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If you are worried that organic vegetable gardening sounds like it is too much like hard work and too time consuming then all you need to do is follow these 5 tips and you will be well on your way to harvesting your very own delicious organic vegetables in no time at all. Do not be put off by people who say that it is not worth the time or effort because when you harvest your very first crop of vegetables you get a fantastic feeling of pride, and when you sit down to eat them it is even better. Grow Vegetables That You Like Eating Now this may sound pretty straight forward for some people but it's surprising how many people grow vegetables that they don't particularly like the taste of, just because they are easy to grow or their friend grows them. Although you must always make sure that you choose vegetables that will grow well in your part of the country as well. Give Your Vegetables The Most Sun Making sure your vegetables are in a position in your garden that receives the most amount of sun is very important in order to have the healthiest and tastiest veg. Organic Fertilizers When you need to use an organic fertilizer it is a good idea to make sure that it is a slow releasing fertilizer, that way your vegetables will get the most benefit from it. Get Nature on Your Side Attracting the right kind of insects and other wildlife to protect your vegetables from unwanted pests is extremely important when it comes to organic vegetable gardening. A few of these animals that you want in your garden are, hover flies, garden spiders, frogs, hedgehogs and ladybirds. Some of the things that you can do to attract this helpful wildlife is by planting certain flowers such as pot marigold, Californian poppy, daisy or golden rod just to name a few. Also you could start by putting up bird boxes or you could even think about adding a pond into your garden, if you have enough space of course. Make Your Own Compost To make the most out of your soil it is a good idea to make some of our own compost. This is a fairly straight forward process but it does take a fair amount of time, so there is no time like the present to begin.
As long as you follow good advice and don't make things over complicated, then organic vegetable gardening is a very enjoyable and rewarding thing to do. Visit my website for more advice and tips when it comes to growing organic vegetables, I know that it can be very daunting if you are not sure what you should be doing and that is why I am here to help.
I have been growing organic vegetables for many years and my goal is to get as many people into the garden as I can. The best thing about organic vegetable gardening isn't the money that you will save on grocery bills (although that is nice), for me the best thing is the satisfaction that you get when you are eating your very own beautiful vegetables. To find out more tips on organic vegetable gardening and even take a look at some of my recipes go to myorganicvegetablegardening.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Douglas
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