f you want to study in a prestigious university, yet you don’t have excellent school records, you don’t have to worry too much. You can make up for your not-so-impressive grades by writing a personal statement for college that would grab the attention of the admissions committee. Reading lots of personal statement samples would give you idea on how to write your own. As a matter of fact, there are several resources you can go to for sample essays.
RESOURCE #1: FROM FRIENDS WHO’VE WRITTEN THEIR OWN ESSAYS Your friends who applied to the school where you want to study can give you a copy of their personal statement for college. You can ask them for tips on how you should select your topic and how to make your personal statement for college very interesting. You can also ask them to help you remember and choose events in your life that had a great impact on your ideals and aspirations.
RESOURCE #2: FROM TEACHERS AND COUNSELORS WHO CAN SHOW YOU AN ESSAY Aside from your friends and peers, you can get a copy of a well-written personal statement for college from your teachers and counselors. More than anyone else, these people have broad knowledge about writing personal statements. They can teach you the ways on how to make your essay appealing.
RESOURCE #3: FROM WEBSITES THAT OFFER FREE SAMPLE PERSONAL STATEMENT ESSAY You can also find various personal statement samples from online sites. These websites can provide you with numerous excellent samples that you can use as models of your own personal statement. All you have to do is to keyin the keyword “personal statement” and you can surely find various essays.
HOW TO USE YOUR ESSAYS You have to observe how these essays are structured. It is important that you watch out for the writer’s technique in writing essays. Try to find out how the statements and ideas were woven together to create a unified whole. After you have made the first draft, ask your friends, teachers, counselors, or relatives if what you portray in your essay is the same as how they see you.
Good Luck!