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Come Join ESDCTA and Volunteer at Our Premier Dressage and Breed Show on Memorial Weekend
May 27 and 28, 2023
Come Join ESDCTA and Volunteer at Our Premier Dressage and Breed Show on Memorial Weekend May 27 and 28, 2023
Our shows are only successful because of our dedicated volunteers! Below are the positions we for which we really need help
Scribe for either the Competition or Breed Ring o We need 5 scribes per day, for full days o What is a Scribe: A scribe is like a secretary for the judge; you sit in the judges box and write what the judge tells you (comments and scores); once you become experienced, you can scribe for the upper levels of the show because those tests are longer. o Some experience is necessary, as you need to know dressage, and it is helpful to have good handwriting; it is preferable if you can spend the entire day with your assigned judge
Ring Steward for the Competition or Breed Ring o We need 5 stewards per day; this job can be in shifts of 4 hours o What is a Ring Steward: A Ring Steward checks competitors into the ring, making sure the ring is on time, and checks equipment after the competitor leaves the ring; there are equipment rules for USEF Licensed competitions, and a chart will be provided o This job requires putting on latex gloves and checking the bit, whip, spurs, etc on 1/3 of the horses in each class; this person works with the warm up steward via the radio o The Technical Delegate for the show will help with any questions you have o No experience is necessary
Warm‐up steward for the Competition Ring o We need 2 per day; this job can be in shifts of 4 hours o What is a Warm up Steward: A warm up steward checks competitors in and out of the warm up rings, and directly communicates with the ring stewards to keep the rings on time o No experience is necessary
Scoring Assistant o We need 1 per day; this job can be in shifts of 4 hours o What is a Scoring Assistant: You will help the scorer calculate test scores with a calculator and help post scores, as well as hand out ribbons o Ability to use a calculator is a must and being good with numbers helps
Runner for Tests o We need as many people as possible; can be in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8‐hour shifts o What is a Runner: A runner picks up tests from the competition rings in between rides and brings them to the Scorer in the office o No experience necessary
Set‐up or Break‐down Help: May 26 or May 28‐ o We need as many people as possible; can be in shifts of 1, 2, 3, 4, hours or all day; how ever much time you can give o What you can do: help us set up or break down the show (rings, signage, etc) o No experience necessary
Stable Manager o 1 person for both days o What you can do: keep track of shavings, horse stalls, and changes; under the direction of the manager of the show, it is usually busy in the morning on the first day, o No experience necessary, but you must be able to work both days for about 6 hours per day
WHAT YOU GET…….Volunteer bucks or hours, food, gas money, other goodies…. you have to come to find out!
Come with your barn and volunteer as a group in between your rides for the day. Wear your barn shirts and advertise your barn and trainer while supporting your friends! We will even name a ring for your barn for the day! All you have to do is put in a total of 8 hours( full day) and put your banner up at the show! What a great way to get some free advertising! Special prize for the Barn that brings the MOST VOLUNTEERS for the most hours per day (just sign up ahead of show)!
Why volunteer?
Be outside in beautiful weather, help your friends, make new friends, learn more about dressage, fulfill volunteer hours, support your GMO, and most of all, be with those beautiful 4‐legged animals that enrich our lives…Priceless!
Although it is important to sign up before the show for most positions, you can stop in the office in the morning if you know you will have some time in between or before or after your rides to help!
Contact volunteer@esdcta.org or text Lisa Toaldo at 201‐874‐0373 with any questions or to sign up.
By Joann Sarni