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Council Highlights for the May 9, 2023

submitted by Village of Chase
The Regular Meeting of Council was held on May 9, 2023 at the Village office and via Zoom. 19 people attended in-person and 7 people attended virtually.
Council heard from various gallery members regarding the Visitor Information Services, the demand notice for 229B Brooke Drive and the 2022 audited financial statements.
There was a public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 926-2023 - Aylmer Road Storage – 230/234/238 Aylmer Road. The proponent is seeking an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to allow them to continue using shipping containers on the property as storage units, to expand their storage business. An amendment would be contrary to the Official Community Plan, and Council passed a resolution abandoning Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 926-2023.
2022 Financial Statements. Council heard from Brent Ashby, Partner, KPMG regarding the 2022 financial statements. Mr. Ashby reviewed the Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2022 and also explained the Statement of Operations.
Willson Park Forest Garden. Ashton Sweetnam and Kristen From of the Chase and Area Young Learners Society outlined a proposal for planting a food forest garden in Willson Park, including edible plants, food for pollinators, habitat for birds and insects, nature play spaces and educational signage. Council indicated their wish for this matter to be returned for formal consideration at an upcoming meeting.
Council members reported on their Council-related activities since the last regular meeting.
2022 Financial Statements. Council passed a resolution approving the 2022 audited financial statements, which are available online at www.chasebc.ca or in-person at the Village office at 826 Okanagan Avenue during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm).
2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 9272023. Council adopted the 2023 to 2027 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 927-2023, which sets out proposed expenditures, funding sources and transfers between funds.
2023 Tax Rates Bylaw No. 928-2023. Council adopted the 2023 Tax Rates Bylaw No. 928-2023, which sets the tax rates required to generate revenue proposed to be raised for the year.

Secwépemc Landmark Project – Request for Letter of Support. Council heard from Libby Chisholm of the Territorial Resource Stewardship Department, Skwláx te Secwepemcúfecw about Phase 2 of the Secwépemc Landmark Project, which includes the upgrading of the Chase Creek Falls trail to address erosion issues and enhance accessibility. Council passed a resolution to provide a letter of support for the Skwláx Cultural Heritage Protection Department’s application to the First Peoples Cultural Council Heritage Infrastructure Program for Phase 2 of the Secwépemc Landmark Project.
Development Permit – 360 Shepherd Road. Council approved a development permit for a multi-family development at 360 Shepherd Road, subject to the receipt of a landscaping security bond as per Section 21.1.1 of the OCP bylaw, which will include 7 short-term studio suites, 6 single family town house units and 3 offices. A variance was approved to reduce the parking requirement from 17 parking spaces to 16 for the development, which includes the installation of a dual EV charger for two stalls.
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