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In 2020, the SPCA had to move quickly to reimagine our two largest fundraisers as virtual events. We are so grateful to everyone who gave through these events to support our animals in need.
Less than a month before the planned K-9 2.5K on the historic Downtown Mall of Charlottesville, we pivoted to a virtual bowWOW-walk. People were encouraged to walk their dogs, submit videos for pet
competitions and, of course, raise funds for the shelter. Wonderful animal-friendly sponsors made the event possible.
The Seventh Annual (Virtual) bow-WOWwalk generated over $46,000 to benefit the animals at the SPCA!
The 2020 Critter Ball was a streamed event featuring a live auction and raised over $144,000 in net proceeds to benefit the animals at the shelter! People were able to bid on incredible live auction packages and donate toward key initiatives, including our Rescue Fund and Spay/Neuter Appeals. The evening featured interviews with adopters, as well puppies and kittens in the studio helping with the auction!
Fernanda, a sweet senior cat, has a long history with the SPCA. In 2018, she was brought in after being abandoned when her owners moved. She was adopted from us but unfortunately was returned a year later due to no fault of her own. She lived here until Valentine’s Day 2020, when Jinchao walked in looking for a foster cat and a beautiful love story began. While Fernanda was here, she was being treated for a variety of senior ailments, but she has been thriving in her foster home!
Though she was shy at first, it didn’t take long for Fernanda to warm up to her new caretaker. Now, Jinchao reports that Fernanda communicates her needs simply by gazing into Jinchao’s eyes. It often takes senior cats longer to find their adoptive homes, but Jinchao is committed to keeping Fernanda for as long as she can. “My friends would say that Fernanda is so lucky to have me to give her good foster care, ” Jinchao says.