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Chris Askin, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada, has announced his retirement, effective Jan. 28, 2022.
Askin has led the foundation for nearly 22 years. Under his leadership, the Community Foundation assets have grown from $576,000 in 2000 to $140 million in 2020, while distributing more than $145 million in grants.
He worked with donors and professional advisors on complex estate gift arrangements, often involving unusual gift assets. More than $150 million in bequest arrangements from 100+ families are in place to benefit the community as Legacy funds. The Community Foundation administrative expenses are about 1% with a balanced budget annually, making the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada one of the most efficiently operated charities in the country.
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada consists of invested donor advised funds, scholarships, designated and legacy funds, and the Community Endowment. Gifts of all sizes are pooled and invested to address community challenges and emergency relief for generations. The Community Foundation serves as a community leader, permanent charitable resource, and a philanthropic advisor in charitable giving.
To learn more or get involved visit: nevadafund.org
Chris Askin also serves on the board of directors for Hela Bima World as CSPG, CFRE: advisor.