WWW.ESDCTA.ORG October 2021
Table of Contents 3
ESDCTA Dressage Rules and Award Requirements
President’s Message
The Amateur Dilemma
Horse Treats
Knowing what we dont know
News from Outside the Ring
I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer than usual weather for this time of year and is spending as much outdoor time as possible – it’s not going to last forever, and winter will be upon us before we know it. We had such great success this year with the digital Omnibus, that we’ve decided to continue it next year. There are many advantages over the printed version – new shows can be added easily, changes to existing shows (classes, judges, etc.) can be updated on the fly, and the calendar listing provides an easy reference list for upcoming shows. Here’s a quick link to the Omnibus: And here’s a quick link to a printable pdf of the Calendar: It’s time to nominate members for the special year-end awards – Lifetime Achievement award, Volunteer of the year awards – one each Dressage, Eventing, and Sportsmanship award. I’m sure you know someone deserving as we have so many great people from all around our area. For details on each of these awards, visit: Next year there will be new Eventing dressage tests. View them on the USEA website under Dressage Tests, or click this link: Scroll all the way down to the bottom for the 2022 new tests. I hope everyone has a fun filled Halloween, and if you’re not thrilled with that candy corn, there’s always someone at the stables who will gladly gobble it down.
Board of Trustees OFFICERS
Phone only before 9 p.m. please
Holly Cornell
Vice President
Ellen Brindle-Clark
Ruth McCormick
Betty Adduci
3340 Curley Ct, Mullins SC 29574 Executive Board Dressage at Large
Jena Rondinelli
Eventing at Large
Jennifer Duelfer
Dressage Competitions
Dr. Lisa Toaldo
Eventing Competitions
Janice Pellegrino
Erin Gale
Heidi Lemack
Gary Maholic
Victoria Shilton
Stephanie Warner
NJEAB Representative
Carolyn Montgomery
Becky Kuc
Mia Zimmerman
Holly Cornell
Wilma Pfeffer
Meredith Rogers
Mia Zimmerman
Show Results
Lori Kelly
Become a friend of the ESDCTA on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @ESDCTA 4
If you’re reading this, you are probably a member of ESDCTA, but I’m sure you know of someone who rides dressage or events who is not a member. You know all about the wonderful things offered like educational programs, clinics with big name trainers, horse shows, year-end awards, and not least, that sense of being part of a community of likeminded people. The more members ESDCTA has, the better the programs we can offer. Our membership numbers are also important considerations when state and local governments decide on legislature that affects us (like open space), and we advocate for our sports (We helped get better footing at the HPNJ). Please reach out to your equestrian buddies and tell them about all of the benefits of membership and have them sign up. The more the merrier!
Please Contact Linda Marciante if you know any ESDCTA members who have achieved any Milestones. Success at a show, regional/national/international award, new horse, or anything else you want to celebrate.
WHAT’S YOUR TALENT?? Let us know what you would like to help us with in 2021. All skills and interests wanted. Have an idea? We want to hear about it. Remember, this club is what YOU make it. Contact if you are interested.
Have a great article that you would like to share? Please send article to: Meredith Rogers: All submissions are due by the 15th of the month. Due to space considerations, the editor reserves the right to edit submitted articles. If necessary, articles will be edited and returned for your review. AND YOU GET VOLUNTEER HOUR FOR EACH STORY!
MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS For membership questions including updating physical or e-mail addresses please contact: Heidi Lemack
MEMBER NON-MEMBER FULL PAGE $100 $130 HALF PAGE $65 $85 QUARTER PAGE $40 $60 BUSINESS CARD $20 $30 CARD FOR 3 MONTHS $45 $65 CLASSIFIEDS $10 $15 Deadline: 15th of prior month Email: Please have electronic ads in Adobe PDF or .jpg format
You will receive an invoice for ad via email. Send Payment to: Betty Adduci 3340 Curley Ct, Mullins, SC 29574 Email:
The Amateur Dilemma By, Meredith Rogers
So, Regionals did not go as planned. Maybe I just had too high expectations. Nevertheless, it was a fabulous experience. We go to the Region 8 Championships because it’s held only 2.5 hours away in Saugerties, NY (vs 4+ for Region 1). I had never trailered that far before and I was also trailering my barnmate’s pony, so I was very thankful to have installed a camera (both horses were fine the entire ride). Another barnmate and I convoyed up there, which was also very reassuring. That was one of the greatest things about this weekend: the three of us ammies went up together and really helped each other out. Leo hadn’t been to an away show since he was four, and HITS-on-the-Hudson is a huge facility. It’s literally a 15-ring circus. There were 8 show rings and 7 warm-up/ schooling/lunging rings – all were in constant use. It was a bit overwhelming for both me and Leo, but we both settled, sort-of. By the time we got everything unpacked and the horses schooled, it was well after dark. Finding a restaurant for dinner was a challenge because they were all filled with horse people, and we ended up at a sketchy Mexican place. We had rented an airB&B for the week and drove past it the first time. When my head hit the pillow I was totally wiped out but looking forward to the next day. That was my theme for the week: exhausted but excited. I had pretty good ride times for all of my classes, but still had to get up crazy early to hand-walk Leo around the rings that we would be showing in as they only gave competitors between 7 and 7:30am to do this. Everyone was out walking their horses and I met some very nice people each morning. All of the horses looked so fancy, but it was nice to see that Leo fit right in, especially when he leaped in the air and showed off his athleticism in the chilly morning air! Two of us had signed up for warm-up classes on Thursday and helped each other get ready. Leo relaxed a bit as we schooled and he rocked his class. My barnmate did too. We both got pretty ribbons and ended the day happy. On Friday, Leo was much more relaxed and I over estimated how much warm-up I would need. Better that than too little. We felt ready for our First Level Championship class, and then the bell rang. He trotted down centerline, halted, and spooked at the judge’s stand. We spooked our way through the trot work but settled once we began cantering. We got a bunch of 2s and
3s but by the end of the test we had a lot of 7s and even an 8! Our total score was dismal. I was disappointed, but the ring steward was so nice and gave me a very uplifting pep talk. I put it behind me and concentrated on tomorrow. The next day I shortened my warm-up time, which was the right decision. Unfortunately, he felt a little off his game. It didn’t really matter that he again spooked at the judge’s stand. The entire test was not up to his regular standard. My one barnmate also didn’t have the same ride in her Championship class as she had in her warm-up, but my other barnmate took a ribbon in all three of her Championships classes! Overall, it was a lot of fun, a great learning experience, a little disappointing, a bit overwhelming, definitely confidence-boosting, good bonding time with barnmates… and totally worth it. I already have a score for next year, and plan on going again.
Knowing What We Don’t Know By Paige Zimmerman
September 18 and 19 we had a super productive weekend working with Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel. Everyone showed a lot of development and improvement throughout the weekend, and we really got to the root of my challenges. I am determined to do my homework for next time! The first day I rode Ducati, owned by Brenda Curnin. He was very excited and forward that day, so I had trouble keeping him focused and relaxed. He wanted to run, and was not quite listening to my half-halts. Right from the beginning, Felicitas drew attention to the fact that he struggles to develop true bend, which is created by moving the horse’s shoulders towards the outside and filling out the outside rein. Rather, it is easy for him to turn his head (fake the bend) and stay rigid in the body, which gives him the opportunity to lean into turns and run away with me. Then once I feel that he’s out of control, it’s easy to revert to grabbing with the hand instead of getting QUICKER and LIGHTER with the seat and leg, maintaining life in those aids while staying soft, encouraging him to listen. It is counter-intuitive but it truly works— I have to work more on staying consistent and unchanging in my aids, even when he gets a bit silly or distracted. I also need to work on feeling when he is not supple: he is so long in his back and wiggly that it can be difficult to distinguish the difference between when he is entirely soft and when he is not. However, at this point in my education, I can always feel when he is “not quite there yet” (meaning that he’s not all the way through in his body). I just don’t always know what to do to fix it. We did almost our entire lesson in canter working on these concepts. We even 8
got some clean flying changes. It was a very mentally and physically challenging lesson, but it’s a hurdle we have to tackle if we want to progress. The second day I rode Clark and Manny, and we worked on the exact same concepts. I’ve spoken about Clark before, who is an American Warmblood owned by Jessica Darling, but I have not spoken about Manny yet. He’s a lovely FEI Lusitano owned by Nicole Lee, who very generously allowed me to ride him in the clinic. Both Manny and Clark were much calmer and more focused than Ducati had been, so we cracked down on my position. I tend to carry my hands too wide, so I struggle to feel the timing of the indirect rein, which moves the horse’s shoulders to the outside and helps create the proper bend I was previously talking about. Once I started to fix my position, I discovered that it was harder to turn the horse. Felicitas explained that when you ride the horse, the turning aids come from your core— when you rotate your middle (not leaning to either side or tilting over, just rotating on an axis); you’re “leading” them into the turn. So, since I was working on fixing my hands, I discovered that my body was not truly rotating and asking for the turn, rather it was my hands asking for the turn and compensating for my stiffness. I need to change that aspect of my riding and become more supple in my own body in order for the horse to become supple too! I look forward to working on these concepts in the coming weeks before Regional Championships in October and then our next clinic. Developing this higher understanding of the bend and re-evaluating how I use my body to direct the horse will definitely bring along some major improvements. Thank you to Olivia Steidle for organizing and taking photos, to Brenda, Jessica, and Nicole for letting me ride their lovely horses, and to Felicitas for raising the bar and bringing along some major breakthroughs!
ESDCTA Dressage Rules and Award Requirements We are well on our way through another successful show season. With that comes the next typical thought, year-end award submissions and what awards you qualify for! There are a few big rules within the year-end awards that often seem missed, as well as some standard “rules for Dressage,” which ESDCTA follows based upon the USEF Rules for Dressage Competitions. Below are the most common questions regarding the rules both in competitions and for year-end awards. As always, please reach out to for any awards-based clarifications. Horses may not be entered in classes differing by more than one level at any one show. The number of classes entered must comply with USEF rule limiting the total number of classes in which a horse may be ridden per day. Currently if competing 4th level or below, a horse may enter a maximum of 3 classes per day and at FEI a maximum of 2 classes per day. Dressage Seat Equitation, Quadrille, and Pas de Deux classes are excluded from the maximum limit of rides per day. These are all subject to the horse, not the horse/rider pairing. For example, if a horse is competing at Intro with one rider, and a second rider also wishes to enter, that rider can do intro or training level, but would not be eligible to compete in first level or above if the horse is competing in intro that same day. If a horse is entered in classes differing more than one level, or in more than the limit of tests per day, those rides not following the requirements will be ridden “Hors de Concours” (HC) and will not count toward awards. For your first year-end award, a minimum of 6 of the 8 required volunteer hours must come from an ESDCTA organized show or activity. Hours can be transferred and there is no current limit to the number of hours someone may receive from someone else. If you cannot obtain the required ESDCTA organized hours, ESDCTA offers a buy-in program at $10/hour. Starter Rider awards are for riders who have not shown above Training Level Test 1. The day a person competes over Training Level Test 1, they are no longer a starter rider and only tests ridden prior to that day can be considered for starter rider awards. Starter horse awards are for horses in their first year showing the level applied for by a junior or amateur rider. If they have shown at a higher level or have shown at the same level a previous year, they are not a starter. A horse is not considered a starter horse at the given level the day they compete at the next level higher and only tests prior to that day can be considered for the initial level. Judge Requirements: USDF L judges and USEA r event judges can judge through second level at schooling shows only and have the scores count for year-end awards. USEA R, S, and international event judges can judge through 3rd level only at schooling shows. USEF r judges may judge through 2nd level at recognized shows, and 4th level at schooling shows. USEF R judges can judge through 4th level at recognized shows and through Grand Prix at schooling shows. USEF S judges may judge through Grand Prix at both recognized and schooling shows. If you compete a level outside of the judge requirements for a given judge, your test will be considered HC and will not count toward year-end awards. 10
Horse Treats By, Meredith Rogers
It’s October, which means Halloween time. And, what better way to celebrate than to watch some horror flicks. Below are some where horses are featured. I can’t promise the horses don’t get hurt (who cares about the humans, right?), so watch at your own risk! The Ring: A journalist played by Naomi Watts, investigates the origins of a mysterious videotape, which supposedly results in the death one week to the day later of anyone who watches it. This movie is based on a Japanese film by the same name (Ringu). It changed the horror movie genre and is more suspense than blood and gore. I’ve watched both versions and highly recommend them, despite hating horror movies. I prefer the Japanese version. In fact, if you have a chance, check out other Japanese horror films, and if you hate subtitles you can always watch the Westernized versions. The Cell: In this psychological horror movie, Jennifer Lopez plays an FBI agent who uses an experimental technology to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer to learn where he’s hidden his latest kidnap victim. This movie has blood and violence, but is pretty good. (Yes, I watched this one too despite hating horror movies.) Horsehead: I have not seen this one, but maybe I will now. The lead character, played by no one I had ever heard of (Lilly-Fleur Pointeaux), has been haunted by recurrent nightmares since childhood, which led her to study the psychophysiology of dreams. She moves back home after the death of her maternal grandmother and enters a world of nightmares through experimentation with “lucid dreaming.” Circle of Fear – Dark Vengeance: This is an episode of a cult classic TV series where a woman is haunted by nightmares about a toy horse her husband found in a box at the construction site he works at. You can find it on YouTube. Sleepy Hollow: The tale of the Headless Horseman has been told many times on both the small and large screens, as well as in the theater (there was a Broadway musical in 1948 that lasted 12 performances) since Washington Irving published his book in 1819. Probably the best known version is the movie staring Jonny Depp, released in 1999. I’ve seen a few of these adaptations, including the Jonny Depp version, and I prefer the book.
News from Outside the Ring Lamplight it is! Lamplight Equestrian Center in the Chicago suburb of Wayne, Illinois, has been the host of the Festival of Champions for the past seven years, but it’s future was in doubt until now. On October 4, the powers that be (US Equestrian) have decided that this facility will continue to be the hose for the next 3 years. In addition to the usual line-up of classes, there will also be a 7-year-old National Championship and the USEF Para Dressage National Championship. The World Equestrian Center it is not! USEF has rejected applications for national and international dressage and eventing competitions in 2022 at the World Equestrian Center (WEC) in Ocala, Florida. You may remember the big bruhaha last winter regarding the WEC and the USEF licensing of hunter/jumper competitions there. USEF approved dressage and eventing shows at the facility in 2021 but it seems they couldn’t reconcile their differences for next year. This petty arguing only hurts us, the competitors (not that many of us are fortunate to go down to Florida, but it’s part of a bigger issue).
Rhythm and Blues Stables
177 S. Stump Tavern Road Jackson NJ, 08527 609.213.5745
108 Old York Rd. Hamilton, NJ 08620 609 306-8221
Anjelhart Equestrian Center
Irish Manor Stables
38 Millers Mill Rd, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 609.758.7676
718 Sergeantsville RoadStockton, NJ 08559 908.237.1281
Good Times Farm
Heart’s Journey Stable
278 Jackson Mills Road, Freehold, NJ 07728 732.409.2882
425 Kromer Road Wind Gap, PA 18091 610.863.6616
Equisential Equine LLC 111 Snyder Ave Bellmar NJ 08031 717.649.4799
EVENT CALENDAR ESDCTA’s Calendar contains the complete and up to date list of ESDCTA’s registered shows. It also contains other activities that ESDCTA feels are important to our community. Click the link to view The Event Calendar COLLECTIVE REMARKS
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