Futurism essay

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Futurism Futurism originally started as an Italian art movement in the first decade of the 20 th century, forward-thinking of technology was taking place, constantly developing and becoming popular within society. Therefore art itself changed moving with the time; urban modernity. Many look at futuristic art and believe the best way to describe the movement as “art that is innovatory, introducing or exploring new forms or subject matter” this is known as avant-garde. Older forms of art were becoming less popular the originality realism wasn’t exciting anymore, people wanted something new and exciting, just as we always have done such as getting a new phone or item of clothing. Futurism developed its own style including architecture “committed to the new, its members wished to destroy older forms of culture and to demonstrate the beauty of modern life the beauty of the machine, speed, violence and change.” This means the artists that developed their work within this movement and ones who supported it were adherence to the work. Traditional media such as paintings and sculpture; range of styles inspired by “post-impressionism. I am going to be writing about Luigi Russolo, a successful artist who was inspired in the 20 th century to take up the concept of futurism within a painting etc. Luigi Russolo was born in 1885 with a creative mind, not only did he paint, Russolo was a composer and builder of musical instruments. Many believe he shaped people’s views towards futurism “Russolo was a crucial figure in the evolution of the twentieth- century aesthetics” (google, artype) he was able make people see that futurism wasn’t strange and different but unique and exciting instead. Even though Luigi was born in Portogruaro (Veneto) he didn’t join the rest of his family until 1907 (in Milan) it was in 1907 that he started painting, I believe he did this because he was surrounded in a positive environment and was able to express his passion with those around him who offered support. Russolo’s art work started to develop; producing etchings that he was happy to share at the Famiglia Artistica in Milan in 1907. Originally his art work was mainly centred around Divisionism “divisionism was a characteristic style in Neo-impressionist painting defined by the separation of colours into individual dots or patches which interacted optically”. (Google, Encyclopaedia Britannica) Previati and Boccioni were the artists that inspired him for this art movement, but he had a chance meeting with an artist named Marinetti who encouraged Futurism and caught the attention of Russolo; a keen, inspiring artist. From this encounter “Russolo signed both Manifesto of Futurist painters and the technical Manifesto of Futurist painting. Afterwards, he participated in all Futurist soirees and exhibitions. Inspired by examples of Anton Giulio Bragaglia’s photo-dynamism and Etienne- Jules Mary’s Chronophotography. Most of his work is influenced by cubism and a lot of his canvases are seen as mature and of a high standard. I believe this is because he listened to a lot of music “In Rome, in Costanzi Theatre, packed to capacity, while I was listening to the orchestral performance of your over whelming Futuristic music, with my futurist friends, Marinetti, Boccioni, Carra, Bella, Soffici, Papini, and Cavacchioli, a new art that came into my mind which you can only create, the art of noises, the logical consequence of your marvellous innovations”. (Google, the art of noises) In essence, Futurism is a unique, highly influential style of art; it enables us to express ourselves in a non-formal way it doesn’t have to involve realism to show feelings but can be displayed through

shapes, patterns etc. Many confuse futurism as cubism due to the fact it can be simple out lines but you can use it how you want weather its detailed or not but it is real life displayed though a new perspective for example the we cannot see the wind but it’s demonstrated through swirls or on the other hand everyone knows the grass to be green but in futurism you have the freedom to do what you want and make it purple. I believe Futurism is an escape people get bored of the same thing and without futurism nobody would have any enthusiasm to create new ideas or be experimental In life and not just on a c anvas.

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