The Chatham Voice, Jan. 17, 2019

Page 1

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Vol. 7 Edition 3

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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2019

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Wallaceburg vandalism angers C-K officials

Fun times at Caturday Cat Cafe

to be paying for these kinds of actions,” she Mayor Darrin Canniff said. and Wallaceburg counHall said, “It was very cillors Carmen McGre- frustrating to hear about gor and Aaron Hall have the incident. Our parks expressed frustration are great community over recent vandalism of places where families washrooms at Glen Mick- and our youth gather for le Park in Wallaceburg. fun and recreation. InciUnknown dents like p e r s o n s “There is no excuse this have caused an for this. It is senseless a negative estimatimpact on ed $3,000 destruction with no our comto $5,000 purpose.” munity and d a m a g e - Mayor Darrin Canniff are unacwhen they ceptable. entered the locked wash“I encourage local resroom, sprayed graffiti idents to sign up for the and destroyed toilets and new online ‘Neighboururinals. hood Protect’ program “There is no excuse at www.neighbourhoodfor this,” Canniff said, which is a in a media release. “It new communication tool is senseless destruction the newly formed Neighwith no purpose.” bourhood Watch group He noted that the in Wallaceburg is utilizamount of damage equals ing.” more than 1,000 persons All three members of receiving public skating council are urging anyor more than 15 hours of one with information prime ice time. about the incident to conMcGregor called the act tact Chatham-Kent police “disappointing,” noting at (519) 436-6600 or Chathat the cost of repairs tham-Kent Crime Stop“comes from the pockets pers at 1-800-222-8477. of taxpayers. All calls are confidential “We have far better use and the caller may be elifor your tax dollars than gible for a cash award. The Chatham Voice

Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

Twelve-year-old volunteer Emily Gougeon holds five-month-old kitten Pop Tart at the Caturday Cat Cafe held at the Chatham Branch of the Chatham-Kent Public Library on Saturday. The event, in partnership with the Pet and Wildlife Rescue, saw more than 200 visitors participate throughout the day to play with the cats up for adoption.

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Donor clinic a busy one

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By Bruce Corcoran



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Hundreds of people took part in the recent blood donor clinic at the Spirit and Life Centre, some with an added incentive: Jocelyn McGlynn. The Chatham native and student at Western University has acute myeloid leukemia. She needs a stem cell transplant. The Jan. 7 blood donor clinic served as a place to register as a stem cell donor for people between the ages of 17 and 35. Neither of McGlynn’s willing brothers are a perfect match, so McGlynn’s family hopes the public will yield a match. Local businessman Chris Oveka attended the clinic, to give blood and register as a stem cell donor. “I’m a blood donor, but I rarely go,” he said. “This was more to help out someone in the community who needs it. I don’t know her (McGlynn) personally, but I know a couple of her family members.” He said giving blood and registering as a stem cell donor didn’t cost him anything.

Oveka said he wasn’t the only one seeking to help McGlynn, as the clinic was “packed.” Registering to be a stem cell donor was easy, he added, and the swabbing process, in four corners of the

mouth, was a simple affair. This was the first of three swab clinics for McGlynn. For more information on stem cell donating, visit en/stem-cells/donating-stem-cells.

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Chatham’s Chris Oveka gives blood Jan. 7 at the Spirit and Life Center in Chatham. Oveka also registered as a stem cell donor.

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Bruce Corcoran General Manager- Ext.227

Mary Beth Corcoran Editor - Ext.221


Jeanine Foulon Sales - Ext.228

Sarah Schofield Sales - Ext.225

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Michelle Owchar Graphics - Ext.226

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C-K Toy Show returns Sunday ers to see exhibitors and vendors who have been coming all 18 years, but

By Bruce Corcoran

Drawing interest from the young and young at heart, the 18th annual Chatham-Kent Toy Show returns on Sunday. Rob Sterling, who organizes the event with his father, Carl, said it’s another growth year for the show. “There’s definitely lots of interest,” he said of the show, which takes place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre. “When we think it isn’t going to get any bigger, we get a surprise and it grows a little bit.” Back in 2001, the inaugural edition of the toy show had a heavy agricultural focus, based on ag-related dioramas and toys. “As organizers, that’s what we knew,” Sterling said. “But it’s grown to a wide range of toys since then. Certainly the ag toys are still a pretty popular part of the show, however.” In fact, Sterling said some of the vintage agricultural models draw the best attention. “We’ve seen people go through the show where somebody points out something that reminds them of an item they’ve seen before. A toy tractor or a car – ‘I used to have one of those,’” he said. Sterling said this year’s show offers an ever-ex-



Kim Quann C.C.A.C. kquann@westover Contributed image

4-H Farm Toy Club member Wyatt Ball works on his farm diorama. The club is one of the beneficiaries of proceeds from the annual Chatham-Kent Toy Show, which takes place Sunday from 10-3 at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre.

panding array of diverse toys on display. “We’ve got Melissa & Doug toys. Funko Pops also seem to be popular. We’ve also got comic books and historic books,” he said. “It’s quite a range.” Sterling added there are about 75 vendors registered for the show. The show is also a fundraiser. Proceeds go to the 4-H farm toy club, Essex-Kent Junior Farmers and Chatham Outreach for Hunger. “Year after year, we’ve been able to give a cheque to Outreach for Hunger

for a few thousand dol- he said. “But as I got oldlars,” Sterling said. “It’s er, I got more involved in great to be able to contrib- the organizational aspect ute to what they do.” of it. It’s a family event for Admission is $5 for us.” adults and $2 for children, Some of the vendors and no charge for kids six seem almost like family and under. as well. Sterling has been in“It’s exciting as organizvolved for all 18 years of the show, but credits his father for getting it going. “It was my dad’s idea to get it started. I was really there just displaying my toy collection MISSION - Crime Stoppers is a community based program that brings local citizens, the media and when it started,”

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we also have new people interested year after year,” he said.

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the police together in partnership to solve crime. This is accomplished by offering cash rewards and guaranteeing anonymity to persons who furnish information leading to the arrest of or laying of charges against criminal offenders. PROGRAM HISTORY - Crime Stoppers began on Sept. 8th 1976 in Albuquerque New Mexico, following the senseless murder of a young university student. After 6 weeks of investigation without success, a local Canadian born detective named Greg MacAleese appealed to the public for information. Greg and a local TV station made a re-enactment of the murder and asked for anyone with information to call him. Greg guaranteed anonymity and offered a cash reward. Within 3 hours of the broadcast the detective received his first call with information. Within 72 hours two individuals were arrested and the case was cleared! LOCAL PROGRAM HISTORY - Chatham Kent Crime Stoppers began on April 13th 1987. It is a joint effort between the public, the media and the police . Chatham-Kent Crime Stoppers was originally established by our first co-ordinator Cst Dennis Poole of the Chatham Police Service. He recruited the first board of directors from the communities of Kent County and promoted the program through the media.

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Casual chat with the cops over coffee By Bruce Corcoran

In an effort to create casual conversation with the public, the Chatham-Kent Police Service is holding Coffee with a Cop this month. The event takes place Jan. 23 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at McDonald’s on St. Clair Street in Chatham. Const. Renee Cowell said the informal event is to connect police officers with members of the community. “It’s really designed to bring police officers together with the public; to bring officers together with the communities we serve,” she said, adding the plan is to shift the event around to other C-K communities throughout the year. “It’s a great opportunity for citizens to talk to their local police officers and share their concerns.” Cowell added

most interaction between the public and police is done in difficult circumstances, often a crisis situation. Coffee with a Cop allows for more casual interaction and communication. “We are hoping this initially generates positive discussions. This is not meant to be a forum for public complaints,” she said. Cowell said personnel attending Coffee with a Cop this month are strategically chosen from different ranks and units to best answer questions and concerns from the public. They will include Chief Gary Conn, personnel from the traffic unit, the mobile crisis unit, community mobilization, recruiting, and court security. “We want to make sure we have the best possible people on hand to answer the community’s questions

or to talk to them about their concerns,” Cowell said. “We want to hear the community’s thoughts on how to better serve and protect our community.” Cowell said officers will also share crime prevention tips. She added no appointment is necessary. Just show up and take part. “Just be ready to get to know members of your police service,” she said. The concept is not a new one. Cowell said it’s one that has been done elsewhere. “The concept originally was developed in California,” Cowell said. “Now, it’s one of the largest community/police ideas in the world. I heard other neighbouring police services were doing it and thought we should bring it to Chatham-Kent.”






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Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Chatham-Kent police Const. Renee Cowell, left, shares a coffee with Jorden Myers, general manager of McDonald’s on St. Clair Street in Chatham in advance of the Coffee with a Cop event slated for Jan. 23 at the restaurant. The morning event is a casual opportunity for citizens to meet rank-and-file police officers and informally discuss policing in C-K. Each participant is eligible for a free small coffee, courtesy of McDonald’s.

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Hot December for home sales The Chatham Voice

Local real estate agents set a record for the month of December, as 80 units changed hands. That number represented a leap from last year’s sales for the same month by 33 per cent. For 2018, home sales totalled 1,289 units, down nearly five per cent from 2017, but still one of the better years on record, according to officials with the Chatham-Kent Association of Realtors. “With the market still starved for supply, even a big jump in new supply is likely to get scooped up quickly, and that’s exactly what appears to have happened in December with a big increase in new listings coinciding with a record December for sales,� Steve Carroll, president of the Chatham-Kent Association of Realtors, said in a media release. “It is only one month of data, but if the increase in new supply were to be sustained it would

eventually start to take some of the pressure off prices.� The average price of homes sold in December 2018 was $214,094, surging 31.4 per cent from December 2017. Overall, the annual average price was $214,078 in 2018, up 17.7 percent from 2017. There were 95 new residential listings in December 2018, a large increase of nearly 164 per cent on a year-over-year basis. Active residential listings numbered 195 units at the end of 2018, up one listing from the end of 2017, but below the end of every other year on record. Months of inventory numbered 2.4 at the end of 2018, down from the 3.2 months recorded at the end of 2017 and a record low for the end of the year. The number of months of inventory is the number of months it would take to sell current inventories at the current rate of sales activity.

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Festival needs to focus The return of the Festival of Nations to Chatham is something that has been kicked around for a while. In its time, it was a very successful celebration of the different foods and culture that makes up our community. From food to dance to art to music – there was plenty of entertainment to make it interesting for people to come out and enjoy. Hopefully, the organizers of the new Festival of Nations will continue in that theme – a celebration of the diverse cultures we are have in Chatham-Kent. Our community seems to have a successful formula for our special events – you find a niche and you stick to it. With RetroFest, it’s all about the cars – presented in a fun way to car enthusiasts and newbies alike. They do it up right and stay true to the car theme. Ditto for WAMBO – antique boats and vintage vehicles. That formula holds true for any event, and the recent Hockeytown experience exemplifies it as well. All-hockey themed events for enthusiasts and those who like a well-organized party make for great entertainment. Problems tend to occur when a theme is diluted because the organizers are trying to appeal to everyone. When that happens, you usually end up with disappointed people on all fronts because you can’t please everyone. Stick to your theme and do it up right. With Festival of Nations, there is a wealth of opportunities to involve all the different cultures we are blessed to have in our community. Dutch, French, Italian, Irish, Scottish, Indian, Muslim, Asian, Greek, Portuguese, Native Canadian, you name it – we have so many cultures to learn from and enjoy. The fact the Festival will be part of our Canada Day celebrations is a great fit. What better way to celebrate what makes us proud to be Canadian than showcasing the cultural mosaic that makes our country so great? It’s a win-win for everyone.

Letters to the editor policy

The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to (use “Letter” in the subject line). You can also drop them off or mail them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4. The Chatham Voice reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for brevity and clarity. All letters need to be signed.

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The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.



Turn sidewalk into a bike path Editor’s note: This letter is addressed to Jeff Bray and Chris Thibert, Dear Mr. Bray and Mr. Thibert, Chatham-Kent’s manager of parks and open spaces and C-K’s director of engineering and transportation. Sir: This letter is in regard to the following projects: • Engineering Assessment of the concept of putting in bike paths on Victoria Avenue between McNaughton Ave and Thames Street • Detailed engineering design project to see the preparation of design drawings associated with the modernization of existing infrastructure on Victoria Ave (such as sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, curbs, gutters, pavement surfaces, pavement drainage appurtenances, sidewalks, street lighting et cetera) between McNaughton Avenue and Thames Street. As residents and property owners on Victoria Avenue, my wife and I would like to emphasize our support for the preservation of the historic character and

environment of Victoria Avenue, which is identified among the goals of the projects listed above. We would also like to highlight some items of concern that we judge to be key in maintaining the overall scale, quality and experience of the neighbourhood. If Chatham-Kent intends to preserve the character and environment of Victoria Avenue between McNaughton Avenue and Thames Street, then maintaining the size of existing boulevards and minimizing the disturbance of root structure of the mature trees along the avenue are crucial. We were very encouraged to see that Chatham-Kent is seeking the input of a professional arborist. Will you be notifying residents and property owners of the chosen consultant, their experience/professional qualifications, and if they will be available to speak to the public? Regarding bike paths, it is laudable that Chatham-Kent pursues ways to encourage the safe

use of bicycles as an alternative method of transportation wherever possible. We’d like to suggest that there is no need to increase the width of paving to accomplish this on Victoria Avenue between McNaughton Avenue and Thames Street. Unlike north of McNaughton, Victoria Avenue south of McNaughton has existing sidewalks on both sides of the avenue. In the spirit of both maintaining the existing character and environment (promoting a sustainable environment of city trees) along Victoria Avenue and saving scarce public money; an alternate solution would be to designate one sidewalk for cycling and one sidewalk for walking. By being flexible in how Chatham-Kent’s plans are implemented, we believe this compromise provides the potential of achieving safe cycling goals of the city while removing the need to increase paving and reducing boulevard space, and therefore address the concerns of

some local residents and property owners. On a side note, we are perplexed as to why more highly travelled transportation routes in town do not currently have bike lanes. The small neighbourhood scale and the low levels of traffic on Victoria Avenue would be assumed to be lower on the list of priority development tasks. Another suggestion: if Chatham-Kent does realize any savings by pursuing this idea, maybe some of the savings could be allocated towards the ongoing replacement of sick or dying mature trees with transplanted larger-sized trees. We understand that there are public information sessions to be scheduled for residents and property owners to participate in this discussion. It would be very helpful if at least one of them was scheduled after business hours so that as many residents and property owners as possible have the ability to attend. Eric & Anne Hoffman Chatham

The Chatham Voice is printed by: One of Canada’s 50 Printers The contents of this newspaper are protected byTOP copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc. 800.465.1662 705.687.6691

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This Week’s Open Houses

1-3pm 1-3pm 12-2pm 1-2:30pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 12-2pm

Thursday, January 17 228 Summerset, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Friday, January 18 228 Summerset, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Saturday, January 19 914 Charing Cross Rd., $429,900 ..........................Bill Myers, Advanced Realty Inc. 56 Pamela, $289,900..............................................George McDougall, Royal LePage Peifer Realty 228 Summerset, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty 83 Valencia., $529,900 ...........................................David Smith, Royal LePage Peifer Realty 18 Clematis, $529,900 ...........................................Mike Gibbons, Royal LePage Peifer Realty Sunday, January 20 228 Summerset, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Monday, January 21 228 Summerset, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Tuesday, January 22 228 Summerset, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Wednesday, January 23 228 Summerset, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Sunday, February 10 127 Manning Dr., Chatham, $284,900 ...................Ryan Rusnak, Advanced Realty Solutions

Maple City Homes is pleased to announce our new relationship with Carson Warrener and Royal LePage Peifer Realty Inc.!


Peifer Realty Brokerage 11540 Wildwood Line, C-K 2 BR, 2 bath ranch home with a view of the bay. Great layout, large living room and small workshop off the attached garage. $359,900.

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Daylight Point at Prestancia coming to you from Maple City Homes Beautiful Semi-Detached Homes starting at $329,500 ONLY 6 HOMES LEFT ON DAYLIGHT NEW HOMES starting at $199,900 coming in Summer 2019 . . . contact us for more info! BOOK YOUR PRIVATE VIEWING TODAY!

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Perfect get away at Bass Haven / Mitchell’s Bay with this open concept cottage and boat house on canal lot leading to Mitchell’s Bay.

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130 King St. East, Chatham • $48,800 Build your dream home today!

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Build your dream home today! Absolutely ideal building lot! Permitted for single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling unit, semi-detached dwelling, duplex dwelling, group home, small rental dwelling unit, large rental dwelling unit, converted dwelling. Come walk this awesome lot today or call for more details!

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Duplex located on large lot with plenty of parking. Both units are rented with long term tenant in lower. Great investment!

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Buyers are waiting, call us to sell your home!

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Stay up-to-date on home ownership.

Realtor On Duty David Smith* 519-350-1615

Alex Stefik* 519-437-7304

Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856

Elliot Wilton* 519-358-8755

Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470

Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800

Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628

Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315


34 Raleigh St. 42 Talbot St. W.

519-354-5470 519-676-5444

open house

DAILY - MON. - SUN. 1-3PM 228 SUMMERSET • $339,500 Stop by and see one of our sales rep’s! 1500 sq ft 3+1br, 3 bath semi-detached ranch with full finished basement. Call Patrick 519-360-0141.


Peifer Realty Inc.


Monday-Friday 8:30am-6:00pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm

Brian Peifer Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669

Royal LePage Peifer Realty is pleased to announce the appointment of Darren Hart as a new Sales Rep to our Peifer Team!

6360 GRANDE RIVER LINE $1,090,000

73,872 workable acres systematically tiled. Call Catie 519-809-4268.

10889 RIVER LINE $1,500,000 3+4br, 5 bath, 4,000 sq ft rancher on 1.4 acres backing onto Maple City Golf Club & the river. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

90 PARK ST $299,000

4br, 2 bath Century home built in 1870 known as “Haddington Villa”. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

10907 RIVER LINE $699,000

4 bedroom stone rancher situated on a one acre river lot with well developed outdoor living area. Call Carson at 519-809-2856.

336 DELAWARE $569,900

Unique 5+1br, 2.5 bath executive ranch with in-law suite. Call Gus 519-355-8668 or Heather 519-355-8666.

55 BRIARDENE $389,000

Offer Pending

Not exactly as illustrated 5334 TALBOT TRAIL $209,900

Rare buildable 4.89 ac lakefront building lot located on Lake Erie. Call Deb R 519-401-5470.

New Listing

28 VALENCIA $599,000

131 & 139 BRAEMAR

3+2br, 3 bath, 1900 sq ft brick ranch with full finished lower level. Call Pat 519-360-0141.

Under construction. 2 remaining lots newly built Maple City Homes. Call Carson 519-809-2856.


Brand new build by Maple City Homes in the prestigious Prestancia sub-division. 2br, 2 bath semi ranch townhouse units. Call Carson 519-809-2856.

5 COLLEGE $209,900

4br lovingly restored & tastefully decorated Heritage Home. Call Eric 519-436-4865.

June McDougall* 519-358-5199

Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189

Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668

Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666

Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653

Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482

Chris Papple* 519-350-1402

Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959

Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310

Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141

Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470

Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805

Ron Smith* 519-360-7729

3br, 2.5 bath brick rancher with beautiful large family room in basement & attch’d double garage. Call Bev 519-358-8805.

open house

SAT. JAN. 19 • 1-3PM 83 VALENCIA • $529,900 AGENT: DAVID SMITH Approximately 2273 sq ft incls basement, 4+1 br, 4 bath 2 storey currently under construction. Call David 519-350-1615.

George McDougall* 519-360-7334

66 DUNVEGAN $199,000

3br, 2 bath brick rancher in Simonton Subdivision with finished f/r in basement & single car detached garage. Call Mike Smyth 519-784-5470.

Darren Hart was born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area and joined the Canadian Armed Forces as a Naval Communicator and was stationed in Nova Scotia and BC. He then transferred to York Regional Police force. After 8 years in the police force, he moved to Chatham with his family to pursue his passion of working in the real estate field. His wife, Lindsay is originally from Chatham and her family resides in the area. He currently invests in real estate rental properties in Chatham and looks forward to being involved with other members in his community as a realtor with Royal LePage.

open house Lisa Zimmer* 519-365-7325

Steve Carroll* 519-355-9774

Kelly-Anne Appleton* 519-365-7155

Eric Fitzgerald* 519-436-4865

SAT. JAN. 19 • 1-2:30PM 56 PAMELA • $289,900 AGENT: GEORGE MCDOUGALL Very well maintained 4br, 1.5 bath beautiful 2 storey. Pride of ownership here! Call George 519-360-7334.

open house

Ronald Franko** 519-355-8181

Michael Gibbons* 519-365-5634

SAT. JAN. 19 • 1-3PM 18 CLEMATIS • $529,900 AGENT: MIKE GIBBONS Gorgeous 5+1br, 3 bath, 3500 sq ft 2 storey in Prestancia. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669. Darren Hart* 226-627-8580

Brian Keenan* 519-365-6090

71 CEDARWOODS $264,900

4br, 2 bath 4 level side split with many upgrades. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.


5 plex in nice community having 3-1br units & 2-2br units. Great opportunity. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

17 RENAISSANCE $429,000 Beautiful 1616 sq ft 3br 2 bath ranch. New build, currently under construction. Call Carson 519-809-2856.

D L SO 228 CHATHAM, BLENHEIM • $192,000 3br, 2 bath brick ranch on large lot. 2 car garage, newer furnace & a/c. Call George 519-360-7334.

82 UNIVERSITY $289,900 3br, 2 bath brick ranch with 2 fireplaces, covered patio & nice decor. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.

20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,250,000

High exposure business right beside Hwy 401 at Tilbury interchange. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

Attn: Medical Marijuana Users 6269 RIVERVIEW LINE $541,000 Approximately 36 workable acres systematically tiled. Call Catie 519-809-4268.

53 HARVEY $188,888

Renovated 3br property walking distance to downtown. Call Brian Keenan 519-365-6090.

Catie Hawryluk* 519-809-4268

Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810


45 RICHMOND $229,000 Totally renovated 3br, 1.5 bath 2 storey. Call David 519-350-1615.

179 WEST $129,900

Triplex, 3 - 1br apartments. Roof replaced 6 years ago. Call Gus 519-355-8668 or Heather 519-355-8666.

Lease 45 KING, WALLACEBURG $159,900 Cute 3 br bungalow extensively remodelled. Call Chris 519-350-1402.

10 GRAND AVE W. $17/ SQ FT

This property features 3300 sq ft with retail/showroom area & more. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

949 JAMES, WALLACEBURG • $169,900 Well maintained 2 storey duplex (upper & lower) backing onto the Sydenham River. Could easily be converted back to single family residence. Call Bev 519-358-8805.

45 ELLA, TILBURY $296,500

Excellent 3br, 1.5 bath ranch with many renovations. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.

10596 LAKEVIEW $499,900

2 year old, 3br, 2 bath brick ranch style open concept home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

318 BALDOON $219,900

3br, 2 bath 4 level side split with some updates. Call June 519-358-5199.

Offer Pending 27 FROBISHER $349,900 3br, 2 bath raised ranch bi-level. Private park like setting rear yard with waterfall. Call Gus 519-355-8668


Beautiful modern office complex in Blenheim. Call Elliot 519-358-8755 or Penny 519-360-0315.

D L SO 234 TWEEDSMUIR W $284,900

4br, 1.5 bath 2 storey family home with updated kitchen on a large corner lot. Call Kristen 519-784-7653.

11927 BASELINE, WABASH • $198,888

This updated 3br rancher in Wabash sits on a 3/4 ac lot between Dresden & Thamesville. Price recently reduced & immediate occupancy. Call Brian K 519-365-6090.

D L SO 89 LANSDOWNE $199,900

4br, 2 bath, 2 storey home with many updates throughout. Call Amber 519-784-5310.

254 PARK $79,000

4br 2 storey home backing onto green space. Needs some TLC, lots of potential. Call Kelly-Anne 519-365-7155.

Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838

Sales Representative *





Chicken chucking coming to Bayside By Bruce Corcoran

Designed to get people outside to have a blast for a good cause, Bayside Brewing Company is running its Chuck a Chicken contest next month. Taking place Feb. 23, the event

will see contestants try to mix their curling, bocce ball and shuffleboard skills to chuck chickens along the ice to try to hit a target area. Brent Wilken, head of marketing for Bayside, credits Donna Polowick of the Children’s Treatment Centre of Cha-

tham-Kent for coming up with the oddball fundraising idea. Polowick said it actually evolved out of a golf tournament. “I was in a Caddyshack-themed golf tournament this summer in the Niagara region. We got all dressed up. We were the only ones, except for the bartender,” she said, adding the bartender suggested Polowick and her friends return in the winter to take part in the chuck a chicken contest held there. As: She did some research and decided to bring the concept to Wilken. “What a good way to bring people to Erieau in the winter,” Polowick

AFFORDABLE METAL ROOFING For the First Time Get a Metal Roof For As Low

said. Wilken said he wasn’t overly surprised by chuck a chicken. “Donna always has ideas outside the box,” he said. For years, she’s offered creative input into the annual Festival of Giving and other fundraising events for the Children’s Treatment Centre. “She is perfect. She is kind of the party planner for it,” he said of Bayside’s Chuck a Chicken event. “We want to do all kinds of stuff, fireworks, have Acoustic FM play the after party; there will be fire pits burning all around. It should be quite the scene.” Wilken said interest began as soon as they announced their plans. “Reception for this has been

incredible. Out of anything I’ve ever organized, the feedback for this has been the best. Eighteen people signed up from the Chatham Granite Club,” he said. “Right now, we’re just hoping for 200 participants. That’s what we felt we can host on Bayside grounds if there is no ice.” So far this winter, it has been unseasonably mild. Registration costs $35 per person. Teams of four can register together as well. The chicken drops at 2 p.m. and chuckers will be on the ice until about 5 p.m., Wilken said. Following the fowl competition, there will be awards and the aforementioned after party at Bayside. For more information, contact Bayside at 519-676-8888.


WE INSTALL DURING THE WINTER! Install your roof before the busy season begins. SHOWROOM: 1682 Dundas St. E. London, ON Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM Sat 9AM-4PM



or come see us at "The Wednesday Market" in Chatham on Wednesdays *Financing Available OAC. Expiry date Jan 31, 2019. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Limited time offering. Some restrictions may apply.

Les p’tits samedis!

À partir du 12 janvier jusqu’au 29 juin de 9 h à 12 h 8 $ le matin ou 100 $ la série

Atelier de tricot - les lundis à 18 h 30 5 $ le bloc Bloc 1 : 21 et 28 janvier Bloc 2 : 4 et 11 février Repas-partage - le vendredi 1er février à compter de 16 h 30 / souper à 18 h

19 janvier - Petits Picasso 26 janvier - Les records Guiness 2 février - Carnaval d’hiver Activités pour enfants de 6 à 10 ans / jeux / bricolage / etc. / goûter compris

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

With ice forming along the shoreline of Rondeau Bay behind them, Brent Wilken of Bayside Brewing Company and Donna Polowick of the Foundation of the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent are planning a zany fundraiser later in February, asking for hundreds of people to come out and chuck a chicken – toss frozen chickens along the ice – as part of a fundraiser for the Erieau Accessibility Park.

150, rue King Ouest, Chatham ON N7M 1E3 519 436-1092 /




Volunteer thankful to help PAWR

By Sarah Schofield

Throughout his years of volunteering with PAWR, Gary O’Rourke has helped the rescue organization, and countless animals, with his acts of kindness. A few years ago, the 67 year old found himself at a crossroads when one his beloved dogs suffered a ruptured spleen and passed away. Unsure if he was ready for another pet, his wife Kelly suggested they go to PAWR and see is they could foster. The rest is history. Equipped with a large shop, perfect for introducing dogs to each other, the Chatham-Kent native opened his house to canines in need of a loving home. “Our 11th foster was an abused dog from up near Hamilton. He had never seen the inside of a house. He had been chained up outside. He had stress colitis, he was undernourished, he had blood in his stool, and we got him back to good health,’ said O’Rourke. At the dog’s final check-

up appointment before being ready to be adopted out, O’Rourke learned the dog’s health problems had a high chance of returning in his new location. “Kelly and I decided we were not going to let him go, we were going to keep him,” said O’Rourke. “Our 93rd dog was from an abused case here in Chatham, a Shih Tzu/ Schnauzer mix infested with fleas, malnourished, he had an ear infection and had no hair on his body,” said O’Rourke. Now, 10-year-old Raker (named after the James Bond film Moonraker) is happy to be a permanent member of the O’Rourke family, joining fiveyear-old Retriever rescue Whiskey and five-yearold Border Collie/Terrier Banditte. At the city limit of three dogs now, O’Rourke and his wife are unable to foster any more dogs and instead are focused on continuing their volunteering efforts at PAWR. ‘Whenever they need anything done, I’m glad to go in and do what I can,” said O’Rourke.

Describing himself as a “volunteer handyman,” O’Rourke has helped transport wildlife to rehabilitation centres, organize BBQ fundraisers, build wooden shelves and cabinets for the shelter and filled in whenever needed. “It’s all for the animals and we really enjoy doing it. We just love what we do and PAWR is committed to how we believe animals should be treated.”

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Chatham-Kent Public Library (CKPL) is looking for people who like to scratch some bellies and be on the receiving end of doggie kisses over the next six months. In partnership with St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs, the CKPL is pleased to offer Therapy Dog Saturdays when area residents can visit the library for canine comfort and cuddles. Therapy Dogs will visit the Chatham Branch on Saturday once a month

from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m on Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 16, April 13, May 11 and June 8. Spending time with Therapy Dogs has many benefits and these trained companions provide canine affection for those unable to have a pet. They provide a great opportunity for little ones to become acquainted with animals and also provide stress and anxiety relief for those struggling with busy schedules. Everyone is welcome and no registration is required.

Book your to today & as ur k abo our all-inclu ut sive rates!

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Therapy Dogs heading to library The Chatham Voice

Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

Pet and Wildlife Rescue volunteer Gary O’Rourke, 67, has been involved in helping the organization for the past four years alongside his wife Kelly. Whether helping to build shelving, walking dogs or transporting animals, O’Rourke is willing to help in any way he can.


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The Arts

Thursday, January 17, 2019 • Open euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham at 1:00pm.

34 Victoria Ave., at Barth St. Informal bible study, coffee, snacks, occasional speaker. 9:30am11:00am. Handicapped accessible. 519-354-4235.

Friday, January 11, 2019 • Meal (5:30pm-7:00pm), open darts (7:30pm) and Catch the Ace (drawn at 6:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Choice of pork, roast beef or fish & chips for $10.00.

• Pepper (1:00pm) and fun darts (7:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham.

Saturday, January 19, 2019 • A “4 Course” Robbie Burns Dinner at the Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham. Advance tickets only $50.00 each. Limited seating. For info call 519-351-6969. Sponsored by Veterans’ Tribute Garden Association. • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. • Saturdays at 7 presents Duelling Keyboards: Episode 3 at St Andrew’s United Church, 85 William St. S., Chatham. Who will win the duel? Performers include Devon Hansen, Nancy Tapley, Dan Lankhoff and Emily Pepper. Free will offering ($10/adult suggested donation) Doors open at 6:30pm. All welcome! • Meat draw (4:00pm-6:00pm) and dance (4:30pm-9:30pm) featuring Good Company at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Sunday, January 20, 2019 • 18th Annual Chatham-Kent Toy Show & Sale. Displays and hands-on activities. 10:00am3:00pm. John D. Bradley Convention Centre, 565 Richmond St., Chatham. Adults $5, students $2, 6 and under free. • Bingo at the Ridgetown Legion from 2:00pm4:00pm. $10 admission includes 4 cards, jackpot $200. Sponsored by the Ridgetown Legion Ladies Auxiliary BR. 243, 75 Main St. E., Ridgetown. Monday, January 21, 2019 • Open euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham at 1:00pm. • The Week of Prayer - 93rd Anniversary for Christian Unity at First Presbyterian Church. Theme “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” - Deut. 16: 18-20. Pastor Nate VanDenend, First Christian Reformed. 12noon - 12:35pm. Free will offering. Lunch following. Elevator service. Tuesday, January 22, 2019 • Public Health Information Session: How to Use Naloxone. 6:00pm at the Chatham branch of the CKPL. Registration required, please call 519-3542940. • Open euchre (1:00pm), open shuffleboard (7:00pm) and two-person euchre (7:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • The Week of Prayer - 93rd Anniversary for Christian Unity at First Presbyterian Church. Theme “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” - Deut. 16: 18-20. Rev. Carol Ferguson, Sprucedale United Church. 12noon - 12:35pm. Free will offering. Lunch following. Elevator service. Wednesday, January 23, 2019 • We welcome all ladies to Calvary Coffee Break,

• The Week of Prayer - 93rd Anniversary for Christian Unity at First Presbyterian Church. Theme “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” - Deut. 16: 18-20. Rev. Paul McPhail, Chatham Christian Centre. 12noon - 12:35pm. Free will offering. Lunch following. Elevator service. Thursday, January 24, 2019 • CKPL Wallaceburg branch invites you to a Community Wellness Day to boost your sense of wellbeing and of community over the cold winter months. 2:30pm-4:30pm. The event will include a free one hour yoga session from 2:30pm-3:30pm, St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dogs from 3:30pm4:30pm. Arts and crafts table for those feeling creative. 209 James St., Wallaceburg. • Open euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham at 1:00pm. • The Week of Prayer - 93rd Anniversary for Christian Unity at First Presbyterian Church. Theme “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” - Deut. 16: 18-20. Deacon Steve Cartier, Family of Parishes. 12noon - 12:35pm. Free will offering. Lunch following. Elevator service. Omar Daughters of the Nile Itallian Lunch & Silent Auction, Sunday, February 10, 2019 at the Mocha Shrine Centre, 468 Colborne St., London. Everyone is welcome! Our sole philantropy, the Canadian Foundation, is for the benefit of the Shriners Hosptial for Children® - Canada. Doors open at 12 noon, lunch served at 1:00pm. Bidding on silent auction ends at 2:00pm. Advance tickets only. $30pp. Get tickets before February 6th. Call Judith Wods 519-360-0372 or Janet Melnyk 519-471-7895. LOVE TO SING? Jubilee Chorus is looking for NEW MEMBERS to start in January....No experience necessary, no auditions! In its 58th season, the Jubilee Chorus, a passionate community of singers which spans generations and denominations, delights in connecting people around excellent choral music of all genres and continues to enrich the lives of many with its wonderful blend of voices and the message of grace, hope, and love found in the person of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Jubilee Chorus offers its concerts free of charge to the public and proudly supports community organizations through the freewill offerings gathered at each concert. Set Tuesdays aside each week and join us at St. Andrew’s United Church (85 William Street S., Chatham). Call Cynthia Luimes at 519-397-3318 if interested, so we can have music ready for you. FREE TUTORING - Every Tuesday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm at First Reformed Church. For info call Betty at 519-354-8902. CK Metal Detecting Club. Last Thursday of the month. Erickson Arena. 7:00pm. Guests welcome.

Duelling Keyboards return Saturday The Chatham Voice

The next Saturdays at 7 at St. Andrew’s concert will present Duelling Keyboards: Episode III at St. Andrew’s United Church, Chatham on Saturday at 7 p.m. The two previous duelling keyboards concerts have been very well attended so this third duel is presented due to popular demand. In this competition the piano and organ go head-to-head to determine which truly is “king” of all instruments and winner of the evening’s duel. With the piano being the obvious winner of the last duel, Episode III is entitled, “Revenge of the Organ.” The concert will have a movies theme that will feature both piano and organ duets and solos while

movie clips are played. The program will include the most recognizable themes from the big screen, including Jurassic Park, Mamma Mia, Pink Panther, Mission Impossible, Harry Potter and many more. Musicians performing include St. Andrew’s very own Director of Music, Devon Hansen, as well as Dan Lankhof and Nancy Tapley from Chatham. Bethany Russell from Windsor will also join in the competition. St. Andrew’s United Church is located at 85 William St. S, Chatham. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Free will offering (suggested donation of $10 per adult). For further information call 519-352-0100 or visit



Kent Coin Club. Third Wednesday of the month. Library at John McGregor Secondary School. 7:30pm. Al Oulds - president 519-695-5131.

(519) 354-2585

Submit your coming events to or





MicroAge named feature business The Chatham Voice

Chatham-Kent Economic Development and the Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce announced Friday that MicroAge Chatham has been awarded the Feature Industry of the Month for January 2019. “Our Chamber is aware that industry of this era is a highly technical. Our Feature Industry program is pleased to highlight and focus on industry leaders such as Micro Age for their vision in the future of technology,” Cecily Coppola, Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce Board Chair, said in a release. “2019 is looking to be a year of technology and innovation across Chatham-Kent which is why it makes sense for Economic Development to celebrate MicroAge Chatham as a business technology leader,” said Geoff Wright, Economic Development Officer with Chatham-Kent Economic Development. Founded in 1985, MicroAge Chatham is one of the businesses within the collection of MC Group of companies and specializes in providing advanced Information Technology services within Chatham-Kent and across Canada. Wally Romansky, General Manager for MicroAge Chatham, said, “Our goal is to help our businesses access and understand the latest leading-edge technology.” “Perhaps even more important than just the technology is that our customers know they can rely on our expert staff to provide outstanding service and vital business advice to keep their organization up and running 24/7,” added Romansky. Located at 162 Queen St. in Chatham, MicroAge has a total of 16 staff employed, and the MC Group of Companies has 75 total employees. In 2018, MicroAge Chatham was ranked among five of the MicroAge operations that made it into the Top 50 Best Managed IT Companies in Canada from among the more than 1,500 companies. “Feature Industry is about recognizing business excellence, and MicroAge Chatham has demon-

CK’s Best Selection of Loose Leaf, Herbal & Bubble Teas 15 King St. E. between William St. & Book Brothers

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

strated this time and time again,” said Wright. “They have exceptional management, customer service, and dedication to the community, so they are natural recipients of this award.” “We are honoured to be awarded

the Feature Industry of the Month as it means a lot to our team to be acknowledged for their hard work. Of course, I must also thank our customers, for without them we would have not had the opportunity to be successful,” said Romansky.




MicroAge Chatham general manager Wally Romansky, centre, receives the feature industry of the month award from Cecily Coppola, Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce board chair, centre right, and certificate from C-K Mayor Darrin Canniff, second from right. Also featured are Coun. Karen Kirkwood-Whyte, left, and Coun. Mary Clair Latimer, right.


















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Seven ways to save money without sacrificing your dream wedding



Traditional weddings can cost an arm and a leg, and sometimes leave the couple in debt before they even begin their lives together. Here are seven ways to save money while still having the wedding of your dreams. 1. Limit your guest list: only request the presence of the people that matter to you. Avoid inviting distant relatives you never see. 2. Find a beautiful location: art galleries and botanical gardens are venue options that won’t need extra decorations. 3. Choose a restaurant: not only will the food be better, but you’ll also have all the tables, chairs and linens you need. 4. Only serve beer and wine: or if cocktails are your thing, create a signature drink to offer your guests. 5. Get a deal on the dress: buy your dress at a sample sale, or consider renting or buying a used one. • Pastry Bar and Coffee Station 6. Minimize your florist bill:• Interactive use candles Learningas your centrepieces instead of flowers. • Private Panel Discussions • Pastry Bar and CoffeeOpportunity Station to meet and book 7. Make your own wedding•vendors album: find a photographer without interruptions • Interactive Learning that will give you all of the •day’s pictures on a flash drive CK Wedding Planning Workbook Private Panel Discussions and use an• online tool to create your own photo • Pastry Bar and Coffee Station Special discounts from panel book. speakers • Opportunity to meet and book • Interactive Bridal swagLearning bags vendors without interruptions




SATURDAY, 2, 2019 SATURDAY,FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 2, 2019 ENGAGE.EDUCATE. EDUCATE. ENTERTAIN. ENGAGE. ENTERTAIN. We are reinventing and reimagining the Chatham-Kent Wedding Show

We are reinventing andmore reimagining the Chatham-Kent Wedding Show for 2019 with ways for you to plan 2, your wedding day. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2019 for 2019 withSee more waysfashion for you plan the latest and to decor andyour meetwedding day. thelatest area’sEDUCATE. top wedding See the fashion andprofessionals. decor and meet ENGAGE. ENTERTAIN. area’s top weddingGENERAL professionals. ADMISSION VIP WEDDINGthe PLANNING

We are reinventing and reimagining the Chatham-Kent Wedding Show 11:00am – 5:00pm ways for you to$12 plan yourorwedding (online at the door)day. GENERAL ADMISSION VIP See the latest fashion and decor and meet Pastry Bar and Coffee Station 9:00am –• 11:00am 11:00am – of 5:00pm • More than 80 the area’s top wedding the area’s top wedding professionals. professionals, $30 (in advance, online) $12 (onlinevenues or at and theartists door) • Interactive Learning 9:00am – 11:00am for 2019 with more $30 (in advance, online) WEDDING PLANNING

• Private Panel Discussions VIP WEDDING PLANNING Pastry Bar and Coffee Station • Opportunity to Meet and Book

$30 Learning (in advance, online) Interactive

Private Panel Discussions • Pastry Bar and Coffee Station Special Discounts from panel speakers

9:00am – 11:00am Vendors without interruptions •

CK Wedding Planning Workbook

• Interactive Learning Opportunity Meet and Book BridaltoSwag Bags Vendors• Private without interruptions Panel Discussions Early Admission to the CK Wedding Show

• Private Panel Discussions Early Admission to the CK Wedding Show

• Andpanel so much more! • Special discounts from speakers

vendors without interruptions

• Opportunity to Meet and Book CK Wedding Planning Workbook Personalized Contest Labels

• Bridal swag bags

And so muchfrom more!panel speakers Special ••Discounts CK Wedding Planning Workbook

• CK Wedding Planning Workbook • Opportunity to meet and book Personalized Contest Labels

• CK Wedding Planning Workbook (limited to 100 participants) • Special discounts from panel speakers

Vendors without interruptions

• Early Admission to the CK swag Wedding • Bridal bags Show

(limited to 100 participants) Bridal Swag Bags • Special Discounts from panel speakers

• Early Admission to the CK Wedding Show • Personalized Contest Labels

• Bridal Swag Early Admission to Bags the CK Wedding Show

• Personalized Contest Labels

All-Day Fashion Show

GENERAL ADMISSION • Entertainment 11am - 5pm • More than 80 of the area’s top wedding 11:00am – 5:00pm professionals, venues and artists • WEDTalks $12 (online or at the door) •

Boutique Area • All-Day Fashion

Espresso andand Dessert Bar • Pamper Relaxation

Early Admission to the CK Wedding Show

Pamper and Relaxation Bar

Personalized Contest Labels

Sports Den

Lounge Area

Personalized Contest Labels

(limited to 100 participants) (limited to 100 participants)

And so •much more! ALL PROCEEDS TO BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS • Lounge Area OF CHATHAM-KENT And so much more!

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More 80 ofonthe Dancethan Classes sitearea’s top wedding • Entertainment - 5pm professionals, venues11am and artists • Espresso and Dessert Bar • All-Day Fashion Show • WEDTalks • Pamper and Relaxation Bar • Entertainment 11am - 5pm • Boutique • Sports Den Area • WEDTalks • Lounge Area • Dance Classes on site • Boutique Area • Cash Bar • Espresso Dessert Bar • Dance Classesand on site •

• And so much more!

• And so much more!

2, 2019


(limited to(limited 100 participants) to 100 participants)


Sports Den

• Cash Cash Bar Bar

For more information and to purchase tickets:


ALL PROCEEDS TO BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CHATHAM-KENT For more information and to purchase tickets:

CHATHAMKENTWEDDINGSHOW.COM For more information and to purchase tickets:




Fun Stuff 32 Just one thing after another? 35 Deserve 36 Arp’s movement 37 Poehler or Grant 38 Panasonic competitor 40 Incline 42 Slithery squeezer 44 Not so much 46 Radius neighbor 50 German Chancellor Merkel 52 Raise the anchor 54 Successful player 55 Hale and hearty 56 Eight English kings 57 Wear away

ACROSS 1 -- about (spread the word) 6 Utters 12 Grads 13 Recluse 14 Gymnosophist’s practice 15 Incompetent

16 Vicinity 17 Sicilian spouter 19 Tier 20 Onetime NYC mayor 22 Writer Buscaglia 24 Sternward 27 Near the treasure 29 “Thin Man” dog

This week’s answers

DOWN 1 Unclear view 2 Discourteous 3 Eskimo boat 4 Officeholders 5 It gets punched 6 Avoid 7 Punishment-related 8 Geological time 9 Food of the gods

10 Narc’s measure 11 Crockpot creation 12 Literary collection 18 Menaces 21 Possess 23 Chow down 24 Expert 25 Govt. lender 26 Seasoning herb 28 Guaranteed 30 Male turkey 31 One or more 33 Business abbr. 34 Hoosegow 39 Back street 41 Disney pachyderm 42 Wild party 43 Never again? 45 41-Down’s “wings” 47 Noisy 48 Schnozz 49 Illustrations 51 Blunder 53 Neither mate








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Travel / Tours

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Ron & Mary Jane Hunter have finally retired after 41 years of fostering newborns for the Children’s Aid. Christ Church welcomes everyone! You don’t need money to join! You don’t have to sign a contract! We don’t take attendance! Christ Church welcomes everyone – whether you are just browsing or more devout than the Archbishop of Canterbury; if you just got out of jail or are citizen of the year; if you still need a nightlight or doze off to Murder She Wrote; poor as a church mouse or rich as Midas – we welcome you and all those in between.

Try us out on Sundays at 8:30 (yes, a.m.) for a traditional service or 10:30 a.m. for a more contemporary one, or Wednesday at 10 a.m. might work better for you.

Christ Church

80 Wellington St. W, Chatham 519-352-1640

We welcome you! Help us find Christ in community

Obituary Van Roon, Sieglinde “Linda”

The years have given us many memories & we’ll cherish them all. Thank you to family & friends who helped us in any way over the years. Thank you especially to all the littles ones & their families who were a part of our journey. It would be great to hear from any of you. Love Always, Ron & Mary Jane


Reg “Reggie” Bechard Aug. 8, 1928 - Jan. 19, 2018

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That’s it!!

A resident of Chatham, formerly of Thamesville, Linda Van Roon peacefully passed away surrounded by her family at the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance on Monday, January 7, 2019 in her 82nd year. Beloved wife of the late Marinus Van Roon (2012). Loving mother of Evelyn Merrifield & Nick (Linda) Van Roon, both of Chatham. Grandma of Nickaela & Jessica. Step-grandma of James, Kevin & Jocelynn. Step-greatgrandma of Adelina & Arianna. Missed by her sister, Regina (Joe) Steirer, of Toronto, sister Hella & brother Jergen, both of Germany. Special aunt of Petra of Toronto. Linda enjoyed spending her time playing Bingo & cards with her friends at Trillium Village. People around her enjoyed being around Linda for her sweet demeanor, infectious laugh & friendly nature. She will be missed by many. As per Linda’s wishes, a Private Memorial Service will take place. Donations in memory of Linda may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or Alzheimer Society. Online condolences may be left for the family at McKinlay Funeral Home 459 St. Clair Street Chatham 519 351 2040

One Stop Shop For All Your LUMBERJACK Metal Roof Needs Metal Roofs


1100 Stores Strong

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459 St.Clair St., Chatham • 519-351-2040 76 Main St. E., Ridgetown • 519-674-3141 141 Park St., Blenheim • 519-676-3451

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(519) (519)354-2585 354-2585•• • 519-351-4444





Festival of Nations to return after 20-year absence The Chatham Voice

After a two-decade absence, the Festival of Nations is set to return to Tecumseh Park this summer as part of celebrations surrounding Canada Day. Mayor Darrin Canniff said Tracy Callaghan and Dava Robichaud have agreed to co-chair the revival of the event that attracted thousands of citizens and visitors to the park during its 13year run that ended in 1998. Callaghan said her work with Adult Language and Learning has exposed her to the many cultures that help form Canada. “I was involved with Canada Day several years ago and I remember how popular it was,” she said in a media release. “I’m excited to be a part of the team which

will bring it back.” Robichaud said the combination of seeing the downtown area busy and celebrating Canada’s birthday should be a winning one. “Chatham-Kent residents have shown they will support events such as this and I believe we can have a positive impact on the community. I’m excited to be part of bringing back this event that many people will now have the opportunity to share with their children, passing on a tradition so many have previously enjoyed.” The original festival lasted several days, featured food, and cultural displays from a number of nations as well as entertainment. Former Mayor Bill Erickson chaired it for many years. Don Kiekens, who chaired last year’s Canada Day

events, said he welcomes the return of the festival. “The more we can do to celebrate Canada’s heritage, the better,” he said in a release. “Having the different activities brought by the Festival of Nations will make for a better experience for everyone.” Canniff said he is very happy with the reception from the Canada Day group. “We are not here to steal anyone’s thunder but to help grow the events that have been taking place. The Festival of Nations was extremely popular and highlighted the cultures that have built Canada into the nation it is today.” The group is in the process of setting exact dates for the event and will issue a call for volunteers in the near future.

Superior Court of Justice. According to a release from the municipality, Justice Howard heard arguments from legal counsel for the municipality and Powers recently. Powers had raised concerns

about certain ballots being classified as an “unspecified poll.” The Municipal Clerk and Chief Returning Officer, Judy Smith, was pleased with the decision of the Court.

Longtime Customer Nancy Potter Knight from Chatham is seen with Luce Cools picking up her new 2019 Chrysler Pacifica Touring L Plus. This is Nancy’s 12th unit from Luce. Enjoy your newest vehicle, Nancy.


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Election challenge dismissed in court The Chatham Voice

The court application brought by mayoral candidate Robert Powers for a recount of the 2018 Ward 1 municipal election has been dismissed by the Ontario


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