Real Estate Brochure

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After Closing My pledge to you is that I will be your r ealtor f or lif e. I w ill keep you inf or med about activities in your neighbor hood w ith a Pr udential pr ogr am called C ustomer For Lif e. I w ill be your r esour ce f or all things r eal es tate. A ll you have to do is call me or email me w ith questions and I w ill r espond w ith all the r es our ces I have at my dispos al. I value your loyalty and I w ill continue to ear n it year af ter year . In r etur n I hope you w ill r ef er me to your f amily, f r iends and ass ociates . Ther e is no higher compliment that this . I guar antee pr of ess ionalis m, honesty and integr ity in all my bus ines s dealings

Your Triad Re altor

Charlotte Williams

Charlotte Williams Prudential Carolinas Realty

Your Guide to Selling & Buying Homes “I firmly believe the surest way to create happiness for yourself is to discover ways to bring happiness to others. A home can bring great happiness and I welcome an opportunity to assist you with your real estate goals. Contact me now to begin the journey.�

Charlotte Williams Prudential Carolinas Realty 500 Pine View Dr. Suite 201 Kernersville, NC 27284 Phone: 336-403-4630 Fax: 336-714-6591 E-mail:

Call 336-403-4630 or email me:

Seller Representative My goal is to secure a buyer that is ready willing and able to purchase your house in the shortest length of time and with the least inconvenience to you. To do this, I must aggressively market your home by any means possible. Today, 87% of home buyers search for their homes on the internet first! With statistics like those, you can’t afford to have your agent of choice NOT aggressively market your home on the Internet. I will initiate a strong Internet Marketing Campaign advertising on over 35 home search websites! With the use of Prudential’s Exclusive Online Seller’s Advantage Technology, you will receive daily or weekly reports detailing online buyer activity for your home and neighborhood. You will receive your own exclusive home page on the internet with numerous pictures and a Cinema Virtual Tour featuring as many as 50 large, high resolution photos, scrolling panoramas, background music and voice narration.

My company’s Relocation Department attracts Buyers from all over the world. This tool helps us find buyers for your home that others can’t. Prudential has State of the Art call capture technology to track and respond to ALL inquires on your home. I will advise you on showing and staging techniques and take wide angle photographs so your home will sparkle all over the internet and in quality color brochures. This is just a sample of what I do to get your house sold all the while paying specific attention to communicating with you what is going on. Please call me for a free consultation.

Buyer Representative When working with a buyer, my goal is to make the process as smooth and enjoyable as possible. I will help you locate, negotiate and navigate the complex process to closing and beyond. A Personal Home Search Website will be set up for you so together we will have access to all available properties. By developing concise criteria I can save you a lot of time by viewing only qualified properties. I will guide you in securing pre approval from local lenders

taking advantage of any and all available loan programs. A competitive market analysis on the home you have selected will help us together determine a price you should offer. My job is to help you make an informed decision so you can get the Best Home for the Best Price and Terms. Then I will guide you through the closing process, assisting in arranging any inspections you might require and work very closely with all parties involved to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. We will do a final walk through to make sure everything is as you remember and I will accompany you to the closing attorney’s office. The closing usually last about 45 minutes and I will be there to make sure your questions or concerns are addressed to your satisfaction and of course to celebrate with you a major accomplishment for a family—A new Home! Let’s get started!

Charlotte Williams Prudential Carolinas Realty

500 Pine View Dr. Suite 201 Kernersville, NC 27284 Phone: 336-403-4630 Fax: 336-714-6591 E-mail:

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