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Council Highlights for the February 28, 2023 Meeting

submitted by Village of Chase

The Regular Meeting of Council was held on February 28, 2023 at the Village office and via Zoom. 10 people attended in-person and 5 people attended virtually.



Amit Goel, Director, Goel’s Solutions Ltd. Amit Goel of the Goel’s Recruiting & Settlement Solutions Ltd. spoke about the his proposed Chase Canada Academy, which facilitates the aiming to deliver delivery of HCA (health care aide) training programs and certification with a goal of graduating up to 54 HCA certified care aides annually in British Columbia. He noted that the increased cash flow to Chase from the program is estimated to be between $292,950 and $454,500 inflow per cohort and asked for Council’s support in relation to a request from the Province of British Columbia for $185,00 in grant seed funding.

Grants-in-Aid Applications – Chase and Area Museum & Archives Society. Council approved the awarding of $2,500 to the Chase and Area Museum & Archives Society, which represents 50% of the anticipated costs to replace an existing deck.

Grants-in-Aid Applications –Chase Creekside Seniors Organization. Council approved the awarding of $1,050 to the Chase Creekside Seniors Organization to cover 50% of the costs to replace signage, replace a printer and purchase some sound equipment.

Grants-in-Aid Applications –Shuswap Skating Club. Council approved the awarding of $1,650 for the Shuswap Skating Club to cover 50% of the costs to hold the “Skate Canada Interclub” competition.

Grants-in-Aid Applications – Chase and Area Young Learners Society. Council approved the awarding of $2,690 to the Chase and Area Young Learners Society to cover 50% of the After School Arts & Recreation and the Teen Summer program.\

Chase Firefighters Association – Lobsterfest Fundraiser . Council approved the waiving of rental fees for usage of the Community Hall for the Chase Firefighters Association’s annual Lobsterfest Fundraiser on June 17, 2023. The rental fees would cost $240 if the group paid the not-for-profit rate for a 12-hour rental or $190 for an 8-hour rental.

With no further business, the Council meeting concluded at 5:31 p.m.

For more information regarding Council’s meetings, please go to the Village’s website at https://chasebc.ca/ council/minutes-agendas/.

A Special Meeting of Council is scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at the Village office (826 Okanagan Avenue) and via Zoom.

The next Regular Meeting of Council is scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at the Village office (826 Okanagan Avenue) and via Zoom.

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