% 8 / / 6 ) (0 $/(6 14 3UHGRPLQDQWO\ 3ROOHG
Lot 5 PTC P K 085 (P)
/RW [ %DUDQD Lot 1 PTC P L 026 (P)
/RW [ %DUDQD Lot 9 PTC P L 005 (P)
Lot 8 PTC P K 093 (P)
Barana Juryman PTC P J 057 (P) Barana’s top priced bull at our 2015 sale sold for $17,500 to Noel and Jill Mobbs, Gowrie Pastoral, Charleville, QLD. Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Dam: Barana Evatt PTC P E 165 (P) You always put his seatbelt on. You don’t always check your tyre tread. You should.
SELLING AGENTS ELDERS Orange: Dubbo: Tamworth:
Andy McGeoch Josh Crosby Brian Kennedy
0418 737 470 0428 634 658 0427 844 047
DAVIDSON & CAMERON & CO. Dave Henry: 0427 421 829 Luke Scicluna: 0428 421 828 Richard Cudmore: 0428 658 497 BARANA SIMMENTALS Peter Cook: 02 6377 5233 or 0427 775 233 e: barana@bigpond.com www.baranasimmentals.com Phone Bidding Please contact the selling agents to arrange phone bidding.
“ Your L ocal Aut o
motive, Ty
re & Air-Cond itioning Specialist”
Leigh’s Auto Centre and Tyre Service 75 Binnia St Coolah NSW 2843
Ph 02 6377 1897 • Mob 0427 771 369 PCR Graphic Design Coolah Pip Packham 0429 963 058
BUYERS PLEASE NOTE: All care has been taken in the preparation of this catalogue. However the vendors and their agents do not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions. Prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of the particulars.
Welcome to Barana Simmental’s 16thAnnual On-Farm Bull Sale The Barana sale is the premier Simmental sale in eastern Australia. We have sold bulls na onwide and secured a solid client base. Stud principal, Peter Cook has worked hard over the past 36 years breeding and showing Simmentals reinforcing Barana’s reputa on with both commercial and stud ca le producers. We are a ‘hands on’ family business. As we live and work on our farm we understand the hardships and challenges our clients face because we are also exposed to those challenges. At our 16th on-property sale we will be offering 39 bulls, predominantly polled and 14 specially selected registered heifers – 8 joined and 6 unjoined. The females on offer exhibit the superior maternal traits for which tradi onal Simmentals are renowned. Throughout the dry mes our bulls have been fed on what hay we could source with a light ra on of grain incorporated in the hay mix. Following the rain in February the bulls have been running on a pasture mix of lucerne and phalaris with a light supplementary ra on of barley straw, lucerne hay, light grain mix and protein lick blocks. Bulls will present in good, strong condi on on sale day. Of this year’s Barana sale dra , the majority are so , early maturing, middle of the road type bulls. I believe this style of bull will introduce ca le into your herd that will eat less, have the ability to finish with a higher yield and put more dollars in your pocket. It is rewarding to see Barana pedigrees in many successful stud breeding programmes and Barana gene cs breeding on for our clients. The benefits of Barana breeding are evident. As in past sales, objec ve data will be available for each bull and all inspec ons and guarantees you have come to expect from Barana will be provided. All bulls must pass stringent tests for breeding and soundness with the appropriate Veterinary Soundness Cer ficate provided. These bulls will also be semen tested, Breedplan recorded and scanned for EMA, FAT and IMF. Barana is classified in a Protected Zone, Free of Johnes. We do not carry out any foot trimming on any of the ca le presented. Each Zoe s STAR cer fied bull in this catalogue has been tested to show that they are not a BVDV Persistently Infected (PI) animal. All sale bulls have been vaccinated against BVDV with Pes gard®, against Leptospirosis with Ultravac® 7in1 and Vibriosis with Vibrovax®. All sale bulls have been given 2 vaccina ons of each product to ensure they have full immunity which is valid for 12 months. This is your assurance that we have taken all available steps to protect our animals against introducing disease into your herd and to ensure their con nued performance. We recommend that you con nue with annual vaccina on to help protect the health of your herd and maximise the produc vity of business. All sale bulls have been vaccinated for 3 day sickness. Free cartage will be offered to bull buyers within a 300 km radius of Barana and for interstate bull buyers, free cartage along the major route from Coolah to Goondiwindi and from Coolah to Wodonga. Please note that free cartage does not apply to the female lots. The catalogue is available for preview with photos on our website www.baranasimmentals.com. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twi er and Instagram. Barana Simmentals offer quality, guarantees, reputa on, performance and results. We look forward to seeing you on sale day.
Please bring this catalogue to the sale
within 300km of Barana along major routes from Coolah to Goondiwindi and from Coolah to Wodonga To assist us with the delivery of your cattle, please draw a small map of your region indicating nearest roads and cross streets located near your property or delivery point. Please indicate the approximate position of your property or delivery point on the map together with distances from the nearest towns or prominent landmark.
Barana Simmentals Page 1.
Stud History Barana Simmentals was founded in 1980 on tradi onal European and New Zealand bloodlines. Barana began showing at major Royal Shows in 1986, securing many Champion awards and earning a reputa on for breeding good, sound, func onal ca le. The stud ceased showing in 2001 a er 15 years exhibi ng and achieving success at all major shows. Stud Principal, Peter Cook, has worked hard over 36 years breeding Simmentals to secure Barana’s reputa on with both commercial and stud ca le producers around Australia. Barana is one of the largest Simmental breeders in the eastern states with the stud herd including 200 registered breeders. Great importance is placed on breeding for ease of calving, milk produc on and fer lity and females must be able to rear a calf under natural condi ons. Barana has endeavoured to breed bulls that produce steers that are quick growing with good carcase characteris cs and the ability to finish. We have enjoyed success in the Australian Na onal Field Days Grass-fed Steer and the RAS NSW Feedlot JapOx Compe ons. Peter purchased Karewa Jester, a polled son of German sire Eizenherz from New Zealand in 2000. This bull bred well in Barana’s polling programme. German gene cs have been u lised with Zimbo and Gowrie Yankee [P] also produced excellent progeny. In 2007 we purchased Bullock Hills Buster [P] and Corinda Downs Buckshot [AI] [ET] [P]. Bullock Hills Buster is by a South African bred bull Shawacres Nacobi [ET] and Corinda Downs Buckshot is by another South African bred bull Shawacres Jahari 50L. At Beef 09 in Rockhampton, eight of the broad ribbon winners were sired by Barana bulls and the top priced bull at the 2010 Woonallee Simmental sale was sired by Barana Yeardleigh. At the Queensland Royal in 2011, Barana secured Senior and Grand Champion Bull and Reserve Champion Female. At the Upper Hunter Beef Bonanza in November 2011 Barana took out the Champion Purebred Carcase with a total point score of 90.867. Our success con nued at the Dubbo Beef Spectacular in March 2012 where we won Senior and Grand Champion Female, Res. Senior Champion Female, Junior Champion Female, Senior Champion Bull and Most Successful Exhibitor of all Breeds. Barana gene cs are ongoing proven performers for our clients both in the show ring and in carcase compe ons. In 2014 Tullatoola Eastlake [Sired by Barana Eastlake] was judged first in the Under 12 months class and went on to take out Junior Champion and Grand Champion Bull and Supreme Exhibit at Sydney Royal. In 2015, at the Woonallee Simmental sale the top priced bull’s dam was sired by Barana Eldorado [P]. Valley Creek Joker has been very successful in the show ring and was top priced bull at the Wormbete Simmental sale in March, his dam was a Barana female purchased at one of our sales. Callendale Jasper [P] and Woonallee Jumbo [P] were purchased in 2015. Barana bulls get results with clients repor ng Simmental Cross Vealers straight off their mothers consistently dressing out at 58% and outdoing other breeds in weight for age. Barana clients have succeeded in gaining a rare Championship/Reserve double in the heavyweight division steer carcase judging at Brisbane Royal with a Simmental Cross Steer sire by a Barana bull. Our clients have topped the annual Bindaree Beef Weaner Sale with a pen of Simmental Cross Steers and won best pen of Euro or Euro Cross Steers in the compe on sec on. Barana clients have topped the Casino Weaner and Grower Sale with 10-11 month old Simmental Cross Weaner Steers consecu vely and secured top pen of Euro bred steers at the sale. Our bull buyers report that the introduc on of Simmental bulls in their herd has significantly li ed weights in the weaner steers they turn off. It is rewarding to see Barana pedigrees in many successful stud breeding programmes and Barana gene cs breeding on for our clients. The benefits of Barana breeding are evident. Once again Barana Emo on [P] and Waterfront Fabian [P] have some outstanding progeny in our 2016 sale. The Barana Sale is the premier sale in NSW and at our 16th Annual On-Farm Sale we hope to con nue with the pleasing results achieved in the past. Page 2 Barana Simmentals
SALE INFORMATION Location Barana is located 14 km north of Coolah on the Black Stump Way [Gunnedah Road]. Refer to map on inside back cover. GPS Coordinates Latitude -31.713504 Longitude 149.723482 Air Services The nearest airports to Barana are located at Dubbo and Tamworth. Inspection Bulls can be inspected from 9am on the day of the sale. Inspections prior to the sale can be arranged through Peter Cook 02 6377 5233 or the selling agents. Rebate Selling agents are Elders and Davidson Cameron & Co with 4% rebate to outside agents introducing their clients in writing at least 24 hours prior to the sale and settling within 7 days. The agent must attend the sale with the client or on the client’s behalf. The rebate will not be paid outside these conditions. Phone Bidding Please contact the selling agents to arrange phone bidding. Health and Veterinary Refer below Carcase Information Scan measurements and daily weight gain figures will be available on sale day. Insurance There is no vendor insurance on sale bulls. It is the responsibility of the buyers to insure their purchases. Luncheon A complimentary lunch and refreshments will be provided. Accommodation Motel, hotel and caravan/cabin accommodation is available in Coolah. Transport NEW SOUTH WALES BULL BUYERS will be offered free cartage within a 300 km radius of Barana. INTERSTATE BULL BUYERS will be offered free cartage along the major route from Coolah to Goondiwindi and from Coolah to Wodonga. Safety Disclaimer The owners and representatives of Barana accept no liability for any accidents that may occur at Barana. Any person attending the Barana Simmental Sale does so at their own risk.
Veterinary Notes General Health All cattle are TB and Brucellosis free and have been vaccinated for Vibrio. Barana is classified in a Protected Zone, Free of Johnes. The Barana Sale Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation The sale bulls have been subjected to a number of assessments to ensure that they will be physically and reproductively sound. Structural Soundness Examination All animals have been closely examined paying particular attention to the following; feet, legs, back, jaws, teeth and walking ability. They have been deemed to be within normal limits for these parameters. Semen Examination Just prior to the sale all bulls have been electro-ejaculated. At this time, the testes have been palpated and measured. The external genitalia is thoroughly examined and a gross and microscopic assessment of the semen is made. This suite of tests is very comprehensive. We have carried out these assessments to ensure that the bull performs to you, the purchasers’, satisfaction. Signed Ralph P Kuhn B. Vsc. Barana Simmentals Page 3
Barana Reference Sires
Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P)
Waterfront Fabian-F72 (P)
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Sire: Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P)
Wai-iti High Tide Ah70 IWI P T 070 (P) Sire: Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 Waterfront Yuwindi HRH PY 096
Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Dam: Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) Dam: Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242
Our Joining Sire
Woonallee Jumbo WEE P J 065 [P] [AI]
This catalogue with photographs is available on our website www.baranasimmentals.com and also via a link to the Simmental Australia website www.simmental.com.au Thank you to Zoetis for donating Ultravac 250ml 7 in 1 (100 doses) to be awarded to the top priced buyer of the sale
Champs Romano PEDBX364 Sire : Champs Bravo IMCPD060 [P] Virginia Poll Barbi Sue PEDBX369 Woonallee BHR Tornado WEEPC120 [P] [ET] [AI] Dam : Woonallee Kathie G73 WEEPG073 [P] Woonallee Kathie B111 WEEPB111 [ET] [AI]
DOZER HIRE Cat D6R XL Stickrake, Pipe layer, Pipe Spinner, Tree spear Experienced Owner-Operator References Available Call DAN FERGUSON 0427 858 646 Page 4 Barana Simmentals
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 16.03.15 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 36cm
Barana Latimer (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 026 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 15 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Goldpark Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3R 298 Dam: Barana Daisy D079 PTC P D 079 Clay Gully Napoleon BRD P N 131 (AI) Barana Riley PTC P R 069 Barana Madison PTC P M 084 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 0.4
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
+ 29
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Stud sire potential. A young sire with excellent length, deep bodied softness and smooth muscle pattern. Worthy of the number one position in our sale.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 04.06.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 42cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Karl (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 009 Eye Pigment : 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 25 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (AI) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Barana Marcus PTC P M 036 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P V 038 Langton-Gate LGP P R 406 (P) Dam: Barana Zelinda PTC P Z 099 (P) Clay Gully Napoleon BRD P N 131 (AI) Barana Sheba PTC P S 076 (P) Barana Hubbard +88 PTC 3H239+88 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 6.6
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Deep bodied, well-muscled bull with tremendous round hindquarter.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 5.
Preparation of your bulls prior to this season’s joining is a vital contributor to reproductive success.
Vibriosis is a common sexually transmitted disease spread by bulls nationwide during joining.
Pregnancy rates can be devastated by vibriosis 1
In newly infected herds, conception rates can drop as low as 40% .
5mL Safeshot Injector (recommended for safety and to reduce the incidence of lumps)
Vaccinate your bulls to prevent vibriosis Bull vaccination is key to the prevention of vibriosis. Vaccination of bulls prior to mating is the cheapest and most cost effective way of controlling vibriosis1, providing bull control is effective. Vaccination can also be easily incorporated into an existing reproductive disease prevention program†. When bull control is problematic, heifer vaccination may also be required.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, SPEAK TO YOUR LOCAL ZOETIS REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL 1800 963 847 Reference: 1. Hum S. NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) February 2007. Primefact, 451. † Leptospirosis using Ultravac® 7in1 and pestivirus using Pestigard®. See product leaflet for details of administration and product claims. Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 94 156 476 425. Level 6, 5 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes NSW 2138. © 2016 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. 04/16 ZL0485.
HAYNES FARM & HARDWARE • Rural Merchandise • Agronomy Service • Water Systems • Bulk Fertiliser • Hardware • Electrical & Whitegoods • Ready Mix Concrete • Castrol Oils • Stihl Dealership
Tel: 02 6377 1005 www.facebook.com/HaynesFarmHware
51-53 Binnia Street, Coolah - Fax: 02 6377 1362 - admin@haynesfarm.com.au Page 6. Barana Simmentals
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 26.06.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 38cm
Barana Kurrajong (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 035 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 24 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Barana Echuca PTC P E 024 (P) Barana Zelda 2 PTC P Z 070 Dam: Barana Gladice PTC P G 108 (P) Karewa Jester AJ6 IKA P U 006 (P) Barana Wimbledon PTC P W 023 (P) (AI) Barana Laverne PTC P L 033 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 5.6
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Excellent length and smooth muscle development. Heifer’s first calf.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 30.06.14 Colour: Light Red Scrotal: 40cm
Barana Knight Raider (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 037 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 24 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 2.3
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Gossip Girl PTC P G 221 (P) Boorang Quart Pot KHW P Q 502 (ET) (AI) Coolah Val GJW P V 015 Coolah Robyn GJW P R 005
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Well put together bull displaying a medium frame and soft muscle pattern.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 7.
DOB: 21.11.14 Colour: Light Red Scrotal: 41cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Kearney (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 085 Eye Pigment:
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Anderland Matias-Poena PED B X 1995 Bar 5 P SA Expert 826M IMC P X 826 (P) Toverberg Erika PED B X 1998 Dam: Rosemont Park Coryna RMI P C 026 (P) (AI) Rosemont Park Vulcan RMI P V 010 Rosemont Park Yorna RMI P Y 033 Hamelin N039 VIO P N 039 (TW) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Bull with excellent length and muscle development. Soft, fine skin.
Purchaser……….........................………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 23.12.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 39cm
Barana Kitbag (H)
Tattoo: PTC P K 105 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 18 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Fernanda PTC P F 016 (P) Vintage Maverick WSR P V 137 (P) Barana Yelena PTC P Y 022 (P) Barana Roberta PTC P R 015 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.1
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 8 Barana Simmentals.
Bull displaying smooth muscle pattern. Well put together.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 20.06.14 Colour: Light Red Scrotal: 40cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Commercial (H)
Tattoo: PTC P K 028 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 24 mths
Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Dam: Purebred Simmental Cow PTC P G 058
No EVBs Available
Excellent length and muscle development. Good carcase characteristics.
Please bring this catalogue to the sale Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 28.11.14 Colour : Red Scrotal: 40cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Kakadu (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 093 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Bar 5 SA Piona 04 817N IMC P Y 817 Bandeeka Poll Cossack LGK P C 734 (P) (ET) (AI) Bandeeka X Remember LGK P X 034 (P) Dam: Barana Freesia PTC P F 089 (P) Barana Yardley PTC P Y 061 (P) Barana Bernice PTC P B 010 (P) Barana Vermouth PTC P V 025 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
- 1.1
Breed average for 2014 born calves +0.3
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Bull displaying that good sirey head and excellent length. Free moving bull.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 9
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 02.02.15 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 37cm
Barana Lockhart (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 005 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 17 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 L G P P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Barana Echuca PTC P E 024 (P) Barana Zelda 2 PTC P Z 070 Dam: Barana Hilly PTC P H 082 (P) Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) Barana Dugong PTC P D 086 (P) Barana Brook PTC P B 055 (P) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 6.2
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Younger bull showing lots of promise. Displays soft muscle pattern.
Breed Av.
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Commercial (P)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 30.07.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 38cm
Tattoo: PTC P K 052 Eye Pigment: 100/0
Grade: Pure Age: 23 mths
Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Dam: Purebred Simmental Cow PTC P G 147
Compact, early maturing bull.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Page 10 Barana Simmentals
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 28.11.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 39.5cm
Barana Knightrider (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 095 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barna Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Fran PTC P F 031 (P) Karewa Jester AJ6 IKA P U 006 (P) Barana Xtra Fresh PTC P X 072 (P) (AI) Barana Vicky PTC P V 064 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.1
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Medium framed bull with a smooth muscle pattern and soft, fine coat
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Dallman’s Mechanical & Tyre Centre
Barana Simmentals Page 11
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 08.11.14 Colour: Tan Scrotal: 41cm
Barana Keyboard (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 092 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Eldora PTC P E 142 Sanderae Suelerman BRT P S 020 (P) (AI) Barana Whitney PTC P W 040 (P) Barana Trudy PTC P T 083 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 0.2
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Well put together bull on a medium frame with a soft, smooth muscle pattern.
Breed Av.
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Commercial (small scurs)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 11.06.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 37.5cm
Tattoo: PTC P K 014 Eye Pigment: 50/25
Grade: Pure Age: 24 mths
Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Dam: Purebred Simmental Cow PTC P G 042
Bull displaying excellent length of body. Stands on a medium frame. Well hooded.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
CalMag PhosCal
A premium source of calcium and magnesium A premium source of calcium and phosphorous
Contact Bob Fazzari on 02 6342 2539 bob@soilutions.com.au 0428 229 290 Page 12 Barana Simmentals
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 25.06.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 38cm
Barana Commercial (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 031 Eye Pigment: 75/0
Grade: Pure Age: 24 mths
Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Dam: Purebred Simmental Cow PTC P C 095
No EVBs Available
Tremendous deep barrelled bull.
Please bring this catalogue to the sale Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 11.07.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 40cm
Barana Kickstart (SC)
Tattoo: PTC P K 041 Eye Pigment: 50/100
Grade: Pure Age: 23 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Barana Yeardleigh PTC P Y 067 (P) Barana Baxter PTC P B 080 (P) West Coast U-B-Ann TTC P U 019 (P) Dam: Barana E129 PTC P E 129 (P) (AI) Barana Roy Rogers PTC P R 001 (P) Barana Tina PTC P T 007 Barana Quorom PTC P Q 071 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 4.3
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Bull with excellent length and good, deep lower thigh.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av. +$33
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 13
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 10.08.14 Colour: Light Red Scrotal: 38cm
Barana Commercial (P)
Tattoo: Orange 99 Eye Pigment:
Grade: Pure Age: 22 mths
Sire: Purebred Simmental Bull Dam: Purebred Simmental Cow
No EVBs Available
Early maturing muscle pattern. Suit vealer production.
Please bring this catalogue to the sale Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 03.11.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 40cm
Barana Kennedy (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 072 Eye Pigment:100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 20 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Vintage Maverick WSR P V 137 (P) Barana Yardley PTC P Y 061 (P) Barana Sheba PTC P S 076 (P) Dam: Barana Amethyst PTC P A 162 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Ximena PTC P X 060 Barana Naomi PTC P N 009
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Well put together bull. Medium framed and free moving.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av. +$33
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 14 Barana Simmentals
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 06.11.14 Colour: Light Tan Scrotal: 37cm
Barana Kendrick (H)
Tattoo : PTC P K 073 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Gold Park Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3 R 298 Dam: Barana Brenna PTC P B 115 West Coast Tonto TTC P T 051 Yarloop Xylophone WBC P X 008 West Coast Tambarine TTC P T 020 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 5.0
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Deep barrelled bull showing good carcase characteristics.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av. +$33
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Commercial (P)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 10.07.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 44cm
Tattoo: PTC P K 039 Eye Pigment: 0/0
Grade: Pure Age: 23 mths
Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Dam: Purebred Simmental Cow
Compact early maturing bull with soft, fine skin
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
BLACK STUMP BUTCHERY Guaranteed Top Quality Meat
Specialising in: Private Kills — Beef, Lamb and Pork Cut, Packaged and Labelled — To suit your special needs Contact Jarrod - Tel/Fax: 02 6377 1102 - AH: 02 6377 1763 47 Binnia Street, Coolah NSW 2843
Servicing Coolah, Dunedoo, Mudgee, Dubbo, Gunnedah and Sydney Barana Simmentals Page 15
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 17.06.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 41cm
Barana Kenworth (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 022 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 24 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Dam: Barana Galaxy G64 PTC P G 064 (P) Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) Barana Doreen PTC P D 042 (P) West Coast Vanity TTC P V 006 (P) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 4.2
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Good strong topline. Deep barrelled bull with excellent length.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Kenneth K055 (P)
DOB: 10.08.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 41cm
Tattoo: PTC P K 055 Eye Pigment: 0/0
Grade: Pure Age: 22 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 3.1
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Langton-Gate LGP P V 038 Barana Yeardleigh PTC P Y 067 P) Barana Valerian PTC P V 056 Dam: Barana Blossom PTC P B 086 (P) Sanderae Suelerman BRT P S 020 (P) (AI) Barana Whitney PTC P W 040 (P) Barana Trudy PTC P T 083
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Excellent length of body with smooth, long muscle pattern.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 16 Barana Simmentals
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 29.11.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 39cm
Barana King Kong (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 096 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Erin PTC P E 158 (P) Barana Xhilarate PTC P X 045 (P) (AI) Barana Alfre PTC P A 004 (P) Barana Xactable PTC P X 075 (P) (AI) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.2
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Medium framed bull with a smooth muscle pattern.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 21 10.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 40cm
Barana Kelvin (Sc)
Tattoo : PTC P K 065 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 20 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 2.5
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Rowlon Park +88 DJB P H 058+88 (P) (AI) Rowlon Park Extra 247 DJB P W 247 (AI) Rowlon Park Brook DJB P S 180 (AI) Dam: Barana Zealand PTC P Z 052 Barana Upstanding PTC P U 086 (P) Barana Xira PTC P X 012 Barana Unique PTC P U 038
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Medium framed bull with a smooth muscle pattern.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av. +$33
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 17
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 15.11.14 Colour: Tan Scrotal: 40cm
Barana Kingdom (P)
Tattoo : PTC P K 074 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Golden Glen Lone Star ZFP P U 004 2Diamond6 Banjo JAG P B 003 (P) 2 Diamond6 Winona JAG P W 006 Dam: Barana Eando PTC P E 200 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA043 LGP P A 043 (P) Langton-Gate Sonja LGP P S 003 (P) (AI) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Bull displaying a good, strong topline on a medium frame.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 24.12.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 37.5cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Kingpin K109 (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 109 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 18 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.5
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Forever PTC P F 045 (P) Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) Barana Compassion PTC P C 018 (P) West Coast Vanity TTC P V 006 (P)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 18 Barana Simmentals
Larger framed bull but still displays good muscle development.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 24.01.15 Colour: Light Red Scrotal: 38cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Morning Lone Star (P)
Tattoo: MKH P L 002 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 17 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Morning Evyone MKH P E 018 (P) Vintage Maverick WSR P V 137 (P) Morning Zelma MKH P Z 016 Barana Shannon PTC P S 007 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 5.3
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Compact early maturing bull well suited to vealer production.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 27.10.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 43cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Keeper (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 066 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 20 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.8
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Elderslie PTC P E 148 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P V 038 Barana Zelinda PTC P Z 099 (P) Barana Sheba PTC P S 076 (P)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Bull with tremendous length of body. Medium framed with smooth muscle pattern.
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 19
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 30.12.14 Colour: Light Red Scrotal: 43cm
Barana Kenton (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 113 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 18 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Gold Park Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3R 298 Dam: Barana Chloe PTC P C 027 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xact PTC P X 131 Barana Uncanny PTC P U 011 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Excellent length of body. Free moving bull on very sound structure.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Londonderry L007 (P)
DOB: 12.02.15 Colour: Light Red/White Scrotal: 40cm
Tattoo: PTC P L 007 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 16 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Penbro Park Pascoe JBN P P 048 Brewers Pascoe W253 DBB P W 253 (P) Northumbria Natasha +88 BAJ P H 001+88 (P) Dam: Brewers Heidi A631 DBB P A 631 Reagent Park Justin SCB P S 018 Brewers Heidi X316 DBB P X 316 Brewers Heidi V189 DBB P V 189 (P) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 2.9
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 20 Barana Simmentals
Soft, deep barrelled bull out of a very good producing cow.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 06.02.15 Colour: Light Red Scrotal: 40cm
Barana Ludlow (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 006 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 16 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Ziko PED P X 1579 Zimbo IMG P S 956 (P) 335 PED B X 1581 Dam: Barana Zebina PTC P Z 059 (AI) Barana Roy Rogers PTC P R 001 (P) Barana Simmo PTC P S 062 Barana Quiver PTC P Q 045 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 7.9
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Younger bull. Very deep ribbed, soft bull.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
DOB: 25.06.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 40.5cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Keegan (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 032 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 24 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Gold Park Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3R 298 Dam: Barana Bly PTC P B 118 (P) Karewa Jester AJ6 IKA P U 006 (P) Barana Yvonne PTC P Y 014 (P) (AI) Barana Quebec PTC P Q 030 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 3.2
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Bull displaying a good, strong topline, tremendous length of body and soft, fine skin.
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 21
A/c: Courtney Palmer
DOB: 18.10.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 39cm
Wongalea Kevin (P)
Tattoo: ZWC P K 002 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 20 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Goldpark Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3 R 298 Dam: Barana Dora PTC P D 094 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xclose PTC P X 109 Barana Veronica PTC P V 076 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 4.0
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Deep barrelled, thickset bull. Very quiet.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Barana Ken 2nd (Dehorned)
DOB: 22.11.14 Colour: Red Scrotal: 39cm
Tattoo: PTC P K 088 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 17 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.4
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Rowlon Park +88 DJB P H 058 +88 (P) (AI) Rowlon Park Extra 247 DJB P W 247 (AI) Rowlon Park Brook DJB P S 180 (AI) Dam: Barana Z025 PTC P Z 025 Boorang Quart Pot KHW P Q 502 (ET) (AI) Barana Undersell PTC P U 064 Barana Stacey PTC P S 031
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Medium framed bull with smooth muscle pattern.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 22 Barana Simmentals
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Morning Knockout (Dehorned)
DOB: 18.12.14 Colour: Dark Red Scrotal: 37cm
Tattoo: MKH P K 003 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 18 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 3.5
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Dam: Morning Holly MKH P H 003 Vintage Maverick WSR P V 137 (P) Morning Zoo-Loo MKH P Z 004 (P) Morning Tess MKH P T 002 (AI)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Compact, early maturing bull.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 07.01.15 Colour: Red Scrotal: 37cm
Barana Lawson 2nd (H)
Tattoo: PTC P L 001 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 17 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Double Bar D Make M Polled IMC P X 122 (P) Double Bar D Maddox 40S IMC P B 040 (P) Double Bar D Elsie 7N PED B X 3332 Dam: Barana Edna PTC P E 105 (P) (AI) Wondenia Taurus ABH P T 916 (AI) Barana Vanilla PTC P V 026 Barana Queanbeyan PTC P Q 043 May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 5.1
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Younger bull out of a good producing cow. Medium framed and well-muscled.
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 23
DOB: 28.11.14 Colour: Light Tan Scrotal: 39cm
A/c: Barana Pastoral
Morning Kimba (P)
Tattoo: MKH P K 002 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Yves PTC P Y 006 (P) Barana Simmo PTC P S 062 Dam: Morning Bay MKH P B 010 (P) Vintage Maverick WSR P V 137 (P) Morning Zoo-Loo MKH P Z 004 (P) Morning Tess MKH P T 002 (AI)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Well-muscled bull with a strong topline and stands on good bone
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 24.01.15 Colour: Red Scrotal: 40cm
Morning Light Foot (H)
Tattoo : MKH P L 001 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade : Pure Age: 17 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Yves PTC P Y 006 (P) Barana Simmo PTC P S 062 Dam: Morning Beryl MKH P B 003 (P) Ronelle Park Power House RJJ P P 452 (ET) (AI) Morning Violet MKH P V 012 Ronelle Park Sheba RJJ P S 719 (AI) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.8
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Compact early maturing bull with soft, fine skin.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 24 Barana Simmentals
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 13.02.15 Colour: Red/White Scrotal: 36cm
Barana Limestone (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 008 Eye Pigment: 100/0
Grade: Pure Age: 16 mths
Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 2442 Gold Park Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3R 298 Dam: Barana Bronte PTC P B 108 (P) Barana Union Jack PTC P U 029 Benarba X01 TRT P X 052 (TW) Benarba Velvet TRT P V 017 (P) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 6.7
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
A younger soft, well-muscled bull to suit vealer production.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 08.04.15 Colour: Dark Red/White Scrotal: 36cm
Barana Lancelot (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 029 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 14 mths
Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Gold Park Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3R 298 Dam: Barana Buffy PTC P B 100 (P) West Coast Tonto TTC P T 051 Yarloop Xone WBC P X 014 (TW) Yarloop Queen April WBC P Q 112 (ET) (AI) May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 3.1
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Compact early maturing type of younger bull.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 25
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 20.11.14 Colour: Dark Red
Barana Kallender (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 082 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
JOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P B 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Bar 5 SA Piona 04 817N IMC P Y 817 Bandeeka Poll Cossack LGK P C 734 (P) (ET) (AI) Bandeeka X Remember LGK P X 034 (P) (ET) (AI) Dam: Barana Franz PTC P F 092 (P) Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) Barana Chloe PTC P C 027 (P) Barana Xact PTC P X 131
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 0.8
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av. +$33
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
One of our top ‘heifers of the drop’. Excellent length of body, soft as they come with a fine coat. Will go on to be a top breeding cow. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEPJ065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 22.11.14 Colour: Red
Barana Kristin (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 087 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
JOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahari 50 IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Bar 5 P SA Expert 826M IMC P X 826 (P) Bar 5 P SA Evolution 418S IMC P B 418 (P) Bar 5 SA Lady Siska 409M PED B X 2507 Dam: Barana Evetta PTC P E 088 (P) (AI) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xtent PTC P X 107 Barana Tiffany PTC P T 011
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 0.5
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Breed Av. +$33
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 26 Barana Simmentals
Similar in type to the previous lot as Barana Emotion does produce an excellent line of cattle. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEPJ065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 16.11.14 Colour: Dark Red
Barana Kinky (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 078 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
JOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Eudora PTC P E 180 (P) Brewers Alex W267 DBB P W 267 Brewers Sibilla Z509 DBB P Z 509 (P) Brewers Sibilla W288 DBB P W 288 (P)
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Thickset well made heifer on a medium frame. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEPJ065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 18.11.14 Colour: Red/White
Barana Kalista (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 079 Eye Pigment : 75/50
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
JOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Caringa Eric The Red LTY P V 059 Rosemont Park Banka RMI P B 030 (P) Rosemont Park Tanya RMI P T 025 (TW) Dam: Rosemont Park Franka RMI P F 050 Caringa Eric The Red LTY P V 059 Rosemont Park Bianca RMI P B 040 Rosemont Park Trixie RMI P T 026 (P)
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 3.4
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Deep barrelled, thick heifer. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEPJ065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16.
Breed Av.
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 27
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 02.11.14 Colour: Dark Red
Barana Kerrie (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 068 Eye Pigment: 100/75
Grade: Pure Age: 20 mths
JOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Barana Warlord PTC P W 018 (P) (AI) Ulmarra Zack JAD P Z 001 Barana Verbena PTC P V 043 Dam: Barana Bo PTC P B 065 (P) Barana Wendell PTC P W 014 (P) (AI) Ulmarra Yulia JAD P Y 015 P) Broadland Marcia HJS P M 234 (P) (ET) (AI)
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Medium framed, very sound heifer. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEP J065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 20.11.14 Colour: dark Red
Barana Kay 2nd (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 084 Eye Pigment: 100/0
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
JOINED HEIFER Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA 039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton- Gate LGP P U 242
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 4.2
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Wondenia Taurus ABH P T 916 (AI) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Rachel PTC P R 061 (P) Dam: Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Clay Gully Napoleon BRD P N 131 (AI) Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Lemah Park Jacinta +89 WMD P J 512+89 (AI)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 28 Barana Simmentals
Breed Av.
All Barana Emotion’s heifers are a type as you can see. Sound, medium framed heifer. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEP J065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 14.12.14 Colour: Red
Barana Kitten K097 (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 097 Eye Pigment: 100/50
Grade: Pure Age: 18 mths
JOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Eucumbene PTC P E 179 (P) Karewa Jester AJ6 IKA P U 006 (P) Barana Yvonne PTC P Y 014 (P) (AI) Barana Quebec PTC P Q 030
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 0.8
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Long, smooth heifer. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEP J065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16.
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 24.11.14 Colour: Dark Red
Barana Kristina (P)
Tattoo: PTC P K 089 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 19 mths
JOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Double Bar D Make M Polled IMC P X 122 (P) Double Bar D Maddox 40S IMC P B 040 (P) Double Bar D Elsie 7N PED P X 3332 Dam: Barana Everett PTC P E 103 (P) (AI) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xact PTC P X 131 Barana Uncanny PTC P U 011
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 0.5
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Out of a very good breeding cow. Early maturing type. Joined to Woonallee Jumbo WEEP J065 from 18/02/16 to 01/04/16
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 29
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 17.02.15 Colour: Dark Red/White
Barana Lacie (TW) (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 013 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 16 mths
UNJOINED HEIFER Wai-iti High Tide AH70 IWI P T 070 (P) Waterfront Durham-D49 HRH P D 049 (AI) Waterfront Yuwindi HRH P Y 096 (AI) Sire: Waterfront Fabian-F72 HRH P F 072 (P) Langton-Gate Xtra Special LGP P X 034 (P) (AI) Langton-Gate PA039 LGP P A 039 (P) Langton-Gate LGP P U 242 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Frankie PTC P F 025 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xcited PTC P X 104 Barana Vermouth PTC P V 025
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 6.9
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Soft, thickset heifer.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Breed Av.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 09.03.15 Colour: Light Red
Barana Luciana (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 023 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 15 mths
UNJOINED HEIFER Shawacres Jahaari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.6
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Zimbo IMG P S 956 (P) Barana Zulu PTC P Z 054 (P) (AI) Barana Windflower PTC P W 045 (P) Dam: Barana Breannah PTC P B 137 (P) Barana Union Jack PTC P U 029 Barana Y014 TRT P Y 014 Wondenia Trick ABH P T 324 (P) (TW)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Smaller, well made, sound heifer.
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 30 Barana Simmentals
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 24.07.15 Colour: Red
Barana Lane L033 (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 033 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 11 mths
WEANED HEIFER UNJOINED Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Langton-Gate LGP P V 038 Barana Yeardleigh PTC P Y 067 (P) Barana Valerian PTC P V 056 Dam: Barana Blossom PTC P B 086 (P) Sanderae Suelerman BRT P S 020 (P) (AI) Barana Whitney PTC P W 040 (P) Barana Trudy PTC P T 083
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Direct (%)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Outstanding young heifer. Would make a great show heifer. Deep, thick and long with a soft, fine coat. Dam’s an excellent top breeding cow.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 27.07.15 Colour: Dark Red
Barana Laurette (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 035 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 11 mths
WEANED HEIFER UNJOINED Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Shawacres Nacobi IMC P Y 032 (ET) Bullock Hills Buster ERP P B 011 (P) (AI) Bullock Hills ERP P U4 ERP P U 004 Dam: Barana Echidna PTC P E 033 (P) Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) Barana Belicia PTC P B 097 (P) Barana Sheba PTC P S 076 (P)
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 3.8
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
One of our ‘best of the drop’ heifers. Similar to the last lot. Would make a top show heifer.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Barana Simmentals Page 31
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 14.08.15 Colour: Tan
Barana Lavington (P)
Tattoo: PTC P L 049 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 10 mths
WEANED HEIFER UNJOINED Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) ` Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Langton-Gate LGP P V 038 Barana Yeardleigh PTC P Y 067 (P) BaranaValerian PTC P V 056 Dam: Barana Bina PTC P B 123 (P) Karewa Jester AJ6 IKA P U 006 (P) Barana Wisconsin PTC P W 015 (P) (AI) Barana Magdalen PTC P M 006+92
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 1.1
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Deep sided, very square behind. Would make a good breeding cow.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
A/c: Barana Pastoral
DOB: 07.08.15 Colour: Tan
Barana Lola (H)
Tattoo: PTC P L 043 Eye Pigment: 100/100
Grade: Pure Age: 10 mths
WEANED HEIFER UNJOINED Shawacres Jahari 50L IMC P W 050 (ET) Corinda Downs Buckshot CDP P B 035 (P) (ET) (AI) Corinda Downs Valentine CDP P V 039 (P) Sire: Barana Emotion PTC P E 059 (P) Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xit PTC P X 105 Barana Sarah PTC P S 026 Gold Park Langley KDN P U 022 Gowrie Yankee MOB P Y 004 (P) G.O.W. Riah MOB 3R 298 Dam: Barana Darlinghurst PTC P D 073 Barana Vagabond PTC P V 072 (P) Barana Xact PTC P X 131 Barana Uncanny PTC P U 011
May 2016 Simmental Trans Tasman Group Breedplan EBVs Calv. Ease Direct (%)
200 Day Wt. (kg)
400 Day Wt. (kg)
Calv. Ease Dtrs (%)
Birth Wt. (kg)
- 0.9
600 Day Wt. (kg)
Milk (kg)
Scrotal Size (cm)
Breed average for 2014 born calves EBV
Selection Index Values Market Target
Index Val.
Breed Av.
Domestic Maternal Index ($)
Export Maternal Index ($)
Northern Terminal Index ($)
Vealer Terminal Index ($)
Page 32. Barana Simmentals
Her dam is one of our good breeding cows. Deep barrelled, thick heifer.
Purchaser……….................…………….…….. $…………………
Specialising in Livestock Handling Equipment
curved force
loading ramp at armidale saleyards
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K R Davis Liquid Nitrogen Supplies Services from Armidale to Coonabarabran down to the Victorian border and Lithgow to Lake Cargelligo Kaylene Davis M: 0429 203 575 - T/F: 02 6863 5320 email: liquidnitrogen@bigpond.com 49 Albert Street, Parkes NSW 2870 Barana Simmentals Page 33
BARANA SIMMENTALS www.baranasimmentals.com Breeding Ca le for the Commercially Minded since 1980
FREE CARTAGE FOR BULL BUYERS ONLY within 300km of Barana along major routes from Coolah to Goondiwindi and from Coolah to Wodonga To assist us with the delivery of your cattle, please draw a small map of your region indicating nearest roads and cross streets located near your property or delivery point. Please indicate the approximate position of your property or delivery point on the map together with distances from the nearest towns or prominent landmark. Page 34. Barana Simmentals
PLEASE NOTE: Vendors and/or their agents do not give any warranty as to the errors or omissions, if any, in this catalogue, which they believe to be accurate when compiled. Prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of these particulars.
12: 6(//,1* &$1 $0 48$'6 $1' 6,'( %< 6,'(6 &$// ,1 72 ,163(&7 $1' 7(67 '5,9( 7+( 5,'( 6$<6 ,7 $//
Natalie Barraclough Insurance Services Pty Ltd Phone: 0458 771165 Fax: 0261 470202 natalie@nbinsurance.com.au PO Box 7003, Dubbo NSW 2830 Dubbo via Dunedoo
Barana is located 14km north of Coolah, 156km north east of Dubbo and 180km south west of Tamworth
PGH Publications â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 02 4757 3480
Auth. Representative of NAS Insurance Brokers ABN. 60096916184 AFS Lic. No. 233750
Lot 20 PTC P K 022 (P)
Lot 14 PTC P K 031 (P)
Lot 3 PTC P K 035 (P)
Lot 10 PTC P K 052 (P)
Lot 7 PTC P K 028 (+)
Lot 6 PTC P K 105 (H)
Lot 40 PTC P K 082 (P)
Lot 50 PTC P L 033 (P)
Davidson Cameron & Co
Peter Cook
ORANGE | Andy McGeoch 0418 737 470 DUBBO | Josh Crosby 0428 634 658 TAMWORTH | Brian Kennedy 0427 844 047
DAVE HENRY | 0427 421 829 LUKE SCICLUNA | 0428 421 828 RICHARD CUDMORE | 0428 658 497
p | 02 6377 5233 m | 0427 775 233 w | baranasimmentals.com e | barana@bigpond.com