thea. e. r.centeri saresearch f aci li tyspeci ali zi ng i n the accumulati on ofknowledgeconcerni ng al ternati vemeansof fuel,and also push theboundri esofthesci enceoffueli tself. i n addi ti on,i tservesto noti fythepubli cofsuch means,aswell asthedangersoffossi lfuelbased polluti on throughout theatchaf al yabasi n.thedesi gn ofthebui ldi ng stemsfrom the anal yzati on ofoffshoreoi lplatforms,and how theyarestructured usi ng mul ti plefloorplates,i nterconnected byuseof catwalksand st ai rways.i talso mi mi cstheplatformsbytheexposure ofthemajori tyofthestructurethroughoutthebui ldi ng. fi rstfloor
lobby li brary mens restrrom womens restroom electri c jani tori al mechani cal elevator mai nt.
2, 225 Sq.Ft. 1, 624 Sq.Ft.
318 O. L. 32 O. L.
200 Sq.Ft. 211 Sq.Ft. 335 Sq.Ft.
1 O. L. 1 O. L. 1 O. L.
second floor
744 Sq.Ft. 780 Sq.Ft. 1854 Sq.Ft. 961 Sq.Ft. 777 Sq.Ft. 857 Sq.Ft. 4874 Sq.Ft.
49 O. L. 4 O. L. 264 O. L. 48 O. L. 38 O. L. 42 O. L. 15 O. L.
i nteri or di ni ng space cafe/ restaurant exteri or di ni ng space classroom 1 classroom 2 classroom 3 greenhouse
thi rd floor
1800 Sq.Ft. 150 Sq.Ft. 100 Sq.Ft. 100 Sq.Ft.
22 O. L. 3 O. L. 2 O. L. 2 O. L.
al ternati veenergylab admi ni strati veoffi ce offi ce1 offi ce2 uni sexrestroom 1 uni sexrestroom 2 conference1 conference2 mechani cal energycollecti on zone
fourth floor
500 Sq.Ft. 500 Sq.Ft. 89 Sq.Ft.
1400 Sq.Ft. 500 Sq.Ft. 900 Sq.Ft.
24 O. L. 15 O. L. 60 O. L. 2 O. L.
polluti on research center research vi ewi ng area staffbreakroom/ ki tchen mens restroom womens restroom
13 O. L. 13 O. L. 1 O. L.
21481 Sq.Ft.
SI TE PLAN SCALE:1/ 64”=1’ 0”
4TH FLOOR SCALE:1/ 16”=1’ 0”
970 O. L.
( excludi ng exteri or program,I . E.Amphi theatre)
massi ng
3RD FLOOR SCALE:1/ 16”=1’ 0”
exteri or
2ND FLOOR SCALE:1/ 16”=1’ 0”
SE CT I ON B B SCALE:1/ 16”=1’ 0”
w a l l s e c t i o n SCALE:1/ 4”=1’ 0”
SE CT I ON A A SCALE:1/ 16”=1’ 0” A l t e r n a t i v e e n e r g y r e s e a r c h c e n t e r ( a . e . r . ) new i beri a pari sh,la c.johnson
1STFLOOR SCALE:1/ 16”=1’ 0”