1 minute read
Foreword from the Chair
It gives me great pleasure to write this foreword to our 50 th Anniversary publication. As trustees and staff we wanted to mark our half century of service to the local communities of Loughborough and Charnwood with a record of the history of what is now called Equality Action. Through the following pages you will discover how we began back in 1969 as primarily a ‘race relations’ organisation and then how over the years the work has adapted to the needs of our communities.
In a fast changing world, be that because of social media and the emphasis on ‘on line’ applications, to changes in legislation, we are always aware of the need to be relevant in the present whilst planning for the future. It is an exciting journey, one which I hope that you, the reader, might feel moved to support us with. There are many ways you can do this. You may want to discover more about joining our team of Trustees or simply become a ‘friend’ either personal or corporate. All our work is dependent upon outside funding, such as the Big Lottery, and all donations we receive are used to support new and existing projects. And of course none of this would have been possible without our dedicated and professional staff both past and present. I do hope that you will enjoy reading the history and work of Equality Action.