4/14/22, 9:19 AM
An Overview of Different Law Concentrations: Part 2 - Chart Westcott | Law & Political Involvement
An Overview of Different Law Concentrations: Part 2
Here is the second installment of this overview of different law concentrations! Check out part one here.
ENTER T A I N M E N T LAW Entertainment lawyers deal with the various details of the industry, such as contracts and payments. These details can help a lawyer develop effective strategies for managing a company.
An entertainment lawyer will also need to be knowledgeable about the various aspects of the industry they’re working in. They might also be working with other lawyers and executives from the company they’re working with.
FAMI L Y L A W https://chartwestcott.org/an-overview-of-different-law-concentrations-part-2/
4/14/22, 9:19 AM
An Overview of Different Law Concentrations: Part 2 - Chart Westcott | Law & Political Involvement
Family law is typically focused on relationships between people and their families. This discipline is ideal for individuals who enjoy working with families and helping them through difficult times.
ENVI R O N M E N T AL AND NATURAL RESOU R C E S L A W An environmental law attorney is typically focused on protecting the environment and enforcing laws that protect it. This discipline also deals with various aspects of natural resources, such as deforestation and pollution.
While environmental lawyers are typically focused on protecting the environment, there are also lawyers who ensure that companies follow proper environmental policies and procedures. This discipline can be very taxing on a lawyer’s time.
HEAL T H L A W The field of health law is also rapidly growing. It provides legal services to various industries, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and medical device manufacturers. Health law requires lawyers who are detail-oriented, curious, and enjoy a field that changes often.
I MMI G R A T I O N L AW Immigration law is a field of law that deals with the various issues that arise when people come to the US for short-term or long-term stays. This discipline is ideal for individuals who are interested in helping immigrants.
Most people tend to think of immigration law as a field of law that deals with people seeking asylum in the US or those illegally entering the country. However, some firms are dedicated to helping companies hire and retain skilled immigrants.
This is not an exhaustive list of different law fields, but it’s a great place to start! Many lawyers will shift their careers through various specializations, so there’s always an opportunity to try something new, even if you don’t love where you start. https://chartwestcott.org/an-overview-of-different-law-concentrations-part-2/
4/14/22, 9:19 AM
An Overview of Different Law Concentrations: Part 2 - Chart Westcott | Law & Political Involvement
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An Overview of Different Law Concentrations: Part 2 - Chart Westcott | Law & Political Involvement
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