SHEQ March-April 2015

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environmental issues



MARCH/APRIL 2015 | R70.00

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25% by 2020

MAN’s Pinetown plant outshines its global CO2 curbing goals!

Packed with PPE – we showcase the latest products from Dromex Petrochemicals: wonder substances or environmental scourge? Sex = gross misconduct? It depends on when you do it Cryogenic carbon capture, we reveal all


| SHEQ management


CONTENTS EDITOR Charleen Clarke Cell: 083 601 0568 email: ASSISTANT EDITOR Jaco de Klerk Cell: 079 781 6479 email: SUB-EDITOR Jeanette Lamont Cell: 083 447 3616 email: JOURNALIST Claire Rencken Cell: 082 559 8417 email: CONTRIBUTORS Albert Mushai email: Andrew Sharman email: PUBLISHER Tina Monteiro Cell: 082 568 3181 email: ADVERTISING SALES Barend van Wyk Cell: 076 217 1883 email: Elsie van Wyk Cell: 072 827 2913 email: CIRCULATION MANAGER Bev Rogers Cell: 078 230 5063 email: DESIGN AND LAYOUT Nelio da Silva email: © Copyright. No articles or photographs may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without specific written permission from the editor. In the interests of preserving the environment, SHEQ MANAGEMENT is printed on environmentally friendly paper, using soya-based ink.

charmont media global

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MAN Truck & Bus has upgraded its Pinetown assembly plant to be one of the company’s most energy efficient and carbon neutral – 100 percent CO2 neutral,

in fact. How has this been achieved? DON’T DRINK AND WORK


Employers face various human resources risks. Substance abuse is one of them. We discuss the behavioural implications of alcohol use and abuse in the workplace. ENERGY-INDEPENDENT FARMING


New Holland’s energy-independent farm and hydrogen-powered tractor concepts offer farmers hope of an autonomous, more environmentally friendly future. HEALTH AND SAFETY BEGIN AT YOUR DESK


The simple act of sitting at a desk and working on a computer can put stress and strain on your body, which can result in painful injuries. These can lead to decreased productivity and lost workdays. SHEQ MANAGEMENT explores some ways to maintain your health and safety at your work station. UNIVERSAL BUILDING BLOCKS OR AN ENVIRONMENTAL BLIGHT?


Petrochemicals are used to manufacture thousands of vital products that people use every day – nearly everything not made from rocks, plants, other living things or metal. How does this wonder medium live up to SHEQ standards?

Regulars Editor’s letter SHEQ Sound Off Letters News Sharman on Safety Legally Speaking For Safety Sake Subscription Form

2 4 6 10 16 20 47 48

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Published alternate monthly by Charmont Media Global Unit 17, Northcliff Office Park, 203 Beyers Naude Drive, Northcliff, 2195. P O Box 957, Fontainebleau, 2032, South Africa Tel: 011 782 1070 Fax: 011 782 1073/0360


ed’s letter

busted! Health and safety myths –

Charleen Clarke

| SHEQ management

I’m guessing that most readers know that fabulous television programme, MythBusters. Well, in this issue of SHEQ MANAGEMENT, I am going to attempt to dispel some of the most widely believed health and safety myths! Here goes …



here are many myths that prevail in our industry – some

Myth: Every possible risk needs

Myth: If a pupil is hurt, the teacher is

a safety sign

likely to be sued

Reality: People who speak less are more

Reality: The main legal duties lie with the

likely to be heard. The same applies to signs.

employer, not the teacher – or even the

Using too many signs simply guarantees no

headmaster, unless they own the school

one will read any of them. Safety signs are

and employ the staff.

useful when there’s a significant risk that

Over the years a handful of teachers

can’t be avoided or controlled in any other

have been prosecuted overseas following

way. But that doesn’t mean you should add

very serious incidents, but only where

a sign for every possible risk, however trivial.

they failed to follow direct instructions and

Where there are serious risks in your

departed from common sense. Teachers

workplace, don’t just rely on signs – take

who act responsibly will be on the right side

practical steps to deal with them. If you

of the law.

do need a sign, make sure it has the right symbol, make sure it is cross-culturally

Myth: People don’t have to take any

understandable and, of course, that it is

responsibility for their own health

clearly visible.

and safety Reality: Employers have a duty to protect

Myth: Risk assessments must always be

workers and the public from dangers

long and complex

caused by their work. But health and safety

Reality: On its own, paperwork never saved

isn’t entirely someone else’s responsibility.

anyone. It is a means to an end, not an end

We all have a duty to keep ourselves

in itself – action is what protects people. So

safe, by cooperating with safety measures

risk assessments should be fit for purpose

and not putting ourselves or others

and acted upon.

in danger. This is just common sense –

Obviously if you’re running an oil refinery

something we all use every day.

amusing and others downright

you’re going to need a fair amount of

It’s important that we aren’t put at risk

ridiculous. Here are some of

paperwork. But for most, bullet points work

by other people’s actions, but if we ignore

very well.

our own responsibilities, real risks can get

the most prevalent …

missed. Playing the blame game doesn’t keep people safe – better to rely on common sense and cooperation. Myth: Ice cream toppings have been banned for safety reasons Reality: We were recently surprised to learn that ice cream toppings had been banned amid health and safety fears. This rumour came from an ice cream parlour in England giving out extra toppings in separate containers, instead of pouring them over the ice cream. They were concerned that people might slip on any spills. It’s important to prevent slips – they remain the most common cause of major injuries. But, in this case, simply clearing up any spills as they occurred would have stopped people slipping and would have helped the company continue to make great ice cream taste even better! Myth: Hanging baskets banned as a result of health and safety laws Reality: Back in 2004 a town in the United Kingdom did briefly take down its hanging baskets over fears that old lampposts would collapse. This was an overly-cautious reaction to a low risk. However, after quick checks the hanging baskets were replaced and have been on lampposts in the town every year since. Despite this, the story continues to be repeated and the danger is someone will believe it is a genuine requirement and follow suit. Myth: Heat from radio waves and the potential for sparks mean mobiles should ON NO ACCOUNT be switched on at petrol stations Reality: According to Tracey Brown and Michael Hanlon, authors of ln The Interests Of Safety, petrol is not as flammable as we suppose. Dropped cigarettes do not light petrol. The chances of a mobile device’s spark doing so are virtually nil. There is no known case of a mobile igniting petrol. It turned out there’s no evidence of mobiles interfering with hospital equipment, either, whereas walkie-talkies do. As a result, many medics now carry mobiles – and they don’t kill anyone. Myth: Health and safety has gone mad! Reality: There are few greater myths than that health and safety has gone mad. During the past four years we’ve debunked some truly ridiculous misrepresentations of health and safety, including the banning of conkers, firemen’s poles and park benches. We’ve scotched scare stories about excessive safety signs, rebutted rumours about onerous risk assessments and kicked back at claims that kids need to be wrapped in cotton wool. This






responsibilities and workers about their rights. Health and safety is about saving lives, not stopping them! | SHEQ • This article contains public sector information published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government Licence.


Renewable, yes – but is it environmentally friendly?

its vast potential, there are a variety of

online digest dabbling in intriguing

environmental impacts associated with

enterprises): “The idea came to me in a

wind power generation that should be

square where I saw the leaves tremble

recognised and mitigated.”

when there was not a breath of air … the

Some of the major “culprits” include land use impact (although some of the

Jaco de Klerk

Alternative energy sources, like wind power, have long been branded “green” solutions as the world seeks new ways to keep everything going. These aren’t as environmentally friendly as we’ve been led to believe however …


| SHEQ management

be translatable into Watts.”

land can be used for a variety of other

So it was. The Wind Tree uses its 72

productive purposes), the impact on

leaf-shaped, miniature turbines (made

wildlife (most notably on birds and bats),

from plastic) to generate electricity from

sound disturbance (both aerodynamic and

a breeze as faint as 7 km/h. Reports state

mechanical sound) and the visual effect of

that the tree can produce an average of

these farms.

3,1 kW when all the turbines are a-rustle.

Nonetheless, this energy source is one

Each of these trees, which will cost

of the most sustainable ways to generate

around US$ 36 500 (around R440 000), is

electricity without toxic pollution or global

11 m tall and eight metres in diameter at

warming emissions … it just needs to be

its widest point.

implemented differently.

NewWind is testing its green creation

Things are looking promising for

between March and May in Paris. It’s

wind power thanks to the “Wind Tree”,

reported that about 40 more units are due

wind turbines from the French company

to be installed around France in September.

NewWind that look a lot like trees. They’re

It would seem that the world is really


safer to wildlife, quieter, take up a lot less

moving towards environmentally friendly

Scientists (UCS) – a non-

space (will even be implemented in urban

alternatives. And, while it is environmentally


areas) and look a lot better.

friendlier, renewable energy is moving in






organisation based in the

United Sates – says it best: “Despite


energy had to come from somewhere and





Michaud-Larivière, told Hexapolis (an

the right direction to truly earn its “green” label. | SHEQ


| SHEQ management




To build smart cities, we need smart buildings With efficiency as a key driver, smart cities

rewards: the benefits of smart buildings

within their facilities; and they must connect

make use of information technology (IT)

are proven and those benefits increase

to, and synchronise their operations with,

to harness the natural infrastructure and

exponentially in a smart city.

the strategies of the smart city.

technology resources needed to operate optimally and sustainably.

Smart cities make use of IT and Big Data

To do this, they must do more than

– data from devices, sensors and meters,

use their building management systems

In South Africa, smart cities are likely to

equipment, transport systems, smart

to control simple systems, such as heating

be a reality within three to five years – to

energy grids, social platforms, government

ventilation and air-conditioning solutions.

build them and to leverage the benefits they

and industry databases – to regulate and

By also linking up key building systems

offer, we need smart buildings.

conserve use of scarce resources; optimise


The concept of smart buildings (which

the operation of critical systems; generally

and access control), organisations can

can communicate with all the equipment

improve the lives of inhabitants; and drive

simultaneously manage, monitor and

inside them) isn’t new, but awareness and

their greater sustainability agendas.

control these systems to meet their own




adoption of the technologies and approaches

However, to get on the smart city grid,

needed to create smart buildings are lagging.

companies have to think bigger. They must

energy conservation and other objectives.

Organisations should shift their thinking and

connect more equipment into the system;

Neil Cameron

position themselves to reap longer-term

they must know where their people are

GM, Johnson Controls Building Efficiency

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Chillibush2630Unisa SHEQ MAIL

Centre for Business Management PROGRAMME IN SAFETY MANAGEMENT This course focuses on the science of Safety Management and the safety responsibilities of both line managers and staff safety practitioners. This programme introduces line managers and safety practitioners to the very basics in safety management. Such basics comprise the sciences of safety management and the roles of line and staff functionaries pertaining to safety risk assessment, safety management in industry and the analysis of safety incidents. The focus and contents of the programme is unique in the sense that it prepares both managers and safety practitioners for performing their roles and functions on a professional and scientific basis. The programme focuses on meeting the needs of line managers and staff safety practitioners in achieving their legal responsibilities and professional accountability in making the workplace and the work procedures as safe as possible for all involved. Specifically, the course is aimed at: aspirant managers, shop stewards, supervisors, inspectors, safety representatives/practitioners/managers, training officials and occupational hygienists. MODULES • PSMP015 Introduction to Safety Management • PSMP026 Assess Safety Risk • PSMP038 Manage Safety in the Workplace • PSMP049 Analyse Safety Incidents Duration: 12 months Fee: R6 600 (This includes all study material, examination fees.) Registration: 1 December 2015 to 15 March 2016

PROGRAMME IN TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) MAKE QUALITY A LIFE SKILL MODULE 1 An overview of TQM and the creation and maintenance of a quality culture MODULE 2 Developing the TQM system, the tools and the techniques for the continuous improvement of quality MODULE 3 Implementing TQM and sustaining continuous improvement MODULE 4 Integrated SHEQ management based on ISO and OHSAS system standards Duration: 12 months Fee: R7 950 Registration: 1 December 2015 to 15 March 2016 Programme Leader: Prof Rigard J Steenkamp Fax-to-Email: 086 682 9213 Email: Centre for Business Management Website: Email:

Information and Admin queries: Irene Nkome Fax-to-Email: 086 697 6223 Tel: 012 429 3193 Email:

Learn without limits.

| SHEQ management

Programme Leader: Mr NJF van Loggerenberg Email:



Your safety Nkandla-ANC (always neat cover-up) lessons I don’t want to go into the politics of Nkandla, as there are already so many

improvement plan in place and are you, in fact, using it?

given full Einspruchsrecht (the right to partake in decisions which affect you)?

(in)competent politicians and sideline

• Are the overall objectives of your

- Have all the stakeholders of the plan

spectators commenting on this fiasco.

plan crystal clear and have they

been Consulted – where does the

Thuli Madonsela has done the detailed

been translated into requirements,

buck stop?

investigation and has put the cat

together with constraints, dimensions

- Have all those who are affected by or

amongst the pigeons.

and limitations? Do you really need a

involved in the implementation of the

chicken run, cattle kraal or swimming

plan been Informed about the W-W-

pool to improve (your) safety?

W-W-W-H (what, why, when, where,





basic lessons to be learned from the Nkandla debacle with respect to safety

• Have you done the four Rs (researched,

improvement plans. What Nkandla is

realistic, relevant, reassessed) test of

highlighting for us is the lack of 101 in project planning, or to put it differently, how not to run and manage your safety improvement efforts.

goal setting?

who, how)? • Is there ongoing review of progress against milestones, including cost

• Is the plan broken down into clear and detailed steps and sub-projects?

reviews, so that timely action can be taken to rectify deviations from the

• Have you done a R-A-C-I for your plan:


Here’s a useful checklist to ensure

- Are the Responsibilities clearly defined

you don’t end up with your own

and accepted for each of these sub-

Jürgen Tietz


Thought leader and professional

Nkandlagate: • Do you have a detailed safety

- Who is ultimately Accountable and


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Chillibush2667Unisa SHEQ MAIL

Centre for Business Management COURSE IN BASICS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT MODULE 1 Introduction to project management concepts and the managerial process. MODULE 2 Introduction to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK速Guide).

COURSE IN BASICS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) MODULE 1 The human components and the tools and techniques for TQM. MODULE 2 Quality management systems and TQM implementation.

Duration: 6 months

Duration: 6 months

Fee: R5 950

Fee: R4 950

Registration for first semester: Starts 26 November 2015 and ends 24 January 2016

Registration for first semester: Starts 26 November 2015 and ends 24 January 2016

Registration for second semester: Starts 1 June 2015 to 30 June 2015

Registration for second semester: Starts 1 June 2015 to 30 June 2015



Prof Louis P Kr端ger Fax-to-Email: 086 641 5345 Email:

Riaan Dirkse van Schalkwyk Fax-to-Email: 086 622 2654 Email:

Prof Rigard J Steenkamp Fax-to-Email: 086 682 9213 Email:

Centre for Business Management College of Economic and Management Sciences Website: Email:

Learn without limits.

| SHEQ management




NEWS Green is the new black Green definitely is the new black in the textile and clothing industries, where sustainability has gained a firm foothold. Within these manufacturing processes, numerous possibilities for green production exist. These will be showcased at Texprocess 2015, taking place from May 4 to 7 in Frankfurt, Germany. The trade fair will also offer some lectures that will give special attention to the subject of

Waste not, want not

sustainable production. Under the label Blue

On February 18, the Chemical and Allied

however, imperative that it gains a

Industries’ Association (CAIA) hosted

clear understanding of the National

a waste management update and


networking session at the Wits Club in

Act (including amendments) and its


associated subordinate legislation (such



Due to the nature of chemical

as regulations, norms and standards,

processes undertaken by the chemical

national standards and listing notices), so

industry in South Africa, as well as its final

that the provisions of this Act can be used

products, a large proportion of the waste


generated by this industry is hazardous. A total of 174 872 t of hazardous waste









this update and networking session to


highlight recent changes to the Act, and

generated during 2013 – most of which

to provide members with the opportunity

was transferred to others for re-use

to gain a clear understanding of what

(26 percent) or disposed of (81 percent). The

“waste” encompasses, and what the latest

total exceeds 100 percent due to storage

changes to, and interpretations of, the Act

over more than a single calendar year.

mean to industry.

However, there appears to be a marked

As a follow-up to this session, the

improvement in the amount of hazardous

CAIA plans to arrange an additional

waste generated, as well as how much of

networking session with the Department

it is transferred to others for re-use.

of Environmental Affairs, to answer any

While the chemical industry should be proud of this achievement, it is,

further questions or concerns relating to waste management.

Competence of the Association of German Mechanical and Plant Engineering, some exhibitors will present special resource-saving product families. It promises to be a jam-packed show. To date more than 95 percent of the exhibition space occupied by the previous show has already been sold. The fair organiser, Messe Frankfurt, states that it is looking forward to a very well-booked third edition. “Clearly the market leaders find the concept of Texprocess compelling,” says Olaf Schmidt, vice president of textiles and textile technologies. “At this point in time, two years ago, we had sold only 70 percent of the space taken by the previous event.” The registration level for Texprocess is stable, or increasing, in all product segments. More exhibitors are expected in the textile machinery; stitching, joining and fastening technology; automation technology; and textile finishing segments. There have also been positive developments in the fields of cutting-room and automation technology and product processing and finishing.

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A+A augments “In recent years the A+A has been able to gradually extend its leading, international market position through constantly growing exhibitor and visitor numbers. The current registration levels confirm this trend,” says Joachim Schäfer, managing director of Messe Düsseldorf. (A+A stands for “Arbeitsschutz + Arbeitsmedizin” – meaning occupational safety and work medicine, if translated literally.) The visitor number isn’t the only thing that’s booming. This year’s A+A, which is taking place from October 27 to 30, will again exceed the record figures achieved at A+A 2013 (which occupied nearly 60 700 m²) with its 65 000 m2 of space booked by exhibitors. The event’s key areas are: Personal Protection (such as personal protective equipment, corporate fashion/image wear, safe equipment and appliances in the workplace); Corporate Safety (which includes products, appliances and services for corporate fire protection and disaster/emergency management); and Health at Work/Corporate Health (including healthy work planning and structuring, ergonomics, prevention and therapy concepts). “These three major areas traditionally form the focal points at A+A,” stresses Birgit Horn, director of A+A 2015, Messe Düsseldorf. “They do, however, adapt to the changes and requirements of the working world and constantly take account of current trends, orientated towards the needs of the core target groups from the corporate safety and health management sector.” As an example she highlights the special Corporate Health segment: “Every company is only as healthy and efficient as its employees. Modern managers take this perception to heart and are increasingly investing in corporate health promotion and preventive measures.”

Teaming up to train healthcare professionals Dräger Medical South Africa and the Clinical Skill Centre at The University of Cape Town (UCT) are celebrating a unique partnership, with the launch of the newly renovated Simulation Laboratory in Cape Town. Simulation training provides opportunities for students to gain technical competency in procedural skills before they reach the patient. It also allows teams to practise their communication skills and protocols for crisis situations, such as resuscitations. This type of training does not come cheap, however, and ever-shrinking higher education budgets limit the scope of what can be taught. The UCT Clinical Skills Centre saw an opportunity to expand its relationship with Dräger, which has been built over many years. The resulting privatepublic partnership, one of the first of its kind in South Africa, resulted in the completion of a state-of-the-art Simulation Laboratory in the old Main Building in Groote Schuur Hospital. Apart from the installation and maintenance of Dräger medical equipment, to the value of over R10 million, the partnership involves building learning networks and creating training opportunities across public and private healthcare institutions. The Centre’s director, Rachel Weiss, believes that formalising partnerships can provide benefits to all parties, while maintaining transparency and ethical standards. The Centre caters for undergraduate and postgraduate UCT students in medicine, nursing and the health and rehabilitation sciences. The collaboration also enables healthcare workers, already working in intensive-care units and other clinical settings in the Western Cape, to attend updates on topics such as mechanical ventilation, and to practise using the equipment in case-based scenarios.

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Much to celebrate at MSA The month of March marked a hat-trick


of celebrations for the African arm of MSA


– an American-based global leader in the

has also moved its

development, manufacture and supply of


safety products.

warehousing facility to


company and

new premises.

anniversary. MD Colin Oliver notes that

With over 10 000

although the company has changed with

products in the MSA

the times, its mission to protect people

portfolio, MSA Africa has the ability to

Frequency Identification (RFID) enabled,

has not wavered.

easily adapt to market needs. This was

allowing it to be traced and monitored.

“Despite the problems in industry,

evident in the launch of two brand-new

The PremAire Escape provides an

our business has grown in excess of

products at the same event – the Gravity

emergency air supply of ten to 15 minutes

30 percent year on year. MSA’s product

suspension harness and the PremAire

and is designed to withstand industrial gas

supply and service departments are

Escape emergency escape breathing

leaks and harsh chemical environments. A

doing well – we are stable and well-


mask-hood is also available, which features

positioned for a future up-cycle. We will

Available in Premium and Light

two protection barriers – the AutoMaXX

only become more nimble and flexible in

versions, the Gravity suspension harness

lung-governed demand valve and a hood/

the future,” he adds.

boasts five anchor points, a central

neck seal. A PremAire Combination Airline

The company’s birthday celebrations

attachment point, fully padded leg loops,

Escape, which allows the system to

coincided with the official ribbon-

quick-release buckles and a unique

activate automatically if pressure in the

cutting ceremony of its new Parktown,

integral load indicator. It’s also Radio

main airline drops, is also available.

| SHEQ management

First, it marked the company’s 75th




| SHEQ management



Exciting times for health and safety industry

Leading International Trade Fair for Processing Textile and Flexible Materials

This year, Africa’s Occupational Safety and Health exhibition (A-OSH Expo) will be held at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg from May 12 to May 14. Formerly known as OSH Africa, the exhibition has been rebranded to better represent its Africacentric strategic direction. Its organiser, Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery, has added a host of new features (including a mobile

Summit meeting for manufacturers and processors. 4 – 7 May 2015 in Frankfurt am Main.

app to be launched soon), which it shared with the media at a briefing held on February 27, at Emperors Palace in Kempton Park. At the briefing, Gary Corin, Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery’s MD, gave exhibitors tips on how to get the most out of their stands this year. He highlighted


Textile processing

the importance of pre-show promotional tactics; getting the technical aspects right at the show itself; selecting the right staff to man the stand; and that of the post-show follow-up strategy, which is often neglected. Then Justin Cohen, a motivational speaker, gave Innovations

Industry forum

the keynote speech, offering valuable advice to sales people on fostering successful business relationships through the power of connection – or ubuntu. He spoke about what he calls social motivation. “You can get almost anything you want from people when you help them get what they want,” Cohen explained.

Leading trade fair Equipment Networking

power listening – ask open-ended questions to draw out information, listen with positive body language, and paraphrase back what you’ve heard. Last, make the client feel like the centre of your world. People like to feel important and valued,” Cohen continued. He also explained the concept of what he calls

IT solutions


“There are three ubuntu principles. First, you have to express appreciation. Then, you have to engage in

Trade fair duo

Innovative Apparel Show Tel. +27 11 486 2775 powered by:

“Madiba magic” – make eye contact, smile and have positive posture. “Two important things to remember are to ‘serve before you sell’ and to ‘seek to understand before you are understood’,” concluded Cohen.

| SHEQ management

in parallel with:

15 15


Risky business

Risk can have a serious impact on an organisation, its people and the communities in which it operates. ANDREW SHARMAN identifies various types of risk and how to deal with these


ow we identify and respond

us from meeting our governance and

to “high” – exist. With this wild diversity,

to risks will undoubtedly

regulatory obligations.

attempting to assess risks using one common approach is meaningless.

affect our organisational including

In simple terms, risk is a function of

such safety aspects as, for example,

three critical components: probability (of

Putting it into perspective

a goal of reaching zero accidents. Our

a particular event occurring), the severity

We must be mindful that, when it comes

approach to risk will also affect how our

(of the consequence of the event), and

to matters of risk, everything isn’t black

organisations are viewed in the public

exposure (to the opportunity of the event

and white: risk is all about perception. How

eye. Effectively managing risk, therefore,

occurring). An easy way to express this is

probability, severity and exposure are viewed

is at the core of organisational success,

the formula:

and assessed will depend upon each person’s

no matter what industry sector we

Risk = Probability x Severity x Exposure

own individual perspective and experience.


Within an organisational environment,

operate in. It’s the cornerstone of our Each of the elements function individually

groups of individuals will naturally hold

“Risk” really means anything that

as well as multiplicatively, so if we conclude

differing views on risk due to their own

prevents us from meeting our objectives. It

that any one of probability, severity or

personal sensitivities. Some people may be

can be typically broken down into three types:

exposure is zero, then, overall, the risk for

concerned about practically all workplace

Operational risks – the risks that may

that specific situation will disappear.

hazards, whereas others may appear

work in safety, too.

| SHEQ management

impact our intended day-to-day activities


Assessing safety risks in the workplace

indifferent. This variation is caused by each

(including safety)

is a tough challenge. Their breadth is one

individual’s cognitive consideration of risk

Strategic risks – those risks that may

aspect – from the natural to technological,

perception (the probability of an accident)

impinge upon our planning and decision-

from physical to psychological. Within these

and the emotive aspect (how worried or

making processes

themes, however, scales of tolerability –

safe they feel when they think about a

Compliance risks – risks that may prevent

typically ranked in numbers or from “low”

particular risk).

Perceptions of risk can negatively impact the risk management process.

“reference points” anchored deep in our

Let’s go back to the manager and the

brains to compute the level of risk we

forklifts. His heightened sense of risk

believe we face. For example, one senior

may, at first, be seen as a good thing, but,

leader I worked with views all forklift truck

over time, it may come to be regarded

operations as “very high risk”. It matters

as excessive by his peers. He continues

not to him that the drivers may be well

with his focus and determination and

trained, wearing seatbelts, and observing

validates his approach on the basis of

speed limits.

there being no forklift accidents in his area

event several years ago when one of


of responsibility. Surely then his keenness is justified?

his employees suffered a fatal accident

We should be aware that there’s a

involving a forklift. As the site manager

significant correlation between current

at that time, this event resonated deeply

accident rates and the perception of risk –

within him and created such a deep anchor

both by workers and by leaders. Gradually

that he now views all forklift activity at the

reducing accident rates seem to foster a

same level of risk.

sense of comfort and confidence: as the

A strong safety culture consists of

numbers drop, so too does the perception

shared perceptions of risks related to safety

of risk in the workplace. It’s here that we

and its management. This is a crucial point,

reach a tipping point, where confidence

as the level of risk perceived in any given

becomes over-confidence and leads to a

task has the potential to alter the approach

false sense of security in the boardroom

and level of safety management applied

and encourages a perceived invincibility and

to it.

short-cutting on the shop floor.




| SHEQ management

Instead, his reference point is an


Most people are naturally biased when it comes to assessing risk. We use



At the opposite end of the spectrum, there’s a culture of fear growing within

process of globalisation breaks down



barriers to business.

communicate on risk.




our societies that encourages people to

An organisation’s reputation can be

Risk assessments are helpful, but the

overestimate risk. It’s driven partly by

damaged by things as diverse as supply

most effective risk management systems

the media (seeking sensational headlines

chain issues (such as child labour involved

will be the ones where everyone within the

for television and newspapers) and

in the production of clothing), ethical issues

organisation understands the risks in their

it’s amplified by the actions of common

(like bribery or corruption), and operational

operation, and what needs to be done to

people who feel the need to wrap kids

issues (for example poor safety performance

report and control them. This is becoming

in cotton wool, remove overhead baskets

and fatal accidents).

known as Enterprise Risk Management

of flowers from shopping streets (for fear

Supply chain issues damaged the

(ERM), where all risks are viewed together

of them falling on someone’s head) and

reputation of one of the world’s biggest

in a single coordinated framework as

organisations stopping the weekly staff

supermarkets recently, when horsemeat

opposed to separate viewpoints for each

five-a-side football game fear of an accident

was found inside the store’s brand of beef

risk type.


burgers and other chilled meals. The result






So why is a culture of fear growing

for the chain was a significant drop in

ERM framework is good news for us

in organisations around the globe

chilled and frozen food sales, and a direct

as practitioners as it brings us closer to

when it comes to matters of safety?

impact on the corporation’s share price

the heart of the organisation’s thought

I suspect that it’s because we – the

wiping almost GBP 300 million (around

processes and decision-making and moves


R5,4 billion) from its value.

us away from the traditional view of safety




sufficiently inform our leaders to allow

Recently organisational attitudes to risk

as a “bolt-on” or remote service provision.*

them to be able to make appropriate

have undergone a seismic shift, thanks to

Risk management – like our quest for


deep research, myriad models and theories,

zero accidents – is a continuous journey

This lack of information fuels extreme

and major public events (such as Deepwater

for every organisation. Simplicity and clarity

reactions. Either over-confidence or

Horizon and Rana Plaza in Bangladesh).

of approach are central to effective risk

risk aversion. When you train people to

A change in the average corporate

management and control. The answer is not

be risk-averse, you prepare the entire

attitude – from risk aversion to a sense

more paperwork, but indeed more effective

organisation to be reward-challenged.

of balanced risk-taking – can thankfully

dialogue, conversation, and communication

now be observed in many commercial

that allow our organisation’s leaders and

Reputational risk

sectors. Despite this, there remains further

workers to embrace risk and manage it

Perhaps these extreme reactions are

opportunity for organisations to undertake

appropriately. | SHEQ

due to the pressure felt by organisations

a more strategic approach to managing risk

around their reputation. Risk impacts the

in an integrated way.

* If you’re interested in a more strategic procedures

approach to enterprise risk management have

with an organisation and “reputational

are essential if we are to embed risk

a look at the ISO31000 standard. It provides a

risk” has become an area of increasing

management across the organisation,

set of principles, a solid framework and clear

importance to all organisations as the

though we must go beyond formal

process for the effective management of risk.

continuing desire of customers in dealing




Sharman on Safety is a series of extracts that SHEQ MANAGEMENT is running this year, from Andrew Sharman’s new book: From Accidents to Zero: a practical guide to improving your workplace safety culture. Andrew is an international member of the South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (SAIOSH) and chief executive of RyderMarshSharman - consultants on leadership and cultural excellence to a wide range of blue-chip corporates and non-government organisations globally. More at SHEQ MANAGEMENT readers will receive 20 percent off the price of Sharman’s book at: using the code SHEQSA.

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This A to Z of safety represents an eminently practical knowledge toolbox, one filled with tools which will add value to the CEO and the front line Safety Practitioner in equal measures. Relevant, accessible and applicable, this is safety distilled and a ‘must-read’. Steven Brown, Brewery Manager, Heineken



| SHEQ management

Thought-provoking and insightful. From Accidents to Zero progressively pushed me to see new connections, and new ways to address organisations’ safety culture and risk management challenges. Mieke Jacobs, Global Practice Leader – Employee Safety, DuPont


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Compensation for


when is the accident work related?


Is sex gross misconduct? I will bring finality to the Australian case that we discussed previously in the May/June 2012 edition of SHEQ MANAGEMENT; Comcare versus PVYW. Comcare was the workers’ compensation insurer and PVYW the injured employee n this case, an employee went away

from there to the High Court of Australia

a specified perils policy. In this type of

on a business trip requiring her to

where the decision of the Federal Court

policy, the perils are usually defined in the

stay overnight at a motel – where

was overturned. Essentially, the High


she met up with an acquaintance

Court found in favour of the insurer against

It can happen that the range of perils

and they had sex. While so doing, a lamp

the employee. It is this decision that is

is broadened to the point where the policy

in the motel room became dislodged and

discussed here.

can be referred to as an all-perils policy. In

smashed into her face causing her some injury.

I have previously argued that workers’

this case, all perils are covered except those

compensation is based on the personal

listed. These would usually include wear and tear, suicide – and so on.

She submitted a workers’ compensation

accident insurance policy. It is a statutory

claim, which was rejected. She took the

enactment of an insurance policy. As a

A personal accident policy is essentially

matter to the Administrative Appeals

general rule, what a policy does is pay a

an all-perils policy. The intention is to

Tribunal (AAT), where the rejection was

sum of money when a peril brings about an

provide very broad cover with very few

upheld. She then took that decision on

insured event.

excluded perils.

appeal to the Federal Court, where the

Take a fire policy, for example. It

So, as a rule, a person injured at work

indemnifies the insured against a loss

will be compensated. The exception is if

From there, it progressed to a full bench

caused by fire. So the peril here is fire

the injury is as a consequence of wilful,

of the Federal Court, which upheld the

and the event is the loss caused by fire.

gross misconduct by the injured employee.

previous judgment. The matter proceeded

In this case, the policy is referred to as

As a general rule, the exclusion will be

ATT’s decision was set aside.

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These two are so closely related that

person receives compensation – even more

they are often confused …

and, while at the restaurant, slipped out to draw money from an auto-teller to pay

so with workers’ compensation claims, as

Let us re-examine the case. Assume, for

for the supper. While there, she is injured

this is regarded as social legislation passed

a moment, that the young lady had supper

in a robbery. No doubt she would get

to ensure the injured employee receives

and went to bed, alone. Assume further



that, while sleeping, the lamp still became

So, why did she not get compensation in

There is a second factor, not normally

dislodged and fell onto her face. Would she

this particular case where she was injured

encountered in personal accident polices,

have received compensation? There is very

while having sex?

which is not related to the question of the

little doubt that she would have. Was she

It is suggested the court confused

insured peril. The second issue in workers’

injured by an insured peril? Yes, indeed, the

the two questions. The question, which I

compensation is intended to cover work-

falling lamp caused her injury.

formulated earlier, is: When the employee

The personal accident policy is an

was injured, was he or she, broadly

all-perils policy. The question, thus,

speaking, involved in work-related matters?

So, if a person goes shopping over

becomes what the peril excluded.

This question exists simply to draw a line

a weekend, slips in a shopping mall and

Well, the only exclusion would be her

between events which are, or are not, work

is injured, this will not be a workers’

own gross misconduct. Sleeping while


compensation claim. In this case workers’

away from work in a motel is not gross

compensation will not pay compensation


related injuries and not non-work-related injuries.

as the accident was not work related.

The Australian legislation used the phrase, “in the course of employment”.

The second question is: was the injury

It is, thus, very easy to confuse the two

There are, thus, two closely related

work related? Again, the answer would be

questions and conclude that having sex is

questions which must be investigated in

yes. She was away on business sleeping in

not in the course of employment.

any workers’ compensation claim:

the motel room. She would, therefore, have

The court decided (by majority vote)

• Was the injury caused by an insured peril?

received compensation. In fact, it is difficult

that an employee can get compensation

• When the employee was injured was he

to imagine a situation where she would not

where the injury was suffered by an

or she, broadly speaking, involved in work-

get compensation.

employee while engaged in an activity

related matters?


strictly interpreted to ensure the injured

Assume she took a client out for supper

in which the employer had induced, or

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encouraged, the employee to engage;

were sustained in the course of her

or where an injury was suffered at a


place where the employer had induced, or encouraged, the employee to be. An





“In the absence of any suggestion that she was engaged, at the time of injury, in

A second minority judgement, with

misconduct, those facts were sufficient to

respect, managed to correctly separate

conclude that the injury the respondent



sustained during that interval, and when at

circumstances may be regarded as being

the employee was, indeed, entitled to

that place, was sustained in the course of

sustained in the course of the employee’s


her employment. The particular activity, in

employment. Presumably, what the court




The judge wrote:

which the respondent was engaged at the

decided, since the employer did not induce

“The two consecutive days that the

time she was injured, does not enter into

or encourage the employee to have sex,

respondent was required, by her employer,

was that the employee was, therefore, not

to visit the country town were an overall

She should have been entitled to

entitled to compensation. On the other

period of work. The overnight stay,

compensation, because she was injured

hand, the employer did induce the employee

between working hours, was an interval

while involved in her employer’s business,

to be at the motel.

within that overall period of work. The

and not as a result of any gross misconduct

There was a minority judgement

respondent was at a place (sufficiently

on her part. What she was actually

which found that the full bench was

identified for the purposes of the case

doing was irrelevant, because workers’

correct to conclude that, based on the

as the motel) at which her employer had

compensation is not a specified perils type

undisputed facts, the employee’s injuries

encouraged her to be.

of cover. | SHEQ

the analysis.”

| SHEQ management

Legally Speaking is a regular column by Albert Mushai from the school of Economics and Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand. Mushai holds a master’s degree from the City University, London, and was the head of the insurance department at the National University of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe before joining the University of the Witwatersrand as a lecturer in insurance.



| SHEQ management



| SHEQ management



| SHEQ management



Leading by

solar example MAN Truck & Bus has upgraded its Pinetown assembly plant to be one of the company’s most energy efficient and carbon neutral –100 percent CO2 neutral, in fact. How has this been achieved?


ell, in short, by using

of wind and sun, so that the PV system is

efficiency, in terms of our trucks and buses,


the most efficient for us.”

and we are now at the forefront of how




MD of MAN Truck & Bus SA, Geoff

– the sun. Employing

du Plessis, continues: “Environmental

banks of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels

responsibility has strategic importance for

Alan Swart, MD of Solaray, explains that

on the facility’s newly refurbished roof,

MAN and the up-scaling of this factory, to

state-of-the-art equipment was sourced;

the plant has not only met MAN’s global

sustainable energy supply, will further align

including inverters and solar panels from

goal of reducing energy consumption and

us with customers who share the same

Europe, which are able to generate power

emissions levels, but surpassed it in the

agenda as us – to minimise their impact on

even in cloudy conditions, as well as

grandest style.

the environment.”

mounting equipment from China.


| SHEQ management

neutral factory.”

MAN’s global Climate Strategy aims to

Following a feasibility study in 2013,

He explains how the system works:

reduce carbon emissions at its production

the decision was taken to replace all the

“A PV system converts sunlight into

sites – in Europe, Africa, Asia and South

facility’s old asbestos roofing with inverted

electricity, so output power is directly

America – by 25 percent by 2020 … The

box rib (IBR) sheeting to include transparent

related to the sun’s power, and will vary

Pinetown plant (founded in 1962) has

sheeting, so to allow more natural light into

with time of day, season and cloud cover.

achieved 100-percent carbon neutrality and

the building, and to carry the 6 300 m2 of

To stabilise the output power, there is a

will, eventually, be able to be 100 percent

PV panels. Solaray designed and installed

storage system, which provides an even

energy independent.

the R10-million system in less than six

average output, irrespective of these


factors. This can be backed by batteries,

“The company’s mission to reduce


these products are produced – in a carbon-

energy consumption and CO2 emissions in

“The investment MAN has made

our production processes is the same all

in making our Pinetown plant a ‘green’

or tied to the grid. “The grid-tied system feeds excess

around the world,” explains Heiko Kayser,

building is significant, not only in terms of

power to the grid and draws back from it

head of production at the MAN Pinetown

our environmental protection, but also in

if demand cannot be met. This happens

Assembly Plant. “The different solutions are

terms of MAN’s commitment to investing

instantaneously, in either direction, without

tailored to the area in which the individual

in our region,” continues Du Plessis. “MAN

any interruptions.”

plant is located. In South Africa there is a lot

has always been at the forefront of fuel

Inverters are used to convert DC current

COVER STORY the storm water system as waste water

this energy will then be drawn from the

via a SOG tank (Sand/Oil/Grease trap) to


ensure no environmental harm occurs,”

The system is exceptionally high-

explains Lynette Kühn, SHEQ manager

tech, being linked to a web-based

at MAN Pinetown. “Approximately 60 to

monitoring system that reports daily

70 kl – 30 percent of total water usage at

power consumption as well as electricity

the plant – was utilised for the washing

cost and CO2 savings. The online software

of trucks; with the new recycling system

also delivers exception reports enabling

this should now be the saving. Water used

PV system issues to be rectified swiftly

during the washing process is pumped back

by Solaray (which is located just two

into the storage tanks via the SOG pit.

kilometres away from the plant). Solaray

Rain water from the roof is channelled into

is also contracted to undertake quarterly

the storage tanks as well to supplement

maintenance of the solar panels.

available water.”

According to Kayser, by the end of this

A new worker-friendly finishing spray

year, the plant will have saved a substantial

booth was also built during December, to

R1 million in energy costs and 860 t of CO2

ensure heightened levels of paint quality and

per annum. He expects these figures to

control the emissions into the atmosphere

improve as the years go by. However, the

from this part of the production process.

from the panels to AC current (at the

recent slew of environmental and waste

Kühn was the project manager for

standard 230 V). These have a number

management initiatives at the plant doesn’t

the solar conversion process. For her,

of safety features to allow maintenance

end here …

all these initiatives demonstrate the

workers protection from the system and grid.

In addition to the PV system, a wash bay

company’s commitment to corporate social

with a water recycling system was installed.

responsibility and environmental protection.

This particular 580 kW grid-tied system

The system captures rainwater from the

“MAN Pinetown, being a CO2-neutral

is designed to produce 810 000 kilowatt

roof, which is stored in tanks alongside

assembly plant and using water more

hours (kWh) of power per annum – far in

the wash bay. Water used is also pumped

responsibly, is setting a new benchmark for

excess of the plant’s current needs. “Our

through an oil-water filtration system to be

sustainability in the automotive industry in

current consumption is only 790 000 kWh,”

reused again. The water is not only used to

Africa,” she remarks proudly.

explains Kayser. “Anything we produce

clean the vehicles, but also to test the cabs

In fact, this pride is clear on the

over and above our needs is fed back to

for leaks once they are off the assembly line.

faces of every MAN employee. The local

the eThekwini grid. The system prioritises

“Municipal water used to wash the

operation has set an exceptional example

the use of the available renewable energy

vehicles, prior to the installation of the

for its international colleagues and industry

provided by the PV system at all times.

water recycling system, was discharged into

counterparts to follow. | SHEQ

| SHEQ management

Should additional capacity ever be required,



and work Don’t drink

Employers face various human resources risks. Substance abuse is one of them. RHYS EVANS, director of ALCO-Safe, discusses the behavioural implications of alcohol use and abuse in the workplace


rganisations are required

Activator, Behaviour, Consequence (ABC)

are able to exceed the load limit. It is well

by law to comply with the

model of behaviour, alcohol acts as an

known that alcohol can create a feeling of

Occupational Health and

activator for undesirable behaviours.

bravado. This may cause them to injure

Safety Act (OHSA), which

Employees who are under the influence

themselves or damage equipment. If

specifies a zero-tolerance approach to

of alcohol may fail to accurately assess

there is no consequence, it creates the

intoxication in the workplace. Employees

a situation, underestimate the danger

impression that this type of behaviour is

who are under the influence of alcohol

involved, and, subsequently, act in a


are a danger to themselves and their

manner that puts them and their fellow

co-workers, as alcohol lowers inhibitions,

workers at risk.

fuels aggression and affects judgement.

| SHEQ management





regulations that have been put into place Creating negative feedback loops

to ensure their safety. Neither of these

mining, manufacturing and construction,

Consequences of undesirable behaviour

situations results in a desirable outcome.


In hazardous environments such as


A vicious cycle is then created, with


can also negatively impact that of the

machinery that requires sound judgement,



colleagues of the offender. If there are no

Damaging the bottom line

alcohol use is a serious area of concern.

negative consequences, the perpetrator

Loss of time and an overall loss of

The ongoing behavioural impact of alcohol

may feel that they can continue with such

productivity, in the long run can affect

use in the workplace can have a negative

behaviour. Colleagues may also notice this

a company’s profits and its production

knock-on effect to health and safety,

and emulate the undesirable behaviour,

abilities, and, thus, has a corresponding

increasing risks for organisations and their

which further increases the risks to

effect on the bottom line. Addressing

employees alike.

employees and the company.

this challenge will help to ensure that

If someone is injured, or even killed,

businesses are operating effectively and

Alcohol affects judgement

the organisation is liable for damages. It

with maximum productivity, which will

also breaches the OHSA, which negatively

ensure profitability is maximised.










impaired alcohol

impacts the morale of workers. A multi-faceted approach is

consumption, disregard policies put into

For example, an employee who is

place for their safety, and make poor

qualified to lift a certain load with a forklift


decisions regarding their jobs. In the

may feel, under the influence, that they

Alcohol consumption in the workplace


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to curb alcohol use and

In addition, it is also essential

abuse in the working

to drive awareness of the policy, the


consequences of breaching it, and the

Creating an alcohol

effects of alcohol on behaviour. Often,

abuse policy is a crucial

employees are unaware of the harmful



consequences of alcohol on their health,

must clearly define and

their personal lives and the safety of

outline an organisation’s

those around them.




Education needs to form a vital

to alcohol consumption, as


foundation pillar of any approach to

well as all of the procedures

reducing risky behaviour, such as the


consumption of intoxicating substances in

The policy must define the


the workplace.


Finally, policies and education should

the company and employees

be backed by the use of appropriate










ensure compliance with OHSA

consumption. Without the ability to

standards. It must also outline

check employees, the policies will be

the full process for testing for

ineffective in changing behaviours. The

remains a challenge for a number of

alcohol consumption, and must contain

possibility of random testing, or specific


a complete explanation of disciplinary

tests should employees be suspected

requires a combined approach of the


of being intoxicated, can be a significant

right policies, education and equipment








deterrent. | SHEQ

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from A to B


How to get your Cs

Chemical manufacturing companies are faced with multiple governing bodies and legislative requirements, as well as the intrinsic risks of handling, storage and transportation. Deidré Penfold, executive director of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA), provides some hints and tips on how to get your chemicals from points A to B There are a number of considerations to be

If a chemical spill is evident after a transport

and manage the emergency situation on the

taken into account before any chemical is

accident, it should only be handled by

road accordingly.


trained and competent personnel. Untrained

Then, if it is safe to proceed and

• The legal and the South African National

persons should never attempt to handle

the person is trained and competent,


unknown chemicals in an emergency

one may continue to use specialised

applicable, based on the type of chemical to

situation. However, to minimise or contain a

absorbent material to absorb excess

be transported. These include the National

spill, certain crucial subsequent steps should

chemicals to prevent further possible

Road Traffic Regulations, SANS 10231,

be followed at the scene of the incident …

pollution. Soil and/or vegetation may



SANS 10187, SANS 1518, SANS 10229 and municipal by-laws.

Firstly, the type of chemical involved

have to be removed for treatment/

should be identified. Chemical identification

disposal depending on the amount and

• Correct load securing, transport emergency

information should be available immediately

type of chemical.

cards, dangerous goods vehicle signage,

via the United Nations number on the

Lastly, spilled chemicals, used absorbent

driver training, emergency response plans,

dangerous goods placard placed on the

materials or any other contaminated material

route planning and risk assessment as well



may not be left on the side of the road and

as storage compatibility for multi-loads.

emergency card, available from the driver, as

need to be treated/disposed of according to

• CAIA would advise to make use of logistics

well as on the safety data sheet that should


service providers that have been audited

accompany the load. This will determine

It is essential to note that SANS 969:

according to the South African Safety

the type of risk it poses to the health and

Clean-up of non- and dangerous goods

Quality Assessment System (SQAS). SA

safety of humans as well as the potential

incidents on roads, is in a draft format and

SQAS is designed to evaluate the quality,

impact on the environment. The consignee’s

will in due course become a standard that

safety and environmental performance

number will also appear on the dangerous

will provide more guidance on what to

of logistics service providers in a uniform

goods placard and should be contacted for

do and how to handle chemical spill road

manner, by means of a single standardised


incidents, becoming an essential document

assessment carried out by independent third-party auditors.



Secondly, the local emergency services should be contacted to safeguard the area

for all managers of fleets transporting chemicals. | SHEQ

A core objective of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association is to increase the sustainability of the chemical industry in South Africa. Responsible Care, a global voluntary initiative, is delivering solutions for the sustainability challenge. For more information, please contact: 011 482-1671

| SHEQ management






New Holland’s energy-independent farm and hydrogen-powered tractor concepts offer farmers hope of an autonomous, more environmentally friendly future. CLAIRE RENCKEN investigates




biomass and biogas processes, situated

independent farm concept


on the farm, would break water down into

has far-reaching benefits

hydrogen and oxygen. While the hydrogen-

for its customers, allowing

powered tractor is the first practical step, it

them to create, store and use power in a

is the wider implications of the concept that

convenient format. Central to the concept

could revolutionise the agricultural industry. Pierre Lahutte, New Holland’s head

natural, environmentally friendly sources

of global product marketing, tractors

and then reuse that electricity in a

and telehandlers, says: “Farmers are in a

Vehicles powered by hydrogen overcome

convenient and practical way.

unique position to benefit from hydrogen

these obstacles by using a hydrogen fuel

technology. Unlike many people, they have

tank to feed fuel cells in order to generate

tractor, which won a gold medal at the SIMA

the space to install alternative electricity

electricity within the vehicle; offering greater

Innovation Awards 2009, is just one part

generation systems, such as solar, wind,

efficiency and improved flexibility. Fuel

of a greater vision to free farmers from the

biomass or waste, and then store that power

cells have a long working life and avoid the

increasing cost of fuel.

as hydrogen. Apart from the environmental

environmental issues associated with the

Fuel costs form a significant proportion

benefits, such a system would allow

disposal of batteries.

of farmers’ operating costs. New Holland

customers to become energy independent


believes hydrogen technology will give

and improve their financial stability.”





conveniently stored, in a tank on the farm,

farmers an independent supply of energy,

There are some unique advantages

as a compressed gas and the vehicle can

which could be used in a wide variety of

to using hydrogen. While many electrical

be refuelled quickly. The relatively short

vehicles and applications, giving them greater

production systems – which harness the

operating distance, from a central working

control over the future of their business.

power of the wind, sun and biomass – are

base, would give vehicles easy access to a

Hydrogen centres are faced with

currently in use by farms around the world,

central hydrogen tank installed at the farm,

distribution and availability challenges.

the electrical power that is not used at the

or satellite tanks, both fixed and mobile.

The wide roaming capability of cars and

time of production must be sold back to the

The hydrogen-powered tractor is a key

trucks means that the use of hydrogen in

national power system or lost. The energy-

element and practical demonstration of New

commercial and personal vehicles has been

independent farm concept allows the power

Holland’s energy-independent farm concept.

limited, primarily by the lack of an extensive

to be stored in the form of compressed

The experimental NH2 tractor, the first in the

national distribution system, which would be

hydrogen, which could then be used directly

world to be powered by hydrogen, replaces

very costly to implement.

in farm machinery, or generators, to provide

the traditional combustion engine with

electrical power and heat for buildings as well

hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity.

The energy-independent farm concept envisages farmers producing their own | SHEQ management

to recharge.




stop-and-start cycle and take a long time

is the ability to produce electricity from

Compressed hydrogen, drawn from a

as numerous other applications. have

tank on the tractor, reacts in the fuel cell with

storing the hydrogen on the farm. Using

been in development for many years and,

oxygen, drawn from the air, to produce water

a process called electrolysis, electricity

in agriculture, offer benefits over battery-

and electrons. The electrons are harnessed in

produced by wind farms, solar panels or

driven vehicles, which are efficient only in a

the form of an electric current, which drives

compressed hydrogen from water and




Hardworking gear for hardworking people BRANCHES: KWAZULU-NATAL electric motors to power the tractor’s drivetrain and auxiliary systems. The NH2 tractor is a 79 kW (106 hp) working prototype able to perform all the tasks of a New Holland T6000 tractor, while operating virtually silently and emitting only heat, vapour and water. Jaco du Preez, national sales manager for New Holland South Africa, says: “The first unit built was in South Africa for the Global Business Conference in December 2011. We also displayed it at Nampo in May 2012. Since then, a second (bigger) unit has been built.” The latter is currently in service on La Bellotta farm – the first energy independent farm – near Turin in Italy. The project has been partly funded by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development. The fuel cell generates less heat than an internal combustion engine, offers a consistent output of power and does not produce polluting nitrogen oxides, soot particles or carbon dioxide. The clean operation of the tractor brings added health benefits when working in confined areas, such as animal sheds or greenhouses. With the technology still being in the test phase, the tractor is not being marketed anywhere just yet. Du Preez adds: “Once testing is successful and there is an agreement between the cost of building and the price accepted by the market, these units will go into mass production. This will start in Europe and then slowly make its way to the rest of the world. Keep in mind that for us to market it in South Africa, we need to be able to sell ten or more, as we need to stock

Pinetown - H/O Tel: +27 (0) 31 705 6085 Pinetown - Sales Tel: +27 (0) 31 705 7652 Pietermaritzburg Tel: +27 (0) 33 342 0854 Richards Bay Tel: +27 (0) 35 789 2245 GAUTENG Isando Tel: +27 (0) 11 974 7062 Pretoria Tel: +27 (0) 12 804 1693 Vanderbijlpark Tel: +27 (0) 16 931 9750 NORTH WEST Rustenburg Tel: +27 (0) 14 596 5083 LIMPOPO Steelpoort Tel: +27 (0) 13 230 3220/1 WESTERN CAPE Cape Town Tel: +27 (0) 21 510 7078 EASTERN CAPE Port Elizabeth Tel: +27 (0) 41 487 2311

parts for them and it needs to be a viable proposition.” It also needs to be affordable to our farmers, which will depend on the final production price, the price of hydrogen and the cost of farmers a positive vision for the future, which would enable them to control their business costs while meeting the ever-growing demands to be more productive, more efficient and, at the same time, still protect the environment. | SHEQ

| SHEQ management

setting up an energy-independent farming operation. But it does offer



Ever heard of cryogenic

carbon capture? One of the problems facing the energy industry, worldwide, is the rising level of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). American company Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES) is developing a technology called cryogenic carbon capture to address this issue. CLAIRE RENCKEN investigates


ased in Orem, Utah, in the

current state-of-the-art carbon capture

At low enough temperatures, the exhaust



exiting the stack actually has less CO2 content




founded in 2008 in response

CO2 from exhaust or process gases. In CCC,

In such installations, the warm exhaust

solutions to sustainability problems within

the CO2 is cooled to such a low temperature

gas entering the CCC process can first be

the energy industry. SES is committed

(about -140°C) that it desublimates – or

used to heat the water that feeds into the

to developing solutions to problems such

changes from a gas to a solid. The solid

boiler. This boosts the steam cycle efficiency

as the rising level of atmospheric CO2,

CO2 is separated from the remaining

and power output of the plant. The plant

resulting from increasing use of fossil fuels

gas, pressurised, melted and delivered at

can, therefore, provide more power for the

such as coal, oil, and natural gas. CO2 is

pipeline pressure.

same initial investment.




The captured CO2 can be used in

Thus, CCC can capture carbon for a

many applications, including enhanced

fraction of the cost and energy of current

oil recovery and production of biofuels.

methods. When considering the additional

to curb these emissions. SES is focused

The gas that remains after the CO2 and

benefits of pollutant capture and steam



other pollutants have been removed is

cycle integration, the cost is even lower.

commercialisation of cryogenic carbon

almost pure nitrogen, and can be safely

Existing carbon capture technologies

capture (CCC), a patented technology

released into the atmosphere. In addition,

aren’t cheap. According to the National

developed in 2008.

climate in unexpected ways. There is currently no worldwide plan

| SHEQ management

than the surrounding air.



a greenhouse gas and may change the


CCC uses phase change to separate




CCC removes other pollutants such as

Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), a

Fossil fuels currently provide over

mercury. The pollutants are captured using

current state-of-the-art amine absorption

three-quarters of the world’s energy,

the same desublimation mechanism used

process would cost US$ 69 (around R840)

and the adoption of renewable energy to

to capture the CO2.

per tonne of avoided CO2. The same

replace fossil fuels will take decades. Until

In greenfield installations (where no

reduction of carbon emissions can be

then, CO2 emissions must be drastically

pollutant removal systems existed before),

achieved using CCC at a cost of US$ 35

reduced to avoid further climate change.

the pollutant capture capability of CCC can

(more than R420) per tonne avoided. When

CCC has the potential to reduce carbon

offset the cost of traditional pollutant removal

considering the cumulative effects of CCC’s

emissions from fossil-fuelled power plants

systems. At lower temperatures, higher

additional benefits, the cost drops to only

by up to 99 percent, at half the cost of

quantities of the pollutants are captured.

US$ 14 (R170) per tonne avoided.


CCC also requires only half the energy of an amine absorption process. Energy requirements for carbon capture technologies are often reported as “parasitic load”, which is the fraction of power generated by the plant that is used by the carbon capture system. The parasitic load of the base CCC process, with no plant integration, is about 14 percent, compared to 28 percent for the

Bringing together Africa’s energy leaders Every year, the Africa Energy Indaba

and doing, business in Africa’s energy

brings together international and


continental experts to share their





insights and solutions to Africa’s

discussions during the conference, the

energy crisis, while simultaneously

first of which was about developing an

load are mainly as a result of effective heat

exploring the vast energy development

appropriate mix of resources to deliver

integration. The cold products, including

opportunities on offer in Africa.

Africa’s economic potential. The session

amine absorption process. CCC’s energy efficiency and low parasitic

solid CO2, are used to cool the flue gas entering the process.

That was again the case on

was facilitated by Accenture Strategy’s

February 17 and 18, at the Sandton





The energy storing implementation also

Convention Centre in Johannesburg.

included: Quantum Power’s Dr Louis

allows for very efficient grid-scale energy

Delegates came from across the

van Pletsen; Prof Mosad Elmissiry,

storage, enabling better use of renewable

continent to debate and exchange

of the New Partnership for Africa’s

solutions to Africa’s energy challenges,

Development (NEPAD) agency; Bonang

while the exhibition component was a

Mohale, from Shell South Africa; and

significant marketplace for African and

Gloria Magombe from the Zimbabwe

international stakeholders looking for,

Electricity Regulation Authority.

energy sources and virtually eliminating CCC’s parasitic load during peak demand times. It






technologies such as CCC reach South

| SHEQ management

Africa, but let’s hope they do! | SHEQ



Health and safety begin at

your desk The simple act of sitting at a desk and working on a computer can put stress and strain on your body, which can result in painful injuries. These can lead to decreased productivity and lost workdays. CLAIRE RENCKEN explores some ways to maintain your health and safety at your work station


eneral guidance for home

right beside the keyboard so that you do not

use blinds to cut out unwanted light. Avoid

or office:

have to stretch.

any remaining reflections from windows or

1. Adjust the backrest of

3. When you have the seat height right,

your chair to fully support your

if your feet do not rest comfortably on the

lower back, and sit well back into the chair.

lights on the screen by adjusting the screen angle. 7. Adjust the brightness of the monitor

floor, use a footrest.

2. Adjust the seat height until your

4. The screen should be approximately

forearms are horizontal and wrists straight

at arm’s length. Adjust the height so that

while using the keyboard. Bring the

the top of the screen is at eye level when

8. If there is a flicker or any other

keyboard close to the edge of the desk, just

sitting upright and looking straight ahead.

deterioration of the image on the screen,

leaving enough room for a gel-filled wrist

If you need to look at the keyboard to type,

make adjustments or report the matter for

rest, if you want one, or to rest the heel of

the screen can be lowered to avoid repeated


your hands. Avoid pushing your keyboard

neck movements. Adjust the angle of the

forward to keep papers in front of it. If you

screen to suit your sitting height.

screen to suit the lighting conditions in the room.

9. Keep the screen clean. 10. Sitting in the same position, and

do this, you will probably lean forward to

5. Do not lean over to read documents.

staring at the screen for long periods, is

reach it and your back will no longer be

Use a document holder, and place it beside

undesirable. If your time at the keyboard

supported by your chair.

the screen at the same distance, height and

is not interrupted naturally by discussions

angle as the screen.

with colleagues, for example, break the

3. Do not rest your wrists on the edge of the desk or bend your hands up at the wrist.

6. Position the work station so that

work up with other activities, which require

Keep a soft touch on the keys and do not

windows and lights are not in your direct

some walking about. Little and often is best.

overstretch your fingers. Place the mouse

line of sight. Sit sideways to windows, and

Don’t wait until you ache! | SHEQ

| SHEQ management



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Safety, on hand

One of the key factors required to create a safety-conscious workplace, which incurs the absolute minimum of injuries, is to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) that workers want to wear consistently and correctly






workplace so strategies to protect workers are essential.



should be the elimination and control of risks at their source or along the path between the source and the worker,” explains Gary Singh, business manager at





Training (OHST) – a fully accredited Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) institute. the importance of thoughtful company

resistant hand protection.



Its Dyneema Diamond/lycra knitted

should be used.” He adds that risk control

programmes, it is often the individual

glove, which has black polyurethane coating

at its source should be the first choice.

workers who will decide whether or not they

on the palm and tips of fingers, including an

“This method will eliminate risk from the

always wear their PPE as prescribed.”

elastic wrist, offers various benefits. “The

workplace altogether or isolate it from the



He continues: “It is with this in mind

knitting technique helps to obtain a glove

that a vast amount of research and

that conforms snugly to the hand, with good

When the hazard cannot be removed or

development has gone into producing PPE

dexterity,” notes Burrow. “The polyurethane

controlled adequately, however, PPE must

that is comfortable, ergonomically designed,

coating at the palm and fingertips provides

be used if the work process is to continue.

attractive and custom-engineered for

outstanding abrasion resistance,” he adds.

“PPE should be considered as the last level

specific applications. Safety gloves are no

of protection when all other methods are not


worker,” says Singh.

available or possible,” Singh points out.

“With the rapid development of new technologies, it is hard to forecast what the

Honeywell Safety Products, exclusively

next breakthrough in hand protection will be,

Stephen Burrow, sales director at HSE

represented in South Africa by HSE Solutions,

but sustainability will definitely be a factor,

Solutions – a South African supplier of high-

has followed these steps to produce its

as the push towards green products and

performance PPE – adds: “Notwithstanding

Perfect Cutting range of cut- and puncture-

processes gathers momentum.” | SHEQ

| SHEQ management

“Many methods are available, and those most appropriate to the specific situation



Do you manage risk or do you perform

risk management Are successful business people born with the risk management skills that others have to learn through education and professional experience? Philip Tillman, honorary treasurer for the Institute of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) executive committee, offers some insight


irmly in the YES camp are those

Structured or flexible, insight or foresight,

who consider risk management a

analytical or intuition, collaborative or siloed;

subconscious exercise of commercial

every organisation has an appetite for the

awareness that enables business

importance of risk management in its particular

leaders to balance the countless contrasting

context, and this normally depends on who has

aspects of a business, in order to stay on track

the most to lose.

and achieve success. These include: revenue

Where all the standards tend to agree is that

versus cash flow, discounting versus branding,

risk management is a sub-process of governance,

contractors versus employees, commitment

which means its objective is to protect the interest

versus flexibility, market share versus profitability

of stakeholders. The maturity of an organisation’s

– and many more.

risk can often be “guesstimated” by analysing

Positioned in the NO camp are those whose role includes the phrase “risk”. These individuals

A business that is still under family control

of skills and attributes, which can only be learned

(whether listed or otherwise), rarely commits

through a combination of education, experience

significant dedicated resources to the process of

and consultation.

risk management. While the company’s annual

They also believe that risk management

report often has pages dedicated to company

requires the embedding of processes into an

governance (for the unselfish purpose of

organisation, which systematically identify and

maintaining share price), a glimpse below the

manage risk, and that an individual cannot do this

surface will expose this as lip service being paid

by intuition, or without investment.

to a different regulatory requirement. Often these

Which perspective is correct? Is it possible

organisations can be identified by large common

that both camps could be right, and that good

shareholding and simultaneous boardroom

risk management is in the eye of the beholder?


management? The Australian/New Zealand perspective on risk management might lean towards the YES

| SHEQ management


would argue that risk management requires a set

Or is there a single truth … the holy grail of risk


its controlling stakeholders – he who holds the

A business that is majority-owned by a large number of shareholders – such as a listed entity or public entity – frequently takes a different view of the importance of risk management.

camp. Their standards perceive risk as the effect

While the governance section of its annual

of uncertainty on an organisation’s objectives.

report is indistinguishable from that of the

They lean heavily towards the importance of

family controlled business, a more in-depth

knowing your risks and the context in which

look will provide a very different view. Such

they exist, with a relatively low emphasis on the

an organisation will have strong board and

analysis of the risk itself.





By contrast, the long-standing view of the

a separate risk management and audit

Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the

committee, and management will report to

Treadway Commission (COSO) implies that good

this committee as part of the performance

risk management requires a systematic approach,

plans. Risk management is considerably more

and that the absence of a structured approach

systematic and embedded into the culture ...

might impede the entire process from being

the benefit of which is still unquantifiable and


subject to debate. | SHEQ


spaces Conquering confined

Employers must ensure that employees are kept safe and secure in the workplace, which is rather tricky when a place of work is in a high-risk industry. Dangers should be clearly defined, as should plans that are devised to deal with them …


anger takes on various

in multiple industries, including, but not

and we have noticed that customers aren’t

forms and guises, from the

limited to municipalities, construction, oil

treating certain areas as confined spaces, for

possibility of tripping over

and gas and power generation.

example, silos. We have become aware that

a power cord at a desk to

“Numerous workers are injured on an

deadly gases found kilometres down a mine

annual basis, as a result of exposure to

Skyriders has seen a demand, which

– but threats aren’t always understood.

dangerous substances in confined spaces.

it intends to fill. “We decided to offer a

Confined spaces are a perfect example …

One of the biggest problems is inadequate

stand-alone service that includes training

there is a need for education and training.”

“One of the challenges is a lack of

training and experience to effectively deal

and consultation, but we will also take care

knowledge on what defines a confined

with the dangers of confined spaces,” he

of the rescue and gas analysis relating to

space,” says Mike Zinn, marketing manager


confined spaces in order to help clients to

at Skyriders Access Specialists. “Many

“It is not only about how many people

people have a preconceived idea of what

have been trained, but how many have

He continues: “It is an industry that is

these areas are – it has to be deep, dark,

the expertise to work in confined spaces

going to grow. Many sectors have confined

filled with gas and only have one door …”

and the compulsory back-up of a specially

spaces where loss of life is a huge tragedy.

trained rescue team,” he adds.


A confined space is defined as an

keep their employees safe,” says Zinn.




enclosed, restricted or limited space

Skyriders, together with Height Wise

that includes any equipment, machinery

Training Academy – a dedicated work at

or object in which dangerous liquids or

height training provider owned by Skyriders

Lubbe adds: “I am confident that

concentration of gas, vapour, dust or

– plans to offer accredited training in use

Skyriders will provide excellent services

fumes may be present.

of confined spaces in the near future.

with regard to confined spaces. Our

fatalities or serious injuries should never occur in confined spaces ...”

Rudolf Lubbe, a specialist in confined

“Many of our technicians work in

teams of technicians are highly qualified,

spaces at Skyriders, adds that expertise

confined spaces,” says Zinn. “We are also

trained and boast many years of relevant

in managing confined spaces is important

asked to assist clients with consultations

experience in the field.” | SHEQ

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| SHEQ management

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Universal building blocks or an environmental blight?

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture thousands of vital products that people use every day – nearly everything not made from rocks, plants, other living things or metal. How does this wonder medium live up to SHEQ standards? JACO DE KLERK investigates


This wonder medium isn’t without

poised to enter the mainstream. “Their

its dangers however. “Petrochemicals

development is driven by considerable

and their by-products, such as dioxin,

consumer and economic pressure to

are known to cause an array of serious

replace conventional plastics made from

he trade association American

health problems, including cancer and



endocrine disruption (interference with

derived from natural sources such as plants or gases like CO2.”





| SHEQ management



hormones within your body),” Natural

which represents virtually all

Pure Organics, a US company that deals in

Her full report is available on The

United States (US) based manufacturers

organic personal-care products, notes on

Conversation, a website which refers to

of fuels (from diesel to home heating oil)

its website. “Endocrine disruptors interfere

itself as an independent source of news

and petrochemicals – points out that these

with growth, development, intelligence

and views, sourced from the academic and

everyday products include everything

and reproduction. The damage can be

research community.

made of plastic, medicines and medical

irreversible and be passed on to future

devices, cosmetics, furniture, appliances,


In a nutshell; sustainable polymers aren’t necessarily greener (if you take

TVs and radios, computers, parts used in

There are some “greener” alternatives,

their manufacture, use and disposal into

every mode of transportation, solar power

however … Charlotte Williams, a professor

consideration), but they do put waste

panels and wind turbines.

of chemistry at Imperial College London,

material to good use and capture CO2

“Petrochemicals are also the building

paints an exquisite picture in her piece

emissions that would have just escaped

blocks for body armour and other high-

Creating renewable plastics that don’t cost

into the atmosphere.

tech materials that are used to protect

the Earth:

Some of these “bio-boosted” polymers

police officers, firefighters and the men

“Imagine a future where packaging is

are biodegradable and, if not, mostly

and women in our armed forces,” AFPM

made entirely from waste material and

recyclable. They shouldn’t be mixed with

relates. “In addition, petrochemicals are

biodegrades to harmless by-products.

traditional plastics however … (the article

the key raw materials that keep you safe

Or where your home’s cavity wall

also goes into some interesting new

while driving in your car, and make modern

insulation foam is made from captured

developments, but I shouldn’t digress).

communications possible.”

CO2 emissions. Or where construction

There are more than 4 000 products




such as glass and metal, plastic polymers

classified as petrochemicals. These are

engineering plastics are sophisticated

recycling is more challenging as there

derived from ethane, propane, butane and

biological composites consisting of tough

are many technical hurdles to overcome.

other hydrocarbons extracted from crude

cellulose fibres embedded in naturally

“Metals are very easy to recycle from other

oil and natural gas liquids (which isn’t too

derived polymers.”

materials and from one another,” explains

renowned for its “green” properties).




Compared to other recycling materials,

She explains that these inventions are

Mike Biddle, founder of MBA Polymers, on



MEDICALS See how your plant works in the blink of an eye In the main article we see that petrochemicals are vital building blocks for many essential and life saving equipment … the collection process, of raw products needed to produce this compound, does present some challenges, however. The Brady Corporation, an international manufacturer and marketer of people, products and places protection solutions, offers a way to overcome these. “When implemented well, professionals can use pipe markers as a guide and will be able to see how your plant works in the blink of an eye,” explains Christophe Nelissen, sales manager of Brady Middle East. Compliant colour coding, combined with piping and instrumentation diagrams, flow direction and clear “to” and “from” information make your plant visually presentable and compliant. They also dramatically increase the safety and process insight of the contractors, who are active in an oil and gas plant. “A simple tap could contain water, for example, but might just as easily hold pressurised steam, oil or gas,” Nelissen points out. “Pipe markers immediately inform professionals what to expect, even when they are unfamiliar with a specific plant.” Should a leak occur, well-implemented “to” and “from” pipe markers will quickly show your engineers potential sources of a leak, for a quick and adequate reaction. Another benefit is that a clearly identified oil and gas plant greatly increases the speed at which new employers can be trained. “Brady combined insight from its long presence in the Middle East, with extensive material knowledge and markers made from quality material, which are ready to implement in any oil and gas site worldwide,” Nelissen concludes.

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| SHEQ management

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TED Talks. (TED is a non-profit site devoted

waste separation technology, recovering

the end of that part of the process come

to spreading ideas, usually in the form of

plastic from large waste streams (such

little flakes of plastic: one type, one grade,”

short talks.)

as end-of-life cars, computers, electronic

Biddle points out.

“They have very different densities,” Biddle continues. “They have different

appliances and household waste) around the world.

The next step includes optical sorting according to the plastics’ colour. “That

electrical and magnetic properties and they

“It starts with metal recyclers that

material then goes to extruders where

even have different colours. It’s very easy

shred the products into very small bits,”

we melt it, push it through small die holes,

for either humans or machines to separate

Biddle explains. “They recover the metals

make spaghetti-like plastic strands and

these metals from one another and from

and leave behind a complex mixture of

we chop those strands into pellets,” notes

other materials.”

materials, but predominantly plastics.

Biddle. “This is the same material that you

It’s, however, a lot more difficult to

Here we remove the non-plastics, such

would get from oil. We’re just producing it

distinguish between different plastic

as missed metals, carpeting, foam, rubber,

from post-consumer plastic.”

variants. “Traditional ways of separating

wood, glass and paper.”

So, while petrochemicals are used as

materials simply just don’t work for

The mixture of different types and

the building blocks for so many essential

plastics,” he adds. “This is problematic as

grades of plastic then go into another

and life saving equipment, they, and many

different types of plastic tend to phase-

process. “Here the really hard work, a

of the products derived from them, does

separate (similar to oil and water) when

multi-step separation process, begins. We

hold many perils for our planet and its

they’re melted together, causing structural

grind the plastic down to the size of a

people …


little finger’s nail. We use a very highly

Headway, however, is being made

automated process to sort those plastics,

to curb the negatives and enhance the

not only by type, but by grade. And out

positives. | SHEQ

MBA has come up with a solution, however,



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Because every life has a purpose…43

???????????????? QUALITY

Mechanical mayhem or a move in the right direction?

It would seem that mechanisation is the new norm for many jobs … but what influence does it have on the quality of how these tasks are done and the lives of those who used to perform these functions?







will be followed by tech-busts and that a

John Wihbey, writers on

oversimplifications are a danger in this

growing dependency of output will form on


area,” the writers warn.

past software investment.





(named one of the best

A 2014 paper by David Autor, from

A January 2014 report, in the Economist

free reference websites by the American

the United States-based Massachusetts

magazine, identified a trend in technological

Library Association in 2013), explain in

Institute of Technology (MIT), on machine

innovations: Whereas innovation during

their piece: Computerisation, atomisation,

displacement of human labour, stresses

times of industrialisation focused on the

crowd-sourcing and the new economics

the need for caution. It notes that:

automation of physical work, innovation

of employment; from the earliest stages

“Journalists and expert commentators

today focuses on the automation of brain-

of industrialisation, and Ned Ludd’s war on



work. “This notion implies that innovations

textile machines, humanity’s worries about

substitution for human labour and ignore

in robotics and computing impact different

the future of work have passed in phases.

the strong complementarities that increase

kinds of labour in different ways,” say the

productivity, raise earnings, and augment

Journalist’s Resource writers.

“Charles Dickens portrayed gritty factory realities, while the 1936 movie Modern




demand for skilled labour.”

MIT researchers Erik Brynjolfsson and

Times showed Charlie Chaplin swallowed

Other economists have begun to explore

Andrew McAfee agree that technologies

whole and spat out by a factory machine,”

how a much more automated future may

encroach more on some jobs and less on

the duo relate. “Science fiction has long

play out. “In a February 2015 paper for

others, thus driving a divergence in labour

been spinning out dystopian scenarios, with

the National Bureau of Economic Research,


robots marginalising, replacing or enslaving

Robots Are Us: Some Economics of Human


Replacement, a group of scholars create a


Comments aren’t only being made in

model of the future and conclude that the

researcher Richard Murnane and MIT scholar

the world of fiction, however, as important

likely scenario is not altogether positive for

Frank Seth Levy, is to invest in educational

research questions also emerge with

workers,” the Journalist’s Resource authors

programmes that enhance the skills needed

each new economic phase. “It should first

point out.

in an increasingly computerised world,”

be said that the subject is complicated,

The paper states that the tech-booms



| SHEQ management


tel: +27 (0) 11 794 6040 44 email:

tel: +44 (0) 113 3507 651 email:




with to

Knoll and Wihbey conclude. | SHEQ





Proudly manufactured by

these Harvard

???????????????? PPE

True North? The world is becoming more and more digital. You can now source products from around the globe with the click of a button. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is no exception. There is an array of product providers that can supply what you need over the web or per an order form, but what if you want your PPE right now? Or would like to try it on? supply workers with this equipment) smaller

operations for DHL Express

PPE shops do have merit. North Safety

Sub Saharan Africa, says

Products Africa, a South African designer,

that online shopping not

manufacturer and marketer of personal

only offers consumers access to a greater

protection and safety equipment products

selection of products, with easy-to-

in the workplace, is driving this point home

quantity of overalls. Instead, they find it more

compare prices, but also allows individuals

while focusing on customer service and

convenient to go into town, once a week, to

to purchase products that may not yet be

expansion into Africa.

purchase the necessary PPE items hassle-

available in their own country.

According to North’s CEO, Craig Garvie, the


According to figures from the International

company constantly looks for opportunities

According to Garvie, contractors will also

Telecommunication Union, in South Africa

to make improvements. “Currently we are

benefit. “The North retail store is ideal for

51 percent of individuals with internet access

focused on bettering our service ability. There

a contractor who may have been awarded

shop online. Nigeria’s online shopping sector

are so many players in this sector and not

a new job and needs to quickly collect a

grew from NGN 68,4 billion (R4,22 billion) in

everyone gives customers the service they’re

PPE item for the day. It is also ideal for

2011, according to a 2014 Phillips Consulting

entitled to.”

purchasing extra PPE, should a team have to be swiftly expanded due to unforeseen

survey, to NGN 78 billion (R4,81 billion) in

To accommodate all customers, North

2012 – representing a growth of 25 percent.

has opened a chain of retail stores around

“Online shopping is definitely the way

the country. “We see a huge market for

He points out that the primary aim of the

to go, from a convenience and cost saving

smaller buyers looking for PPE supplies for

North retail stores is accessibility, by allowing

point of view,” says Facey. South African PPE

their own businesses,” Garvie points out.

customers to walk in and walk out with the

providers are, mostly, following this route as

“Our retail section is going to be about

products that they require. “We want to

well and their websites are filled with online

servicing the smaller business units, that

make our products freely available, provide

contact dialogue boxes and order forms.

have been neglected in the past.”

customers with choice, while ensuring that


our pricing remains competitive.”

Is this the right approach? What if you

He observes that certain industry sectors

need your PPE in a hurry, or would like to try

lend themselves to retail. “Farming, for

It would seem that online shopping and

it on? Wouldn’t it be easier to driver to a shop

example, does not require large amounts

dedicated stores do have their own pros

and examine the item you want?

of personal protective equipment. Farmers

and cons … South Africa should perhaps

While massive PPE users, like mines,

are not necessarily interested in a sales

follow Europe’s suit, complementing the one

often have warehouses on their premises (to

representative coming onsite to sell a small

service with the other? | SHEQ

| SHEQ management


liver Facey, vice president of



Happy feet

Studies show that chronic pain negatively affects job performance, concentration and personal interactions. It can even cause depression … Beier Safety Footwear is tackling this problem, feet first


ccording of






approval,” Prinsloo points out. He adds that

Trax range has podiatry-approved styles


organisations like the South African Bureau

with flared angles, widths and flexibilities


of Standards (SABS) also set footwear

that no other safety shoe, local or

article, The Burden of Pain on

standards, but they focus on material,

imported, have. Designed in collaboration

Employee Health and Productivity, pain is

technology and durability to protect

with leading podiatrists, the range offers

one of the leading causes of both worker

consumers. “PASA assesses the entire shoe

extra comfort to workers who are on

absenteeism, in which an employee must

focusing on how design affects health.”

their feet all day. Trax shoes have a wider,

take time away from work, and worker

PASA members are, furthermore,

flexible sole allowing the wearer’s feet

“presenteeism,” in which an employee’s

medical professionals who specialise in

to function and move naturally, while

overall effectiveness at work is limited.

footwear development and assessment.

promoting blood flow.”

“A worker with painful feet increases

“The committee focuses on research to

The range is also lighter to assist muscle

production expenses through lost time

create products with high health value,”

action. The steel toecaps are distinctly

and raises healthcare costs for employer

says Prinsloo. “They also work with

wider, with an increased toe box depth,

and employee alike,” adds Allan Prinsloo,

manufacturers like us to develop footwear

to accommodate a variety of toe lengths

Beier’s marketing and export manager.

in respect of foot anatomy and physiology.”

and diameters. Additional benefits include

This KwaZulu-Natal based safety footwear

| SHEQ management




shock absorption, ample space for feet,

supplier, which produces a wide range of

measurements and shape proportions that

products under the Bova and Sisi brand

match the foot, avoiding issues caused by

“The Trax range is a result of Beier

names, is tackling this problem head-on.

poor footwear. “Over 34 parameters are

Safety Footwear’s quest to provide the

evaluated before designs receive PASA

best protection for the world’s workers

approval,” Prinsloo explains.

in every industry. It’s another example








comprising five pairs that meet the rigorous

reduced fatigue, aches and pains.

requirements laid down by the Podiatry

He adds that flexible footwear, which

of Beier’s special brand of home-grown

Association of South Africa (PASA) –

encourages circulation, is vital to avoid

innovation, harnessed for the protection

earning its highly sought-after stamp of

fatigue and blood pooling in the feet. “The

and improved health of all.” | SHEQ



for the occasion... groundDress rules

Respirex is a world leading supplier of personal Leighton Bennett, a Safety First Association committee member from Benrisk Consulting, delves into protective solutions, specializing in the excavation safety and takes a look at southern Africa’s typical soil profile design and manufacture of high-performance chemical and he 2014 Occupational Health and Safety Act’s Construction varies from very soft respiratory to hard rock. Itsprotective strength alsoclothing. depends on its

person – an excavation supervisor or inspector.

This inspector should evaluate site conditions in terms of traffic,

the location of structures and their soil type and condition, the surface and ground water and the water table, as well as overhead and underground utilities and the weather. It’s, thus, no surprise that excavation and trenching designs aren’t simple to complete. When a trench or other excavation is made in soil, the residual forces in the ground work to restore the soil to a more stable configuration. If those residual forces (soil load and gravity) are greater than those forces holding the trench or excavation walls where they are, a cave-in or sidewall collapse occurs. Because of these forces, the evaluation of the soil conditions and structure is critical for safe operations. Southern Africa has a generic soil profile, which includes the fill, transported soil, a pebble marker, residual soil and bedrock. • The fill describes all refuse, added materials (such as brick paving and its base materials) and excavated ground used for filling a depression, or raising the ground level. • The transported soil (gravels, sand, silts and clays) are soils that

weathering, and whether it is cracked, layered, inclines at dip angles

HF alkylation units around orWe has supply rock cleavages. These factors can impact on the the ground

globeofand in offering a complete stability rock, are whichunique could result is a land slide or a collapsed service excavation.

that includes standard or tailored It’s clear that excavation of soilswith depends on many equipment solutionsstability combined unrivalled variables that must be considered by an excavation supervisor training, aftercare and support. Contact us to ensure excavation safety. today to find out| SHEQ how we can solve your protective clothing needs.

Dress for the occasion... Respirex is a world leading supplier of personal protective solutions, specializing in the design and manufacture of high-performance chemical and respiratory protective clothing. We supply HF alkylation units around the globe and are unique in offering a complete service that includes standard or tailored equipment solutions combined with unrivalled training, aftercare and support. Contact us today to find out how we can solve your protective clothing needs. Air-fed Air-fed Air-fed Suits Suits Suits

be performed under the supervision of a competent

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Regulation 13(1a) requires that all excavation work must

have been transported by water. This occurs when the flowing water velocity slows and the heavier particles, which it carries, are

the residual soil develop according to the parent rock type, which decomposes to form the residual soil. • Towards the residual soil layer’s base, highly weathered fragments of the original bedrock material is often encountered. The bedrock

Respirex North America

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| SHEQ management

produced a soil with little tendency to move. The characteristics of

Chemical Chemical Chemical Work Work Work Wear Wear Wear

where the action of the elements on the original bedrock has

Air-fed Suits

transported stones and unweathered pebbles of the original bedrock. • Beneath that is the residual soil, or sub soil, which has developed

Chemical Work Wear

underlying residual soils is a pebble marker layer of deposited,

Air-fed Half Suits

• As a rule, the contact zone between the transported soils and the

Reusable Air-fed Air-fed Air-fed Half Half Half Suits Suits SuitsGas-tight Suits





(Accredita;on Number:
and Cer;fica;on
Programmes: •Scaffold
Scaffold) •Scaffolding
Inspec;on •Scaffold
Heights) •Advanced
Inspec;on Contact
assistance: •Reinhardt






SHEQ m a n a g e m e n t


SHEQ MANAGEMENT aims to provide up to date, relevant information to ensure the safety and wellbeing of employees in the workplace, while assisting them in preparing for

302 NOVALIS AD - 74x210_p.indd 1 2010/09/08 9:52 AM emergencies and preventing disasters. SHEQ MANAGEMENT is the definitive source for reliable, accurate and pertinent information to promote environmental health and safety

in the workplace. It is our objective to raise the profile of these important subjects: these issues belong in the boardroom!






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Fighting violence in the

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