The response to the Charter has helped reveal the existence of a subterranean global compassion movement. We work to support the emergence and effec>veness of that movement in communi>es everywhere, enabling thousands of organiza>ons to act in concert to create a world in which dialogue transforms conflict. We inspire and sustain cultures of compassion locally and globally through diverse ini>a>ves in educa>on, ci>es, business, health care, and religious and spiritual communi>es. Through a vibrant Partner Network and global communica>on plaPorms we share informa>on, stories and experiences.
The ci>es that sign on to become Compassionate Ci>es are working to iden>fy the unique issues that need to be addressed through compassionate ac>on in their par>cular place on Earth. Issues range from a lack of social jus>ce for women, for immigrants, for the LGBT community, or for those orphaned by the tragedy of the AIDS epidemic. In some communi>es, it is issues of drugs, or gang violence, or the need for equitable healthcare or confron>ng the effects of environmental racism in marginalized communi>es. Others are working to provide empowerment to youth and to educate people about the need for compassion in addressing environmental issues.
The concern of people in all these communi>es is driven by the idea that beneath our culture of indifference runs a deep river of compassion, a vast aquifer of loving kindness wai>ng to be
tapped, yearning to be released. In the 21st century, scien>fic evidence has mounted for compassion as an essen>al ingredient in maintaining thriving, healthy, resilient, and innova>ve enterprises, ins>tu>ons, and communi>es.
We started 2016 with 311 compassionate ini>a>ves and ended 2017 with 405 ci>es, in 52 countries of the world. We made some significant headway with lending support to grassroots teams of organizers who struggled to address the most grave and pressing problems within their communi>es.
Every city is different, with a unique history, and a confluence of diverse cultures, languages, and habits. So every city has a unique path to becoming a community in which compassion comes alive. However, what all ci>es have in common is that in order for compassion to build, there is a call for ci>zens who have the imagina>on, energy, and courage to start the movement.
We have selected some stories that highlight the excep>onal work that happened within our compassionate ci>es in 2016-17. There are hundreds of such stories and while we know some, we realize we don’t know them all. A`er all, this is a grassroots movement in which many of the coordinators and team members of an ini>a>ve have jobs, families and even if they are re>red are working harder than they ever have. All are challenging themselves and their team members to assure that tomorrow will not resemble the past but will bring light to a new story compassionate care.
Karachi, Pakistan
Charter for Compassion Pakistan
The Compassion team in Pakistan has been working on a significant number of projects since 2011. They have become globally known for some of their “firsts”: a Compassion Schools Network, Collabora>ve Library Project, Compassionate Cricket Club, Compassionate Community Network, Business Quo>ent, Ramzaan Challenge among others. An ongoing commitment is to collect one million signatures among Karachi ci>zens to the Charter for Compassion.
In the last two years three new ini>a>ves were started.
Mumkin was launched in three geographic areas, targe>ng around 25-35 women in each community. Ages are ranging between 19-45 years.
Training in fashion designing and entrepreneurial skills is being provided in collabora>on with Fashion and Business Ins>tutes. The aim is to help women make compe>>ve quality products which can compete with market standards and enable par>cipants to sell their products within their own communi>es at affordable prices.
Educa6on Management Organiza6on (EMO)
According to famous saying; “If you educate a woman you educate an en>re genera>on.” Mumkin is a social learning space for underprivileged women to come together, socially connect with each other, acquire useful skills and share their knowledge. The project >tle highlights the message that women are equal members of society and with the right aftude and improved skill set; it is possible for them to become a thriving asset for a society.
A`er consistent efforts of the Charter for Compassion (CFC) to make humanity common in all corners of Pakistan; the Charter made another goal to take educa>on to the next level in the country. The EMO project along with the CFC made a Sindh Educa>on Sector Plan which sets its goal to make every child in the province not only educated without financial aid, but also given quality educa>on compe>ng the private schooling system and opportuni>es for deserving youth to earn a living through teaching profession. The project aims to make educa>on common regardless of gender, ethnicity, and class or language barriers. Opera>ve since 25th Feb 2016, this project has been successful in opening several schools and has started educa>ng several millions of pupils in areas like Sukkur and Khairpur, and aims to spread more rapidly than before in other areas of Sindh at large.
Since the occurrence of the most devasta>ng heat wave in Karachi in 2015, the city witnessed a deep shock of loosing more than 1200 lives. This warranted immediate ac>on, leading to the crea>on of Compassionate Footprint project. The CFC Pakistan teams went into an immediate overdrive to spread awareness about the environment. The target audience was schools and an awareness campaign was supplemented with a planta>on drive to increase the strength of the immediacy and importance of the message.
Towards a Smart City of Change Makers: Compassionate Pune, India
As the grassroots organizers of Pune say: Poona Pune is the Pune of our deepest dreams: a city which is spiritually fulfilling, economically thriving, socially just and environmentally sustainable. It is a Compassionate City where everyone is a Leader who ini>ates ac>on on things that they deeply care about in a way that others are inspired to join. It is a city of “Changemakers” (to use the term of Ashoka).
Compassionate Pune is dedicated to crea>ng a community with a thriving ecosystem for human evolu>on and well being—a city that is environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just.
Recently a cadre of the team formed a group, ICatalysts®, who are working directly with other ci>es to share processes that bring about compassionate transforma>on. However, most important to the organizing team (pictured below) is working in the field of educa>on.
Principal’s Round Table
Star>ng in 2016 Compassionate Pune created the Principal’s Round Table. The opening event, was amended by over one hundred educators including principals and head administrators, represen>ng schools and ins>tu>ons across the city and local region.
Nipun Mehta, founder of ServiceSpace, an incubator of gi` economy projects that inspire people to be the change they wish to see, launched this new ini>a>ve. Par>cipants had an opportunity to share their experiments in compassion and kindness projects. The Principal’s Round Table and another new project, Educa>on Today Society Tomorrow, con>nue to offer workshops, work in local schools and collaborate on compassionate curriculum.
Pune, India
Charter for Compassiona—Sri Lanka
Begun in June 2016, the Sri Lanka Compassion Ini>a>ve is a project to bring back compassion in both public and private lives, star>ng first in Colombo, and then to other outlying areas adjacent to the city.
The launch was a shared fellowship dinner. Coming together, on the streets of Dehiwal, Colombo, residents “broke their fast” by having a street dinner. This was an interfaith gathering.
While this was the first step in developing an understanding of each other #compassioncolombo, the compassionate ini>a>ve is now working to expand its presence by working with volunteer efforts in healthcare and educa>on programs that are working within the Colombo area.
Charter for Compassion—Yemen
Begun in early 2016, Compassionate Yemen was a response to the horrors of war and internal displacement of people within Yemen, and most par>cularly in the city of Sana’a. In their sustainable ac>on plan, the team stated that they are working to send a message that they are prepared to work and not fight through adop>ng projects and quality programs in several fields.
Specifically their goals are:
• Help the community during and a`er the war
• Link Sana'a as a compassionate city with ci>es of mercy around the world
• Form a network of local coopera>on between non-profit organiza>ons in Yemen
• Spread the peace, by sending a message to the figh>ng sides about the possible damage they are crea>ng.
• Spread awareness on the risks of weapons.
The team has been able to set up safe houses for refugees, start a meal program, provides services in hospitals.
Sana’a, Yemen
Handvest voor Compassie—Compassionate Netherlands
The first Charter for Compassion ini>a>ve in Europe was the Netherlands, In May, 2016 Romerdam became the 76th City to Affirm the Charter. Mayor Aboutaleb affirmed the Charter for Compassion on behalf of the ci>zens of of Romerdam. In his speech he emphasized the importance of ‘so` powers’ in society today. "All the threats and confronta>ons with violence and terror should never make us forget how important it is to keep seeing others as human beings.”
In a video message that Karen Armstrong made especially for Romerdam, she once more accentuated that the West should pay more amen>on to civilian casual>es in far away wars (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan) to make clear that all lives are equally valuable. Romerdam received congratula>ons from the mayor of Belfast, the Charter for Compassion Australia, Idaho, Atlanta, Tucson and Louisville.
The ‘We-society program’ of the city will, from now on be strongly connected to these ci>es.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Other highlights for Handvest have included:
• Recorded a video with Mayor Lenferink of Leiden in which he tells what compassion means to his city (Leiden was the first Netherlands city to sign the Charter in 2009). Collaborated with Compassion for Care, Vereniging Arts en Auto and the Career Care Center on the organiza>on of the Compassion Prize 2017 with the theme Care and the ques>on "Who cares for the healthcare provider?"
• The Compassieprijs 2017 was awarded on Saturday, November 25 during the members event at Vereniging Arts and Auto in Beesd. The jury chose from the 22 submimed projects (including six within Dutch hospitals) the ini>a>ve "More pa>ent consulta>on >me" from a general prac>>oner won.
Waves of Compassion—Halifax, Canada and the Interfaith Community
As Jim Tolbert and Kim McAulay, founders of Waves of Compassion in Halifax say: “There’s always room for a limle more compassion in the world, and one non-profit organiza>on has developed a tool kit to ensure that compassion reaches every corner of the Halifax community. This has been the most recent accomplishment of the compassion team.
Waves of Halifax has been developing the toolbox over the last several years and are now ready to put it to the test by encouraging local partners to use it in order to find their own way to become compassionate businesses, schools and universi>es, healthcare and interfaith organiza>ons. Halifax Regional School Board and Halifax Regional Municipality have both commimed to u>lizing the tool box within their ins>tu>ons.
Waves of Halifax also works closely with the local Interfaith Community and were instrumental in being involved in the organiza>on being awarded the 2016 World Interfaith Harmony Award. In April 2016, Anthony Power and Kim MacAulay, representa>ves from Waves of Compassion and Interfaith Harmony Halifax (IHH), along with two representa>ves from Uniharmony Partners Manila, Philippines, and the interna>onal Euclid University were at the award ceremony in Jordan’s Royal Court to receive the King Abdullah II World Interfaith Harmony Week Prizes.
In making selec>ons, the judges took into considera>on efforts made despite scan>ness of resources, but also took into considera>on the terms of the Prize, judges rewarded events specifically celebra>ng the World Interfaith Harmony Week rather than good interfaith work in general. Also, they further took into considera>on whether events were consistent with the text of the U.N. Resolu>on establishing the Prize. Accordingly, judges rewarded events which respected each religion as it is; in accordance
The World Interfaith Harmony Week is based on United Na>ons General Assembly Resolu>on A/65/PV.34 for a worldwide week of interfaith harmony. It was proposed in 2010 by HM King Abdullah II and HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan. The World Interfaith Harmony Week will fall on the first week of February of every year and aims to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith.
The World Interfaith Harmony Week seeks to spread the message of harmony and tolerance among the followers of all the world’s religions, faiths, and beliefs. It seeks to do this by promo>ng their common basis of “Love of God and Love of the Neighbor, or Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbor”. Its message invites everyone, excludes no one, and is purely voluntary.
Belfast, UK
Compassionate Belfast
In 2016, the Compassionate City of Belfast led four community “Conversa>ons Exploring Compassion.” The event descrip>on shared that the aim was to explore “how the Charter for Compassion will translate into a tangible plan for compassionate ac>on among our ci>zens and communi>es,” as well as, “how it can be best used to promote an understanding in our unique city context of Belfast.”
Frank Liddy, Chairperson of Compassion City of Belfast and Co-founding Director of the Belfast Mindfulness Centre who has extensive experience in the community care voluntary mental health sector as well as mindfulness based ini>a>ves, was kind enough to share his reflec>ons on these events. He explained that the Compassionate City Belfast Board and Marilyn Turkovich (Director, Charter for Compassion) were inspired to bring compassionate conversa>ons across the city of Belfast and to explore what a compassionate city there would look like.
“Here in Belfast we have four quarters to our city and due to our troubled past, each quarter more or less remains separate in a once divided city,” explained Liddy. The sad news is that these some>mes quarters were separated by what [are] called the peace walls or lines...the West was predominately aligned to Green/ Republicanism and Na>onalist/ Catholic, the East would be seen as Orange/ Protestant/Loyalist, the North would have
been described as a patchwork area of both Protestant / Catholic and other (the North of the city also experienced the most loss through the troubles), and the South of the city was a neutral area and a more affluent area.”
One Board member served as a host and one as support for each event. Bill Shaw covered the North with Mary McManus as his support, Carolyn Blair covered the South with Frank Liddy as support, Mary McManus covered East Belfast with Bill Shaw in support, and Frank Liddy covered the West with Carolyn Blair as support. The Northern Ireland Mental Health and Arts Film Fes>val (NIMHAFF) was also an organizer of Conversa>ons Exploring Compassion in East Belfast.
During the conversa>ons, informa>on was shared though a presenta>on and video explaining how the Belfast Compassionate Charter was formed and endorsed by City Hall, and about the Charter for Compassion. Par>cipants broke up into groups to discuss the meaning of compassion and what compassion in Belfast might look like. The workshops lasted from 90 minutes to two hours on average and ended with a video of The Golden Rule, which “on feedback from par>cipants was a great note to end on offering hope.”
Gold Coast, Australia
Compassionate Australia’s New City Ini6a6ve: Compassionate Gold Coast
The Charter for Compassion was recognized by the Australian Parliament in 2010. It was the first parliament in the world to affirm the Charter.
In prepara>on for the launch of its strategic plan in 2021, Australia: A Con<nent for Compassion, the Charter for Compassion Australia is introducing four ini>a>ves.
The Launch
Australia: A Con>nent for Compassion will be formally launched via a series of coordinated events across Australia on 21 September 2021. That par>cular day has been chosen as it coincides with the United Na>ons Day of Peace. A project group will be established to plan and oversee the details of this launch.
Na6onal Day of Compassion
Each year an annual day of compassion will be held across Australia. This day will provide an interpersonal opportunity for all Australians to engage in expressing compassion.
Australian Compassion Ci6es Movement
Compassionate ci>es provide a visible presence for engaging council-wide communi>es to come together to recognize and respond to the need for human interac>on and allevia>on of suffering, in innova>ve and meaningful ways.
Compassionate Ac6on Network
The Compassion Ac>on Network encourages grassroots gatherings of people to host conversa>ons on how compassion can be implemented in their work and community lives.
The Gold Coast Affirms the Charter for Compassion
City of Gold Coast formally became a Compassionate City on 21 September, 2017.
Compassionate Gold Coast will focus on:
• Sharing stories of compassion.
• Facilita>ng mul>-sectorial gatherings to discuss key issues the community faces.
• Brokering crea>ve partnerships and innova>ve, resourcing solu>ons to respond to those issues.
Other Compassionate Gold Coast achievements:
• Councillor Glenn Tozer is designated a Compassion Ambassador
• Queensland Premier Department “We Are Queensland – Smart Grants Program” for a Higher Educa>on Project to build a more socially cohesive community.
• Miami State High School hold a Compassion Short Film Fes>val (pictured above).
Monterrey, Mexico
State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
In the fall of 2015, the organiza>on Encuentro Mundial de Valores (EMV), a group dedicated to universal human values began to work as the organizing team for the Charter for Compassion —State of Nuevo Leon in Mexico. Since that ini>a>on, EMV has accomplished remarkable work. Thirteen ci>es and the State of Nuevo Leon affirming the Charter for Compassion :
• Allende
• Apodaca
• Cadereyta Jimenez
• El Carmen
• General Escobedo
• Guadalupe
• Mina
• Montemorelos
• Monterrey
• State of Nuevo Leon
• San Nicolas
• San Pedro
• Santa Catarina
• San>ago with a sustainable ac>on plan for bringing compassion to their public and private ins>tu>ons.
In 2016, the Compassion State of Nuevo team established a School of Compassion which is dedicated into bringing compassion training in local prisons, and in 2017, the prison system of the State affirmed the Charter for Compassion offering training to inmates and prison personnel.
The School of Compassion also begun teacher training in schools and through EMV’s annual conference has sponsored workshops on compassionate educa>on in 2016 and 2017. They have also conducted sessions in local private and public schools throughout the state.
Closely associated with several NGO’s, EMV is collabora>ng to work in local universi>es, eleven of which have affirmed the Charter for Compassion, in ini>a>ng charitable projects throughout Monterrey and its surrounding areas and to provide services in coopera>on with other organiza>ons.
Atlanta, GA, USA
Compassionate Atlanta, GA
The Compassionate Atlanta Organizing Team in 2016-17 have been working on five specific ini>a>ves to support:
Community Conversa6ons
One of the best ways to raise awareness about the benefits of compassionate ac>on is to host “compassion conversa>ons” with friends, family members, neighbors and co- workers. Compassionate Atlanta has been holding citywide conversa>ons throughout the year.
Community Conversa6ons
The Charter for Compassion’s call-to-ac>on has inspired businesses, schools and other organiza>ons to adopt the Golden Rule and to work with Atlanta’s compassionate projects.
Atlanta’s third ini>a>ve is to provide guidance and support to other communi>es and individuals who would like to begin prac>cing mindfulness. Periodically the team offers free Mindfulness Workshops around the Greater Atlanta area.
Living Compassionately in a Diverse World
Compassionate Atlanta is engaging partners and organiza>ons in the greater Atlanta area to create conversa>ons and programming about apprecia>ng the differences we all bring to the table. Our communi>es possess a great deal of knowledge, exper>se and a willingness to learn how to be more compassionate to others who are different from ourselves. The first step is recogni>on and then listening and learning.
Children and Youth Ini6a6ve
We know that our children and youth face many challenges as they grow up in a complicated world. Educators and families too struggle with helping children face these challenges.
Compassionate Atlanta seeks to increase the opportuni>es for understanding and compassionate ac>on in the lives of our children and youth in order to create more vibrant and healthy communi>es, schools and families.
Austin, TX, USA
Compassionate Aus6n, TX
The Aus>n City Council passed a Resolu>on n April 14, 2016 designa>ng Aus>n as a Compassionate City!
The Aus>n team regards itself as a city of social innova>on. They realize that such innova>on does not exist without compassion.
Compassion is what brings people to the table to deal with the community’s pressing needs. Compassionate Aus>n has begun projects in environmental issues, educa>on and is developing a local Chapter of OpenIDEA.
Compassionate St. Augus6ne, FL, USA
St. Augus>ne, the oldest city in the United States, is Florida's First Compassionate City. Their mission is “to influence, inspire and grow a culture of compassion through advocacy, awareness and ac>on.”
Through official Proclama>on, February 2016 was officially designated "The Month of Criminal Jus>ce and Prison Reform Awareness" in the City of St. Augus>ne, Florida. Compassionate St. Augus>ne presented a one-man performance at Flagler College, a compassionate wri>ng workshop, and promoted a city-wide reading of Just Mercy, A Story of Jus<ce and Redemp<on.
Compassion in Ac>on (CIA), an outreach program ini>ated in 2016 is focusing on prison reform. CIA organizes public educa>on and ac>on programs and volunteer opportuni>es in juvenile deten>on facili>es, prisons and in programs that are effec>ve in helping boys and girls find paths that keep them out of the criminal jus>ce system. Each CIA program par>cipants can take several ac>ons to help the criminal jus>ce system be more compassionate, and contribute to a reduc>on of crime. In addi>on, CIA has taken on issues of re-entry of prisoners into society.
Other St. Augus>ne programs include: Environmental Rights, Compassionate Women, Revive Civility, The Golden Way: Films that Make a Difference, and Obelisk 450.
Visit Compassionate St. Augus>ne website to learn more about their work in all programs.
Suppor6ng and Befriending a Refugee Family
Canopy Northwest Arkansas (Canopy NWA), a refugee resemlement nonprofit, approached Compassion Fayemeville in the fall of 2016 about sponsoring a refugee family. Members teamed up with the Unitarian Universalist Church, Temple Shalom and The Omni Center to collect donated items and run a GoFundMe campaign to finance the resemlement.
The family of three arrived with four suitcases and very limle English. The resemlement team provided transporta>on, clothing, food and other types of assistance and mentoring to the new Fayemeville residents. Both of the parents are now employed, their son is amending school and the trio is gefng to know other local families.
“With needs so great, it can feel overwhelming. But with each and every act of kindness that Compassion Fayemeville extends to our refugee family, they are delighPully and humbly thankful. In fact, their gra>tude takes my breath away,” expressed Dian Williams, board president of Compassion Fayemeville.
City-Wide Food Drive 2017
Each year Compassion Fayemeville works with other local groups to run a City-Wide Food Drive. Dian Williams described the efforts to provide food for all through the annual drive. Reflec>ng on the project, Dian William stated: Since poverty has such a deleterious effect on too many in our region, I am grateful for the number of people dedicated to this compassionate and very worthwhile food drive to bring food to the hungry.
Compassionate Dallas-Ft. Worth
Fort Worth, Texas became the first DFW metroplex city mayor/council to sign the Charter for Compassion by resolu>on and become “Compassionate Fort Worth” on August 5, 2014. On July 27, 2017, Compassionate DFW received a lemer from the City of Dallas, Office of the Mayor. On behalf of the Dallas City Council, Mayor Rawlings expressed gra>tude for the work of Compassionate DFW in fostering the Charter for Compassion and cul>va>ng the value of compassion and compassionate ac>on in all that we do as community. He stated further that the city considers it a partner, thus becoming “Compassionate Dallas,” and stands by to support the organiza>on’s efforts in the metroplex area. Richardson, TX is the third compassionate city of the metroplex.
Goals for the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex Ini>a>ves include:
1. Make a clear and luminous statement that “We are an integral part of a compassionate metroplex,” “We are a compassionate city.”
2. Encourage and support Community Conversa>ons / Dialogue designed to raise awareness about the benefits of compassionate ac>on.
3. Encourage and support businesses, schools and other organiza>ons to become Charter of Compassion Partners.
Ft. Worth, TX, USA
4. Encourage and support ci>es and towns of all sizes to become Compassionate Ci>es.
Below are the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex ci>es with which they are currently working to encourage affirma>on of the Charter for Compassion. An informa>onal packet has been given to each mayor. Contact us if you would like your DFW area city to be added to our Campaign.
• Addison
• Allen
• Arlington
• Carrollton
• Colleyville
• Denton
• DeSoto
• Farmers Branch
• Frisco
• Garland
• Grand Prairie
• Grapevine
• Highland Park
• Rockwall
• Rowlem
Picture above illustrates Mayor Betsy Price’s Week of Compassionate Service.
Louisville, KY, USA
Compassionate Louisville
The 2017 Healthcare Leadership Seminar was hosted by the Healthcare Constella<on of Compassionate Louisville with fiscal sponsorship for the seminar coming from the Charter for Compassion Interna<onal. Eminent teachers gave their <me for free. Sponsorship from the University of Louisville School of Medicine, the Kentucky Medical Associa<on, ChooseWell, Passport Healthplan and WellCare helped to offset the expenses of interna<onal students with financial need.
Health professionals from Africa, South America, Jordan, Israel, Tunisia, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the USA gathered June, 2017, for an intensive six-day immersion program exploring topics as diverse as ‘Who am I?’, ‘What is the nature of the mind-body connec>on and holis>c health?, ‘Where does compassion and spirituality fit in?’ and ‘Making a change’.
healthcareThe school was founded by a group of inspiring medical student leaders in the Netherlands – Humans in Health (www.humansoÅ Witnessing healthcare in crisis and not willing to devote a life>me to working in a broken system, they set
about crea>ng an interna>onal network of young health leaders with a powerful mission – ‘To bring healthcare back to its core: to truly care for health.’ Drawing par>cipants from all around the world, HLS has also been hosted in Portugal and South Africa.
The 2017 HLS was hosted by the Healthcare Constella>on of Compassionate Louisville. Eminent teachers gave their >me for free. Sponsorships from the University of Louisville School of Medicine, the Kentucky Medical Associa>on, ChooseWell, Passport Healthplan and WellCare helped to offset the expenses of interna>onal students with financial need.
For Kentucky par>cipants it was an opportunity to frame health issues in a global context while building leadership and collabora>ve skills that will equip our community’s healthcare team of the future. As a teacher on the program, I found myself awestruck by the talent and determina>on of these young leaders. I feel certain that every single par>cipant will go on to lead amazing change in their health system.
Adapted from an ar>cle wrimen by Dr. Robin Youngson, instructor at the program and founder of Hearts in Healthcare.
In summary: only a fac>on of what is occurring in compassionate ci>es globally has been offered in this report. There were 405 ini>a>ves registered with the Charter by the end of 2017. A list of these ini>a>ves is below. Each community that has affirmed the Charter with its local government and working on a sustainable ac>on plan is noted with an asterisk.
Accra, Ghana
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Allende, NL, Mexico*
Altamone Springs, FL, USA
Amherst, MA, USA
Amman, Jordan
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Anchorage, AK, USA
Ann Arbor, MI, USA*
Apeldorn, Netherlands*
Apodaca, NL, Mexico*
Appleton, WI, USA*
Arlington, VA, USA
Arnhem, Netherlands
Asheville, NC, USA
Ashland, KY, USA
Atlanta, GA, USA*
Aus>n, TX, USA*
Country of Australia*
Aviles, Spain*
Baghdad, Iraq
Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
Bakori, Katsina, Nigeria
Bali, Indonesia
Bancharampur, Bangladesh
Bandung, Indonesia
Bangkok, Thailand
Banyuwangi, Indonesia
Basalt, CO, USA
Beacon, NY, USA
Beaufort, SC, USA
Beirut, Lebanon
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belgrade, Serbia
Bend, OR, USA
Berkeley Lake, GA, USA
Berlin, CT, USA
Besançon, France
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Bloomington-Normal, IL, USA
Boise, ID, USA
Bojonegoro, Indonesia
Boston, MA, USA
Bramleboro, VT, USA
Brisbane, Australia
Country of Botswana
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Bowling Green, KY, USA
Bracknell, United Kingdom
BranPord, ON, Canada
Bramleboro, VT, USA
Brighton, Sussex, UK
Brussels, Belgium
Buckhannon, WV, USA
Bundaberg, QL Australia Butula, Kenya
Cadereyta Jimenez, NL, Mexico Calgary, AB, Canada
Calicut, India State of California, USA
Cambridge, UK
Canberra, Australia
Canton, MI, USA
Cape Town, South Africa*
Carbondale, IL, USA
Carrboro, NC, USA
Casper, WY, USA
Charleston, SC, USA
Charleston, WV, USA
Charlome, NC, USA
Chamanooga, TN, USA
Chennai, India
Cheyenne, WY, USA
Chicago, IL, USA
Chippewa Falls, WI, USA*
Cincinna>, OH, USA*
Clarkston, GA, USA*
Cleveland, OH, USA
Collingwood, ON, Canada
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Columbia, SC, USA
Columbus, OH, USA
Conway, AR, USA
Cornwall, United Kingdom*
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Dallas, TX, USA*
Danbury, CT, USA*
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dayton, OH, USA*
Decatur, GA, USA*
Decatur, IL, USA
Del Rey , Los Angeles, CA, USA*
Denver, CO, USA*
Derry City, United Kingdom
Detroit, MI, USA
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dickson, TN, USA
Dilijan, Armenia
Djibou>, Republic of Djibou>*
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dublin, Ireland
Duncan, BC, Canada
Durango, CO, USA
Eastsound, WA, USA
Edmonton, AB, Canada
El Dorado Hills, CA, USA
El Paso, TX, USA
Eldoret, Kenya
Elyria, OH, USA
Eskilstuna, Sweden*
Eugene, OR, USA
Fayemeville, AR, USA*
Fernandina Beach, FL, USA
Fitchburg, MA, USA
Flagstaff, AZ, USA
Frankfurt, KY, USA
Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Fort Worth, TX, USA*
Fox River, WI, USA
Fox River Valley, IL, USA
Fremont, CA, USA*
Frisco, TX, USA
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Gaborone, Botswana
Gainesville, FL, USA
Garcia, NL, Mexico*
Garland, TX, USA
Garut, Indonesia*
Gary, IN, USA
Gaziantep, Turkey*
Glasgow, Scotland
Glastonbury, UK
Gold Coast, Australia*
Gorinchem, Netherlands
Gorsa, Andhra Pradesh, India
Greenville, SC, USA
Groningen, Netherlands*
Guadalupe, NL,Mexico*
Gunnison, CO, USA
Gurgaon, India
Gympie, Queensland, Australia
Halifax, NS, Canada
Hargeisa, Somalia
Harrison Township, MI, USA
Helsinki, Finland
Hemel Hempstead, UK
Henderson, NV, USA
Hendersonville, NC, USA*
Hereford, United Kingdom
Hervey Bay, QL, Australia
Honolulu, HI, USA
Hoogeveen, Netherlands
Hopkinsville, KY, USA
Horsham, United Kingdom
Houston, TX, USA*
Hull, United Kingdom
Hun>ngton Beach, CA, USA*
Huntsville, AL, USA*
Hyamsville, MD, USA
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Inland Valley, CA, USA
Irvine, CA, USA
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Johannesburg, South Africa
Johnstown, OH, USA
Kakamega, Kenya
Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Kampala, Uganda
Kansas City, MO, USA
Kapsabet, Kenya
Karachi, Pakistan*
Kathmandu, Nepal
Kendal, United Kingdom
Key Biscayne, FL, USA
Khairo Dharo, Pakistan*
Khartoum, Sudan
Kitchener-Waterloo, CA
Kokamo, IN, USA
Koto Sukabumi, Indonesia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Lacey, WA, USA*
La Crosse, WI, USA
Lagos, Nigeria
Laguna Beach, CA, USA
Lahore, Pakistan
Lake County, CA, USA*
Lake Forest Park, WA, USA
Lakewood, CO, USA
Lambeth, UK*
Lampasas, TX, USA
Lancaster, PA, USA
Las Vegas, NV, USA*
Leiden, Netherlands*
Lelystad, Netherlands
Leominster, MA, USA
Lexington, KY, USA*
Liverpool, UK
Lochem, Netherlands
LoDo, Denver, CO, USA*
London, ON, Canada*
London, United Kingdom
Longwood, FL, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Louisville, KY, USA*
Lyndhurst, ON, Canada
Lyndon, KY, USA*
Madison, WI, USA
Magnambougou, Mali
Malibu, CA, USA
Malaga, Spain
Mampong-Ashan>, Ghana
Mannheim, Germany
Maryborough, QL, Australia
Meford, OR, USA
Medina, WA, USA
Melbourne, Australia
Messina, Italy
Milford, CT, USA*
Millbrae, CA, USA*
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Mogadishu, Banaadir, Somalia
Monrovia, Liberia
Montemorelos, Mexico*
Monterrey, Mexico*
Montreal, QC, Canada
Mountain Grove, MO, USA
Mulanje, Malawi
Nairobi, Kenya
Nanaimo, BC, Canada*
Napa Valley, CA, USA
Nashville, TN, USA
Neenah, WI, USA*
Newberg, OR, USA
New Delhi, India
New York, NY, USA
North Bend, WA, USA
Norwich, United Kingdom
Nofngham, United Kingdom
Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Oakland, CA, USA
Oakville, ON, Canada
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Olean, NY, USA
Onitsha, Nigeria
Oradea, Bihor, Romania
Orange County, CA, USA
Orlando, FL, USA
Omawa, ON, Canada
Palatka (Interlachen), FL, USA
Palm City, FL, USA
Paris, France
Parksville, BC, Canada
Parma, OH, USA
Parma Heights, OH, USA
Peel, Isle of Man, UK
Peja, Kosovo
Penzance, United Kingdom
Pepper, Jamaica
Perth, Australia
Perth, United Kingdom
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Pine Bluff, AR, USA
Plamsburgh, NY, USA
Plymouth, Devon,UK
Plymouth, MN, USA
Pocatello, ID, USA
Pomona, CA, USA
Port Erin, Isle of Man, UK
Portland, ME, USA
Portland, OR, USA
Porto, Portugal
Porto Allegre, Brazil
Portola Valley, CA, USA
Powell River, BC, Canada
Providence, RI, USA
Pune, India
Purwakarta, Indonesia
Raleigh, NC, USA
Redlands, CA, USA
Richardson, TX, USA
Rochester, MN, USA
Rosarito, Baja, Mexico
Romerdam, Netherlands
Rowlem, TX, USA
Running Creek, Australia
Sacramento, CA, USA
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Salt Lake County, UT, USA
Sana'a, Yemen
San Antonio, TX, USA
San Bernardino, CA, USA
San Diego, CA, USA
San Fernando Valley, CA, USA
San Francisco, CA, USA
San Jose, CA, USA
San Louis Obispo, CA, USA
San Nicolas, NL, Mexico
Santa Ana, CA, USA
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Santa Catarina, Mexico
Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Santa Maria, CA, USA
Santa Monica, CA, USA
Santa Fe, NM, USA
San>ago, Mexico
São Leopoldo, Brazil
Scranton, PA, USA
Seamle, WA, USA
Seven Hills, OH, USA
Shreveport, LA, USA
Singapore, Singapore
Soap Lake, WA, USA
Somerville, NJ, USA
Sonoma, CA, USA
South Burlington, VT, USA
Spokane, WA, USA
Springfield, MO, USA
Sragen, Indonesia
St. Augus>ne, FL, USA
Saint George, UT, USA
St. Just, United Kingdom
St. Louis, MO, USA
St. Peterborough, ON, Canada
St. Petersburg, FL, USA
Sumedang, Indonesia
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Surabaya, Indonesia
Surrey, BC, Canada
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Syracuse/Onondaga, NY, USA
Taipei, Taiwan
Tarrington, United Kingdom
Takoma Park, MD, USA
Tehachapi, CA, USA
Telluride, CO, USA
Thies, Senegal
Tijuana, Mexico
Greater Toledo & NE, OH, USA
Toronto, ON, Canada
Tower Hamlets, LON, UK
Tromso, Norway
Troy, MI, USA
Tucson, AZ, USA
Tulsa, OK, USA
Tus>n, CA, USA
Ukiah, CA, USA
Utrecht, Netherlands
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Venloo, Netherlands
Vero Beach, FL, USA
Victoria, BC, Canada
Villa Park, CA, USA
Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Vista, CA, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Wells, Somerset, UK
West Hollywood, CA, USA
Westland, MI, USA
Westminster, CA, USA
Wheeling, WV, USA
Wilmington, NC, USA
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Woodstock, NY, USA
Zagreb, Croa>a
Charter for Compassion 2016-2017 Highlights
On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit officially came into force. Over the next fi`een years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequali>es and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is le` behind.
At the Charter we know that we can collec>vely overcome the challenges that we face as a global community. To that end we have incorporated each of the goals into our communi>es tool box and shown how the goals relate the work of our partners throughout our twelves sectors (art, business, educa>on, environment, healthcare, interfaith/spirituality, peace, restora>ve jus>ce, science and research, social jus>ce, social services, women and girls).
The new Goals are unique in that they call for ac>on by all countries, poor, rich and middleincome to promote prosperity while protec>ng the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and addresses a range of social needs including educa>on, health, social protec>on, and job opportuni>es, while tackling climate change and environmental protec>on.
The Charter for Compassion Community Toolbox gained a new sec>on in 2016: “Spirituality Assets for Community Building.”
The Community Tool Box is a four-part model or framework for building a Compassionate Community. Those working to create Compassionate Communi>es are moved through empathy to compassionate ac>on—a desire to address pain and suffering wherever it occurs—not only in their own communi>es but in all communi>es and for all living beings everywhere.
“Spirituality” refers to the quali>es that inspire us to do what is right and good–for ourselves and for others. This new chapter of the toolbox is about those quali>es and their applica>on in one’s personal, professional, and community life. “Spirituality Assets for Community Building” was wrimen with the support and contribu>ons of experts connected with the Charter for Compassion and simultaneously appear on our website and on the University of Kansas' Community Tool Box. Individual sectors of the chapter include: Being Compassionate, Being Charitable towards Others, Forgiveness and Reconcilia>on, Promo>ng Peace, Spreading Hope, Promo>ng Hospitality. New segments will be added in 2018.
New Sector Added to the Charter for Compassion: Women and Girls
Since the beginning of recorded >me, we know women sit at the center of our communi>es. Women are first to gather together when their families and communi>es are threatened. We are drawn together by a biological innate impera>ve to heal, nurture, support and protect our environment and preserve our cultures and tradi>ons. Indigenous wisdom reminds us of this and the cri>cal need to collaborate and cooperate, hold one another up and blow in one another’s sails.
The mission of the Charter for Compassion
Women and Girls sector is to provide a plaPorm that would enable and foster the partnerships of our Charter Partners who encounter and advocate on all issues, such as those related to gender equality, educa>on, feminine leadership, and spirituality. All who explore crea>ve solu>ons that contribute to promo>ng the crea>on of a balanced and peaceful global community are embraced and supported. With our Partners, we aim to co-create healing one heart at a >me for swi` and regenera>ve change of our communi>es and world.
Goals of the Women and Girls Sector
Along with our Partners: we address condi>ons that impact women and girls in order to accomplish our goals of co-crea>ng a balanced, healthy and sustainable society for all humanity.
Empowering Poli6cal Literacy: The founda>on of the Charter for Compassion is built on the Ci>es ini>a>ve. We want to ensure women have a fair and equitable role in local government. To that end we are commimed to working within our Ci>es network and with our Partners to
to bring awareness to programs, organiza>ons and educa>onal opportuni>es so women are well equipped to enter the poli>cal arena and have a voice in their community’s policy and solu>ons based decisions.
Advancing Educa6on for Girls in STEAMD (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math, Design); When we focus on the cri>cal importance of girls becoming well educated in these areas of study, we are ensuring they are prepared to compete and thrive in the world ahead of them. Like all of our ini>a>ves, we operate in the manner of collabora>on and support of our Partners and elevate their efforts to help us accomplish our mutual goals of crea>ng a culture of compassion and peace and where all girls and women reach their fullest poten>al. Please let us know if you are interested in mentoring girls.
Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years. We recognize the role women and girls play in addressing each of these goals and the impact each of them have on helping us achieve or Vision. We consider each of these goals in our decision making and programming.
Ambassador program: empowers the most important layer of our leadership.
Consor6um connec6ons: Charter Partners who iden>fy in the Women and Girls sector are further organized by their body of work. We encourage opportuni>es to network, learn, share, and explore with others in similar fields of interest and work.
We strive to elevate: our Partner's work on social media, through our programming and in our newslemers.
Webinar Series: We host webinars throughout the year that promote issues and bring high profile amen>on to certain ini>a>ves. We are careful to engage our Partners who work on these ini>a>ves.
The Charter for Compassion Joins Sound Vision and Compassionate Atlanta to Launch One America Coali6on
encourages all Americans to sign and join its One America Registry as a way of recalling the unique and incomparable nature of the modern American iden>ty whose very founda>ons are diversity and immigra>on.
Not only does the One America Coali>on repudiate the U.S. government’s uncons>tu>onal policies on immigra>on, but also, on a broader front, seeks to combat an emerging vision of America relinquishing its long-held moral high ground among the community of na>ons.
The One America Registry at hmp:// is a na>onwide campaign to inform Americans about the harmful consequences of these policies and provide ideas, ac>on items and materials for individuals to help defeat them. Such policies include a domes>c Muslim registry, faith-based bans on refugees and visas, mass deporta>on policies and amacks on U.S. sanctuary ci>es.
Imam Malik Mujahid, the President of Sound Vision (a co-founder of the One America Coali>on) and Chair-Emeritus of the Parliament of World’s Religions, called the current government’s ac>ons “dangerous, discriminatory and uncons>tu>onal.”
“The One America Registry is a powerful way to show President Trump that he cannot divide Americans so easily. Americans of all races and religions, men and women, young and old, we stand together as one America in opposi>on to divisiveness and hate.”
What Makes a Compassionate City?
We want all Charter members to consider being a part of an informa>ve project which started in 2017. The Charter for Compassion announced a new collabora>on with the “What is the Meaning of Life” project and its founder, Nicolae Tanase, and Dr. Lesa Walker, founder of the Compassionate Aus>n movement. The Project is >tled, “What makes a compassionate city?” We have begun to gather and publish the insights of individuals in several communi>es in response to the following ques>ons:
• What makes a compassionate city/ community?
• How do you personally measure compassion?
• What do you do to contribute to crea>ng a more compassionate community and world?
• Where is compassion needed in your city?
• Where does it exist?
• If your city was one of compassion, what would that look like? What is your idea of a compassionate city?
Compassion Summit in Amman, Jordan
The American Community School and the Charter for Compassion hosted the first annual Compassion Summit from March 22-25, 2017. Over 250 students, teachers, administrators and parent representa>ves from eleven schools, from seven countries (Bahrain, Dubai, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia) amended the session.
The three day session was reported in the Near East and South Asia school publica>on:
The messages that students were given from the range of workshops and keynote speakers, Marilyn Turkovich from the Charter for Compassion, and Kathy Kelly from Voices in the Wilderness, were the kinds of inspira<onal life lessons that will be cherished for years to come. It was the kind of event that can be a catalyst for life-altering commitments to service, to finding voices to oppose injus<ces, and to working on the maWers of the heart.
All par<cipa<ng students came up with an Ac<on Plan for their schools on how to infuse compassion into all aspects of school life, from K-12. All of the delegates used Design Thinking to work through some tough problems, to listen to the story of the other, and to make a commitment to compassionate ac<on. Our keynote speakers and workshop leaders inspired
delegates to do more, to think more, to dare more, and to love more.
Culmina<ng in a day of service learning with nearly 70 refugee children on campus, we debriefed as the visi<ng students who par<cipated were leZ in tears from the impact of their work.
Student voices from the Compassion Summit: hmps://
The Charter for Compassion the Bridge Alliance Award in 2016
The Bridge Alliance named the Charter for Compassion the top organiza>on that embodies civilu<on. Criteria for the award included the following core principles:
• Collabora>ve partnership -- excellence in collabora>on with other individuals or organiza>ons, finding crea>ve ways to work together.
• Innova>ve solu>ons pufng country before poli>cs—crea>vely addressing even the most challenging of problems across poli>cal divides or special interests.
• Display of Curiosity and Inquisi>veness in poli>cal conversa>ons—demonstra>on of openness and curiosity, display of respect and civility.
Amman, Jordan
Charter for Compassion Board of Directors
The Global Compassion Council is the advisory body for the Charter for Compassion. Recruited from around the world, the Council is a confluence of leaders of the movement in the realms of government, business, educa>on, philanthropy, religion & spirituality, health care, the environment, peace, and social jus>ce.
The chair of the Council is Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, a devoted ac>vist for peace and social jus>ce. The governing Board of Directors is drawn from the members of the Council. The Board consists of the following members: Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, president; Dr. James Doty, M.D., vice-president; Toni Murden McClure, treasurer; Amin Hashwani, director-atlarge and the following members:
Karen Armstrong, 2008 TED Prize winner, creator of the Charter for Compassion.
Allan Boesak, South African poli>cian and poli>cian and an>-apartheid ac>vist.
Amy Novogratz, former director of the TED Prize, television and web producer.
Anil Sachdev, Indian business leader and founder of the School for Inspired Leadership in Gurgaon, India.
Anil Singh-Morales, religious scholar, business execu>ve, and co-founder of Seamle’s Compassionate Ac>on Network.
Anne Tillery, managing partner at Pyramids Communica>ons.
Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, human rights advocate, writer, environmental ac>vist.
Caren Goldman, author, journalist and cofounder of Compassionate St. Augus>ne.
Chandra Muzaffar, interna>onally known Malaysian advocate for human rights.
Cynthia Figge, business innovator and leader in movement for corporate social responsibility,.
Darshita Gillies, founder of a chapter of Conscious Capitalism in the UK.
Diana Eck, Harvard professor, director of the Pluralism Project.
Elizabeth Rider, Director of Academic Programs at the Ins>tute for Professionalism and Ethical Prac>ce, Boston Children’s Hospital/ Harvard Medical School.
Haidar Bagir, Indonesian publisher and educator,
Howard Behar, former president of Starbucks Interna>onal.
Janja Bec, Serbian peace and humanitarian ac>vist focused on war crimes and genocide.
Jean Zaru, Pales>nian Quaker, founding member
of the Theology Center in Jerusalem; helped establish Friends Interna>onal Center in Ramallah.
Jeff Vander Clute, evolu>onary leader consultant to technology startups, nonprofits at the leading edge of social transforma>on, and global communi>es of prac>ce.
Lynne Twist, global ci>zen, teacher, author of The Soul of Money, co-founder of the Pachamama Alliance.
Magdalena Whoolery, ci>zen ac>vist and organizer, founder of the Botho Compassion Movement in Bostwana.
Michael Wolfe, Muslim American poet, author, Execu>ve Producer of Unity Produc>ons Founda>on; author of The Hadj, and One Thousand Roads to Mecca.
Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Imam of All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center in Sterling, Virginia.
Monica Neomagus, co-founder of the Dutch Charter for Compassion Founda>on, trainer, organizer, social worker.
Mussie Hailu, peace ambassador and teacher from Addis Adaba; interna>onal advocate and ac>vist for crea>ng a culture of peace, interfaith harmony & coopera>on.
Rev. Dr Ofelia Ortega Suárez, minister of Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba, elected member of the Cuban Na>onal Assembly, leader in World Council of Churches.
Owsley Brown, philanthropist, filmmaker, and ac>vist on behalf of interfaith partnerships and the compassion movement.
Peter Storey, former president of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, past president of the South African Council of Churches, and Methodist Bishop of Johannesburg/Soweto.
Chief Phil Lane, Jr., enrolled member of the Yankton Dakota and Chickasaw First Na>ons, leader in human and community development,
Chair of the Four Worlds Interna>onal Ins>tute (FWII).
Robi Damelin, leader and spokesperson for the Parent’s Circle in Pales>ne/Israel, a peacemaking organiza>on composed of parents who have lost their children in the conflict.
Robin Youngson, physician and anaesthe>c specialist in New Zealand, interna>onally renowned for his leadership promo>ng compassion in healthcare.
Roshi Joan Halifax, Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and pioneer in the field of endof-life care; Founder, Abbot, and Head Teacher of Upaya Ins>tute and Zen Center in Santa Fe.
Tom Williams, co-host of the Partnership for a Compassionate Louisville; founder and chair of Restora>ve Jus>ce Louisville, Inc.; past President of the Louisville Bar Associa>on.
Vinciane Rycrog, Director and Co-Founder at Mind with Heart in London, United Kingdom; main organizer behind the interna>onal conference Empathy and Compassion in Society Conference.
Will Poole, Social Technologist and angel investor, co-founder and Managing Partner of Unitus Seed Fund, former corporate vice president of the Unlimited Poten>al Group at Microso` Corp.
Yaffa Maritz, co-founder of Listening Mothers, using reflec>ve and mindful techniques to increase enhance paren>ng; founder and director of the Community of Mindful Parents.
Zeid Abdul-Hadi, Co-Founder, Vice-Chairman and Chief Execu>ve Officer of an investment and development company in Amman – Jordan; founder of Charter for Compassion Jordan.
Individual Donors to the Charter for Compassion
Gary Come
Mohamed Redha
Robyn Maggs,
Terence HartC
Jennifer Flinn
Kellie Edwards
Catriona Devlin
Donald Chalmers
Chris Waltrowicz
Angela Falkenberg
John Dean
Lynne Reeder
Jayendra Shah
Heather Lawrence
Shona Pearson
Elizabeth Morgan
Veronica Anderson,
Katherine Hayward
Debbie Ling
Norman Jackson
June Lennie
Vikas Rana
Vince Schubert,
Jenny Collins-White,
Hollie Fifer
Catherine Whewell,
Andrew Allsop
Amy Kate Isaacs, Kelvin Grove
Kevin Diflo
Viviennne Dawes
Jill Gillmore,
Damien Carroll
Helen Murphy
Denis Hopking
Kevin Kingswell
Elizabeth Johnston
David Laczko
Malcolm Robertson
Thong Phap Thich
Shanika Kalansooriya
Maxine Radus
Anna Stathis
Rebecca Hoffmann
Virginia Margaret-Ann
Ron Baumann
Amanda Elliom-Brennan
Elisabeth Florkowski,
Joanna Francis
Abdullah Rakeeb, Md Reshad Ur Rahman MD. ABU Sayem
Anneme Cairns
Jacobus Van Heuven,
Sagee Wize
Anne Soenen Geertrui De Ruymer
Kate Mayne
Stefan van den Broeck,
Katrien Francois
Thomas Boone
Jimmy Martens
Mieke Verhelst
Anne Marie Hautekeete
Luc Wimers Rob Vanderwildt Claude Vanstaen Jozefa Driessens Tom Van den Steen Natasha Degroote Olivier Lefebvre Frank Vanmessem
Gisele Elaine AdounvoAffolabi, Abomey-Calavi
BERMUDA Monica Jones
Tshering Choden
Cassandra Corvello Zenon Lotufo Junior
William Souza
Cecilia Hartmann Regueira
Hugo Bernardo
Charles Melo, Chonchal
Ana Luiza Soares Ana Soares, RJ Andres Nacht
Felipe Bovolon
Cris>ane Almeida
Kremena Lazarova
Sharon Gubbay
Gilles Bouchard
Janet E Staniforth
Anne-Marie Burrus
Kathleen M Chambers
Susan Hawker
Angela Saxe,
Constance Milbrath
Dawn Clarke
Sharon DeWreede
Debbie McGee
Isobel Dowler
David Walsh
Fran Darlington,
Ian Gartshore
Gabriella Komar
Gregory Baum
Lynn Mar>n
Monique Tro>er
Marcelle Kors
Michele Ramray-Huish
Norma Collier
Taylor S M
Mary Picard Rod WadeB
Sean McStay
Sheena Frisch
Nyingje Norgang
Edwin Parkinson
Janet Thomson
Bemy Ann Hubbell
Alice Margaret Leaker
James Williams,
Victoria Jimenez
Toni Crawford
Tracey Ferguson
Upkar Arora
Sebas>an Lopez
David Lewis-Peart
Donna Valai>s
Patricia Tilmant Randeep Purewall
Linda Boucher, Peter Farncombe
Emily Leonard
Kim Lassiter
Mindy Yi
Heather Hurst
James An
Lori Wyam-Shiers
Theresa Mudge
Sylvia Carlson
Rochelle Risman
Natalie Speth, ON
Janet Gasparini
Grace Ross
Sarah Gwynn
Tarin Sultana
Ronny Yaron
Judith Mills
Carlos Tavare
Celine Yeung
Andrea Armstrong,
Moh'Ku Sayeed
Farzad Hassani
Norbert Krumins
Emily Schroeder
Penny Rankin
Delphine Elleze
Gordon Halsey
Pam Benson
Alexandra Sellers
Rae Haddow,
Alexandra Audet
Mary-Frances Scully
Anne Scappa>cci
Nicole Anderson
Barbara Wilson
Susan Fisher
Bridget McEwan
Nestor Felix
Ellen Judd
Mona Talje
Stanley Wong
Ken Bentham
Reid Parker
Anne Marie O'Sullivan
Diane Markis
Wong Kan Yi
Tj Killoran
Stephen Shanahan
Percival Peter
CatJoslyn Sharp
Michael Kirwin,
Gwen A McGrenere
Kenneth Hydes
Suzanne Muise
Xin Zhang
Alba Cris>naStefanny
Pacheco GarciaCarlos
Mario Murillo
Nuria Camps Salat
Anita Myketuk
Tin Dolick
Rachel Pemus
Erik Andersen
Idahosa Charles, Roseau
Madis-Marius Vahtre
Sami Humunen
Liisa Pohjonen
Chen Lin-mea
Yuka Nishina Karin Gangloff
Jean Raffin
Nathalie Onfray
Marilyn Deegan Sylvaine Van den Esch
Rachel Alburga duPre, Pierre Musset
GAMBIA Ansumana Badjie
Chris>ne Braehler
Jaime Quoll
Susanne Bachmann Annemarie Jacobs
Thomas Ulrich
Alexandra Stelmach
Teresa Jane
Alexander Gatesman
Medrano Kreidler
Sophia Tolle
Ludwig L'Hoste
Alexandra Enke,
Ahmed Salah
Anne Hersmann
Leila Miadi
Alex Pojda
Andrea Salame
Antonis Triantafyllakis,
GUATEMALA Sherry Miller
Tiffany Hon
Melissa Shadforth
Melinda Varfi
ICELAND Petur Knutsson
Abbas Sutarwala
Anne Moreigne
Robert Bellarmine, Teri Tivey Jaslein Mahi
Anant Bhaskar Garg
Dimple Shah Prasad, Titu Gogoi, Anuradha Prasad
Ahira Cheriyan
Sahil Aggarwal
Leo van der Meij
Ali Bin Zed
Ellan Rohelan
Reni Susan>
Rima Liga
Leilani Hermiasih,
Mohammad Jamali
Has> Seifi
Sarah Bird
Jody Ackland
Tony MacCarthaigh
Angel Marroquin
Jane Killingbeck
Eamonn Tynan
ITALY Marco BertagliaLine Kallmayer, Vaglia
Giulia Mellacca
JAMAICA Nadine Tomlinson
Jane Ndungu
KOSOVO Donjet Bislimi
Fazl Siddiqui
KYRGYZSTAN Adilet Dadybaev GB
Julia Pruy
Abdul Wahed Jalal Nor
Tamsin Wilkinson
Danny Philippe
Kathleen M Burch
Jacqueline Gay
Merida McCarthy
Maria De La Luz Andrade
Mayra Elizabeth Garcia
Freidy Ayala
Abraham Briseno
Binod Sharma
Monica Neomagus
Bram Tjaden
Louise Koopman
Rianne Schoenmakers
Johannes Drost
Myriam Braakhuis
Paula Van lammeren
Eelco de Groo
Pauline Kranenburg
Tony van Acquoy
Emma Toth
Albert de Booij
S>jn de Jonge
David Willemsen
Kristel Scholte
Erik van den Brink
Rogier Hoenders
Saskia Stern
Crispijn Jansen
Rachel Ploem
Henricus Corsten
Omeline Lamet
Peter van Zuilekom
Marijke Prins
Hannah Lekkerkerker
Frits Koster
Mike CantrellYoussef
Mirjam ter Hoeve
Manja Radstaake
Johan Muijtjens
Beverly Schuil-Palanzi
Ikram Choho
Ralf Alefs
Heli St Luce
Maurice Foulon
Judith Budde
Jan Vink
Adeline van Waning
Jitske Schafraad
Robin Youngson
Annabel Norman
Brent Cherry,
Uzra Casuri Balouch
Simon Warbrick,
Tracy Masson
Hannah Komatsu
Kamrin McAra
Raymond Lee
Max Thomsonl
Judith Saunders
Michael Chaplin
Fiona Whyte
Kimberly Poppe
Chukwuma Okoye Caje Nwachukwu, Ibukun Babarinde
Jody Scholz
Shahed Shahid Salles
Lene Hoigard
Leif-Arne Kris>ansen
Kjers> Ãstvik
Juman Shah
Zubayr Rass
Shazia Hasan
Hamid Hussain
Saqib Mehmood
Muhammad Huzefah
Mujtaba ShahzadNW
Mary Fides Realubit Meg Danielle Tarrobago
Rafael Paredes
Paulina Rogala Edward Skubisz
Jose Miranda
Ricardo Prata
Noaomia Maria da Concei
Steven Weingarten
Mauricio Cabrera
Natalia Garber,
Catherine Lysenko
Sabina Valmont
Dr. AFM, Al-Madinah Ahmed Farhat
Neena Bali
SINGAPORE Sheikh Mohamad Farouq Abdul Fareez Mohamed Baisal Abdul Nassar
Rafi Marjan
Jean M. Mayes
Anneme dos Santos
Nabeelah Kapery, Anita Coetzee
Mamhew Cordeur
Gillian Drewem
Gert Van der Westhuizen Trevor Naidoo
Vicente Rulalan
Cesa¡reo Fernandez
Andre Ãna Rodriguez
Mairan Arriola
Leslie Maunsbach Jeaneme Sollan
Hannah Meyer
Bo Jonsson
Laurie Kryder
Margareta Lantz
Eric Bichara
Maria Nordell
Katarina Eriksson
Veronika Kramar Mandelj
Haykan Wiklund
Altaira Hamon
Henri Verbruggen
Annemarijn van Royen,
Emmanuelle Cinier
Takhmina Shamsudinzoda
Jaruo Karebe
Alkarim Hiran
Juma Juma
Takhmina Shamsudinzoda Jaruo Karebe
Alkarim Hirani
Vanjee Alvez
Stef jansen
Jo Maher
Kimberly Joseph
Rana Akoum
Margaret Meade
Philip Silk
Johanna Walters
Chris Todhunter
Anne Ringrose
Barry Hopewell
Carole Pilley
Chris Dawsyon
John Bazalgeme
Ann Coxon
Michelle Haywood
Mark McBride
John Hall, Salisbury
James Anderson Hook
Laura Ferreira
Lofe Leedham
Margaret MacPhail
Marisa Johnson
Nicholas Baylis
Mar>n Armitage-Smith
Ruth Treves Brown
Adrian Sie
Cynthia Milligan
June Burrough
J.A. Hayward
Marina Cantacuzino
Ingrid Scom
Vivienne Giacobino-Simon
Delwyn Tibbom
Gay Weller,
Sue Woolley
Archie McLellan
David Chinn
Rosie Johnston
John York Skinner Wells
Eugenia and Brook Horowitz
Dennis Ainscough
Rachel Delgado
Michelle Le Vieux
Aran Dadswell
Binu Anand
Caroline Stevens
Jus>ne Merton
Michelle Mary Pepper
Alison Haythornthwaite
Helen Nisbet
Jonathan Evans
James Sargent
Alan Crawford
Ali Mauger
Kathleen Laverty Poleglass
Wendy Knight
Sarah Durrant
Nadia Muijrers
Mohamed Torba>
Wendy Mathison
Liesl Baldwin
Celia Mainland
Hilary Jones
Mike Grenville
Kata Karolyi
Sandra Barefoot
Findhorn Founda>on
Robin Shohet
Ben Fuchs
Hyacinth Myers
Ruqiyabi Naz Awan
Ruth King,
Robert Edge
Ruth Pinne
Edward Grabczewski
Anita Y Compton
Robert Woodford
Brina Mark
Angela Doe
Balraj Pal
Timothy Draper
Paul Solly,
Marcus Isman-Egal
Lynn Hopkinson
Vali Nasser
Annie Mercer
Jenny Daneels
Marion Chamerley
Yasmin Tanova
Helene Groen
Tayieba Shah
Naomi Stanford
Rami Hussein
Jenny Hambidge
Nisha Halai
Marusya Hristova
Gilbert Valen>ne
Ben Taylor
Paul Wilcox
Don Slater
Helen Angel
Louise Holden
Joanell B De Mailly
Anneme AdamsIndi Angel
Claire Honey
Ian Spencer
Elif Spreadborough
Cherie Love
Marianne Rankin
Jilly Evans-Heather
Ben Backhouse
Allan Pickard
Mike Palmer
Gabrielle Haskins
Maureen Cooper
Mike Wilson
Hassan Rabbani
Joe Neary
Ephrem Bogues
Rachel Bird
Revd Kevin O’Brien
Mam Le Mar
Rachel du Pre
Kevin Long
Anne Carman-Hendel
Barbara Kerr
Michael Lisagor
Cynthia Sears
Dennis DiNaro
Diane S>elstra
Barry Heath
Ellin Spenser
Deborah Meyers,
Anne Stadler
Cheryl Bistayi,
Lisa Baumgartner
Rhema Barron
Renee Marie
Anne Hopkins
Marilyn Stoknes,
Margaret S>ne
Kate Trnka
Mike Hazar
Cheryl LeClair,
Tim Sullivan
Terrence Oder
Lila Aurich
Deborah Clendenning
Keith Luebke
Charles Goedeke
Abdulhay Abbas
Nan McMurry
Thomas Williams
David Rose
Tori Murden McClure
Therese Hartwell
Sandra Exelby
Claire Box, WI
Michael O. Tjebben
Jeffrey Vander Clute
Sande Hart
Judith Trautman
Connie Kohler
Meredith Tupper
Sabina Duke
Horace Huse
Sara Schairer
Elizabeth A. Rider
Lisa Caton
Robert V Thompson
St. Augus>ne Ini>a>ve for
Jim Malley
Jack Unruh
Compassionate DFW
St. Barnabas Episcopal
Andrew Himes
Ben Roberts
Reed Price
Laura & Tim O'Mara
James Henkelman-Bahn
Rich Van Dellen
Jeanne Bourget
Madeline Nance
Diane Ullius
Alexandra Ulana Klymyshyn
Tenzin Lhamo
Mary Welch
Bill Goodrich
Janet Kuczmarsk
Joan Dagos>no
Joseph Queirolo
Stephanie Vergara
Catharine Kopac
BemyJean Wochinski
Thomas Dandridge
Israrul Hasan
Shyrl McCormick
James F. Johnson
Paula Evims
John Poms
Douglas G Smith
John Wilde
Ann Carlson
Anne Zinsser
Andy Smallman
Andrew Kante
Anelie G Arao
Anita Hyam
Ann L Krabaxch,Alan
Larson, Dunwoody
Sharon Burch
Anne Ward
Becky Whitehead
Sylvia Robbins-Penniman
Beverley Taylor
Bob Brunson
Brian Davis
Brione LaThrop
Bob Sauerbrey
Candy Chang
Connie Cole-Ingber
Chrysteen Moelter-Gray
Chantal Holy
Elisabeth Murawski
Susan Mayfield
Connie Dillman
Conoly Barker
Anita Paulson
Clarissa Garlington
Daniel Obertance
Bruce Moen
DeEme Waleed
Dorothy Bacon-Neighbors
Troy Dillard
Eddie Walker
Eeäe Kolkman
Ellen Maher
Erin Stroebel
Eve Seamone
Fran Weidner
Berniece Dahl
Gary Gambill
Frank Jameson
Gilian Browne
Glenda Farrimond
Grace Foster
Gary Rommelfanger
H. Berrien Zemler
Saren Nelson
Heidi Johnson
Bethel Evans
Kathleen Imholz
James Loney
Alicia Vogel
Janet Heck
Jane Bodine
Janet Kellogg
Joseph Varga
Jennifer Hanlon
John Cloud
Jesus Pantel
Janice Gintzler
James C. Vogt
Joan Blatz
Johanna Mitchell
Helen Jones
Joseph Derrough
Kathy Kravitz
Kathleen Kis>ng Alam
Durrell Watkins
Carl Lang
Laura Sparrow
Laurie Ross Ross
Laurie Weisman
Lois Carpenter
LD Roncalli
Lloyd Lowrey
Leisa Greathouse
lon Crow
Lisa Stelck
Mary Mathews
Max Swanson
Megan McQuillan
Allison Gerfin
Vernon Meyer
Mamhew Gayle
Michael Raysses
Harriet Millan
Mimi Stokes Katzenbach
Theresa Teague
Mary Wachter
Mende Snodgress
Nancy Woodard
Natalie Diaz
Nancy Seifer
Nancy Davis
Nancy DeNero
Pamela Ted Lautzenheiser
Patrick Coyle
Pat O'Rourke
Paul Wolf
Joan Schneider
Paola Pascual-Ferra
Rachelle Oppenhuizen
Marilyn Read
Rebecca Calame
Edwin Williams
Elizabeth Mirante
Michael Moran
Paola Perez
Russell Gumshall
Rod Bower
Roger Pritchard
Russha Knauer
Randy Graves,
Rev. Cheryl Armstrong
Paul Sawyer
Sally Bourrie
Stephen Schroeter
Sheila Casey-Houston
Susmita Barua
Bert and Dorothy Keller
Richard Livingston
Nancy Lang
Sally Renn
Steve Kaye
Paul Crabtree
Harry Colwell
Terry Brown
Lynn Jackson
The Compassion Network
Theodore Marcy
Tiffany McCann
Weber Baker
MaryCatherine Burgess
Ronald White
William Hughes
Anne McLay
Jo Ann Zanof
Robin Mar>n
Salim Manzar
Marie Krebs
Joanne Bartlem
Ryan Thompson
Karen Bentrup Chris>e Rickems Christopher Wesselman Lo Sprague
Frederick Fierling Gay Rahn
Vanessa Hurst
Jay Pryor
Jennifer Benelli
John Elder
John Marston
JoAnn Sampson
Jana and Tom Ti`
Karen Taylor
Maria Kouvaras Bouzalakos
John More
Carol Carson Kindall Jones
Luanne Gearhart
Thomas Dandridge
Mary Evans
M. Cliff
Joan Zatorski
Adrienne Karpov
Ellen Kissman
Ian MacDuff
Phyllis Wams
Robert Ma>sse
Susan Moreno
Stella Ley
Zan and Paul Merriman
Carolyn Koehler
Brian Davis
Lynn Anderson
Andrea Corbem
Shannon La Penna
Debi Strong
Zahia Hassan
Paul Brooks
Wendy Wim-Karch
Laurie Lakhani
David Praicharnchit
Katharine Rosenberry
Peter Lucas
MOON Organics
Burt Berlowe
Azimah Pilus-Her
Debbi Lester
Kate Carruthers
Nancy Bray
Barbara Bradley
Hai Nguyen
Denise Downing
Rita Mazer
Roger Hille
Kyle Hern
Rob Kinslow
Tom Byer
R. Brayton
Valencia McMillan
James Rogers
Marilyn Turkovich
Stephanie Barnem
Peacemaking Partnership of
Presbytery of Greater
Eagle Harbor
Congrega>onal Church,
Emo>onal Intelligence
Judith Heffron
Kelly Fesser
Jane Howard
Leah Thibodeau
Mike Brown
Joan Campbell
Linda Toia
Naved Ali
Roslyn Halperin
Caspar Lambrechtsen
Karen O’Rourke,
Lynn Huber
Jennifer Verive
Lois M. Drake
Gregory Solberg
Karen Monroe
Sally MacNichol
Bernademe Beach
Domenica Vacca
Margaret Hardy, MD
Jewel Alexander
Jan Selby
Sarah Carleton
Ritu Sharma
Sherri Williams
Judith Smith Wilkinson
Rick Herrick
Jerry Parker
St Barnabas Presbyterian
Tara Harold
Dawn Mikkelson
Susan Graf
Suzanne Milkus
Mary Francis Drake
Helen Walka
Joshua Morra
Mark Blackman
Sherrie Day
Donald Horrigan
Gerald J McAuley
Kevin Bankerd,
The Adsila Retreat
Kathy Goodman
Stephen Ball
Sandra de Alcuaz
Lanny Wilson
Sandra Scom
Gary Crook
Karen Ruffner,
Jeffery Ford
Penelope Reid
Gayl Woityra
Debra Scholten
Eleanor K Williams
Bill Berkowitz
Jennah Shirley
Thomas Bahrman
Laura Reske
Charles Cleary
Marilyn Sequoia
Wendy Sirchio
Helen Roberts
Salma Arastu
Sandra Chaney
Amy Hofland
Sue Jenkins
Jim Turner
Mary Green
Thomas Crane
Karli Chris>ansen Lee Mitchell Michelle Reid Chris>ne Wood
Judith Fine-Sarchielli
Dana Davis
John Wolf
Liz Lambregtse
Katherine Hvistendahl
Annie Glynn
Danna Beal
Dudley Gilmer
Alice Schwebke
Barry Richmond
Lisa Olson
Vicky Collins
Linda Costello
Stuart Garber
Robin Gary
Dominique Mazeaud
Joan Clement
Eileen Gantz
Laura Hayes
Michael A Kemerhagen
Lori Wong
Michelle Brockman
Rev Dr William Huston
Mary Elmore
Mindy Mafson
Teresa Cox
River Benson
Steven Tierney
Marna Cornell
Deneme Mann
Craig Bright
Chuck Wainwright
Lisa Moore
Ghizlane Achab
Lenore Ruf
John Mar>n
Gordon Dveirin Noreen Aus>n
Unity of Greater Portland
James Slivka
Brent Searle
John Benedict
Peggy Davis
Michael Burks
Cindy Salgado
Pamy Jaynes
Rev. Monica Styron
Elizabeth Coplan
Beth Terry
Arthur Broderson
Bruce Chapman
Joyce Wilson-Sanford
Joy Weese Moll
Carol Wilder
Mike Loomis
F. Bradley Landenberger
Joan Cook
Victoria Dotson
Kathy Harding
Alema Wilson
Bonny Danielson
David and Kathleen Thorne
Margaret Hayes
Dena Patrick
Nanci Swenson
John Sullivan
Bailey North
Holly Gustafson
Gina McGovern
Dwayne Roeder
Christopher Schroeder
Harley Carroll
Lynda Sorensen
Gabriel Page
David Redd
Rose Bryan
Kathleen Kleaveland
Andrew Harvey
Janice Seaman
Angela Bavar
Daniel Deceuster
Lauren Bartholomew
Lisa Padget
Robert Walk
Carol Smith
Glenda Farrimond
Will Bond
Brenda Kirkby
Jamilah Rashid
Michele Kaleta Mesisklis
Susan Reviere
Steve Tiemann
Marilyn Swanson
Ana Henrieme
Lugard Cunha
Chas Phillips
Service For Peace
Denita Connor
Bonita Bryant
Diana Autenrieth
Ali Babool
Michelle Malenfant
Melissa Goodwin
Sue Calloway
Margo Lalich
John Holzhaeter
Michael Jackvington
Eileen Gillen
Melissa Aguilar
Carolyn Holtermann
Rizieri Valles
Olivia Russel
Mary Purcell
Crow Family Founda>on
Maria Lehto
Jennifer Lauck
Thomas Baker
John Alexander
Arlene Marquez
Amber Cunningham
Anne Legane
Teresa Heist
David Ippel
Julie Barnem Emmell
Kerry Kiefer
Amina Rodriguez
Lisa Rosenkoemer
Monet Thompson
Dawn Nea
Anthony Parnell
Ted Chaskelson
Patricia Barkman
Tom Hagood
Gayle Matson
Thomas Head
Annemarie Carberry
Regina Root
Geoffrey Mar>n
Tresa Eyres
Marcy Mehdizadeh
Marc Worthington
Richard Quinn
Vanessa Brown
Jody Randolph
Barbara Colby
James Taylor
Ann Temkin
Susan Tanner
Baton Thaqi
Kimberly Wynns
Cecile Klayton
Brigime Blom
Richard Thurman
Julie Welles
Cynthia Liss
Jill Frame
Kat Miller
Caroline Blackmer
Steven Blonder
Hannah Ford
Megan Rodrigues
Jennifer Saez
Susan Lorenz
Sharon Berube
Janet Horton
Catherine Tata
Kate McNally
Eric Brumwell
Marcia Walker
Linda Whitehead
Jayne Lindley
Karolynn Flynn
Katharine Hendrickson
Katherine Davies
Madronna School
Paula Barkley Fensom
Miriam Neal
Lenore Kure
Alexis Donkin
Susan Kilbane
Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC
Karen Tyson
Judith White
Joann Garrigan
Martha Park
Shereen Khatapoush
Michael Salazar
Mike Van Cleve
Olive Meyer,
Elaine Hurney
Kimberley Schulz
Cabeth Cornelius
Dr. Judy Itzkowitz
Dana Gault
Jennifer Buckley
Gloria Vera
Maryellen Bein
Chris>ne Smith
Kathryn Moroni
James McGregor
Esmeralda Amis
Patrice Borders
Bibi Ibrahim
Norma Mar>n
John Harter
Melissa Anne Rogers
Lynn Jarrard
Lynne Hardy
Judith Clever
Kirk Moldstad
JoAnn MacKay
Kathryn Rose
Jojo Arei
Tami Williams
Sheila Bower
Catherine Newsome
James Moechnig
Patricia Danielson
Miranda Wilson
Linda Brassfield
Margaret Koehler
Santwana Dasgupta
Michael Mikkelson
Caroline Lyngstad
Claire Benton
Julie Roth
Andres Parra
Kate Havelin
Allen Weeks
Jon Dreyer
Linda Gabby
Julie Keck
Mamhew Anderson
Dana Melius
Kari Larson
Anne Conklin
Anita Hill
Sarah Montgomery
Charis Collins
Ron Joki
Laurie Stern
Lynn Huber
Alexander Totz
Georgia DeLeon
Grant Broberg
Betsy Bacon
Lyneme Benge
Rosalyn Claret
Kay Lindahl
Jason & Elissa Hackerson
Donna Minter
Rita Shor
Paul Voigt
Megan Procaccini
Regan Brashear
Kris & Lindy Boustedt
Diane Bloom
Mam Gamble
Jeanne Schneider
Autumn Compton
Lisa Blackstone
Dan Satorius
John Larsen
Beverly Bailey
Drew Pelehos
Theresa Marran
Norah Shapiro
Amber Tubre,
Lisa Hanson
Ronda Golden
In Balance Yoga
Kim Stephan
Rochelle Gibbs
Beth Branscombe
Scom Pakudai>s
Emily Eaton
Dain Rodwell
Jeff Brandt
Jesse Mullan
Micah Minnema
Shannon Dyer
Amber Dolphin
Neree Jackson
Edward Jacobs
Connie Fritz
Kari Ulrich
Ben Myrick
Sunshine Sevigny
Abbie Be>nis
Margaret Cameron
Iris Tungseth
Javier Stauring
Ruth Leitman
Erin Warhol
Susan Abderholden
Bradley Schmeling
Angie Siwek
Carol Siegel
Joel & Liz Trinkle
Kari Willey
Nicole Mamer
Annika Buxman
Ka>e Henly
Sonia Grover
Lydia Murphy
Jennifer Kamarainen
Denise Fiseme
Jonathan Steinmeier
Gayle Gustafson
Jen LaMone
Philip Hussong
Ann Moore
Dixie Treichel
Sara Weiner
Scom Storm,
Lori Jacobwith
Kevin S>`er
Elizabeth BartlemTerrie
Kathy Fuchs
Elianna Lippold-Johnson,
Anna Wise
Shannon Glynn
Sheryl Horton
MaryBeth Garrigan
Monica Matos
Robyn Hartwig
Kelly Daigle
Allison Molenda
Kris> Murray
Pat Zerega
Jennifer Herron
Cynthia Zwicky
Anne Noonan
Annie Follem
Patrick Meehan
Jane Hare
JoAnn Tallman
Linsey Frawley
Stephanie Myers
Pete Tedrow,
Jen Roesler
Cathy Coon,
Benjamin May
Kathleen Pequea±o
Melissa Vo
Erica Christ
Amy Lange
Pat Carlson
Mary Leppala Thomas Lemmer, Jennifer Carter
David Schmidt Jon Steinhorst
Melody Gilbert
Lisa Math
Amy Slachta
Gaye Ludlow
Christopher Powers Kelly Nathe
Patsy Werwie
Hannah Nemer Susan Bordson
Kris>an Van der Heyden
Lyndsay Anderson Amy Bransky Amy Brandli
Kiersten Chace
Janelle Bussert
Jane Barrash
Amy Keyser Michael Sutz Aus>n Wiebe
John Smith
Randy Adamsick Emily Clack Joycelyn Wilson Leah Golberstein
Elisa Bernick
Emily Goldberg
Charissa Uemura
Mam E Hling
Mary McKeever
Joy Wolf
Botanica Inc.
ChooseWell L.L.C., Farm to Fork, L.L.C.
Greater Louisville Group Sierra Club, Louisville, KY KAEE KAEE, Frankfort, KY
Waldorf School of
Louisville, Inc.
Wilderness Louisville, Inc, Fariba Pourkia
Lorraine Horine
Ellen McKenzie
Summer Niaz
Rebecca Sage
Linda Evans
Ben Evans
Amy Stevers
Sonja Lavigne
Steve Smeeton
Brook Guy
Beverly Millem
Jo-Ann Wasilewski Dayana E, Sandord
Mirela Livingston
Karen Erb
Julie Nye
Mary Rusan
Karen Tannish
Adeola Chukwumah
Mariana Muraf
Joan Clearwater
Per-Ola Orvendal
Mary Buckley
Eric Narkevicius Janine Cirrito,
Olivia Smith
Bryan Jaglal Aus>n Dodd
Kristy Arbon
Ronnie Amin
Donna Kruse
Cathy Thompson
Jennifer McDonald
Gudelia Melendez-Moran
Vincent Waite
Liza Ely
Lindsay Densmore
Veronica Varela
Karyn Lazarus
Wayne Kelly
Amna Afreen
Jill VanGorden
Helen Lang
Zee Kurfee
Michael Moore
S Beth Farmer
Bruce Brown
Sarene Appelbaum
Siobhan Mulligan
Jude Harlan
Jacqueline Johnson
Jane Ormsby
Cynthia Baker
Sharon Berman
Phyllis Greene
Debbie Dimon
Jessica Markowitz
Nora Kilcup
Madeline Reno
David Toracinta
Dorothy LeBeau
Stephen Kinney
Tiffany Tipton
Lisa Jack
Don Knapp
Michele Lee
Barbara Collins
Madeline Wall
Keith Magee
Valerie Colucci
Marsha Russell
Iris Simons
Rachael Neenan
Sherry Daswani
Eric Bothwell
Pam King
Sarah Carter
Carol Egan
Katherine Weckman
Corinna Miller
Dave Brothers
Kara Kea>ng
Amy Ramsey
Jennifer Denicola
Bridgem McAfee
Erika Rauls
Itunu Ilesanmi
Susan Underwood
Joan Higgs
Jake-ann Jones
Claire Steiner
Kevin Kathman
Rupsi Burman Hope in Life
Quandalyn Waldon
Shoshana McIntosh
Katherine Larson
Katherine Weckman
Emilie Sellers
Fa>ma Nesmith
Kathleen McNamara
Syerra Donaldson
Melina Frame
Ashley Williams
Harley Roush
Deborah Russoli
Maci Johnson
Adadad Adad
Clinton Thornton
Cynthia Parson
Susan Balling
Jerry Gutekunst
Nancy Kelley
Mafe Williams
Joaquin Lopez Jr.
Theresa Horton
Kathleen Fluhart
Rhonda Kaleel
Nancy L Klarman
Pamela Blackwell
Tris>na Singley
Waste-Not-Crea>ons Cra`s
Edwin Munoz
Cynthia De Oliveira
Heather Bonds
Paul Lewis
Emily Bonvini
Lisa Anderson
Kaytreona Wright
Jazmin Taylor,
Shedrion Elom
Michael Shorter
Amy Losciale
Felesia Bartley
Blanche Price
Susan Harris
Chatham Davis
Connie Simon
Jerry Hutek
Zhane Rucker
Carla Haim
Michelle Willis
Melvin Edwards
Naomi Bradfute
Akeya Hurt
Juliana Steele
Mary Conway Dato-on
Sheryl Myers
Elizabeth Strand
Stephanie Pike
Charlton Price
Ashley Henard
James LeBlanc
Marie Thomas
Amato DeLuca
Sarah Bennem
Chris>ne Durrance
Cheryl Lessman
Rona Strakosch
Robert Schoenfeld
Heather Shoopman
Rea Kironn
Greg Walden
Kersten Johnson
Farzeen Rajwani
John Gonzalez
Sharon Stockard
Jarir Saadoun
Meghan Dake-Morrell
Judy Knight
Karen Gold
Vanessa Oceguera
Hailley DeRaad
Steffany Dravis
John Mudie
Jody Harper
Marie Pafpa>
Carolyn Tucci
Leslie Ramos Salazar
Leigh Sabo
Jus>n Webb
Bill Johnson
Tonica Estell
Marty Alan Michelson
Kimberly Herrmann
Betsy McCallister
Abigail Casterline Darlene Strickland
Carol Herczeg
Ben Freeman
Dr. Joseph McCormack
Kathleen Oefnger
Lisa Mathis
Dr. Deborah J. Coon
Cheryl Hynum
Scom Hankla
James Edwards
Tracey Pool
Patricia Beck
Maryellen Iorio
Jeffrey Rivard
Jessica Rockers
Heather Weaver
Tripma Thunderword
Jonathon Thunderword
Pepper Lewis, Bend, OR
Elaine Staton
Mary Coleman
Soheila Azizi
Sally Wills
Alice Edwards
Carol Gogarty
John Sullivan
Mary Pougiales
Kerry Schafer
Arthur Gregory
Glenna Batson
Emily Hooks
Thea Sanchez
John Myers
Agam Mulia
Bonita Yocus
Keenan Powers
Cynthia Gustafson
Emily Bruce
Jennifer Borrrelli
Andrea Vidrine
Diane Dorman
Erika Hartel
Nancy Woodard
Andrea Golden-Pogue
Regina Mangold
Cindy Branch
Jeanneme Hassberg
Lauren Speeth
John Herberger
Amber Johnson
Ann Wojciechowicz
Ellen Rosenberg
Cassandra Sok
Chris>na Romeo,
Stephen Jones
Susan Degaia
Maureen MacCarthy
Lora Mallen
Barbara De Muri
Barbara Belle
Shakil Ali
Forrest Meyers
William Limle
Nicholas Mejia
Jeff Nash
Rochelle Grenier
Jus>n Green
Erik Flom
Isaac Nam
Karen Zimmer
Laura Burgis
John Strassburger
Nicholas Lamina
Nadine S>mak
Kazel Morgan
Carol Raymond
William Paige
Kelly LaCrosse
Mamhew Smith
Larry Kreger
Catherine Mosier
Timothy Sullivan
Gretchen Draper
Katy Nicol
Kevin Gao
Amelia Barnes
Allison Crews
Jessica Maag
Maria Maldonado
Stephen Pradarelli
Lori Shoemake
Dorothy Bynum
Cheryl Blackington
Steven Nielsen
Richard Stromer
Adam James
Claire Liversidge
Suzanne Kramer-Brenna
Kim Friedman
Missy Solomon
Dave Nienhuis
Samara Smith
Kenny Ruffin
Erica Peery
Mary Jane Pudhorodsky
Flint and Walling in
memory of Donna
Amy Katz
Charlome Mar>n
Roberta Kurgan
Kate Byrne
Cheryl Weston
James Malley
Elizabeth de la Fuente
Heidi L. Larkin
Dr. Julian Wyam
Lynda Kuckenbrod
Jeannine Kloss
LeAnn Wall
Stephen Butler
Melissa Lamm
Rodney Salzwedel
Cherie Anderson
Julia Stesney
St. Luke's, Indianapolis, IN
Jude Marston
Eric Mccoy
Meg Averem
David Behnke
Carol Frappier
Michelle Zaremba
Sylwia Borowska
Kirs>n Baum
Kristen Zimbardi
Charles Lewis,
Benjamin Riåin
Virginia Patrick
Zoe Olson
Roberta Wimmer
Lisa Warren
Diane Mickey
Janet Remmenga
Michelle Gould
Djoni Muhadi
Nicole Olshan
Helen Lowe
Joy Jenkins
Dennis Winkleblack
Joy Dahlgren
Anita McQuillen
Anne Truslow Harders
Patricia Bonneau-White
Kim Fitzgerald
Luisa Quintanilla
Robert Odor
Sharon Grosshart
Sherry Davis
Paul Peacock
Hollis Heimbouch
Paul Peacock
Chuck & Sue Thayer
Joel Stevens
Russell Bennem
Laura Day
Levin S Kinsey
Janet Caspers
Terry Kinsey
Janet Caspers
Ed Kimble
Saundra Sewell
Mary Colebourn
Christopher Buczek
Mitchell Bond
Michael Gajda
Sarah Mar>n
Jill Zweier
Sophi Guilfoose
Robert Gladys
Cheryl Child
Deborah Keith
Brenda Cooper
Cheryl Dodwell
Deb Nedeau
Kathleen Gerus
Pamela Shropshire
Dennis Hisek
Judith Randall
Nicholas von Lehmden
Kayla West
Jack Runnels
Kade Smith
Michele Micklewright
Brim-Marie McDowell
Rebecca Damron
Charlome Ray
Linda Small
David Soumis
Nicholas von Lehmden
Leroy Twist
Charlie Tewell
Marisa James
Erika Davis
Barbara Miller
Sally Cox
Paul Davis
Holly Anderson
Jack Carrasco
Yusuf Harper
Kay Eck
David Brownlee
Donna Scheifler
Ann Megna
Frank Lane
Rossann Mosher
Vance Johnson
Steven Williams
John Malone
Andrea Finley
Barbara Stern
Diane Grimes
Ian Trammel
Claud Hooker
Terri Crystal
Michele Campbell
Jim Saveland
Michele Casey
Robert Lupo
Susan Jappinen
Dena Klein
Margert Springer,
Mam McDonald
Mark Chhabria
Linda Gates
Laura Merrill
Francis Toldi
Chris>ne Allen
Thomas Spencer
Timothy VanderVeen
Diana Scom-Monck
Ernie Brooks
Dorothy Quigley
Bruce R Seidel Jr,
Mercy Springs Founda>on
Comprehensive Health
Darcelle Bleau
Anine de Grood
Margaret Priddy
James A VanderWeele
Diane Lake
Martha Kirby
Karen Anderson
Patricia Berberich
Laura Blanton
Dr. Halimah Polk
Cheryl L. Jones
James Falelr
Courtney H Williams
Rev. John E. Miller
Kathie F. Miller
Norbert Muller
Kathleen Griffin
Daniel Davis
InwardBound Center for
Nonprofit Leadership, Margaret Neighbors
Diane Cogorno
John J. Wright
Phyllis Davis
Damir Tomsic
William Pelandini
Elise Wright
James Pippard
Mary Carlson
Marianist State Community
Ashwin Manakal
Wellsmart Medical Services
Paloma Sainz
Ruth Omo and Virginia Van
Mary Hengstebeck
Lucy Muller
Kevin Tuerff
Sumaya Khan
Muhammad Jawad
Moorman Robertson Work
Jerry Schultz
Maureen Wesolowski
Carol Grant
Jan Dawson
Diane and Graham Jones
Juliet Northrop
Caroline Klam
Deborah Newman
Donna Mill
Anne Lewenhaupt
Anita Govindjee
Stephen Loch Bowie
Laurie Margot Ross
Craig Bell
James Schumacher
Charles McLucas
Janice Manahan
Janet Reigel
Gijs Van den Broeck
Colleen O'Brien
Christy Pollock
Ryan Jense
Karen Cooper
Jane Rowe
Ann Pritchard
Patricia Lynch
Andreane Frazier
Alexander O'Connell
Wendy Fambro
Connie Herman,
Patricia Hidalgo
Marci Gum
There Larson-Wright
Teresa Rae Cerna
Kathy Taylor
Cheryl Sultan
Shelley Pearce
Mary Parse
William Fosmire
Carl Angoli
Betsy Brach
Nejira Salihovic
Sara Wolcom
Janice Seidel
Shari Cantor
Stephanie Foster
Greg Mather
Sui San Mui
Judith Farrant
Peter Macartney
Scom Shapiro
Cynthia A Boyd
Ann Westervelt Poms
Lester White
Barrie Allen
Beth Dyer Collin Stewart
Brent Steven Giannoma
Suzanne Robinson Dr Michael Norko
Donna Roman
Terry Tim Solon
Ellen Schaefer
Kenzie Raulin
Virginia Vreeland
Douglas W. Heatwole
Jim Pasmore
Linda Arlene S>gen
Bradford Kirkman-Liff
Godfrey Spencer
Jeff VanDeusen
Beverly Barker
Cheryl Althauser Kirsten Strand
Deborah L. Burger
Rebecca S>ne
William H Stokes
Rev. Jeniffer Hutchins
Salvadore A Paredes
Judy Kelly
Stephen Schroeter
Susan L Scom
Susan Gordinier
Robert Rogers Brenda Susor Interna>onal Center for Compassionate Ci>es
URUGUAY Kanzeda Crenshaw,
VENEZUELA Carlos Ricardo Caicedo Russi, Tinaquillo
VIETNAM David Elliom
YEMEN Abdullah Alkaff
Christy Kendall Chieh-Ru Chu
Harry Ungar Jacqueline Vidrine Jo>ka Jo>ka
Robert Keller
Peggy Guoin Meg Versteeg
Helen Besse
Jane Schneeloch
Caterina Randolph
Debra Burrington Reed Cundiff Susan Maharry
Jolene Edwards Michael & Anne Moody Sandy Hobbs Compassion Group
Debra Scholten Ben P
Taylor Hill Cara Meskar Kilong Ung
Andrea Ganser Kini Chris>e
Dan Nordley Marsha Rumbarger Linda Harding
Brennan Kelleher
Deacon Warner
Emily Best
Connie Monson
Lu Lippold The Scary Guy
Erica Anderson
D.A. Bullock Jesse Roesler
Jan Selby
Brian Mogren Green Sea Produc>ons Amy Sparks
Michael Oliver
Susan Waters
Delores Moechnig
Pat Anderson
Laurie Barr
Mira Lippold-Johnson
Chris Palmer
Lisa Heil
Victoria Greene
Kris> Evanger
Sara Freid
Thavary Krouch
Heidi Tungseth
Beth Anderson
Susan Campion
Russ Fagan
Kyle Deber>n
Kara Runge
Megan Gaffey
Rebekah S>ling
Hillary Harder
Laura Simmons
Ellen Indy
Christopher Grimes
Cheryl Kyle
Kari Beutz
Kristoffer Knutson
Melissa Dahl
Jan Eckhart
Gary King
Ted Hartquist
Catherine Day
Jack Marchef
Amy Guth
Craig Evans
Julie Nelson
Lindsey Schuberth
Frank Leyden
Jana Velo
Allison Locey
Mike Wassenaar
David Woolley
Richard Paske
Karen Larson
Vic Volare
Cj Davis
Anna Brenk
Shari Brochhausen
Jason Shapiro
Susie Anderson
Tanya Lund-Bullis
Mary Gearen
Mike Moroni
Liza Davitch
Danielle Huizinga
Marche Noecker
Shahzore Shah
Carl Bliss
Nick Beltramelli
David Johnson
Louisa Hext
Mark Brown
Cy Dodson
Anca van der Linden
Katalin Borbely
Kim Kiiskinen
Charissa Bertels
Travis Karlin
Chris Newberry
Roy Koch
Joe Shansky
John Becker
Nicholas Graff
Cynthia Weitzel
Chris Strouth
John Sims
Nancy Belusky
Nancy Jacobs
Kathy Borden
bob bboooebbe
Yoriko Kishimoto
Anne Beaujean
Francesca Morales
United Parcel Service
Pam Farley
Laura K
Samantha Bayless
dania jaber
Mollie Yunker
Hadeel Tayel Al-Husban
David Hamilton
Ime Okpokho
Shelby M. Durbin
Katherine Weckman
EJR Dining
Vanessa Tore
Tenzin Thubten