1 minute read

Angelic “Angel” Que

Tunnel Time where there is deep darkness,

How did I get here?


Having not Followed the adult's directions? Or the old world's instructions?

Did I get lost or something

(Oh stubborn, little one! Not listening to anyone!)

But sometimes I wonder If the birth

(What was that all about, That nonsense that I hear? What pesky ringing in my ear!)

Led me here. or maybe I am still in it!

Or is this the

And I didn't oh no, take me home! This is one scary way to be.

(wait! my heart just fell to the ground that sound like a ghost in the dark!

Now I've found my heart is

Time to close my eyes:

I don't want to see anything in this dark!


My eardrums are on tiptoes

Since I got here!

"h e l l o ooooooooooooooooooooo y o u h o o o o o o o o"

Silent, be silent now and be still!

" h e l l o o o o o o o o y o u w h oooo

A n y b o d y t h e r e?

M y n a m e i s J o n a h.

I j u s t c a m e t o v i s i t a n y b o d y h e ar ? h e l l o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o”

The Present Moment

To receive a present gives you a lift, The present moment is just such a gift. Some do not accept and give it a miss, What then is lost is a touch of real bliss. The moving mind loves to run front and back, For the future and past it has a real knack. By grace and will the mind can become still, And then its real purpose can be fulfilled. The gifts of love and law are simply there, To offer to others most needed care. The question is to be or not to be, If we are present we then can be free.

The ever present now opens the door, To many wonders of life and much more. The silence between speaking is then heard, Not joy or sorrow, but the calming word. Happiness is what we all want to win, In the present it can be found within. When the past and future distractions cease, Then in the present we connect with Peace.

Kat Kambes (Katina Wright)

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