Light Moves
The Creative Continuum A Charnwood Arts project in collaboration with the National Cheng Kung University, Tainan on the occasion of their 85th birthday.
Light Moves experiments with light
Light Moves During a visit to NCKU in February/March 2016 we were struck by the way light and movement plays a part in the social dynamics of Taiwanese Culture and in particular, the culture of young people. Also, thinking in the context of education many great orators have spoken of the ‘light of knowledge’. Whilst thinking about the workshop, we started to consider how to bring people together in a collective act of playfulness whist imparting new skills that would hopefully stay with them. The light painting workshop was a chance to subvert the use of technology for a creative outcome and allow people to work together in creating art through movement. The workshop enabled participants to learn about how a camera works and playfully create drawing in mid air using torches and other light sources. However, the greater outcome was the chance to build an atmosphere of trust and cooperation through creativity.
Overall the workshops were seen as a metaphor for play which, in this 85th anniversary year is a celebration of the creativity laying at the core of research, design, science and engineering at NCKU. We live in an age where science and technology, business and commerce appear to dominate. However, spend more than a day in the campus at NCKU and it quickly becomes apparent that a vbrant social, cultural and creative life is very much a part of this incredible campus. Most participants had not used a digitial SLR camera or played with light in this way before so what you see in this e-publication is a gallery of investigations and personal innovation.
Thank you to the Arts Centre at National Cheng Kung University for hosting this workshop and Professor Ming Turner and the students of ICID and Techno Arts courses for all their help in putting the extensive workshop programme together - October 2016
Photographs: The collectives acts of all above