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The leader in luxury

Founded in 1986, Chase International has developed a strong reputation as the “leader in luxury real estate.” The company has a proven track record throughout the region and sets the standard for real estate in all price ranges. Chase International is one of the nation’s most successful independent real estate firms specializing in unique and distinctive luxury properties in the Tahoe/Reno/Sacramento/Vegas regions. We are proud to have sold $7 billion in three years, brokering 8,396 transaction sides. With more than 350 highly qualified professional REALTORS® and 14 real estate locations, we are committed to our clients’ success. Chase has the most knowledgeable agents with the experience and connections to serve your needs.

One Company, One Heart is more than just a slogan. It is our credo, our way of life.

Chase International by the numbers







One company. One heart. One philosophy.

HEART. It’s what sets Chase International apart from the rest of the real estate pack. We are a company motivated by our clients’ success. It means finding just the right house you can call home. It means connecting you with the best movers, painters, interior designers and introducing you to the communities we serve. It means loving every inch of your home and selling it for the highest price in the shortest time. Whatever it takes, we’re here for you. Some would call this kind of service over-the-top. At Chase, we call it heart. And when you have it, everything else takes care of itself.

Our commitment

At Chase International, we strive to exceed your expectations and deliver results every time. We have assembled a highly skilled, experienced team of sales associates and staff committed to providing legendary client service with an unparalleled standard of integrity and expertise. We are here to serve you, and we are committed to your success.

Unmatched visibility

With 14 beautiful real estate locations strategically located in Lake Tahoe, Northern California and Nevada. and even London, England, Chase International provides unmatched visibility to enhance the exposure we bring to the extraordinary homes we represent.

Powerful marketing Proven results

Chase International has a dedicated in-house marketing team that excels in the art of branding and marketing luxury properties and developments. Our team of designers, analysts, tech gurus and marketing specialists offers strategically-driven solutions for buyers, sellers, developers and investors. We leverage our proven capabilities with the best emerging technologies and digital marketing strategies to ensure maximum exposure for the properties we represent.

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TAYLOR Saleslastyear: Totalvalue: $65million LAKETAHOE,NEV.


BILLINGS,MONT. ‘You’redealingwithpeoplewhodon’tneedtosell,’saysbroker JimTaylor,whosoldDanaRanch,left,forclosetoits$45millionaskingprice.

EARLYLASTYEAR, SamiHassoumi launchedasearchwithhisclientforaspaciousManhattanapartment.InNovember,theyhadfoundit.Andatthe endofDecember,Mr.Hassoumiandhisclientclosedona six-bedroom,6½-bathroom,second-floorunitofanUpper EastSidecooperativebuilding. Thatdeal,for$20million,wasMr.Hassoumi’sonly transactionof2012. Mr.Hassoumi,anagentat BrownHarrisStevens York,ispartofacadreofluxuryreal-estateagentswho focusalltheirenergyonahandfulofblockbustersales eachyear. ShariChase,abrokerinLakeTahoe,Nev.,sold onlythreepropertieslastyear—includingthe$25.5millionlakefrontestatethatwasthelargestsaleinLakeTahoesince2008.Aspenbroker JoshuaSaslove hadsixsales lastyear.Oneofthemwas PrinceBandarBinSultan’s90acreHalaRanchtohedge-fundmanager JohnPaulson for


SAMI HASSOUMI Saleslastyear: Totalvalue: $20million

$49millioninJune.ThedealcontributedtoAspenprices rising5%lastyear,afterseveraldownyearsinthetony Themostsuccessfulbrokerscanaffordtospendcountlesshourswithasingleclientandtensofthousandsof dollarsonmarketingandotherexpensesrelatedtoasale. Thepotentialpayoff:Commissionsfromtwoorthree propertieswithtrophypricescanprovideabrokerwitha tidysix-orseven-figureannualincome.PleaseturntopageM4

DISAPPEARINGDOORS andtracksandconcealedhardware,toavoidobstructingviews.Thedoorscanbeconfiguredtofitanyshape—evenacurvedwall.Inresponsetothegrowingpopularityoffloor­to­ceiling‘glasswalls,’NanaWallSystemsintroducedaslidingglassdoorsystemwithminimalframes AGLIMPSEOFHOMEBUILDING’SFUTURE Tinygenerators,vanishingwallsandrefrigeratorsthatheatwaterareshowcasedattheInternationalBuilders’Show ers’ShowinLasVegasthisweek, tensofthousands,suppliers,distributorsandbuildersconvenedtoexaminenewinnovationsinhome-building materials,appliances,fixturesand technologies.Themoodwasoptimistic:Constructionofsingle-familyhomes climbed18.5%inDecemberfromthe prioryear.Theannualsalespaceof newhomeswasontracktobe23% higherlastyearthantherecordlow in2011.Andanumberofexhibitors whosatlastyear’sshowout,suchas GEAppliances,werebackinforce. Thenewdesignshighlightedthe changingprioritiesoftoday’shomeowners—andcouldpointtowarda abilitytomultitask.Andthestandard electricaloutletcouldbegoingthe wayofthedinosaur.Forinnovativedesignsfromthe show,seepageM7. newsetofstandardhomefeatures. Generators,increasinglyseenasa homeessential,aregettingsmaller. Kitchenapplianceshaveagreater DAWNWOTAPKA ROBBIEWHELAN

Digital Marketing

Maximum internet exposure

Your property will syndicate to hundreds of the world’s leading real estate websites. Exclusive exposure includes LeadingEstates.com, ArtisanGroupRE.com, MayfairInternationalRealty.com (London-based) and ChaseInternational.com.

Luxury listings syndicate to our China connection at Juwai.com (leading luxury Chinese website), LuxuryRealEstate.com (Forbes’ pick as the #1 site for luxury real estate) and LuxuryPortfolio.com. Chase also offers exclusive preferred marketing on Zillow, Trulia and Realtor.com.

Chase technology edge

We use an integrated system of tools leveraging artificial intelligence to attract buyers to our sellers’ properties. Our Chase marketing automation regularly reaches out to buyers to encourage engagement with our listings and facilitate direct agent contact.

The Chase Technology Suite even includes reverse prospecting. This enables us to reach out directly to colleagues with buyers searching specifically in your neighborhood and price range.

Home staging: showcase the lifestyle buyers want

Statistics show that 68% of staged homes sell faster and for at least 9% more than non-staged homes. Buyers only know what they see. The way you live in a home versus how you sell it are two different things. Staging your home creates a welcoming environment that sets the tone for potential purchasers to imagine living in your home.

Photo Shoot

At Chase, we believe in using professional photography to highlight your property. Everyone searches for homes online. High-quality, professional photos stand out, while amateur photos are ignored. You have seconds to make a positive first impression with buyers scanning hundreds of listings, so let us connect you with professional photographers who can portray your home in its best light.

Extraordinary video marketing

Homes listed with video receive four times the inquiries of homes listed without video. Chase International up levels our listings with industry-leading video marketing using award-winning creative direction, cutting edge technology, aerial footage, and the most talented videographers in the industry.

To learn more, go to: chaseinternational.com/film

Stand out from the crowd with Chase Ready

With Chase Ready, your home will stand out from the crowd by providing buyers full transparency on the condition of your home. Buyers will know what they are purchasing and can make an educated and confident decision when making an offer on your property. Your home is ready to SELL and easy for buyers to BUY!

What distinguishes a Chase Ready Property?

Prior to putting your home on the market, Chase Ready Properties have completed the following:

Full Home Warranty for Buyers: Coverage for the sellers during the listing period

Property Inspection

Fully Completed Disclosures

Preliminary Title Search

Completed Natural Hazards Disclosure Report - (CA)

Completed Sewer Clearance if necessary - (CA)

Defensible Space Evaluation if necessary - (CA)

Why choose to sell your home with Chase Ready?

Benefits to seller

Attract Buyers

Buyers are more attracted to purchasing homes with the most complete information available.

Eliminate Surprises

Eliminates virtually all major surprises that often occur during the property inspection process.


Allows you to complete potential repairs and improvements in the most cost-effective manner. By completing repairs prior to putting your home on the market, you have the opportunity to find competitive bids on repairs.

Reduces Stress

Greatly reduces the stress and lost time of canceled transactions due to repair requests.

Benefits to buyers ASSURANCE

Chase Ready Properties provide buyers with the assurance that they are purchasing a home with the most complete information available.


Chase Ready Properties enable buyers to make educated and confident decisions when writing a purchase offer.


Chase Ready properties protect the buyers from the high cost of unexpected systems repairs during the first year of their purchase.

Unprecedented worldwide reach

Luxury Portfolio International is a unified collection of the world’s most experienced, visible and highly-regarded experts in luxury real estate. Founded in 2005 as the premium division of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, Luxury Portfolio exclusively markets a selection of the network’s extraordinary homes, utilizing a sophisticated mix of online and offline media to position properties for maximum exposure in an elite market.


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