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Religious Studies (Philosophy and Ethics
Religious Studies students at Charters School are interested and motivated by events, people and beliefs. As part of a local and wider community they are up to date with news and current affairs. They read and learn about issues as well as learning from them. Pupils engage in dialogue and debate and enjoy critical thinking. Pupils study a wide multi-faith curriculum debating current affairs with thought-provoking topics.
Component 01: Philosophy of religion
Students study philosophical language and thought, and issues and questions raised by belief:
Ancient philosophical influences The nature of the soul, mind and body Arguments about the existence or non-existence of God The nature and impact of religious experience The challenge for religious belief of the problem of evil Ideas about the nature of God Issues in religious language.
Component 02: Religion and ethics
Students explore key concepts and the works of influential thinkers, ethical theories and their application:
Normative ethical theories The application of ethical theory to two issues: business ethics and medical ethics Ethical language and thought Debates surrounding the significant idea of conscience Sexual ethics and the influence on ethical thought of developments in religious beliefs.
An exciting and interesting course which provides a critical approach to the consideration of moral and philosophical issues. An integral part of the course is to apply theories to contemporary issues of importance for example Euthanasia and Business Ethics. The Course fits in well with Humanities, English, Social Science subjects, Business and Science. Many of our students go on to study Law & Politics at University.
Students are expected to have an interest in current affairs, to use an enquiring critical and empathetic approach to the study of religious, political and legal events and ethical developments in society. The Course gives students opportunities to think critically, to discuss and debate. Students are given opportunities to present on a given subject and many find it increases their confidence and ambition to participate in current issues of the day. Careers associated with the course are Legal, Political, Business, Journalism, Medical.
There are many books about Philosophy, Ethics & Religious Issues. Some contemporary takes on some of the key thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, St Thomas Aquinas are as follows: History of ideas https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04bwydw
Panpsycast https://thepanpsycast.com/
In our Time https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qykl Justice Michael Sandel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBdfcR-8hEY