4 minute read
phone: 250-320-3050 email: info@chasesunflower.ca 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase Classifieds $5/20 words
Part-Time Hours (Approximately 2 hours per day – times vary at different times of the year.)
The Village of Chase is inviting the submission of applications for the contracted position of a part-time Bylaw Enforcement Officer.
Under the direction of the Director of Corporate Services, the contractor Bylaw Enforcement Officer is required to:
• Attend to and investigates complaints of alleged municipal bylaw infractions
• Speak with business owners/ operators regarding business licensing requirements
• Issue notices and letters of infraction
• Issue infraction tickets
• Provide information either verbally or in writing to persuade individuals to comply with the Village’s bylaws
• Respond to public enquires while in the field
• Liaise with the Fire Chief and local RCMP on occasion
• Attend court or other adjudication with the Director of Corporate Operations proceedings to provide evidence relating to unresolved infractions
The Contractor is required to provide his/her own cell phone, his/her own vehicle, log book, invoicing forms and all other documents required to operate as a contractor to the Village of Chase.
Please submit a resume and cover letter with full details of your experience. Applications are to be addressed to Sean O’Flaherty, Director of Corporate Operations by email to co@chasebc.ca by mail to PO Box 440, Chase, BC V0E 1M0, by fax to 250.679.3070 or in person at 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC by 4 p.m., Friday, August 4, 2023.
Community service, flexible hours, variety of duties
Help to keep Chase safe by:
• Going out on a 4-hour vehicle patrol one afternoon or evening per month.
• Patrolling at a variety of community events
FMI and an application, please call Christina at the Chase Info Centre.
Business Listings
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave. 250-8193875
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
HALL’S KENNELS - Pritchard. Heated & A/C. Special rates for multiple dogs and long term stays. 250-318-8367
Heidrun Handyman Services: Small projects - retaining walls, decks, sheds, etc., home repairs & maintenance, extra hand, yardwork. Chase & Area. Roy Hegelstad 250-320-0106
In partnership with the First Nations Leadership Council, Indigenous Services Canada, Crown Indigenous Relations, and Northern Affairs Canada, representatives from British Columbia First Nations gathered with senior department officials to engage in dialogue, share knowledge, and collaborate in continuing to advance First Nations interests, during plenary and breakout sessions on a wide range of topics.
Spirit Bear Celebration
NIB Health & Wellness marked Spirit Bear’s birthday on May 10th. Spirit Bear is the symbolic representation of the outcome of Jordan River Anderson’s human rights case. Jordan was a five-year-old child with multiple complex medical needs, who spent his entire life in hospital because federal and provincial governments were disputing who should pay for his inhome care. Jordan would never live with his family in their home nor within his community.
The case of Jordan’s right to receive equitable access to public services without complicated jurisdictional battles was eventually reviewed by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in 2015. The Tribunal ultimately ruled that the federal government, and the provincial government where a child lives, must ensure equity in services and that no chid should be adversely affected by jurisdictional disputes. Jordan’s Principle applies to all Canadian First Nations children whether living on or off reserve and regardless of status. This national response ensures that all First Nations children receive impartial and culturally sensitive health care and/ or social services when and where they require them.
NIB Events
• Former NIB Chief Judy Wilson appointed as BC Gaming-Lottery Commissioner
• Teaching Indigenous Languages through storytelling (Chief Atahm School)
• Spirit Bear’s Birthday Party
• Mothers Day Breakfast
• Yoga classes
• Summer Dance Camp
• Drum painting workshop
• Annual General Meeting
• Elders garden boxes project

The Quaaout Lodge & Spa at Talking Rock Golf Resort Design and redevelopment of the burnedout portion of the Lodge is underway and is expected to ramp up by the end of the year. As the economic engine and cultural heart of STeS, its restoration and complete re-opening is eagerly anticipated, both within and outside the community.
The links at Talking Rock golf course are enjoying an active season, and the Le7ke Spa is always a welcome retreat from life’s busy-ness and a place to enjoy some self care. As well, the resort’s Conference Centre is open for business meetings and a variety of other gatherings. And, as usual, after a round of golf, a meeting, or a spa visit, Jack Sam’s Restaurant is serving up its usual delicacies and tasty meals.
Level 2 Watering Restrictions Now In Place
Please note that due to severe drought conditions in the region and throughout the province, the Village has implemented Level 2 watering restrictions. These include:
- Properties with odd numbered addresses may only water on Sunday and Thursday.
- Properties with even numbered addresses may only water on Saturday and Wednesday.
- Sprinkling or irrigating of lawns, gardens or fields is not permitted between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.
- Vehicle and boat washing are permitted on the same days as lawn irrigation but not permitted between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.
- Driveway and parking lot washing is not permitted.
These restrictions apply to both automated and non-automated irrigation systems between May 15 and September 30. Hand watering of flower and vegetable gardens is permitted at any time; however, it is recommended that watering is avoided during the heat of the day.
The Village asks all residents to be mindful of water usage and follow water conservation measures, which are critical to ensuring that we can meet the community’s demands for clean drinking water.
We Are So Grateful For Our Supportive Community
Please continue to donate! Donations, in Memory of Donations, and Estate planning Bequethments. This is our only form of funding for the purchase of Medical Equipment (Space Lab, portable Ultrasound, most recently “Lucas” Chest compressions and 2 specialized Chairs for the Adult Day Services.
Mail donations to PO Box 1099, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 or check out our website at www.cdhsf.ca to donate online. Tax deductible donations and receipts provided upon request.