women’s self-esteem campaign 2015
Young women today are bombarded by media images which tell them what they should or should not be looking like. Celebrities are paraded out in magazines, newspapers and social media and the unsaid message is “that’s what you should look like”, “these are the clothes you should be wearing”, “this is the diet you should be on and the exercise regime you should be following”. All the above will change your life and you will have the life of a celebrity. Feel Good Feb has been inspired by those who want to buck this trend. Why? Because there are so many young women who consider themselves to be failures because in the real world it seems impossible to achieve the celebrity style that is so much sought after. Feel Good Feb wants to shift the balance from vacuous celebrity to fame for real achievement. What is important is to help women to concentrate on what they have achieved, what they are proud of - to build their self-esteem. It is important to underline that real women can achieve real things without hitting the limelight. The celebrity life may look glamorous but the reality of it is tough. A large number of so called celebrities will be nobodies in a few years time. They are only in the public eye because they have good PR teams not because they have any real talent or worthiness. Helen Skelton and Victoria Pendleton who will front the Campaign have talent, guts, determination and did
Executive Summary February is the month of the London Fashion Show. With the Press full of photographs of models on the catwalk - gorgeous, svelte women dressed in amazing creations what better time to focus attention on what is really important - inner beauty, women’s health and body issues, talents and achievements. Feel Good Feb will be an awareness campaign. There will be a website and the two women fronting the campaign will write daily comments - often just short comments and thoughts - to encourage ordinary women to think positively about themselves. Women from all walks of life will be able to post their thoughts too -
those who feel they have achieved something however small and those who are struggling. Helen Skelton and Victoria Pendleton are doing their jobs and it is important to recognise that every job women do is important, whether they are competing on the track, undertaking an be respected. They need to be told that and encouraged to believe that what they do makes a difference, however small. Only a very small number of women will become celebrities and, in turn, role models. That is why it is important to get these women behind Feel Good Feb.
Target Audience In order to reach the widest audience possible the 16-26 year olds will be targeted. The younger age group is at a stage when they are experimenting with styles and make up and trying to understand changes in their body. This is a crucial time to encourage awareness of self and to build up destructive. Negative thoughts at this young age tend to stay with you during the years when there in social circles. By the time late twenties are reached most women have come to terms with who they are, who their friends are and what they are doing with their lives. To reach the target audience it is important to understand where they go for their information. Magazines and social networking sites feature at the top of the list so the majority of information, comments and encouragement will come through these. Fashion magazines are aimed at this age range and social networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube are frequently used by this group.
Objectives It is important to inject fun and humour into this Campaign. Although it is a serious subject no one will read academic articles about positive thinking and self esteem in women’s magazines. It is crucial to focus on the good things in life - encouraging young women to think more about what they have achieved each day than what they have failed at. It could be a good grade in school tests, a work task completed or just a cheery ‘good morning’ to a neighbour on the way to work. One day each week during Feel Good Feb will focus on someone who has overcome a particular both the general public and celebrities. That way a dialogue will be established between the two camps and common ground will emerge very quickly. Then young women will see that although some women are in the limelight simply because of the work they do, they are in fact no different from the woman in the street.
Key Messages The initial impact of the Feel Good Feb Campaign must be hard hitting to get the attention of the young women it is aimed at. The main message will be ‘it’s all right to be you’. There will be a photo shoot with Victoria Pendleton and Helen Skelton accompanied by interviews. Discussions can then follow on social media sites. A Campaign Press Pack will be produced and sent to all Editors of Women’s Magazines. This will explain what Feel Good Feb is all about and what it hopes to achieve. It will contain statistics, quotes and research on young women who have self esteem and body issues. It will also be sent to schools, colleges and organised women’s groups like The Guides and Sports Clubs. It should reach the widest possible audience to get the greatest impact. A website will be developed which will be designed to incorporate changing fashion photographs, discussion on body issues like dieting, cosmetic surgery and the importance of exercise. The catwalk and the camera lens are not the be all and end all in the search for recognition and achievement. It is crucial to develop a look for the Campaign that will take it through the 28 days of February.
Sponsorship L’Oreal Paris are sponsoring the Feel Good Feb Campaign. Their catchphrase “because you’re many women so their sponsership will help promote the campaign to reach a wide audience. L’Oreal wil provide gifts as an incentive for people join and take part in this campaign. Every 500th person who signs up to the website, tweets about the Campaign or even posts a photo to the site will recieve a L’Oreal product.
Image References
Pages 2. Bowl of self esteem: Bowl of self esteem. Available: http://www. Last accessed 8thMarch2013.
9. Pebbles: Available: Last accessed 25thJan2013. 10. Be unstoppable: Available: http://www.tumblr.comtumblr_mk6bz8s3Vo1qmad9uo1_500.jpg. Last accessed 1stMarch2013.
5. Victoria Pendleton: ROBERT HARDMAN. (2012). Pride of Britain: Boris praises Team GB for ‘inspiring a generation’ - and beating France, Germany and Australia as Olympic parade in front of ONE MILLION Londoners ends a glorious summer of sport R. Available: http:// Olympic-parade--Boris-praises-Team-GBinspiring-generation--beating-France-GermanyAustralia-Olympic-parade-ONE-MILLION-Londoners-ends-glorious-summer-s. Last accessed 22ndFeb2013.
11. Polar Bear: Available: http://www.believe-a-further-shore. Last accessed 26thJan2013. Kitten: Available: http://www.cheezburger. com/3821075712jpeg. Last accessed 22ndJan2013. L’Oreal Logo: Available: Last accessed 21stMarch2013.
Helen Skelton: Available: Last accessed 6thMatch2013. 7. I am super: Available: . Last accessed 19thFeb2013.