Background ! Strategy & Research !
History of brand! Canon’s success story began in Japan in the 1930s, when a small group of enthusiastic scientists set out to establish their presence in camera technology. The company first established a presence in the UK in 1976. At that time its activities were confined to the sale of calculators, micrographic equipment, copiers and similar products for the business market. In 1982 a separate camera sales operation was merged to form Canon (UK) Ltd, and since then the company has grown to become a world-leading provider of market-driven digital imaging solutions for the office and home environments.!
Canon’s corporate philosophy is Kyosei! ‘living and working together for the common good’!
Brand promise/ purpose!
“Help people realise the Power of Image”
Current brand position! Canon remains not only a famous household brand but also a market leader. With 64.4% of the UK owning cameras (not including smartphones) 13.8% of the UK own a Canon camera. For Canon digital SLRs are their biggest source of profits. Their DSLR’s brought in four Cmes the profits from compact digital cameras, while Nikon earned more from DSLR’s and lenses than with any other product. 8.58% of the UK own a DSLR, 38.4% of which own a Canon DSLR. However in 2013, aMer a decade of double digits growth, DSLR (along with MILC) sales are down 15 percent. This may be due to some low-‐end DSLR users choosing to use a smartphone instead. The market intelligence firm IDC predicts Nikon will be out of business in five years if the trend conCnues. The market has shiMed from being driven by hardware to soMware, and camera manufacturers have not been keeping up.
Brand Problem! 13.1% of the UK own a smartphone meaning more people own a Canon camera. Though the growth of Smartphone photography is rapid with 61.5% of the UK take photos with a mobile. According to an O2 survey from last year, taking pictures is the thing we do most with our Smartphone's — making calls ranks second. Back when the iPhone first passed up all of the high-‐end DSLRs to become the most used camera on Flickr, it was a big deal. If you check those stats today, you’ll see that the top three cameras currently used for Flickr are the iPhone 4S, the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 4 (in that order). The Canon 5D Mark II and 7D are hanging on in 4th and 5th, with Android phones like the Samsung Galaxy S III likely to be nipping at their heels before long. Canon need to deal with the problem now and differ themselves from Smartphone's and establish that their purpose is totally different from a Smartphone.
Which is actually better?! It’s all well and good saying your different but with Smartphone’s having the advantage of anyone being able to take a photo, convenience, size, direct connecCon to social media etc what do SLR’s have that they don’t. A bigger sensor Advanced cameras have much larger sensors than smart phones, and that can dramaCcally improve low-‐light shots when you don't want to use a flash. Captures more contrast and exhibits image noise and visual arCfacts. You'll oMen see a conspicuous pacern of arCficial colored dots, too.
A versaLle lens Some advanced digital cameras include powerful lenses. A constant aperture is important not only for ledng more light in over the length of the zoom, but also for creaCng a shallow depth of field (which blurs the background), even at the telephoto end of the zoom. More precise controls Smart phones can be appealing to use because they have big touch-‐screen LCDs with intuiCve controls. But for taking photos, you really want physical controls. To set your advanced camera precisely, nothing beats a manual focus ring, an exposure dial, or even something as simple as a responsive shucer bucon. Real opLcal—not digital—zoom Almost all smart phones (except the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom) use digital zoom to get closer to subjects, which oMen introduces image noise and visual arCfacts into the photo and degrades image quality. But an advanced camera such as the RX10 includes a true opCcal zoom lens that lets you get closer to your subject without lessening image quality.
Flexible flash Almost all smart phones include a very weak LED light for a flash, which is rarely adequate for properly illuminaCng subjects. Advanced cameras have a versaCle flash, which almost always has a flash-‐compensaCon control to make the flash stronger or weaker. They also generally include a hot shoe, which lets you acach an external strobe to the camera for even more versaClity in your lighCng. The bacle against Smartphone's is a bacle of quality vs convenience. If you know how to use a SLR the photos are undoubtedly becer. However it’s not a case that one is becer than the other as each serve different purposes in taking photos. The problem is securing a future in photography, and not allowing the convenience and ease of a smartphone to do it all for someone. EssenCally reiterate Canon’s purpose of “Helping people realise the power of image”
The future of photography ! The audience is criCcal when looking at the problem. Defining the difference of a DSLR and a Smartphone when taking photos within the younger generaCon will determine the future of photography. Millennials are Smartphone reliant, rarely leaving their hand even when sleeping. The majority of owners of Canon camera’s are from the elder generaCon (ones less likely to own a Smartphone) making them dependant on cameras to take photos. Canon’s image is not the issue within the market but is directly a bacle against the Smartphone. The awareness is there but Canon need the market to increase consideraCon to purchase.
% UK Canon Owners
Millennials! Owning a camera peaks at 21 years old however owning a Canon camera peaks a licle older at 22 as with SLR’s. There is something significant about 22 year olds as they are 190% more likely to own a Canon SLR than other ages which is outstanding especially because 20,21, 23 and 24 olds are about 50% less likely to own a Canon SLR than other ages. They are also more likely to be male than female according to the study. This is seen to relate to people who have moved out of their parental home in the last 12 months. They are 59% more likely to own a Canon SLR, assuming that leaving home is a chance to learn new skills and do new things. Most people who leave home enjoy making their own decisions and being more independent. With planning new and important things it allows people to prepare with a camera rather than relying on the convenience and spontaneous photos of a Smartphone.
Developing a key behavioral truth! SAY I want people to look at my photos and think I have an exciCng, unique and individual life
DO Use Smartphones like everyone else
FEEL Ordinary
Behavioral insight They need people to feel like their everyday lives (photos) are extraordinary
Developing a key behavioral truth! Behavioral insight They need people to feel like their everyday lives (photos) are extraordinary
Canon Purpose Help people realise the power of image
ProposiLon Establish the extraordinary from the ordinary