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Letter to the Editor
Views and information expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the letter writer only and do not reflect those of the Chase Sunflower’s Editor, Advertisers or other Contributers. Letters to the Editor can be sent to info@chasesunflower.ca. May be edited for length or clarity or omitted for any reason.
Letter to the Editor: Village of Chase website is https://chasebc.ca/council/ minutes-agendas/

Parts of my letter of May 12/2023, which was presented in the May 23/23 agenda.
Dear CEO (Mayor) and Councillors,
I am writing regarding the Financial Budget package that had ONE page replaced with new tax rates with a 2023 heading. Thank you to the person that was able to catch the WRONG insert.
I did notice it also, and I did talk to Deb (accountant) about it.
It is very strange that after all the readings passed except for the final reading that this ONE PAGE was inserted in the package.
These packages have been photocopied reading after reading and yet only ONE was inserted wrong at the FINAL reading of the
Financial Budget.
The presentation from the Young Learners group is good but they need to remember that in the last 3 years at least if not more, the community garden that already exists in Willson Park has been asking for people to rent the plots. There is an expense for the taxpayers to break ground and give water to this new community garden in Willson Park. Who is going to continue to pay for the water? This has not been budgeted for 2023.
Apple (fruit) trees can be planted on the school grounds.
The pump track did the same thing by asking for insurance from the Village. A pretty large amount up to $800.00 yearly for a type of grant-in-aid money. This was not in the budget either.
Zilly Palamar
We Are So Grateful For Our Supportive Community
Please continue to donate!
Donations, in Memory of Donations, and Estate planning Bequethments. This is our only form of funding for the purchase of Medical Equipment (Space Lab, portable Ultrasound, most recently “Lucas” Chest compressions and 2 specialized Chairs for the Adult Day Services.
Mail donations to PO Box 1099, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 or check out our website at www.cdhsf.ca to donate online. Tax deductible donations and receipts provided upon request.
Notice to convene AGM
The board of directors for the Skmana Ski & Snowshoe Club hereby convenes our AGM meeting to be held on June 4th 2023, 7pm, at the Chase curling rink.
Village of Chase Summer Recreation Program Employment Opportunity
The Village of Chase will be providing a Summer Day Camp Recreation Program in July and August, for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years. The Summer Program consists of weekday ‘day camps’, full of a wide variety of activities and fun!
The Village of Chase is accepting applications for a Summer Recreation Program Lead – we are looking for a mature and responsible individual who will be required to engage up to 4 play leaders to help manage and deliver the activities of the program.
The Program Lead plays an integral role in the engagement and supervision of the play leaders, being responsible for:
Primary Care Paramedics and Emergency Medical
Responders positions available in Chase BC
BC Ambulance is hiring
• Entry level training provided
• Competitive wages & Benefits
• Flexible schedule
Inquire about wages, shift patterns, and work availability
Visit www.bcehs.ca/careers
Or contact our local ambulance supervisor at 250-371-7445 duane.currie@bcehs.ca
Paramedics and Emergency Medical positions available in Chase, BC www.bcehs.ca/careers ambulance
If you don’t think you have the qualifications, please call.
• Selection of play leaders to help deliver the program’s activities
• Developing programs (day camp activities) for children between the ages of 4 and 11, to include literacy, sports, culture and arts
• Delivering programs in a safe and healthy environment
If you have experience, love to work with children, and love to plan and implement a wide range of activities for children, please submit your application and list of your qualifications and/or resume by June 15, 2023 to:
By mail to Village of Chase, PO Box 440, Chase, BC V0E 1MO, via email at chase@chasebc.ca, by fax to 250-679-3070 or in person during regular office hours at 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC, Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. excluding statutory holidays.