1 minute read
Austin’s House Providing emergency shelter and compassionate care for children in Northern Nevada who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. austinshousenv.org
Eddy House Provide at-risk youth the opportunity to reach their full potential as healthy individuals through a continuum of programs and services in northern nevada. eddyhouse.org
JUSTin Hope Foundation Building a community of inclusion, empowerment, and support for families and individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. justinhope.org
Karma Box Project Community initiative that allows people to
We need each other to build great communities. Every single person contributes to
the spirit and success of a community. There
will always be a way you can get involved,
give back or be part of something bigger than
yourself. When our communities come first
we can make a tremendous difference in the
lives of everyone we meet. So get out there
and find the part of your community that you
want to make a difference in and get involved.
give non-perishable food, hygiene products, toiletries, and other useful items to those in need. karmaboxproject.org
Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful Creating a more sustainable and beautiful region through waste reduction, education and active community involvement. ktmb.org
League to Save Lake Tahoe Dedicated to protecting and restoring the environmental health, sustainability, and scenic beauty of the Lake Tahoe Basin, focusing on water quality and its clarity. keeptahoeblue.org
Live Violence Free Promoting a violence free community through education and advocacy to address domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and basic needs. liveviolencefree.org
Moms on the Run Raise funds to provide for the specific needs of women in northern nevada with breast cancer. momsontherun.info
Northern Nevada Rave Foundation Improve the well-being of families by providing respite to those caring for young and adult children with special needs. nnrff.org
Reno Jazz Orchestra Jazz music appreciation and education. renojazz.org
Tahoe Magic Assists families in need with one-time crisis funding. tahoemagic.org