became incapacitated from the disease.
The government of Fiberia was intent on dealing with the problem before word reached other nations, but unfortunately, this led to their downfall.
The robots seized control of the other military facilities on Fiberia with the weapons they had acquired from the armory, and since the country received no external help, this led to the massacre of 694,200 people on the island at the hands of the robots.
As Bill concluded the paper, having wrapped up listing the series of conflicts that led to the robots seizing control of the island in a matter of two weeks, he submitted the paper at 11:57 p.m., after which Bill got some sleep.
Of course, he cited his sources.