Valedictorian & Salutatorian Commemorative Booklet

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Class of 2012 Valedictorians • Salutatorians • STAR Students Awards Ceremony

Making An Impact … Our Future in Focus

Friday, March 30, 2012 8:30 a.m. Georgia Power Building 241 Ralph McGill Blvd., NE Atlanta, GA 30310

gineering, Science & Technology • Carver School of the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Health Sciences & Research • Carver Technology • Crim Open Campus • Frederick Douglass Busine Entrepreneurship • Frederick Douglass Center for Engineering & Applied Technology • Frederick Douglass Communications & Journalism • Frederick Douglass Hospitality, Tourism & Marketi Henry W. Grady Communications & Journalism • Henry W. Grady Law, Government & Public Policy • Henry W. Grady Technology • Henry W. Grady Business & Entrepreneurship • Maynard ckson Engineering/Early College • Maynard H. Jackson Fine Arts & Media Communications • Maynard H. Jackson Information Technology • Benjamin E. Mays Business & Entrepreneurshi njamin E. Mays Eagle Leadership Academy • Benjamin E. Mays Dorothy Height Academy of Leadership • Benjamin E. Mays Mass Communications • Benjamin E. Mays Science & Mathemat ademy • North Atlanta Center for the Arts • North Atlanta Communications & Journalism • North Atlanta International Business & Marketing • North Atlanta International Studies • Sou lanta School of Computer Animation & Design • South Atlanta School of Health & Medial Sciences • South Atlanta School of Law & Social Justice • D.M. Therrell School of Technolog gineering, Math & Science • D.M. Therrell Health Sciences & Research • D.M. Therrell Law, Government & Public Policy • Booker T. Washington School of Banking, Finance & Investment • Book Washington School of Early College • Booker T. Washington School of Health Science & Nutrition • Booker T. Washington Senior Academy • B.E.S.T. Academy High Business & Entrepreneursh .E.S.T. Academy High Engineering, Science & Technology • Coretta Scott King High Business & Entrepreneurship • Coretta Scott King High Engineering, Science & Technology • Carver Scho the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Health Sciences & Research • Carver Technology • Crim Open Campus • Frederick Douglass Business & Entrepreneurship • Frederick Douglass Center f gineering & Applied Technology • Frederick Douglass Communications & Journalism • Frederick Douglass Hospitality, Tourism & Marketing • Henry W. Grady Communications & Journalism enry W. Grady Law, Government & Public Policy • Henry W. Grady Technology • Henry W. Grady Business & Entrepreneurship • Maynard H. Jackson Engineering/Early College • Maynard ckson Fine Arts & Media Communications • Maynard H. Jackson Information Technology • Benjamin E. Mays Business & Entrepreneurship • Benjamin E. Mays Eagle Leadership Academ njamin E. Mays Dorothy Height Academy of Leadership • Benjamin E. Mays Mass Communications • Benjamin E. Mays Science & Mathematics Academy • North Atlanta Center for the Art orth Atlanta Communications & Journalism • North Atlanta International Business & Marketing • North Atlanta International Studies • South Atlanta School of Computer Animation & Desig uth Atlanta School of Health & Medial Sciences • South Atlanta School of Law & Social Justice • D.M. Therrell School of Technology, Engineering, Math & Science • D.M. Therrell Health Scienc Research • D.M. Therrell Law, Government & Public Policy • Booker T. Washington School of Banking, Finance & Investment • Booker T. Washington School of Early College • Booker T. Washingt hool of Health Science & Nutrition • Booker T. Washington Senior Academy • B.E.S.T. Academy High Business & Entrepreneurship • B.E.S.T. Academy High Engineering, Science & Technolog retta Scott King High Business & Entrepreneurship • Coretta Scott King High Engineering, Science & Technology • Carver School of the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Health Sciences search • Carver Technology • Crim Open Campus • Frederick Douglass Business & Entrepreneurship • Frederick Douglass Center for Engineering & Applied Technology • Frederick Dougla mmunications & Journalism • Frederick Douglass Hospitality, Tourism & Marketing • Henry W. Grady Communications & Journalism • Henry W. Grady Law, Government & Public Policy • Hen Grady Technology • Henry W. Grady Business & Entrepreneurship • Maynard H. Jackson Engineering/Early College • Maynard H. Jackson Fine Arts & Media Communications • Maynard ckson Information Technology • Benjamin E. Mays Business & Entrepreneurship • Benjamin E. Mays Eagle Leadership Academy • Benjamin E. Mays Dorothy Height Academy of Leadershi njamin E. Mays Mass Communications • Benjamin E. Mays Science & Mathematics Academy • North Atlanta Center for the Arts • North Atlanta Communications & Journalism • North Atlan ternational Business & Marketing • North Atlanta International Studies • South Atlanta School of Computer Animation & Design • South Atlanta School of Health & Medial Sciences • Sou lanta School of Law & Social Justice • D.M. Therrell School of Technology, Engineering, Math & Science • D.M. Therrell Health Sciences & Research • D.M. Therrell Law, Government & Public Poli Booker T. Washington School of Banking, Finance & Investment • Booker T. Washington School of Early College • Booker T. Washington School of Health Science & Nutrition • Booker ashington Senior Academy • B.E.S.T. Academy High Business & Entrepreneurship • B.E.S.T. Academy High Engineering, Science & Technology • Coretta Scott King High Business & Entrepreneursh oretta Scott King High Engineering, Science & Technology • Carver School of the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Health Sciences & Research • Carver Technology • Crim Open Campu ederick Douglass Business & Entrepreneurship • Frederick Douglass Center for Engineering & Applied Technology • Frederick Douglass Communications & Journalism • Frederick Dougla ospitality, Tourism & Marketing • Henry W. Grady Communications & Journalism • Henry W. Grady Law, Government & Public Policy • Henry W. Grady Technology • Henry W. Grady Business trepreneurship • Maynard H. Jackson Engineering/Early College • Maynard H. Jackson Fine Arts & Media Communications • Maynard H. Jackson Information Technology • Benjamin E. Ma siness & Entrepreneurship • Benjamin E. Mays Eagle Leadership Academy • Benjamin E. Mays Dorothy Height Academy of Leadership • Benjamin E. Mays Mass Communications • Benjamin ays Science & Mathematics Academy • North Atlanta Center for the Arts • North Atlanta Communications & Journalism • North Atlanta International Business & Marketing • North Atlan ternational Studies • South Atlanta School of Computer Animation & Design • South Atlanta School of Health & Medial Sciences • South Atlanta School of Law & Social Justice • D.M. Therr hool of Technology, Engineering, Math & Science • D.M. Therrell Health Sciences & Research • D.M. Therrell Law, Government & Public Policy • Booker T. Washington School of Banking, Finan nvestment • Booker T. Washington School of Early College • Booker T. Washington School of Health Science & Nutrition • Booker T. Washington Senior Academy • B.E.S.T. Academy High Busine Entrepreneurship • B.E.S.T. Academy High Engineering, Science & Technology • Coretta Scott King High Business & Entrepreneurship • Coretta Scott King High Engineering, Science & Technolo Carver School of the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Health Sciences & Research • Carver Technology • Crim Open Campus • Frederick Douglass Business & Entrepreneurship • Frederi ouglass Center for Engineering & Applied Technology • Frederick Douglass Communications & Journalism • Frederick Douglass Hospitality, Tourism & Marketing • Henry W. Grady Communicatio Journalism • Henry W. Grady Law, Government & Public Policy • Henry W. Grady Technology • Henry W. Grady Business & Entrepreneurship • Maynard H. Jackson Engineering/Early Colleg aynard H. Jackson Fine Arts & Media Communications • Maynard H. Jackson Information Technology • Benjamin E. Mays Business & Entrepreneurship • Benjamin E. Mays Eagle Leadersh ademy • Benjamin E. Mays Dorothy Height Academy of Leadership • Benjamin E. Mays Mass Communications • Benjamin E. Mays Science & Mathematics Academy • North Atlanta Center f e Arts • North Atlanta Communications & Journalism • North Atlanta International Business & Marketing • North Atlanta International Studies • South Atlanta School of Computer Animati Design • South Atlanta School of Health & Medial Sciences • South Atlanta School of Law & Social Justice • D.M. Therrell School of Technology, Engineering, Math & Science • D.M. Therrell Heal iences & Research • D.M. Therrell Law, Government & Public Policy • Booker T. Washington School of Banking, Finance & Investment • Booker T. Washington School of Early College • Booker ashington School of Health Science & Nutrition • Booker T. Washington Senior Academy • B.E.S.T. Academy High Business & Entrepreneurship • B.E.S.T. Academy High Engineering, Science chnology • Coretta Scott King High Business & Entrepreneurship • Coretta Scott King High Engineering, Science & Technology • Carver School of the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Hea iences & Research • Carver Technology • Crim Open Campus • Frederick Douglass Business & Entrepreneurship • Frederick Douglass Center for Engineering & Applied Technology • Frederi ouglass Communications & Journalism • Frederick Douglass Hospitality, Tourism & Marketing • Henry W. Grady Communications & Journalism • Henry W. Grady Law, Government & Pub licy • Henry W. Grady Technology • Henry W. Grady Business & Entrepreneurship • Maynard H. Jackson Engineering/Early College • Maynard H. Jackson Fine Arts & Media Communication aynard H. Jackson Information Technology • Benjamin E. Mays Business & Entrepreneurship • Benjamin E. Mays Eagle Leadership Academy • Benjamin E. Mays Dorothy Height Academy adership • Benjamin E. Mays Mass Communications • Benjamin E. Mays Science & Mathematics Academy • North Atlanta Center for the Arts • North Atlanta Communications & Journalism orth Atlanta International Business & Marketing • North Atlanta International Studies • South Atlanta School of Computer Animation & Design • South Atlanta School of Health & Med iences • South Atlanta School of Law & Social Justice • D.M. Therrell School of Technology, Engineering, Math & Science • D.M. Therrell Health Sciences & Research • D.M. Therrell La overnment & Public Policy • Booker T. Washington School of Banking, Finance & Investment • Booker T. Washington School of Early College • Booker T. Washington School of Health Science utrition • Booker T. Washington Senior Academy • B.E.S.T. Academy High Business & Entrepreneurship • B.E.S.T. Academy High Engineering, Science & Technology • Coretta Scott King Hi siness & Entrepreneurship • Coretta Scott King High Engineering, Science & Technology • Carver School of the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Health Sciences & Research • Carv chnology • Crim Open Campus • Frederick Douglass Business & Entrepreneurship • Frederick Douglass Center for Engineering & Applied Technology • Frederick Douglass Communications urnalism • Frederick Douglass Hospitality, Tourism & Marketing • Henry W. Grady Communications & Journalism • Henry W. Grady Law, Government & Public Policy • Henry W. Grady Technolo Henry W. Grady Business & Entrepreneurship • Maynard H. Jackson Engineering/Early College • Maynard H. Jackson Fine Arts & Media Communications • Maynard H. Jackson Informati chnology • Benjamin E. Mays Business & Entrepreneurship • Benjamin E. Mays Eagle Leadership Academy • Benjamin E. Mays Dorothy Height Academy of Leadership • Benjamin E. Mays Ma mmunications • Benjamin E. Mays Science & Mathematics Academy • North Atlanta Center for the Arts • North Atlanta Communications & Journalism • North Atlanta International Business arketing • North Atlanta International Studies • South Atlanta School of Computer Animation & Design • South Atlanta School of Health & Medial Sciences • South Atlanta School of Law & Soc stice • D.M. Therrell School of Technology, Engineering, Math & Science • D.M. Therrell Health Sciences & Research • D.M. Therrell Law, Government & Public Policy • Booker T. Washington Scho Banking, Finance & Investment • Booker T. Washington School of Early College • Booker T. Washington School of Health Science & Nutrition • Booker T. Washington Senior Academy • B.E.S ademy High Business & Entrepreneurship • B.E.S.T. Academy High Engineering, Science & Technology • Coretta Scott King High Business & Entrepreneurship • Coretta Scott King Hi gineering, Science & Technology • Carver School of the Arts • Carver Early College • Carver Health Sciences & Research • Carver Technology • Crim Open Campus • Frederick Douglass Busine Entrepreneurship • Frederick Douglass Center for Engineering & Applied Technology • Frederick Douglass Communications & Journalism • Frederick Douglass Hospitality, Tourism & Marketi Henry W. Grady Communications & Journalism • Henry W. Grady Law, Government & Public Policy • Henry W. Grady Technology • Henry W. Grady Business & Entrepreneurship • Maynard ckson Engineering/Early College • Maynard H. Jackson Fine Arts & Media Communications • Maynard H. Jackson Information Technology • Benjamin E. Mays Business & Entrepreneurshi

Making An Impact … Our Future in Focus


CHAIR Mr. Reuben R. McDaniel III

March 30, 2012

VICE CHAIR Mr. Byron D. Amos

Dear Valedictorians, Salutatorians and STAR Students: MEMBERS Educational District 1 Ms. Brenda J. Muhammad Educational District 2 Mr. Byron D. Amos Educational District 3 Mrs. Cecily Harsch-Kinnane Educational District 4 Mrs. Nancy M. Meister Educational District 5 Mrs. LaChandra Butler Burks Educational District 6 Ms. Yolanda K. Johnson At Large (Seat 7) Mr. Courtney D. English

On behalf of the Board of Education, I want to salute you for being the best of the best. Your hard work and commitment to excellence have distinguished you among your peers and will propel you to even greater heights in your future academic pursuits. As you prepare to step into the next phase of your lives, I am confident you will build upon your accomplishments with the same drive and determination that have brought you to this point. I encourage you to use the lessons learned during your matriculation within Atlanta Public Schools to guide you through the many new and exciting challenges that await you. Continue to commit yourselves to excellence and strive to improve the world around you. We are extremely proud of you and wish you the best in the future!


At Large (Seat 8) Mr. Reuben R. McDaniel III At Large (Seat 9) Mr. Emmett D. Johnson EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATOR Howard W. Grant, Ph.D.

SUPERINTENDENT Mr. Erroll B. Davis, Jr.

Reuben R. McDaniel III Board Chair

Office of the Superintendent Erroll B. Davis, Jr. Superintendent Phone: 404-802-2819 Fax: 404-802-1803

March 30, 2012

Dear Valedictorian, Salutatorian and STAR Student, Congratulations! Your recognition as a 2012 Valedictorian, Salutatorian and STAR Student of Atlanta Public Schools is a pivotal moment on your path toward lifelong success. This designation indicates your commitment not only to completing the requirements for graduation, but also to exceeding them. Because of this commitment, you have undoubtedly already achieved many milestones in your life. In the future, we encourage you to continue to reach for greatness through service to your city, nation and world. There are limitless opportunities at your disposal; please take the time to reflect on the unique path that you will pursue and avail yourselves of them all. As you celebrate your success with family and friends, we enthusiastically celebrate with you. We know that the knowledge you gain, the people you inspire and the talent you share have the power to change the world. Again, congratulations. Sincerely,

Erroll B. Davis, Jr. Superintendent

Atlanta Public Schools • 130 Trinity Avenue, S.W. • Atlanta, GA 30303 • 404-802-3500

Erroll B. Davis, Jr. Superintendent Atlanta Public Schools


n July 1, 2011, Erroll B. Davis, Jr., was appointed superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools. Prior to this position, Davis served as chancellor of the University System of Georgia. Davis’ additional higher education experience includes serving as a member of the University of the Wisconsin System Board of Regents from 1987 to 1994, and as a former chairman of the board of trustees of Carnegie Mellon University, of which he is a life member. In his corporate life, Davis served as chairman of the board of Alliant Energy Corporation. Davis joined Alliant in 1998 as president and chief executive officer. He retired from his dual roles as president and CEO in July 2005, and retained the chairman’s post until his move to the University System of Georgia in 2006. Davis also served as president and CEO of WPL Holdings from 1990 to 1998. A native of Pittsburgh, PA., Davis earned a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1965, and an M.B.A. in finance from the University of Chicago in 1967. He is a member of the Board of Directors of General Motors and Union Pacific Corporation, and serves on the advisory boards of numerous professional associations and civic organizations. Davis is a former member of the U.S. Olympic Committee Board (2004-2008) and the University of Chicago Board of Trustees. Davis and his wife Elaine, established the Davis Family Foundation, which makes annual grants to numerous students in need. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including recognition as one of “100 Most Influential Georgians,” “100 Most Influential Atlantans,” one of the “75 Most Powerful Blacks in Corporate America,” one of the “Top 50 Blacks in Technology,” one of the “50 Most Powerful Black Executives in America,” and “Black Engineer of the Year.” Davis received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, the same year he received a Bronze Medal in Financial World’s “CEO of the Year” competition.

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Program Mark MyGrant, Principal North Atlanta High SchooL Presiding

Prelude............................................................................................ North Atlanta High School Jazz Ensemble North Atlanta High School Presentation of Colors...........................................................................................................JROTC Color Guard First Sergeant Frank E. Carter, Booker T. Washington High School National Anthem . ........................................................................................................ Brianna Wilson, Vocalist North Atlanta High School Welcome......................................................................................................... Walt Dukes, Senior Vice President Metro Atlanta Region, Georgia Power Greetings..............................................................................................................Reuben R. McDaniel, III, Chair Atlanta Board of Education Purpose................................................................................................. Karen Waldon, Deputy Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction, Atlanta Public Schools

~ Breakfast ~ Musical Selection by the North Atlanta High School Jazz Ensemble

“Making an Impact … Our Future in Focus” Elmer Moreno, Valedictorian Benjamin E. Mays High School

Brianna Jacole Hunter, Salutatorian Booker T. Washington High School

Introduction of Speaker......................................................................................Benjamin Dean, STAR Student Henry W. Grady High School Challenge to Honorees................................................................................. Erroll B. Davis, Jr., Superintendent Atlanta Public Schools Response................................................................................................................. Rifat Mursalin, Salutatorian Frederick Douglass High School Presentation of Honorees and Awards.................................................................. LaVerne Ware, Coordinator Counseling and Support Services, Office of High Schools Recognition of STAR Teachers.................................... High School Principals, Superintendent, Board Chair, Deputy and Associate Superintendents

Special Presentation from the Class of 2012 Jessica Naomi Braswell, STAR Student South Atlanta High School of Health and Medical Sciences Closing Remarks Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Frederick W. Sands, Salutatorian George Washington Carver High School of the Arts

Selection of Honorees

Valedictorians and Salutatorians The Atlanta Board of Education permits each high school, including individual small schools comprising educational complexes, to identify a senior as Valedictorian and one as Salutatorian in accordance with administrative regulations set forth by the Superintendent. They are chosen at the end of the first semester of the senior year. The eligible student must have been enrolled in the respective high school from which he or she graduates by the end of the first semester of the junior year. The numerical grading system is used by the Atlanta Public Schools as required by the State Board of Education. Class rank, as shown on the transcript, is calculated using numerical grades and is not final or official until a student completes all graduation requirements. The averages of the valedictorian and salutatorian for the Class of 2012 are based on the weighted system listed in numeric grade average summary at the end of the transcript. Star Students The Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program honors Georgia’s outstanding high school seniors and the teachers who have been most instrumental in their academic development. The Professional Association of Georgia (PAGE) Foundation, Inc. was selected in 1994 by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce to coordinate the state STAR program in association with the Chamber and the Georgia Department of Education. Each accredited high school in Georgia is eligible to participate in the STAR program. To obtain the STAR nomination for the Class of 2012, high school seniors must have the highest score on a single test date of the three-part SAT taken on any date through and including November 5, 2011. Nominees’ SAT scores must be equal to or higher than the latest available national average on the math, critical reading, and writing sections. The national averages for 2012 are: Critical Reading (497), Math (514), and Writing (514).

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

High School Honorees

George Washington Carver

North Atlanta High School

Early College High School Brandi C. Johnson, Valedictorian Makeeva Walker, Salutatorian Adriana Sanchez, STAR Student

Eric Alexander Zemmali, Valedictorian Paige Yasmeen Curtis, Salutatorian Patrick Shea, STAR Student

High School of the Arts Ashley N. Thomas, Valedictorian/STAR Student Frederick W. Sands, Salutatorian

High School of Computer Animation and Design James Atkins, III, Valedictorian Jasmine Velvet Jackson, Salutatorian

High School of Health Sciences and Research Cesar Chavez, Valedictorian Kortlandt A. Taylor, Salutatorian/STAR Student High School of Technology Aleah L. Clemmons, Valedictorian Reginay R. Reid, Salutatorian Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School Samuel Alsobrook, Valedictorian Horace Dionte Manning, Salutatorian Frederick Douglass High School Kaitlin Andrea Camp, Valedictorian Rifat Mursalin, Salutatorian Zasmine Zhane’ Lewis, STAR Student Henry W. Grady High School Julia Rapoport, Valedictorian Shaun Kleber, Salutatorian Benjamin Dean, STAR Student Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School Guadalupe R. Pacheco, Valedictorian/STAR Student Daisy Martinez, Salutatorian Benjamin E. Mays High School Elmer R. Moreno, Valedictorian Alexandria B. Causey, Salutatorian Amram F. Gainer, STAR Student

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

South Atlanta

High School of Health and Medical Sciences Veronica Rojas, Valedictorian Romanda S. Davis, Salutatorian Jessica Naomi Braswell, STAR Student High School of Law and Social Justice Victoria L. Hurse, Valedictorian Dwinishia D. Brunson, Salutatorian D.M. Therrell High School of Law, Government and Public Policy Imari D. Blackwell, Valedictorian Erica L. Kimbro, Salutatorian High School of Health Sciences and Research Valery E. Gibson, Valedictorian Lakishia N. Cullens, Salutatorian High School of Technology, Engineering, Math and Science Tre’Vyon C. Jenkins, Valedictorian Aja M. Blakeney, Salutatorian Booker T. Washington High School Senior Academy Brittany Tiara Dorshon Brown, Valedictorian Brianna Jacole Hunter, Salutatorian

George Washington Carver Early College High School

Reflections Carver Early college provided and enriching high school experience and exposed me to college. The rigorous academic standards that are set in place for students, challenged me and allowed me to work to my full potential. A quote that I intend to continue to live by is one from George Washington Carver: “No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving something behind.” As the Valedictorian of Carver Early College Class of 2012, I plan to leave behind a legacy of excellence for all to follow. Awards/Recognition Most Outstanding in French, Math 3, Physical Science; Principal’s List, Honorable Mention: APS District Social Science Fair, Award for Exceeding All Standards of the GHSGT Plans to Attend Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana

Brandi C. Johnson Valedictorian

Major/Career Goal Biology or Chemistry/Oncologist or Cancer Researcher

Reflections My high school experience at Carver Early College has been a remarkable journey. I have grown both socially and academically. I have learned to step outside of my comfort zone. Socially, I have become a part of many organizations within and around my school, and academically, I have become relentless in my pursuit of academic success. I have learned the importance of time management and prioritizing. I had to implement these two strategis to manage deadlines and to achieve balance in my life. I am certain I will carry these skills into my future. Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Harvard Book Award; Most Outstanding Student in Biology, Physics, United States History, Health, Journalism; Award of Merit for Demonstrating Parliamentary Procedure

Makeeva T. Walker Salutatorian

Plans to Attend Duke University, Durham, North Carolina Major/Career Goal Biology/Nephrologist

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

George Washington Carver Early College High School

Reflections The unconditional love of my parents is my greatest motivation to succeed in all of my endeavors. As a high school student, I have excelled in academics, currently ranking in the top 5% of my senior class. My experience as a first-generation college bound student has led me to understand and appreciate the importance of embracing my culture. My study abroad trips to South Africa and China have influenced my aspirations to study international relations and law as an undergraduate student. In the future, I hope to be able to assist underprivileged individuals through volunteer work and inspire other students to work hard for their goals. Awards/Recognition Most Outstanding in Chinese; Physics; Physical Science; Principal’s List; Award for Exceeding All Standards of the GHSGT; President’s Award; Captains; Award-Soccer; Outward Bound Community Service Award

Andrea Sanchez

Plans to Attend Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

STAR Student

Major/Career Goal Political Science/International Attorney

“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” —Jackie Robinson

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

George Washington Carver High School of the Arts

Reflections Through hard work and perseverance, I have been able to stay afloat in my high school career. Since the first day, I have been adamant about perfecting my craft in dance. The artistic side of my high school tenure as well as the academic rigor has made me a well-rounded student. In the nurturing environment of my high school, teachers and administrators push us to become not only great students, but great citizens as well. Attending Carver School of The Arts has prepared me for post-secondary success. Awards/Recognition Ben Carson Award for Excellence; Student of the Month Award for Academics; National Honor Society; Mary McCloud Bethune Award for Excellence in Writing; Florence Eliza Allen Award for Math; Youth of the Year Whitehead Boys & Girls Club; Wellesley College Book Award Plans to Attend Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

Ashley N. Thomas

Valedictorian/STAR Student

Major/Career Goal Motion Media Designer

Reflections My high school career has been an extraordinary experience. I have developed as an artist through my school’s artistic influence, which also assisted me in grasping certain concepts in the classroom. I am currently a mentor of underclassmen in my school’s mentor/mentee program, which has allowed me to make a difference in the lives of those who will soon experience most of the things that my senior class has experienced thus far. I will leave Carver School of the Arts as a better student, artist, and most importantly, a better role model within my community. Awards/Recognition W. E. B. DuBois History Award; Langston Hughes Literature Award; Principal’s Honor Roll; Student of the Month (4 years); “Best Supporting Actor” in the Wiz; Outstanding Student in Social Studies; Gardener-Webb University “Junior Scholars”

Frederick W. Sands

Plans to Attend Howard University, Washington, DC


Major/Career Goal Communications/Singer & Song Writer Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

George Washington Carver High School of Health Sciences and Research

Reflections As a freshman, I was a very shy and playful person. Looking back on who I was when I first arrived at Carver and comparing that to who I have become today is a testament to my achievements. My future endeavors will be fulfilled because of the many esteemed opportunities provided for me here at Carver School of Health Sciences and Research. Without being a part of that very close knit and caring environment, I honestly do not believe I would be where I am today. Overcoming obstacles, not only as a Hispanic teenage male, but as a very hardworking individual, has shaped me into a true scholar. Awards/Recognition The President’s Volunteer Service Award; Principal’s List; Georgia Certificate of Merit; Battalion Command Sergeant Major; Human Award; 21st Century Leader of 20 Under 20 Class of 2011; Steve Harvey’s Mentoring Weekend; Mr. Carver Health Sciences and Research

Cesar Chavez

Plans to Attend Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia


Major/Career Goal Mechanical Engineer

Reflections As I embark upon my journey to college, I look back on the experiences that have prepared me for this matriculation. I began my tenure at Carver Health Sciences and Research as very quiet person, but being a part of this school forced me to step out of my shell – making my high school experience more fruitful. As for my academic success, I owe it all to the support and encouragement of my teachers. If it were not for them believing in me, I probably would not be as successful. I am honored and proud to be Salutatorian, STAR Student and a role model to my younger peers. Awards/Recognition Georgia Certificate of Merit; NAA YI Scholar; The President’s Volunteer Service Award; Principal’s List; Second Year Superior Cadet; Carver Battalion Adjutant; Miss Carver Health Sciences and Research Plans to Attend Howard University, Washington, DC Major/Career Goal Biology/Pediatrician Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Kortlandt A. Taylor Salutatorian/STAR Student

George Washington Carver High School of Technology

Reflections My greatest advantage throughout high school has been my ability to balance academics and athletics. My athletic involvement has been a foundation for my academic success. For example, being a part of the cheering squad has given me a sense of leadership and responsibility. Also, positive advice from peers, teachers, administrators and my family has shown me that I can overcome any obstacle. I would like to thank all of them for assisting me with this wonderful achievement. By the grace of God, I have made it! Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Honor Roll; Wellesley College Book Award Plans to Attend Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia

Aleah L. Clemmons

Major/Career Goal Accounting/Certified Public Accountant


Reflections I used four key skills to achieve academic success — commitment, prioritization, concentration, and dedication. My commitment to my studies allows me to persistently achieve greatness in every endeavor, and through prioritization, I was able to accomplish given tasks by completing important components first. Without concentration, I would have succumbed to distractions from peers and social pressures. However, remaining focused allowed me to achieve every goal I set for myself. My dedication allowed me to accomplish anything I set my mind to by overcoming any obstacle I encountered. I thank my mother, teachers, and guidance counselor for preparing me for future endeavors and guiding me along the right path. Awards/Recognition Citizenship Award; Honor Roll; Principal’s List

Reginay R. Reid Salutatorian

Plans to Attend Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia Major/Career Goal Education/Educator Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School

Reflections Malcolm X said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it.� The best advice I could give to other students, while in school, is to prepare for something you know you are capable of doing well. I participated in the CAN program at Crim, through the Atlanta Job Corps. The program offered me the opportunity to earn certification as a Nurse Assistant before enrolling at the University of West Georgia. With this certification, I will be able to seek a career in the field I desire. The reason I chose to study nursing is because I enjoy science and working with people, and I look forward to the many different options the profession will provide. Awards/Recognition Outstanding Student in Math and Spanish; Honor Roll Plans to Attend University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia

Samuel Alsobrook Valedictorian

Major/Career Goal Public Health/Nursing

Reflections My high school experience has been greater than I could have ever expected. There were times that I thought of giving up; however, I remained committed to staying the course and being diligent in my pursuit towards graduation. I have been able to make it to this point because of the support that I have received from many of my teachers. In retrospect, the opportunities have been bountiful, and I am elated that I remained dedicated to maximizing my potential and reaching my goal of graduating from high school. Awards/Recognition Student of the Month (2012); Honor Roll Plans to Attend Georgia State, Atlanta, Georgia or Savannah State University, Savannah, Georgia Major/Career Goal Pre-Law/Attorney

Atlanta Public Schools


Horace Dionte Manning Salutatorian



Class of 2012

Frederick Douglass High School

Reflections As I look back over my tenure at Frederick Douglass High School, I am prepared for college and excited about all of the future possibilities. Despite the various transitions, I have continued to stay focused on the importance of my education. My words of encouragement to the students at Frederick Douglass High School are that you never stop learning; even if you are Valedictorian, Salutatorian or Star Student, there is always something else to learn. I am prepared for college and excited about all of the possibilities that are in my future. I am thankful for my teachers, counselors, academy leaders, principals, and other staff who helped me to become the student that I am today. Awards/Recognition Georgia Certificate of Merit; Principal’s List; Ben Carson Scholar; Emory Prep 2011 Plans to Attend University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Kaitlin Andrea Camp Valedictorian

Major/Career Goal Chemistry/Pharmacist

Reflections My passion for learning began early in life when my parents taught me the significance of education. Frederick Douglass High offered me opportunities to realize my true potential. I have grown immensely, both personally and academically. I have had the most phenomenal teachers imaginable, including one who brought me to school every single day for almost three years. I would not have excelled academically if it were not for the perpetual inspiration of my parents. Being the salutatorian of my school is a great honor. However, the most important thing is to find ourselves, pursue our dreams, and then help others to chase their dreams as well. Awards/Recognition AP Scholar; Governor’s Honors Program 2011; 21st Century Atlanta Scholar; Quest Bridge; National Finalist; 1st Place Winner of Georgia Social Science Fair; Harvard Book Award; Annual Oratorical Contest Winner; MLK Scholars Finalist

Rifat Mursalin Salutatorian

Plans to Attend University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Major/Career Goal Computer Science/International Affairs Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Frederick Douglass High School

Reflections Throughout my life, I have always strived to be the best I can be, which meant that I had to work hard. High school made me more independent and forced me to realize that if I wanted something, I had to take initiative. I was willing to go beyond what was needed in order to fulfill my passion. I saw that my education was a vital aspect of succeeding in life, so I never took it for granted. I continued to strive to do and be the best I could as it pertained to academics. My determination and dedication throughout my school years have led me to success. The same qualities will allow me to fulfill my passion. Awards/Recognition Georgia Certificate of Merit; Outstanding Academic Achievement in AP English Literature and Composition; Wilma Rudolph Best Character Award, Best Essay on Community Help (Atlanta Business League) Plans to Attend Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama

Zasmine Zhene’ Lewis STAR Student

Major/Career Goal Civil Engineering/Engineer

“Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” —Oprah Winfrey

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Henry W. Grady High School

Reflections I’ve been lucky to be able to pursue my interests in math, more creative areas, such as design and drama, and sports (mainly swimming) while a student in the Communications and Journalism learning community at Grady. I’ve had strong peers and exceptional teachers who have challenged me and lots of family support. This year, I was able to dual enroll at Georgia Tech, which stretched and challenged me. As Captain of the Swim and Dive Team, along with my spirited coach, I helped develop our relatively new team. I’m proud that we participated in the State Championship Meet for the third consecutive year. There is honestly no secret to my success. I just chose courses, activities, and other experiences that would be stimulating, and did everything I was asked to do as well as I could do it. Awards/Recognition National Merit Scholarship Finalist; AP Scholar with Distinction; Governor’s Honors; Phi Beta Kappa Book Award; Mathematics All-Star Award; Georgia High School Swim and Dive Championship Meet; Water Polo All-Star Team; Who’s Who Among All American Scholars; Contemporary Poetry Contest

Julia Rapoport Valedictorian

Plans to Attend Undecided Major/Career Goal Math/Engineering

Reflections My time at Grady has been marked both by my experiences in and outside the classroom. However, I have been shaped more by what I have done and seen outside the classroom. My participation on my school’s mock trial team for the past four years and The Southerner, Grady’s newspaper, as a staff writer and managing editor has taught me important life skills such as analytical skills, work ethic, teamwork and leadership. The diversity at Grady has exposed me to countless different cultures and people. I have been surrounded by people who are skilled in different areas and bring different thoughts and opinions to conversations; this has made me more globally aware, accepting, and well rounded. Award/Recognition Mock Trial State Champions for the past three years and World Champions in 2010; National Merit Scholarship Finalist; AP Scholar with Distinction; Georgia Junior Journalist of the Year (2010-2011)

Shaun Kleber Salutatorian

Plans to Attend Undecided Major/Career Goal Biology/Medicine Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Henry W. Grady High School

Reflections I enjoyed my four years at Grady. I attribute my academic success to setting high goals and a willingness to do hard work. I did encounter a few obstacles, especially in my freshman and sophomore years. My lack of organizational skills often caused me to miss deadlines or lose valuable papers. With the help of my teachers, I improved my work ethic, learned how to manage my time and maximize my focus. Looking back, I think the most valuable part of high school was not the content I learned, but the life skills I acquired. High school teaches many facts about the world, but I think it is more important that it teaches us how to work and how to think. Awards/Recognition National Merit Finalist; National AP Scholar; AP Scholar with Distinction Plans to Attend Undecided

Benjamin Dean STAR Student

Major/Career Goal Computer Science

“We value our relationship … and are pleased … to focus on the future.” —Tom Burt

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School

Reflections My journey to success began with planning and setting goals. Throughout this time, I have faced many academic challenges but have known how to handle them. I even broke through the barrier of my own shyness that threatened to restrain me from succeeding. There were times that I found myself overloaded with work, but I knew how to manage tasks and assignments. I set my goals early and worked extremely hard to accomplish them. I stand now in a great position that will lead me to more outstanding accomplishments in the future. Therefore, my journey does not end upon graduation; it is only the beginning. Awards/Recognition W.E.B. Dubois 90+ Program; Outstanding Math Student; Principal’s list; Georgia Certificate of Merit; 2012 MLK Commemoration Litany reader; Outstanding science student

Guadalupe R. Pacheco

Plans to Attend Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Valedictorian/STAR Student

Major/Career Goal Biology/Dentist Reflections My overall high school experience has been exciting. Prioritizing was vital to my academic success. After receiving unfavorable grades, I had to learn that my education comes first; it is something no one can take from me. I overcame distractions such as peer pressure, which was certain to lead me onto another path if I had not become aware of it in time. I decided to act as a leader instead of a follower. Time management is also a skill that I developed in high school. Completing my homework and class work on time, avoiding distractions, and becoming a leader have made my high school experience both successful and memorable. Awards/Recognition W.E.B. Dubois 90+ Program; Principal’s list; Georgia Certificate of Merit; Outstanding World Literature Student

Daisy Martinez

Plans to Attend Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia


Major/Career Goal Biology/Chiropractor Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Benjamin E. Mays High School

Reflections My high school experience has been enriching. I have been exposed to many opportunities and events that have allowed me to grow as a scholar, person, and leader. Transitioning into high school, I was very shy and lacked self-confidence. I had only lived in the United States for three years and my English was minimal. However, through my participation in different clubs and organizations such as the Student Government Association, I learned the language and became organized and outspoken. My teachers and other staff at Mays High School played a integral role in my academic development. They have inspired me and instilled in me qualities, knowledge, and skills that have made me the great scholar that I am today. Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Posse Scholar; 21st Century Atlanta Scholars; Youth Entrepreneurs of Atlanta Top Business Plan Winner; Superior Achievement in Science, Mathematics, Language Arts; Top SCL Student; Highest GPA Award (10th-11th); Jobs For Georgia Graduates-Decision Making Regional Competition 1st Place Winner; Top Soccer Mid-Fielder

Elmer R. Moreno

Plans to Attend Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York


Major/Career Goal Computer Engineering/Entrepreneur Reflections When I first entered Benjamin Elijah Mays High School, almost immediately, my academic experience was an uphill process. My time at Mays has allowed me to experience healthy academic competition among my peers, and establish family bonds with a small group of friends. Together, we pushed each other to earn the rank of top ten percent of our class. Additionally, I have been exposed to countless positive teacher-student relationships. These relationships have motivated me to pursue a path of excellence. Therefore, I dedicate the start of my post-secondary education to my teachers and my SLC counselor. Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Superior Achievement in Social Studies, Foreign Language and Math; Best All Around Student Business and Entrepreneurship Academy, Language Arts and Math; 2-Sports Athlete Plans to Attend Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee Major/Career Goal Computer Engineer/Software Designer or Secondary Education/High School Principal Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Alexandria B. Causey Salutatorian

Benjamin E. Mays High School

Reflections For the most part, my academic success in high school has been more than ordinary. Academic success was synonymous with just being me. Although I experienced some challenges, I have grown from them both as a person and as a scholar. Reflecting on the past has helped me to learn some lessons that I would like to leave with my peers. No matter what your skill level is, there is always room for improvement. Take advantage of every opportunity. You never know if one of those opportunities will bring you closer to your full potential. Awards/Recognition Excellence in Language Arts, Math, Career Tech, Social Studies; Editor of B.E. Mays High School Newspaper; Safety Captain for Robotics Team Plans to Attend Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Major/Career Goal Mass Communications/Television Producer

Amram F. Gainer STAR Student

“Focus on your potential instead of your limitations.” —Alan Loy McGinnis

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

North Atlanta High School

Reflections My years at North Atlanta have been among the most engaging and gratifying of my life. Experiencing the incredible level of diversity within my school and the rigorous International Baccalaureate program has opened my eyes to the world’s exotic cultures and personalities. I have had the opportunity to host students from around the globe in my home. Proper time management is a lesson learned through necessity as I struggled to survive the I.B. requirements. It has been applicable and essential to my academic success. My family has also been a driving force behind my success. Our family motto is quite simply, “If you never give up, you have no reason to fail.” Awards/Recognition Georgia Certificate of Merit; Harvard Book Award; Most Outstanding International Studies Student; Governor’s Honors Social Studies Finalist; Mr. 12th Grade; 2011 Varsity Soccer MVP; Named to 2011 AllRegion Soccer Team; Varsity Soccer Captain (2011-2012)

Eric Alexander Zemmali

Plans to Attend Undecided


Major/Career Goal International Affairs/Diplomat Reflections Although, I’ve always had an intrinsic drive, I am thankful to have such a great influence at home. I believe the key to my success was preparation. Through all of my endeavors, however uncertain, I could be confident because I prepared 110%. In both my studies and my extracurricular activities, I never left a stone unturned or an idea unexplored because both of these would have represented lost opportunities. Often faced with monumental challenges, I overcame them with the thought that “passion is the enemy of fatigue.” Awards/Recognition Georgia Certificate of Merit 2011; Principal’s List; Most Outstanding in International Studies, Language Arts, Foreign Language, and Social Studies; Most Outstanding Student Wellness Ambassador; PEO Star Scholarship Finalist 2012; Girls Inc., “Smart Girl” Scholarship Recipient; Optimist Club Essay Finalist 2010; Published in VOX Teen; Governors Honors Biology Finalist Plans to Attend Yale University (Admitted Early), New Haven, Connecticut Major/Career Goal Environmental Studies & Minor Arabic Studies/Environment Protection Agent Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Paige Yasmeen Curtis Salutatorian

North Atlanta High School

Reflections Overall, attending North Atlanta High School has been an amazing experience. The diversity and caliber of some of the students at this school is inspiring. North Atlanta is a unique school in its ability to recognize and reward those students that work hard, take initiative and go the extra mile in their work. Undoubtedly, the most important key to my academic success was proper time management. Having good relationships with my teachers has been pivotal as well. The teachers at North Atlanta are always ready and willing to spend extra time helping me with any work or answering any questions I may have. I took full advantage of these opportunities in order to achieve academic success. Awards/Recognition High Honor Roll; Georgia Certificate of Merit

Patrick Shea

Plans to Attend Undecided

STAR Student

Major/Career Goal Economics/Hedge Fund Manager

“No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.” —Unknown

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

South Atlanta High School of Computer Animation and Design

Reflections My successful matriculation as a student stems from the early years of my childhood. When I was a toddler, I was constantly informed that education was the key to my future endeavors. My motivation for being successful comes from spiritual and mental conviction. In order to stride into the realms of success, I know that I must be driven and motivated by the people that believe in me the most. My high school career has been an experience of a lifetime. I have learned to approach academic situations with perseverance and stern pertinacity. I will forever cherish the times that I have spent in and out of class at South Atlanta School of Computer Animation and Design. Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Harvard Book Award; Governor’s Honors Finalist; Most Likely to Succeed; Varsity Coach’s Award; The “Next Barack Obama” Award; Civic Engagement Award; Outstanding Academic Excellence Award; All-Around Academic “MVP” Award; Community Service Contributor of the Year

James Atkins, III Valedictorian

Plans to Attend Morehouse College or Georgia Technical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia Major/Career Goal Computer Science/Computer Engineering Software Design Technician

Reflections Three years and eight months ago, I entered high school as a freshman at South Atlanta. When I arrived, it was like juggling on an obstacle course. I realized then how challenging my high school career would be. So, I took every arduous task and challenging situation head-on and used them as learning opportunities. As a result, I have gained numerous skills including: communication, team work, and perseverance. It gives me great pleasure to be recognized as the Salutatorian of South Atlanta School of Computer Animation and Design. Awards/Recognition Honor Roll 9th grade-12th grade; Computer Animation and Design Visionary; Highest average in AP Art; Most Creative in C.A.D; Governor’s Honors Nomination Plans to Attend University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia


Major/Career Goal Nursing Atlanta Public Schools


Jasmine Velvet Jackson



Class of 2012

South Atlanta High School of Law and Social Justice

Reflections Upon entering high school, my mindset was to always do my best in everything I pursued. My success in high school has encouraged me to never settle for mediocrity. As my high school years unfolded and the classes became more challenging, I developed unrelenting perseverance, unbreakable confidence, and fervent determination. With the knowledge and skills I have acquired, I will pursue law and become a criminal attorney, while keeping in mind the ultimate goal of becoming a judge. I thank my family and to those who have contributed to my success. Awards/Recognition Four Best Attorney Awards at Georgia Mock Trial Competition; Highest Achiever in all Core Classes; Honor Roll; Principal’s Summit Honor List; Project GRAD Brumley Scholar; Harvard Book Award; Most Helpful Volunteer; LSJ Discipline Free Student Award; Perfect Attendance Plans to Attend University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Victoria L. Hurse Valedictorian

Major/Career Goal Political Science/Criminal Attorney

Reflections I consider it a tremendous blessing that I have made it this far in my educational endeavors. Reflecting on my tenure at South Atlanta School of Law and Social Justice, I could only imagine the successes that are now so near and dear to me. These successes were only attainable through my diligence and determination as well as the leadership I obtained from inspirational administrators, teachers, and peers. Awards/Recognition Highest Achiever in Mathematics; Literature; Social Studies and Science; Principal’s Summit Honor List; Justin Harlow Book Award; Discipline Free Award; Perfect Attendance K-12; Project GRAD Brumley Scholar; Fourth Year Mock Trial Certificate; Student State Bar Recognition Award from the UGA Law Academy

Dwinishia D. Brunson Salutatorian

Plans to Attend Spelman College, Atlanta Georgia Major/Career Goal English and International Relations/Criminal or International Lawyer Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

South Atlanta High School of Health and Medical Sciences

Reflections Entering high school as a straight “A” student, I was determined to graduate at the top of my class. The fascinating opportunities that I was afforded allowed me to become actively engaged in the school. The program that made my high school years most enjoyable was the Emory Pipeline Program. I had the opportunity to be introduced to numerous medical-research experiences. The support I received from my Emory mentors and my teachers at South Atlanta School of Health and Medical Sciences allowed me to remain focused. Because I have taken rigorous courses during high school, I am positive that I am prepared to take on the challenges that life brings. Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Most Outstanding Student in Biology; 1500+ Club Plans to Attend Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia

Veronica Rojas Valedictorian

Major/Career Goal Biology/Pediatrician

Reflections Reflecting on my high school experience, I have had many challenging and many rewarding moments. My freshman year was a learning experience, but my sophomore and junior years opened my eyes to new possibilities. Now that I am a senior, I find it to be the most stressful juncture of my high school experience because I am ending one chapter of my life and embarking on a new one. Although I am number two in my class, the fight to maintain this rank has been challenging. My drive for excellence is the reason for my academic success and achievements. I can truly say that my tenure at South Atlanta Health and Medical Sciences has been a memorable learning experience. Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Leadership Award Plans to Attend University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia


Major/Career Goal Undecided Atlanta Public Schools


Romanda S. Davis



Class of 2012

South Atlanta High School of Health and Medical Sciences

Reflections My high school experience as a student at South Atlanta School of Health and Medical Sciences has been invaluable and will continue to affect my future goals. As a ninth grader, I was determined to graduate at the top of my class so that I could finish the race the way I started. I joined many organizations so that I could enhance my leadership skills and broaden my horizons. Emory Pipeline and Health Occupations for students of America provided me with an off-campus experience, which inspired me to major in nursing, specializing in Nurse-Midwifery. I have a personal drive to be successful, and I truly believe the motivation to achieve academic success lies deep within each of us. Awards/Recognition Principal’s List; Honor Roll; Trendsetter Honoree; Certificate of Achievement in Math, World Geography and Biology Plans to Attend University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia

Jessica Naomi Braswell STAR Student

Major/Career Goal Nursing/Nurse and Midwife

“The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves responsible for that future.” —Gifford Pinchot

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

D.M. Therrell High School of Technology, Engineering, Math and Science

Reflections My various high school memories have been an overall great experience. From encountering new people, to acquiring more knowledge, to interacting with my peers; there was never a dull moment. High school had a positive influence on my life. It taught me the importance of striving to do my best and never giving up. My teachers encouraged me to give one hundred percent or more, and if I stumbled along the way, there was always someone pushing me forward. A focus of Therrell School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics was to have us ready for the real world. As of now, I feel that I am ready. Awards/Recognition Outstanding Math Student; Placed 2nd in the City of Atlanta Writing competition; Placed 2nd in Social Science Fair; Parliamentarian (TSA); Academic Decathlon Captain; Best Overall Student Award

Tre’Vyon C. Jenkins

Plans to Attend Undecided


Major/Career Goal Electrical Engineering Reflections I truly understand how much hard work, commitment and dedication it has taken for me to get to this point. As I grew and developed from a mere student into an academic scholar, the foundation was laid by those who guided me along the way. It was a foundation of hard work. “Finish The Drill,” was the rallying cry I heard day after day, and to never quit anything you start. My dedication to success made me hungry and determined to overcome all the challenges that I have faced. I have my mother to thank for my high standards, and I hope to pass them on to future generations of my family and of Therrell School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Awards/Recognition Dean’s List; Most Improved Basketball Player; Best Defensive Basketball Player; Coaches Award; JROTC Cadet Captain; Most Outstanding Student in Math; Highest Score on GHSGT in Science Plans to Attend United States Armed Forces

Aja M. Blakeney Salutatorian

Major/Career Goal Biology/Educator Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

D.M. Therrell High School of Health Sciences and Research

Reflections Thinking back on the past four years of high school, I’ve met some very interesting people and had many unforgettable experiences. Right from the start of my ninth grade year, I was given amazing teachers that made strong impressions on me and influenced my decision to choose nursing as my career. For four years, they not only pushed me to succeed in my academics, but also in every other area of my life. Of course I love my friends, but my teachers taught me how to manage my time wisely, become open to different cultures, and meet new people. In the future, I want to have some type of lifeline to keep in touch with those who influenced my life. Awards/Recognition 2011 Highest Mathematics GPA; 2010 Top Student in Mathematics Plans to Attend Georgia State University, Atlanta Georgia

Valery E. Gibson Valedictorian

Major/Career Goal Nursing/Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse

Reflections During my early years, I was classified as a nerd. I was always engaged in learning through reading and studying. I was always trying to perform well enough to become Valedictorian or Salutatorian, but that didn’t happen until I enrolled in D.M. Therrell Health Sciences and Research during the tenth grade. Being in a different environment motivated me to exceed beyond my peers. I was challenged to take AP Courses, and I took them and passed. Although I joined various organizations, I didn’t let my extra-curricular involvement deter me from my number one priority — my academics. Despite the challenges ahead, I am resilient and determined. I know that with such drive, I will achieve success in the future. Awards/Recognition Perfect Attendance; 2010 Most Outstanding Literature Student

LaKisha N. Cullens Salutatorian

Plans to Attend United States Navy Major/Career Goal Pre-Law/Attorney Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

D.M. Therrell High School of Law, Government and Public Policy

Reflections “Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson. Being a leader is about making effective decisions and living with the consequences whether they are good or bad. I have always been dedicated to setting my own trends so that others will be able to follow my legacy. With the support of my Father, and the Therrell School of Law staff, I have embraced my high school experience, and I am ready to pursue my dreams. Awards/Recognition Most Outstanding Student in Math 3, Computer Applications, World Geography; AP statistics; Honor Roll; 2nd place in GCSA (Georgia Career Student Association) for Career Portfolio in Region; 3rd place in Career portfolio in State; Governor’s Honors Career Education and Technology Finalist; State Champion in 400 Meter Relay and 1600 Meter Relay; 2nd place in Long Jump

Imari D. Blackwell

Plans to Attend University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia


Major/Career Goal Business Administration/Sports Agent

Reflections During my high school experience, I never thought that I would be holding the position of Salutatorian. When entering high school, I set personal goals to help me overcome the obstacles that I would face. I realized that nothing could be accomplished if I did not apply myself and put effort into everything I was doing. As a senior, I realize that being ranked in the top ten percent of my class is an honor. With my personal determination and the extra push from the Panther family at Therrell High School, everything is possible, and I am accomplishing all of the goals that I set for myself. Awards/Recognition Honor Roll: Most Outstanding in Chemistry; American Literature; Spanish and Math 2; Most Outstanding Communication Skills for Regional Award (GCSA); Most Improved in Advanced Band 3; Miss 9th Grade; Miss 10th Grade; and Miss Therrell-Law Plans to Attend Bethune-Cookman University, Daytona Beach, Florida Major/Career Goal Pre-Law/Attorney Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

Erica L. Kimbro Salutatorian

Booker T. Washington High School Senior Academy

Reflections I have learned that “…success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” The prolific words of Booker T. Washington High School inspired me to grow as a person and became my motivation to surpass expectations. My experience at Washington High School has taught me to grasp every opportunity made available to me. I embraced every lesson-learned and every piece of positive advice given. It is an esteemed honor to represent Booker T. Washington High School as valedictorian for 2012, and I am immensely grateful for the bright future that this historic institution has enabled me to secure. Awards/Recognition Most Outstanding Math Student; Most Outstanding World Geography Student; National Black Caucus Participant; Perfect Attendance; Principal’s Scholar; Super Honor Roll; Tuskegee Achievement Scholar; and Most Outstanding Community Service Certificate. Plans to Attend University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia

Brittany Taira Dorshon Brown Valedictorian

Major/Career Goal Business Management/Entrepreneur Reflections My experience at Booker T. Washington High School has been extraordinary. Throughout my tenure, I have challenged myself extensively. Essentially, I decided to align my goals and aspirations with some of the profound inscriptions located on the statues of Booker T. Washington found on our campus. His words are indicative of his personal mission to strive for a better life. My greatest motivation comes from his quote: “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” As I continue my academic journey, memories of Washington High will remain indelible in my mind. I will forever be grateful to those individuals who remained steadfast in helping me to achieve academic excellence. Awards/Recognition President’s Award for Educational Excellence; National Leadership Award; President’s Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence; Most Outstanding Student in AP Physics and American Literature; Principal’s Scholar; Certificate of Achievement for Super Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance

Brianna Jacole Hunter Salutatorian

Plans to Attend American Military University (U.S. Army), Charles Town, West Virginia Major/Career Goal Biology/Clinical Laboratory Scientist Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

S.T.A.R. Teachers The STAR teacher is selected by the declared high school STAR student for having made the most significant contribution to the STAR student’s scholastic development.

Front Row, Left–Right:

Not Pictured:

Eular Robinson, Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School Guadalupe Pacheco, STAR Student

Mary Willoughby Henry W. Grady High School Benjamin Dean, STAR Student

Mitchell Buder, George Washington Carver High School of the Arts Ashley N. Thomas, STAR Student Caroline Conner, George Washington Carver Early College High School Adriana Sanchez, STAR Student

Yvonne McVann North Atlanta High School Patrick Shea, STAR Student

Back Row, Left–Right:

Debra Pearson, Frederick Douglass High School Zasmine Zhane Lewis, STAR Student Michael Lamont, George Washington Carver High School of Health Sciences and Research Kortlandt A. Taylor, STAR Student Stephanie Jones, Benjamin E. Mays High School Amram Gainer, STAR Student Phillip Braziel, II, South Atlanta High School of Health and Medical Sciences Jessica Braswell, STAR Student

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

2012 Visions of the Future Schedule Saturday, May 12, 2012 North Atlanta High School Gymnasium, 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 16, 2012 South Atlanta Educational Complex Gymnasium, 6:00 p.m. Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012 George Washington Carver Early College High School Leete Hall, 9:00 a.m.

Saturday, May 19, 2012 George Washington Carver High School of the Arts Gymnasium, 9:00 a.m. George Washington Carver High School of Health Sciences and Research Gymnasium, 1:00 p.m. Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School Auditorium, 11:00 a.m. Frederick Douglass High School Gymnasium, 1:00 p.m.

Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School Gymnasium, 6:30 p.m.

Henry W. Grady High School Gymnasium, 10:00 a.m.

George Washington Carver High School of Technology Leete Hall, 1:00 p.m. Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School Gymnasium, 6:30 p.m. D.M. Therrell Educational Complex Auditorium, 10:00 a.m. Booker T. Washington High School Gymnasium, 9:00 a.m.

Benjamin E. Mays High School Gymnasium, 9:00 a.m.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

2012 High School Graduation Schedule Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School, 4:00 p.m. North Atlanta High School, 8:00 p.m.

Frederick Douglass High School, 11:00 a.m. Henry W. Grady High School, 3:00 p.m. Benjamin E. Mays High School, 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

South Atlanta Educational Complex, 2:30 p.m. Booker T. Washington High School, 6:30 p.m.

New Schools at Carver, 11:00 a.m. Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School, 3:00 p.m. D.M. Therrell Educational Complex, 7:00 p.m.

Atlanta Public Schools




Class of 2012

High School Principals B.E.S.T. Academy High School Boris Hurst George Washington Carver High School of the Arts Dr. Marvin Pryor George Washington Carver Early College High School Marcene Thornton

Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy High School Termerion McCrary

D.M. Therrell High School of Health Sciences and Research Frank Walker

North Atlanta High School Mark MyGrant

George Washington Carver High School of Technology Rodney Ray

Frederick Douglass High School Dr. Thomas Glanton

D.M. Therrell High School of Law, Government and Public Policy Byron Barnes

Benjamin E. Mays High School Dr. Tyronne Smith

George Washington Carver High School of Health Sciences and Research Dr. Darian Jones

Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School Saundra Windom

Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. High School Dr. Shirlene Carter

South Atlanta High School of Computer Animation and Design Jarod Scott South Atlanta High School of Health and Medical Sciences Dr. Patricia Ford South Atlanta High School of Law and Social Justice Peter McKnight



Booker T. Washington High School of Banking, Finance and Investment Dr. Charcia Nichols Booker T. Washington High School Early College Dr. Vanessa Nason Booker T. Washington High School of Health Sciences and Nutrition Dr. Samuel Scavella Booker T. Washington High School Senior Academy Tiauna Crooms

Henry W. Grady High School Dr. Vincent Murray

Atlanta Public Schools

D.M. Therrell High School of Technology, Engineering, Math and Science Esmie Gaynor


Class of 2012

Special Thanks The Atlanta Public Schools would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to Georgia Power – A Southern Company. We appreciate your notable support and annual sponsorship of the Valedictorians, Salutatorians, and STAR Students Award Ceremony. This event is one that many students, parents, and community members look forward to attending each year. This year, you made “Making an Impact … Our Future in Focus,” a pivotal theme for our honorees, their families, and school communities to remember. Thank You

Atlanta Board of Education Brenda J. Muhammad District 1

Nancy M. Meister District 4

Courtney D. English At-Large Seat 7

Byron D. Amos, Vice Chair District 2

LaChandra Butler Burks District 5

Reuben R. McDaniel, III, Chair At-Large Seat 8

Cecily Harsch-Kinnane District 3

Yolanda K. Johnson District 6

Emmett D. Johnson At-Large Seat 9

Dr. Howard W. Grant Board Executive Administrator

Administrative Team Erroll B. Davis, Jr., Superintendent Steven W. Smith Associate Superintendent Larry Hoskins Deputy Superintendent/ COO/CHRO

Abigail Crawford Interim Associate Superintendent Office of High Schools Donell Underdue Interim Executive Director School Reform Team 1

Karen L. Waldon Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Chuck Burbridge Chief Financial Officer

Dr. Alexis Kirijan Chief Strategy Officer Sharron M. Pitts Interim General Counsel David Williamson Chief Information Officer

Dr. Danielle Battle Interim Executive Director School Reform Team 2

Dr. Deborah Fite Interim Executive Director Learning Excellence

Dr. Elizabeth Bockman Interim Executive Director School Reform Team 3

Dr. Raymond Hart Executive Director Research, Planning and Accountability

David White Interim Executive Director School Reform Team 4

241 Ralph McGill Blvd., NE Atlanta, GA 30310

Office of High Schools 256 Clifton Street, SE Atlanta, Georgia 30317 404.802.5875

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