CHARM: Voices of Baltimore Youth Baltimore Unity Hall | 1505 Eutaw Place | Baltimore, MD 21217
Cover Art & Interior Illustrations: Em Goheen
Book Design: Yifan Luo
© CHARM & authors, 2023
Untitled by Gage, Grade 5 ....................................................... 1 Star Bright by Tamryn, Grade 5 ............................................. 3 Reborn by Vasyl, Grade 7 ........................................................ 7 SPACE by Gage, Grade 5 ........................................................... 9 Possibility by Vasyl, Grade 7 ................................................... 13 Space by Milo, Grade 2 ........................................................... 15 Untitled by Ivan, Grade 4 ........................................................ 18 Grounded by Vasyl, Grade 7 .................................................... 23 Ultimate Nebula by Liam, Grade 5 ........................................ 30 Poem by Milo, Grade 2 ............................................................ 31 Acknowlegements ............................................................. 33 About CHARM .................................................................. 35 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS
UNTITLED by Gage, Grade 5
For now the beautiful world begins
We see beautiful things again and again
When I look in the sky
It makes me feel, it’s nearby
All the time we see beautiful things begin
We know this won’t be the end
by Tamryn, Grade 5
Star light.
Star bright.
First stars I see tonight.
Twinkly star in my eye.
You and only you make me fly.
Today I see you.
Tomorrow I won’t but it was a pleasure meeting you, Star bright.
Amelia Hillebrant
by Vasyl, Grade 7
Four Dancers
Gleaming and glowing
On a vast, dark stage a concert at midnight
Having practiced their intricate dance
For decades
Hoping For the moment
When they will be Reborn.
Waiting Watching
Right: Stephan’s Quintet
by Gage, Grade 5
S upercool
P artly Bright
A mazing
C omplex
E xtra Space
Right: Cosmic Cliffs of Carina
12 Sudesna Sujoy
by Vasyl, Grade 7
A blank page Dark but welcoming Full of wonder — Possibility. An artist ponders… Look up and look into the sky
Watch Wait
Inspiration STRIKES!
Colors: Blues
Colors we can’t even see Combine to make one Beautiful Image
by Milo, Grade 2
With numbers and letters they can make a picture.
How will they do it?
When will they do it?
With telescopes!
Whenever they want, They shall do it.
With yellow, orange, green, and red, they shall do it.
Whenever they want
However they want They shall do it.
With 2, 4, 8, or 9 points, They shall do it. While eating a snack or watching a show, They will do it.
UNTITLED by Ivan, Grade 4
Millions of galaxies, Dancing in a field, Even when they’re scared, Bolts coming loose, Not a sitting duck, But a sitting goose. A black hole sweeps them up, They cry in dismay,
Left: Deep Field SMACS 0723
Help us!
Help us!
We’re getting swept awayyyyyyyyy
After they’re gobbled up, They’re in a different place
It is like they’re stuck In a tall glass vase. Never being able to escape, They’re stuck in some vape.
21 Suryaa
22 Madalyn Drewno
GROUNDED by Vasyl, Grade 7
I stare up in the sky and suddenly my shoes grow wings and I grow weightless and I lift myself into lost space whizzing past the atmosphere
As I sit here grounded on earth
then I stop. I stare out into the cosmos but past the stars into a cornfield of galaxies but one interests me the most. I zoom in. And I watch with wonder the 4 dancers
Swirling around and around on their great cosmic stage dancing a decades old dance each waiting for their big moment. Out in the distance something catches my eye. And as I float over
I see colors flash by whizzing by me Orange
Blue like the sky beyond which lie the vast great cosmos
There is beauty in death sometimes. And as I float further back
I see a beach great sandy waves of dust and the vibrant blue ocean just beyond.
Blue like our blue marble
There is beauty in life too.
And as I go forth farther beyond I reach emptiness I feel emptiness I remember my family
Friends on that wonderful majestic blue marble out here in this vast universe. And I float down through the sand on the beach back through the colorful bed of gas and dust
past the performers still dancing. Back down
through the atmosphere back into my chair.
And I let my thoughts Flow
Sometimes it’s nice to be grounded.
29 Madalyn Drewno
by Liam, Grade 5
Flow with the stars
With your love and Your heart, Dance
With exploding Stars make stars
With your hand with Dust make fireworks
To make galaxies
Wrap them all in A colorful Blanket. Then Take them all out
One by one and
To make life again
POEM by Milo, Grade 2
This world is rainbow
This world is like a big birthday party in your head
This world is like NASA, The greatest space station in the world.
Right: Southern Ring Nebula
Thank you to everyone who helped make this publication possible:
CHARM’s Whitney Birenbaum and Annalies Winny
Em Goheen, who created the beautiful lasercut illustrations inspired by the words of our young poets
Yifan Luo, who designed this publication
Amelia Hillebrant, Suryaa Rangarajan, Sudesna Sujoy, and Madalyn
Drewno from MICA ILP’s Drawing Non-Fiction course, who created live illustrations of the workshop
And a special thank you to Margaret W. Carruthers and Alyssa Pagan from the Space Telescope Science Institute, who conducted the workshop where these poems were created.
Images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope courtesy of NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI.
The Space Telescope Science Institute is located in Baltimore, Maryland. We are grateful for the opportunity for Baltimore’s youth to experience these images and find inspiration in them.
34 Amelia Hillebrant
CHARM: Voices of Baltimore Youth is a literary-arts organization founded on the belief that kids’ voices matter. We are on a mission to support young people as they develop as writers, and provide a platform to amplify their voices.
CHARM magazine was founded by a group of teachers and their students in 2013, and has since published 15 publications that feature the poetry, fiction, essays, and artwork of over 1,000 students from more than 50 public schools in Baltimore City. CHARM magazine is curated and produced by a dynamic student editorial board, which consists of middle and high schoolers from across Baltimore City.
We also offer a host of other programming designed to support young writers and amplify student voices, including in-person and virtual workshops. Check us out at www.charmlitmag.org for more information, and follow us on social media @charmlitmag.
Want to get involved? Want to support our work? We welcome your contribution on our website, and your gift is tax deductible. We also offer monthly subscription options at www.patreon.com/charmlitmag.
© CHARM & authors, 2023