The Chatham Voice, Jan. 24, 2019

Page 1

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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper

Vol. 7 Edition 4


Frosty fun at the Polar Plunge

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Our girls are not for sale By Mary Beth Corcoran

Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

Tom Elliott from Comber reacts to the bone-chilling cold waters of the Chatham-Kent Polar Plunge on Saturday. He braved the snowy roads to take part in the plunge, held at St. Clair College’s Thames Campus. Presented by the Ontario Law Enforcement Torch Run, $40,000 was raised for the Special Olympics Ontario.



The reality of human trafficking in Chatham-Kent hit hard for the 600 plus people who attended the town hall meeting hosted by Chatham-Kent Leamington MPP Rick Nicholls at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre in Chatham Thursday night. Representatives from area police, victims’ services and related agencies joined a human trafficking survivor in explaining the reality of young women, and men, who are forced into providing sex services for their pimps along the Highway 401 corridor. Statistics presented to the woman, men and teens in the audience showed that 93 per cent of human sex trafficking victims in Canada are Canadian-born, with an average age of 14. And Hwy. 401 in Ontario is a major corridor where traffickers will drive girls to different cities along the highway and force them to service men for a couple of days before they move on to the next city. The girls are told what to wear, where and when to

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eat and sleep, if at all, have their ID taken away, and threatened with physical violence to them or their loved ones if they disobey. Statistics compiled show that of the cases the police know about: 93 per cent of victims are female and seven per cent are male, 25 per cent of the victims are under the age of 18, and 91 per cent of the victims know the person accused of trafficking them. Chatham-Kent Police Service Const. Meredith Rota and OPP Sgt. Kim Miller, both involved in anti-trafficking in the region, explained to the audience that trafficking isn’t just girls from other cities, happening somewhere else – “it is happening right here, to our girls, under our noses.” Miller explained the most well-known method of trafficking a victim starts with targeting vulnerable young girls, called the Romeo/pimp method. She said the recruiter will learn all about the girl from social media, or through watching her habits and then befriend her. Continued on page 3

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C-K council’s closed sessions removal. In its inaugural session last month, the new council went behind closed doors to discuss six subjects. Those included the aforementioned sidewalk clearing and de-icing,

By Bruce Corcoran

The municipality’s top legal dog recently defended how and why the new council went into closed session to discuss such topics as sidewalk snow















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Bothwell environmental issues, appointments to committees of council, integrity commissioner complaints, proposed acquisition of land, and proposed dispensing of property. Municipal councils are to only go into closed session for property, personnel, labour relations, security, confidential matters, and legal advice. John Norton, general manager of community development and for years the municipality’s head of legal services, said the discussion went into closed session strictly for legal advice. “Legal advice is pro-


vided to council in closed session. We monitor it quite closely. The clerk in the room is responsible for policing it. She often stands up and interrupts if the discussion deviates from what should be in closed,” he said. “Open-session questions need to go into open session.” In regard to the sidewalk issue, the provincial government has altered how it wants municipalities to remove snow from sidewalks in terms of how timely the work has to be done, and how those sidewalks need to be de-iced. The municipality is considering asking proper-

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ty owners to take care of sidewalk snow removal and de-icing. Norton said the matter went into closed session under solicitor-client privilege. “It wasn’t to discuss litigation or potential litigation,” he said. “Rather it was for advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege. “We were then going to have a bigger discussion in open and have a bigger debate. But then council decided to go out and do some public consultation,” he said. “It was straight legal advice.” In 2005, RSJ Holdings of London took that city to court over a closed council session to discuss an interim control bylaw. The city used potential litigation as its reasoning to go into closed session, but lost in a court battle. The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled the city had improperly relied on the litigation exception, and the true matter was the interim control bylaw, not potential litigation discussion. Norton said the side-

walk snow maintenance issue was simply to offer legal opinion. “Here’s the new legislation and we have some options open to you,” he said legal services personnel explained to council. “Increase taxes to start paying for this new salting that has to be done, or we ask the citizens to do it.” Norton said he believes the municipality is being very transparent in its use of closed session, but admits that unless you are present behind those closed doors, you cannot tell. “I get that it might look like we have a full public discussion in closed. There’s no way to prove against that,” he said. “But we’re being very transparent in my view.” Norton maintains council is only heading into closed session for the reasons under the Municipal Act. “Often, what we do is before we go into open, we go into closed to discuss what items may require legal advice,” he said. Continued on page 4

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Traffickers prey on victims’ emotions Continued from page 1

He’ll then continue by telling her she’s pretty, buying her things and selling her a romantic fantasy. He will isolate her from her family and friends, and once he has her convinced it’s love, he will tell her she needs to just do these sexual favours so they can have the life they want. Before the victim is even aware, she is servicing clients daily and if she tries to get away, she is punished or her family threatened. Rota said recruiters, who can be male or female, use several other methods including befriending girls on social media or dating sites, gaining their trust and confidence to get the victim to reveal all the personal information a pimp would need to control her. “Kids post everything on social media, so the pimps know everything about them,” Rota said. “It used to be our kids played in the backyard and we could look out the window and see them. Now the world is our kids’ backyard and they are incredibly accessible.” She relayed in one situation, a young girl left her pimp and he took a picture of himself with a gun and sent it to the girl’s father demanding a $10,000 exit

fee. Rota said the pimps collect all the information they need to intimidate and control their victims. In one video Miller showed the audience, a young woman was interviewed by the Toronto Star with a heart-breaking story of being trafficked for sex, using drugs and alcohol for emotional escape, and the final indignity – when she didn’t answer the phone when her pimp called, he tracked her down, slashed her Achilles tendon and left her beside some garbage. She survived, but has to struggle daily to overcome the trauma of what was done to her. According to Meka Cedar, with Chatham-Kent Victims’ Services, who was also a speaker, her agency has helped 12 victims of human trafficking, and seven of those victims were born and raised in Chatham, the youngest being 16 years old. All the speakers made the same point – human trafficking is happening here in our community and our children are vulnerable. Chat rooms, social media, parties, group homes, the mall – recruiters are out there looking for the most vulnerable and easily manipulated victims. “Education and awareness is so important,” said Miller. “I’m so glad to see

so many parents here with their teens.” To help put a face to the second most lucrative crime in Canada behind drug trafficking, guest speaker Jen Devoe, a trafficking survivor from Windsor, told her story of being a young teen who was bullied and marginalized. She turned to acting out and drugs, and after two children and a marriage that ended, she was lured into a gang, tattooed as gang property and forced to service clients. In the end, she was sleeping on a gravel floor in a basement with only a blanket and a cat for company, with no hope she could find a way out with no money, no support and no identification. Continued on page 4

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Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Trafficking survivor and motivational speaker Jen Devoe, right, of Windsor, with Julia Welch, host of the A21 Walk for Freedom in Windsor, was in Chatham Thursday night at the Human Trafficking town hall hosted by Chatham-Kent Leamington MPP Rick Nicholls at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre. More than 600 people attended the event.


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Educating the johns crucial

Continued from page 3

She finally took a phone number from her addictions counsellor, decided she had nothing to lose, and called a woman who got her out, hid her from the gang, and then got her out of the area to a facility in Windsor, where it took months for her to lower her guard enough to accept help. After a standing ovation, Devoe said her life is good now, she is back in touch with her two children and

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she works helping other women and bringing awareness to the issue of human trafficking. One question brought up at the town hall was the need to educate the men, and women, who buy sex services, creating the demand for sex workers and providing a lucrative income for organized crime and gangs who traffic the victims. Miller said the OPP has a brochure they are circulating reminding men



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that these uct,” Miller girls may “To the trafficker, said, and not be there these girls are a prodthe people by choice, uct, not a person, and who buy may be un- he is making money their serder the age vices don’t over and over from the see the inof 18, may dividual, not be eat- same product.” but rather ing or sleep- - OPP Sgt. Kim Miller someone ing and are someone’s daughter or they are paying to provide a sex service. sister. The high demand for sex “To the trafficker, these girls are a product, not services is shocking, and a person, and he is mak- Miller said from one sting ing money over and over operation that had the from the same prod- OPP placing an ad for the


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aware of and look for. Have a conversation with your teens about staying safe, keeping personal information to themselves and trusting their gut if they feel something is off about a person they are talking to. For more information on human trafficking and how to keep your children safe, go to www. or the CKPS or for help for victims, call Chatham-Kent Victims’ Services at 519-436-6630.

Legal opinions offered in closed session Continued from page 2

“But if they are receiving financial advice, that’s all for open. The public should weigh in on and give input on whether they want to spend the money or not.” Norton brought up a hypothetical example of a crack discovered in a bridge. The engineer might offer an opinion


services of a young girl, they received more than 9,000 responses in just six days, and even after the sting was shut down, they continued to receive inquiries. Make sure you know who your children are talking to, friends with and what they are doing online. Secretive behaviour, new friends, new purses or clothes, fear for loved ones, drug use – all these can be signs parents should be

on the likelihood of the bridge failing if the crack isn’t fixed. “Council may ask for a legal opinion on what the consequences are. Are we allowed to not fix the bridge and take the risk? It’s not something you discuss in open,” he said. That first session of the new council was packed with closed session items.

Norton said there had been nothing discussed in closed for months prior. “We were bottlenecked and needed direction from the new council,” he said. Since that Dec. 10 meeting, the two meetings that followed had nothing on the closed agenda. But this past Monday saw

four items to be discussed behind closed doors. Those included a board member appointment, a review of the year-end litigation report, proposed land acquisition, and personal matters about an identifiable individual in regard to the Lessons Learned report coming to council over the Ten-Seven Cafe.


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By Bruce Corcoran

A scammer’s efforts to defraud a Chatham senior out of hundreds of dollars were thwarted recently thanks to the quick thinking of staff at Cash Money. The senior, who is not being named, called The Chatham Voice to warn others about the scam that nearly got her. She said she received a call supposedly from VISA, and the man on the other end of the line quickly convinced her there was a financial foul up over an eBay transaction – to the tune of about $2,700. To remedy the situation, she’d have to pay $700. The woman, who said she

doesn’t even have an eBay account, admitted the scammer’s reference to possible involvement of the RCMP in the matter unnerved her. The senior wound up heading to Cash Money on Grand Avenue in Chatham to make a money transfer. That’s where the staff helped convince her it was a scam attempt. They asked her questions she didn’t have the answers for, and then managed to talk to the scam artist on the phone. The senior said the rapid-fire questions led to the man hanging up on the Cash Money personnel. Melissa Soper, senior vice president of public affairs for Cash Money, said staff at

the Chatham outlet were just glad they could help. “We were happy that we were able to intervene in this issue and save our customer from being defrauded,” she said. “As a money service business, our customer service agents are trained in anti-money laundering and other important areas of compliance and risk assessment. We strive to provide safe, convenient access to financial services and, helping the members of the communities in which we do business is at the heart of our mission.” The unnamed senior said she was so happy to have the help of the Cash Money staff, she went out and bought them cookies.

NOTICE FOR THE PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW. MUNICIPALITY OF CHATHAM-KENT Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent on The Municipality of Chatham-Kent will Centre, be holding a 315 King Street West, Chatham, February 11 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Civic PUBLIC CENTRE Council will consider, and if approved, mayINFORMATION pass a by-law to adopt the new Development Charge Regarding the upcoming planned work related to the Bylaw that applies to all service areas of the Municipality who receive water and /or wastewater services PARRY BRIDGE 2016 REHABILITATION PROJECT Keil Drive over the Thames River (Community of Chatham)

The proposed bylaw The and development charges background study may be found at: purpose of this Public Information Centre is to inform stakeholders of the scope of work, traffic detour plan and timing of construction activities associated with the above mentioned project in the Community of Chatham. The meeting will be held on: WaterWastewaterDevelopmentCharges DATE: TIME: LOCATION:

Thursday, April 21, 2016 5:00pm – 8:00pm Chatham-Kent Civic Centre – Atrium 315 King Street West, Chatham

At this meeting, Council will hear representations from any person or their solicitor or agent, regarding the Bylaw. For further information, contact Sunderland General Manager, CK As this Public Information Centre will be anplease “open house” format, no Tim formal presentation will be made. Representatives from the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, along with the Engineering Consultant, will be available review the display boards and respond to any questions posed by stakeholders. Area PUC at 519-436-0119, Extto4337. residents, property owners, business operators and those who may have a general interest in this project are encouraged to attend this meeting. If you have any questions, please contact either: Adam Sullo, P.Eng Director, Engineering and Transportation

Brad Walt, C.E.T. Project Contact

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Aubrie Voss, 5, and her little brother Orin, 3, enjoyed spending the day at the 18th Annual Chatham-Kent Toy Show and Sale on Sunday at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre, including a display from the Chatham Model Railroad Club. All proceeds from the event go to the Chatham-Kent 4-H Farm Toy Club, Essex-Kent Junior Farmers and Chatham Outreach for Hunger.

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Transparent? In its CK Plan 2035, Chatham-Kent officials state that one of three critical success factors is an “open, transparent and effectively governed” municipality. The other two factors are financial sustainability – paying down debt, a balanced budget and reserve funds, and resiliency – the ability to respond to emerging strategic priorities and adapt to change. Fantastic. It sounds great. The fact the municipality knows being open and transparent is a critical success factor is a huge step in the right direction. The fact they still aren’t walking the walk is of concern, however. Councillors Aaron Hall and Carmen McGregor are doing an amazing job in Wallaceburg, meeting with citizens in a local coffee shop to talk about what is coming up on the council agenda. Hall tweets out all the info on the agenda with links for people wanting to take a look at attached reports. That is open and transparent. Mayor Darrin Canniff is using social media to communicate issues like road closures, upcoming events and his up-to-the-minute whereabouts. That is open and transparent. South Kent Coun. Trevor Thompson has been using social media for years to update folks on what is going on “around the horseshoe.” Again, open. Not having the base budget details for the public to look at, including no info on the police budget at all, before the public consultations – not so much. Finance staffers Mike Turner and Gord Quinton did a great job of explaining budget process and terminology during the draft budget presentation, but what was lacking were the actual spending details. The base budget is presented to council and the public as a fait accompli, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the details of that spending to understand the process better. Issues that council knows will be of great interest to the public – such as salary increases for council –should be a no-brainer sent out ahead of time. The same with detailed spending rationale when management is presenting different options to council on capital projects. The journey is sometimes just as important as the destination. Management should not be deciding what the public should and shouldn’t know about when it comes to spending. If staff investigated and crunched numbers, all those figures should be available with no extra work needed. Don’t just say you are open and transparent; actually BE open and transparent.

Letters to the editor policy The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to (use “Letter” in the subject line). You can also drop them off or mail them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4. All letters need to be signed.

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The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.



Wage comparison badly needed Sir: Significant kudos go out to both Bruce Corcoran and Robert Hakker for the information that they recently revealed to the taxpayers of Chatham-Kent about the obscene wage and benefit inequities that exist between the private and public sector jobs. Thank you, Bruce, for calling on our new council to “treat the spending of taxpayer money as if it were their own.” I fully support your call for a benchmarking study that compares the wages and benefits of our local municipal jobs to similar private sector jobs. Any response from administration that suggests this cannot be done would come as no surprise, given that Chatham-Kent is considered one of the least transparent and most secretive municipalities in all of Ontario, but it would only be an excuse to avoid the truth. It can be done! This is information that C-K citizens have a right to see,

and it is an issue that our new council has a perfect opportunity to add to their clean slate. As Mr. Corcoran said, our new council needs to put the interests of the people of Chatham-Kent before the wishes of the administration. That is your job! And so too should the Chatham-Kent Police Board! In Mr. Corcoran’s Dec. 20 column, “Budget survey? More info, please,” in The Voice, he made mention of municipal staff having use of municipal vehicles for personal use. He asked “for example, why give a manager who makes upwards of $200,000 a year his or her own luxury SUV? Couldn’t a more fuel efficient and lower-priced reliable sedan or smaller SUV do instead?” Unfortunately, little did most readers know that Bruce was not referring to some hypothetical example. Such a situation occurred

right here in Chatham-Kent, and recently! Our local C-K Police Board held a session to discuss and propose and approve an upgrade to the police chief’s personal taxpayer funded vehicle from a Ford Explorer, having an MSRP of about $54,000 to a Chevrolet Tahoe having an MSRP of about $73,000. This, despite the chief’s contract which allows-for and describes allowance only-for a personal taxpayer funded vehicle at a “reasonable cost providing suitable transportation.” For most hard-working, responsible and logical citizens of Chatham-Kent, the Ford Escape SUV more than adequately fits that description, especially when you consider that the wage the chief is being paid more than provides him the ability to pay for his own private vehicle! Who is running this

business we call Chatham-Kent? When are we going to see responsible, logical and sustainable decisions being made by the people we vote in and the people we pay (big money) to run this show? Please, council (and others), give us a sign that you have an accountable attitude to your jobs! Prove to us that you have the backbone, the intestinal fortitude and the “cajones” to change the culture of the politics in this municipality. Citizens of C-K voted for change in November, not just lip-service! In closing – thank you Robert Hakker for your letter recognizing Mr. Corcoran’s message. I have wanted to do the same since the Dec. 20 edition of The Voice came out, but I was concerned I would be a voice in the desert. I’m glad to know I am not the only one who is tired of the “fox minding the henhouse.” Rick Youlton Chatham

The Chatham Voice is printed by: One of Canada’s 50 Printers The contents of this newspaper are protected byTOP copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc. 800.465.1662 705.687.6691

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Over 1000 sq.ft. of main level living space with 2 bedrooms, open concept kitchen, hybrid ensuite/laundry/bathroom & full unfinished basement for future development. Call Wayne Liddy for all details.

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Maple City Homes one of Chatham’s premier builders have an exciting new development!

Real Estate Brokerage WHERE DREAMS COME HOME

2 bedroom town houses coming fall of 2019! Clara Cresent off of Churchill Rd. $ 199,900 - $214,900 Model Unit Construction starting Spring 2019.



Drawings and renderings for display purposes only and may not reflect final structure

Barb Phillips Broker of Record

6360 Grande River Line, +/- 73 workable acres

6269 Riverview Line,

18 Willcox St., Chatham

74 Elizabeth +/- 36 workable acres Street

Please call Catie to discuss details and listing price. Great family home in lovelyInc. mature Peifer Realty neighbourhood.


kitchen, formal Office: 519-354-5470 Fax: 519-354-5474

Catie Hawryluk

Sales Rep 519-809-4268

dining room, living $174,900 room w/natural BARB PHILLIPS 4 bedrooms, lovely family PHILLIPS home, open concept BARB PHILLIPS woodwork, 3 bedBARB Real Estate Brokerage Real Estate Brokerage on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor Real Estate rooms, 1 bathroom, Real Estate Brokerage WHERE DREAMS COMEBrokerage HOME WHERE DREAMS COME WHERE DREAMS COME HOME main floor laundry. HOME Open House laundry, main floor office, lower level finished, WHERE DREAMS COME HOME 519-359-8588 1-3 Call519-359-8588 Barb for details! Sat., July 8 from large lot, 519-359-8588 no backyard neighbours. Barb Phillips Barb Phillips


Serving the people of Chatham-Kent for over 30 years!


Email: 519-359-8588 email: Email: Email: Barb Phillips

Broker of Record

Broker of Record

Broker of Record

18 Willcox St., Chatham 74 Elizabeth Elizabeth 18 Willcox St., Chatham 89 74 100-Acre Farm Regency 74 ElizabethDr. I have clients Street Street Street OPEN looking Great family home HOUSE for Great family home Great family home in lovely mature in lovely mature in lovely mature neighbourhood. single family neighbourhood. Features eat-in neighbourhood. Features eat-in kitchen, formal Features bungalows. kitchen,eat-in formal dining room, living kitchen, diningformal room, living room w/natural Contact dining living $174,900 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept roomroom, w/natural woodwork, 3 bed$174,900 w/natural3 bed4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept room on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor rooms, 1 bathroom, woodwork, Open House Barb Phillips 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, concept bedmain floor laundry. laundry, main floor office, lower level finished, NEW on main floor, master with open ensuite, main floor woodwork, rooms, 13bathroom, Sat., July 8 from 1-3 Open House Callon Barb for details! large lot, no backyard neighbours. main floor, master withoffice, ensuite, main bathroom, main1floor laundry. laundry, main floor lower levelfloor finished, rooms, PRICE! House July 8 from 1-3 today. Barblaundry. for details! Sat.,Open no backyard neighbours. mainCallfloor laundry, main large floor lot, office, lower level finished, 18 Willcox St., Chatham


Call Reduced Barb for details! Sat., July 8 from 1-3 large no backyard 100-Acre Farm 89 lot, Regency Dr. neighbours. I have clients By phone: 100-acre farm located 100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. Open House • 113 London Drive • Saturday, Jan. 26 & Sunday, Jan 27, 1-3pm looking for I have clients $48,900 519-359-8588 Raleigh Township. single family Farm Regency looking for2.5100-Acre have clients Lovely 2 storey family home in with 4 Ilarge bedrooms, baths, master en-suite, eat-in 89 kitchen, formalDr. dining bungalows. Bymain email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, livinggarage, room, kitchen, single familyroom, Call Barb Phillips for looking for room, floor family room with gas fireplace, living main floor laundry, 2 car attached sun Contact bungalows. large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. single allCall theBarb details today! room and large covered forfamily your personal viewing. Barb Phillips NEW deck. Contact PRICE! bungalows. today. Barb Phillips

By phone: 519-359-8588 By email:


Contacttoday. 100-acre farm located in Raleigh Township. Barb Phillips NEW Reduced


Call Barb Phillips for all the details today!

phone: farm located 2 bedroom mobile,By open concept, living room, 100-acre kitchen, PRICE! large shed.519-359-8588 Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. in Raleigh Township.


Wayne Liddy, Sales Rep Cell 519-436-4810 email:

This Week’s Open Houses

1-3pm 1-3pm 10-12pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm 1-3pm

Thursday, January 24 17 Renaissance, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Friday, January 25 17 Renaissance, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Saturday, January 26 125 Morning Glory, Chatham, $474,900 ................Amber Pinsonneault, Royal LePage Peifer Realty 17 Renaissance, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty 83 Valencia, Chatham, $529,900 ...........................David Smith, Royal LePage Peifer Realty 18 Clematis, Chatham, $529,900...........................Mike Gibbons, Royal LePage Peifer Realty 27 Frobisher, Chatham, $329,900 ..........................Gus Najjar, Royal LePage Peifer Realty 113 London Dr., Chatham ......................................Barb Phillips Real Estate Brokerage Sunday, January 27 17 Renaissance, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty 113 London Dr., Chatham ......................................Barb Phillips Real Estate Brokerage Monday, January 28 17 Renaissance, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Tuesday, January 29 17 Renaissance, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty Wednesday, January 30 17 Renaissance, Chatham .....................................Maple City Homes/Royal LePage Peifer Realty



•2 bedroom Reach homes By email: 100-acre mobile,19,300 open concept, living room, kitchen,a week • Full colour at no extra charge By phone: Callfarm Barblocated Phillips for Attention Realtors! large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. $48,900 phillba@mnsi.netin Raleigh all theTownship. details today! 519-359-8588 Reduced

• Convenient pull-out section • Digital Edition Online at No Extra Charge By email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Call Barb Phillips for large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. Why Advertise in all the details Thetoday! Chatham Voice, a locally owned community newspaper that people actually read! Voice Homes? To advertise in Voice Homes, call 519-397-2020 and ask to speak to a sales representative today!







Serving Chatham-Kent Since 1968

Stay up-to-date on home ownership.

Realtor On Duty David Smith* 519-350-1615

Alex Stefik* 519-437-7304

Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470

Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800


DAILY - MON. - SUN. 1-3PM 17 RENAISSANCE • $429,000 Beautiful 1616 sq ft 3br 2 bath ranch. New build, currently under construction. Call Carson 519-809-2856

Elliot Wilton* 519-358-8755

Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628

Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315

519-354-5470 519-676-5444

Peifer Realty Inc.


open house

We have all the info on Clara & Daylight here!

Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856

34 Raleigh St. 42 Talbot St. W.

6360 GRANDE RIVER LINE $1,090,000

73,872 workable acres systematically tiled. Call Catie 519-809-4268.

10889 RIVER LINE $1,500,000 3+4br, 5 bath, 4,000 sq ft rancher on 1.4 acres backing onto Maple City Golf Club & the river. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

90 PARK ST $299,000

4br, 2 bath Century home built in 1870 known as “Haddington Villa”. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

10907 RIVER LINE $699,000

4 bedroom stone rancher situated on a one acre river lot with well developed outdoor living area. Call Carson at 519-809-2856.

336 DELAWARE $569,900

Unique 5+1br, 2.5 bath executive ranch with in-law suite. Call Gus 519-355-8668 or Heather 519-355-8666.

Monday-Friday 8:30am-6:00pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm

Steve Carroll* 519-355-9774

SAT. JAN. 26 • 1-3PM 83 VALENCIA • $529,900 AGENT: DAVID SMITH Approximately 2273 sq ft incls basement, 4+1 br, 4 bath 2 storey currently under construction. Call David 519-350-1615.

SAT. JAN. 26 • 1-3PM 18 CLEMATIS • $529,900 AGENT: MIKE GIBBONS Gorgeous 5+1br, 3 bath, 3500 sq ft 2 storey in Prestancia. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669 or Mike G. 519-365-5634

Darren Hart* 226-627-8580

Michael Gibbons* 519-365-5634

Catie Hawryluk* 519-809-4268

New Price SAT. JAN. 26 • 1-3PM 27 FROBISHER • $329,900 AGENT: Gus Najjar 3br, 2 bath raised ranch bi-level. Private park like setting rear yard with waterfall. Call Gus 519-355-8668

5334 TALBOT TRAIL $209,900

Rare buildable 4.89 ac lakefront building lot located on Lake Erie. Call Deb R 519-401-5470.

28 VALENCIA $599,000

131 & 139 BRAEMAR

3+2br, 3 bath, 1900 sq ft brick ranch with full finished lower level. Call Pat 519-360-0141.

Under construction. 2 remaining lots newly built Maple City Homes. Call Carson 519-809-2856.

55 BRIARDENE $389,000

3br, 2.5 bath brick rancher with beautiful large family room in basement & attch’d double garage. Call Bev 519-358-8805.

56 PAMELA $289,900

Very well maintained 4br, 1.5 bath beautiful 2 storey. Pride of ownership here! Call George 519-360-7334.

Lots are selling fast so reserve yours today! Call Carson @ 519-809-2856.

71 CEDARWOODS $264,900

4br, 2 bath 4 level side split with many upgrades. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.


5 plex in nice community having 3-1br units & 2-2br units. Great opportunity. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.


228 SUMMERSET $399,500 1500 sq ft 3+1br, 3 bath semi-detached ranch with full finished basement. Call Patrick 519-360-0141.

20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,250,000

High exposure business right beside Hwy 401 at Tilbury interchange. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.


New Listing 21815 COMMUNICATION, C-K • $595,000

Unique property & business opportunity. 9.57 ac agricultural property with antique business. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.

82 UNIVERSITY $289,900 3br, 2 bath brick ranch with 2 fireplaces, covered patio & nice decor. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.

6269 RIVERVIEW LINE $541,000 Approximately 36 workable acres systematically tiled. Call Catie 519-809-4268.

Brian Keenan* 519-365-6090

Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810


349 SANDYS $453,000

This 4-plex has great tenants. All 3br units. Excellent investment in a great area. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

Offer Pending



10 GRAND AVE W. $17/ SQ FT

Cute 3 br bungalow extensively remodelled. Call Chris 519-350-1402.

This property features 3300 sq ft with retail/showroom area & more. Call Steve 519-355-9774.


Brand new build by Maple City Homes in the prestigious Prestancia sub-division. 2br, 2 bath semi ranch townhouse units. Call Carson 519-809-2856.

10596 LAKEVIEW $499,900

2 year old, 3br, 2 bath brick ranch style open concept home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

June McDougall* 519-358-5199

Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189

Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668

Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666

Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653

Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482

Chris Papple* 519-350-1402

Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959

Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310

Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141

Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470

5 COLLEGE $209,900

4br lovingly restored & tastefully decorated Heritage Home. Call Eric 519-436-4865.

Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805

Ron Smith* 519-360-7729

949 JAMES, WALLACEBURG • $169,900 Well maintained 2 storey duplex (upper & lower) backing onto the Sydenham River. Could easily be converted back to single family residence. Call Bev 519-358-8805.

318 BALDOON $219,900

3br, 2 bath 4 level side split with some updates. Call June 519-358-5199.



Offer Pending New Listing



open house

SAT. JAN. 26 • 10AM-12PM 125 MORNING GLORY LANE $474,900 AGENT: AMBER PINSONNEAULT Impressive, oversized 4+2br, 3.5 bath 2 storey with many updates and on a large lot. Call Amber 519-360-0141.

George McDougall* 519-360-7334

Not exactly as illustrated

open house

Ronald Franko** 519-355-8181

Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669

open house

Kelly-Anne Appleton* 519-365-7155

Eric Fitzgerald* 519-436-4865

Brian Peifer

Royal LePage Peifer Realty is pleased to announce that Carson Warrener is representing the builder of a new townhouse development in Chatham. Homes to be built in June, 2019. Prices starting at $199,900 to $214,900

open house Lisa Zimmer* 519-365-7325


Lease 45 ELLA, TILBURY $296,500

Excellent 3br, 1.5 bath ranch with many renovations. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.


Beautiful modern office complex in Blenheim. Call Elliot 519-358-8755 or Penny 519-360-0315.

D L SO 66 DUNVEGAN $199,000

3br, 2 bath brick rancher in Simonton Subdivision with finished f/r in basement & single car detached garage. Call Mike Smyth 519-784-5470.

11927 BASELINE, WABASH • $198,888

This updated 3br rancher in Wabash sits on a 3/4 ac lot between Dresden & Thamesville. Price recently reduced & immediate occupancy. Call Brian K 519-365-6090.

Attn: Medical Marijuana Users 45 RICHMOND $229,000

Totally renovated 3br, 1.5 bath 2 storey. Call Mike Smyth 519-784-5470.

53 HARVEY $188,888

Renovated 3br property walking distance to downtown. Call Brian Keenan 519-365-6090.

Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838

Sales Representative *





Touchdown! United Way exceeds goal

found chairing the campaign an incredible part of her life. “It’s been an amazing experiThe United Way of Cha- ence for me. Everyone has been tham-Kent (UWOCK) placed its so helpful,” she said. “I learned trust in a teenager, and Caterina a lot; it take s a lot of confidence to do presentations and to speak Dawson delivered. in front of others. Dawson, 19, There is a lot of chair of the 2018 “How the communiresponsibility and fundraising cam- ty comes together to paign, revealed to accomplish a common you have to be able to take on a a packed house at task.” the Links of Kent goal, the passion, givDarrin Canniff, Thursday morn- ing, people, volunteers mayor of Chaing that the cam- and partnerships that tham-Kent and a paign exceeded develop. These are its $1.559 million such important aspects former campaign co-chair, said the goal, coming in at of our community.” United Way cam$1,565,140. paign “defines a “I’m so excited, - Mayor Darrin Canniff community. so thrilled to see “How the community comes it all come together. It’s amazing together to accomplish a comto go over our goal,” she said. Dawson, who was still in high mon goal, the passion, giving, school at Ecole secondaire de people, volunteers and partnerPain Court when she was named ships that develop. These are as campaign chair last June, such important aspects of our By Bruce Corcoran

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Caterina Dawson, chair of the 2018 United Way of Chatham-Kent campaign, smiles after revealing the campaign reached $1,565,140, exceeding its target.

community,” he said. Canniff thanked Dawson for her efforts. “I can’t imagine when I was 19 years old doing what Caterina has done,” he said. Dawson admitted she was quite nervous at the opening of the camAs: paign. But the support from UWOCK staff helped her quickly get over that. She also came to realize how widespread the community support is for the campaign. “It’s not all big-business people. It’s your neighbours,” she said.

AFFORDABLE METAL ROOFING For the First Time Get a Metal Roof For As Low

As for why she took up the campaign torch in the first place, Dawson said she was following her passion. “I’ve always loved helping people. And I hope to encourage other youth to become more involved,” she said. Dawson began as a co-op student at UWOCK, and staff approached her to see if she’d be interested in chairing the campaign. She knew she’d have excellent support. “Volunteers are a very big aspect in what we do and to make it work,” Dawson said. She appreciates everything the United Way does to help improve the community. “We do so much work to help

so many people,” she said. “The real life changers are the people who are always on the go for UWOCK.” Steve Pratt, in completing his first fundraising campaign as the new CEO of UWOCK, thanked the community for its contributions of time, skills and donations. “You are essential in helping with the fight for the health, education and financial stability of everyone in our community,” he said in a media release. “Today marks a transition to new and innovative ways of doing things. To all of Chatham-Kent, I would like you to know that United Way is truly working for you.”

5th St. Bridge lane closure Friday The Chatham Voice

Avoid the southbound lanes of the Fifth Street Bridge in Chatham for the first part of



Friday. Municipal officials say the lanes will be closed from 8:30 a.m. until about 2 p.m. as the concrete barriers are being

relocated. Bell Canada has completed its cabling work, but officials say there is still some work to be done on the bridge itself.

FUN Living

Install your roof before the busy season begins. SHOWROOM: 1682 Dundas St. E. London, ON Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM Sat 9AM-4PM

CALL TODAY 519.322.6229

or come see us at "The Wednesday Market" in Chatham on Wednesdays *Financing Available OAC. Expiry date Apr 30, 2019. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Limited time offering. Some restrictions may apply.

Village On The Thames

850 Grand Ave, Chatham, ON N7L 5H5




C-K budget process underway By Mary Beth Corcoran

Chatham-Kent taxpayers are looking at a 1.7-percent increase, about $48 per year on the average tax bill, right out of the gate for the 2019 draft budget, which won’t be finalized until after public input and council debate. The draft was presented to council members last week, and municipal staff warned the starting increase could be as high as 2.03 per cent if the provincial government doesn’t come through with promised funds from the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund. Chief Financial Officer Mike Turner said they should know more this week if that funding will be coming. Not included in the draft is $5.04 million in onetime requests that will be up to council to look at and debate. Good news for the budget is the savings from changes made to Bill 147 and the minimum wage mandate. According to the draft budget, over $554,000 will be saved from employee labour costs from the government repealing the minimum wage hike from $14 to $15 in 2019. Information on the draft budget is available on the municipal website at https:// w w w. c h a t h a m - k e n t .

ca/local-government/ financial-information/2019-municipal-budget. Council will be taking the budget on the road this week to hear from the public. Budget Chair and Coun. Brock McGregor said he encourages the public to get information from the website and attend the meetings so they can make informed input on the budget process. “We want residents to be informed about municipal spending,” said McGregor. “The more information they have, the better feedback we receive as council members.” Not included in the draft budget for the public to see is the Chatham-Kent Police Service portion of the base budget, which won’t be available until Jan. 31, according to the municipal website. The first day of budget deliberations in council chambers is expected to begin on the evening of Jan. 30 and may continue until Feb. 7. Written and verbal presentations of up to five minutes are welcome at each meeting. To register to speak, sign up is available at the door at the deliberation meetings. Residents are asked to check the schedule posted on the municipal 2019 budget website for updates on the timing for deputations.

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Been farming long?

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Joey Wilson, left, and Sawyer Phelan remove the lug nuts on a tractor tire at McGrail Farm Equipment in Chatham. The two kindergarten students joined the rest of their class from St. Vincent School and toured McGrail, learning about farm equipment in a hands-on manner on Friday.





Habitat launches student contest The Chatham Voice Thursday, January 24, 2019 • CKPL Wallaceburg branch invites you to a Community Wellness Day to boost your sense of wellbeing and of community over the cold winter months. 2:30pm-4:30pm. The event will include a free one hour yoga session from 2:30pm-3:30pm, St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dogs from 3:30pm-4:30pm. Arts and crafts table for those feeling creative. 209 James St., Wallaceburg. • Open euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham at 1:00pm. • The Week of Prayer - 93rd Anniversary for Christian Unity at First Presbyterian Church. Theme “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” - Deut. 16: 1820. Rev. Mike Maroney, First Presbyterian Church. 12noon - 12:35pm. Free will offering. Lunch following. Elevator service. • Open euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham at 1:00pm. • Alzheimer Society seminar “Finding Your Way” series at the Active Lifestyle Centre. Lunch and learn topic is “What is a dementia friendly community?” Free lunch and learn from 11:30am-1:00pm. Space is limited and registration is required. Call 519-3525633 to book your seat. Friday, January 25, 2019 • Meal (5:30pm-7:00pm), open darts (7:30pm) and Catch the Ace (drawn at 6:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Choice of Liver and onions, roast beef or fish & chips for $10.00. • The Week of Prayer - 93rd Anniversary for Christian Unity at First Presbyterian Church. Theme “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” - Deut. 16: 18-20. Deacon Steve Cartier, Family of Parishes. 12noon - 12:35pm. Free will offering. Lunch following. Elevator service. Saturday, January 26, 2019 • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. • Meat draw (4:00pm-6:00pm) and dance (4:30pm9:30pm) featuring Southlanders at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Sunday, January 27, 2019 • The Week of Prayer - 93rd Anniversary for Christian Unity at First Presbyterian Church. Theme “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” - Deut. 16: 18-20. Concluding inter-denomination Service. 2:00pm. Speaker: Rev. Bob Beasley at First Presbyterian Church. • Bothwell Ministerial Association presents a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service at 3:00pm at the Bothwell Baptist Church, 280 Peter St. N., Bothwell. Monday, January 28, 2019 • Open euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham at 1:00pm. • Painting morning with local artist Bev Fish of Fish Tale Studio, Wallaceburg at the Active Lifestyle Centre. Call 519-352-5633 for details. Tuesday, January 29, 2019 • Open euchre (1:00pm), open shuffleboard (7:00pm) and two-person euchre (7:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • Tulip Tree Needlearts Monthly Meeting at Honey Electric, 400 Park Ave. W., Chatham at 7:00pm. Supporting all forms of needlework, cross-stitch and embroidery. New members welcome. Call Karen 519-354-1985. Wednesday, January 30, 2019 • We welcome all ladies to Calvary Coffee Break, 34 Victoria Ave., at Barth St. Informal bible study, coffee, snacks, occasional speaker. 9:30am-11:00am. Handicapped accessible. 519-354-4235. • Pepper (1:00pm) and fun darts (7:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham.

• “Eating by Design”, a free informative presentation by Dr. Jamie Richards. One hour session takes place at the Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave. during their Eating Sober program starting at 10:00am. Call 519-352-5633 to reserve a space. Thursday, January 31, 2019 • Open euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham at 1:00pm. • Dan Jones will be on site at the Active Lifestyle Centre to appraise your gold and silver coins and jewellery. Stop by between 8:30am-2:00pm and learn if you have valuable treasure. Friday, February 1, 2019 • Free PA Day from 8:30am-3:30pm at First Reformed Church, crnr of Lacroix and Indian Creek Rd., Chatham. For ages 4-10. Featuring: Crazy Raizey and Mad Science followed by crafts, music, stories, exercises and sports. Lunch and snacks provided at no cost. Please call 519-351-0046 for early registration as space is limited or email • The Portuguese Club invites everyone to come out and enjoy some free public skating from 4:00pm5:30pm at the Chatham William Erickson Arena. Saturday, February 2, 2019 • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. Sunday, February 3, 2019 • Chatham Granite Club Sunday brunch. 41 William St. N., Chatham. 10:30am-1:00pm. Adults $10. Children 4-12 $5. Under 4 free. Monday, February 5, 2019 • The Chatham-Kent Film Group presents the Canadian film, The Grizzlies at Galaxy Cineplex Theatres. 2 showings at 4:00pm and 7:00pm. $10 cash at the door. Call 519-359-8455 for more info. Omar Daughters of the Nile Italian Lunch & Silent Auction, Sunday, February 10, 2019 at the Mocha Shrine Centre, 468 Colborne St., London. Everyone is welcome! Our sole philanthropy, the Canadian Foundation, is for the benefit of the Shriners Hospital for Children® - Canada. Doors open at 12 noon, lunch served at 1:00pm. Bidding on silent auction ends at 2:00pm. Advance tickets only. $30pp. Get tickets before February 6th. Call Judith Woods 519-360-0372 or Janet Melnyk 519-471-7895. LOVE TO SING? Jubilee Chorus is looking for NEW MEMBERS to start in January....No experience necessary, no auditions! In its 58th season, the Jubilee Chorus, a passionate community of singers which spans generations and denominations, delights in connecting people around excellent choral music of all genres and continues to enrich the lives of many with its wonderful blend of voices and the message of grace, hope, and love found in the person of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Jubilee Chorus offers its concerts free of charge to the public and proudly supports community organizations through the freewill offerings gathered at each concert. Set Tuesdays aside each week and join us at St. Andrew’s United Church (85 William Street S., Chatham). Call Cynthia Luimes at 519-397-3318 if interested, so we can have music ready for you. FREE TUTORING - Every Tuesday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm at First Reformed Church. For info call Betty at 519-354-8902. CK Metal Detecting Club. Last Thursday of the month. Erickson Arena. 7:00pm. Guests welcome.

Students across the country have an opportunity to help a local family become a Habitat homeowner, thanks to the Meaning of Home contest, a national writing contest in support of Habitat for Humanity Canada. Launched earlier this month, the Meaning of Home contest asks students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 to share what home means to them. In the last 12 years, more than 50,000 students have shared what home has meant to them. Thanks to their inspiring words, and Genworth Canada’s support, the Meaning of Home contest has raised in excess of $1 million to build homes across Canada for families in need of decent and affordable housing. Three grand prize winners, one for

each grade, will have the opportunity to direct a grant of $25,000 to a local Habitat for Humanity of their choice. Nine runners up will receive a grant of $5,000 to the Habitat build of their choice. For every contest entry, a donation of $10 will be made to that student’s local Habitat, ensuring every student can help build Habitat homes in their community. Submissions will be accepted online until Feb. 18, and winners will be announced in April. More information on how to enter, as well as details on prizing, can be found at, or by contacting Nancy McDowell, Habitat for Humanity Chatham-Kent’s executive director, at 519-352-4440 ext. 225 or nancy@

Local lass lands Dorothy role The Chatham Voice

A Chatham teen has landed the lead role in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz audio theatre production. Voices in the Wind Audio Theatre of Chatham is putting together the performance, and Georgia Craven a Grade 12 student at Chatham-Kent Secondary School, will play Dorothy. When completed the show will be

distributed globally by Blackstone Publishing of Ashland, Ore. Craven, an honours student, has an extensive background in acting, singing, and dancing; having performed across the province. She starred in Theatre Kent’s 2016 Musical production of Anne of Green Gables, and is set to play the role of Katherine Plumber in her school’s production of Newsies.

URSULINE COLLEGE CHATHAM Invites all Grade 8 students and their parents to our

OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, January 31, 2019

Presentation to begin at 7:00 p.m. in the U.C.C. Theatre followed by guided tours. • Find out about the variety of courses offered • Guided tour with staff and school administration • See the excellent facilities available at your Catholic high school

Kent Coin Club. Third Wednesday of the month. Library at John McGregor Secondary School. 7:30pm. Al Oulds - president 519-695-5131.

Ursuline College Chatham Catholic Secondary School

Submit your coming events to or

Ray Power, Principal

85 Grand Avenue West, Chatham | Phone: 519-351-2987



Big changes needed to stop human trafficking

Anyone looking for Bruce’s column this week, you’ll be getting the “She Said” version. For those of you who didn’t attend the Human Trafficking town hall meeting last week hosted by MPP Rick Nicholls, 600 people including teens, had their eyes opened to reality. Human trafficking is here, in our community, and our teens are vulnerable. Mary Beth Hearing the information on local police operations and from victims was chilling, and made me go home and hug my 16-year-old daughter, who is the same age as a girl from Chatham who was rescued from trafficking and helped by Chatham-Kent Victims’ Services. These disgusting recruiters and pimps make more money off of our girls – using their bodies as a product over and over – than they do by selling drugs. But the big problem, in my eyes, and in the eyes of some of the women who work with victims, is that if there was no demand for the services from men – and they are the biggest percentage of people trolling sex service sites – our girls wouldn’t be in danger of being lured or taken by traffickers. These young girls they buy are someone’s daughter, sister, or niece – and men don’t stop to think about whether that girl is being forced to do this, is beaten if she refuses, maybe hasn’t eaten or slept, or is being raped or drugged. As the police described, one sting ad on a sex site had 9,000 views in six days – 9,000! We need to focus money on education, awareness and definitely services for victims, but I would gladly empty my bank account to see these men held

accountable for soliciting sex with a young girl they think looks good on a website. Apparently, these johns plead guilty and are sent to “john school” where they are taught the realities of the girls they are using for sex – but they plead guilty to avoid telling their spouse, girlfriend or family what they were caught doing. Police hope that Corcoran johns will be more aware of the girls they are using – are they injured, are they high or drunk, do they seem afraid of their pimp, do they look underage – if so, call Crime Stoppers anonymously and try to get them help instead of victimizing the girl. I’m a little more vengeful than that because I say, start arresting these guys, like they do any sex crime perpetrator or pedophile, and let the media know. Just like with drunk drivers, it would be a deterrent if they knew their name would be out there, and their families and employers would know what they are doing. Why are our courts allowing them to hide? Treat them like drunk drivers, rapists or pedophiles. Gnocchi at its best I had the chance to try the gnocchi recipe that won a Chatham woman $5,000 from the Ontario Dairy Farmers’ Association and a spot on the 2019

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Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

More than 600 people attended the Jan. 17 human trafficking town hall meeting at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre.

the ice to raise money in what they thought was a unique and fun way. I get that people may not be into that idea, but the harsh comments and hate thrown their way was over the top and uncalled for. Animal cruelty?

milk calendar, and I was not disappointed. It was the easiest and quickest recipe to follow and makes a delicious meal for your family. My picky eater didn’t like the texture of the gnocchi so I made fusilli noodles for it instead and was told she could eat that every day. Thanks, Tracey Summerfield Gibbons, for the recipe! Chicken chucking turns into insult chucking I just wanted to take a moment to say I don’t understand people who feel the need to verbally trash people online for a comment, opinion or event they don’t like. The Chuck- a-Chicken fundraising event coming up to raise money for an accessible playground for kids is a prime example. The organizers were called “disgusting,” “morons,” “classless,” “uneducated” and many other derogatory things for proposing to throw a frozen, packaged chicken destined for a pet food factory on

Really? We should be thanking the Bayside folks instead of telling them they need to find a new job. Their hearts are in the right place – trying to make their community a better place for kids with mobility issues.






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Fun Stuff 32 Prepare to pray 34 Chicken-king link 35 Weaver’s filling thread 37 Revolvers, e.g. 39 Air safety org. 41 Soon to come 42 Coral rings 45 Money, slangily 49 Secondary job 51 Anger 52 Infamous Idi 53 Enjoyment 54 At a snail’s pace 55 Hide 56 Explosive stick 57 Spud’s buds

ACROSS 1 Nickelodeon’s explorer 5 Phonograph stat 8 -- podrida 12 Acknowledge 13 “Born in the --” 14 Tide type 15 Korea-based sitcom

16 Laterally 18 Tartan patterns 20 Go by 21 “Star Wars” princess 23 Saute 24 Motorcycle attachments 28 Consider 31 Historic period

This week’s answers

DOWN 1 Moist 2 Elliptical 3 Parks of civil rights fame 4 For some time 5 Muscovites et al. 6 Omega preceder 7 Put together 8 Ahead 9 2012, but not 2013

10 Potato chip brand 11 Church section 17 Sprite 19 Pack of cards 22 “The results --” 24 Stitch 25 Anger 26 Jonquil’s cousin 27 Dregs 29 Shady tree 30 More, to Manuel 33 Toy block name 36 Skill 38 Richard III’s cry 40 The whole enchilada 42 Pronto, on a memo 43 Fourth dimension 44 Winnow 46 Easter emblem 47 Lotion additive 48 Chops 50 Convent denizen





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Robert DeLaet 84, Thursday, January 17, 2019 Blenheim Community Funeral Home

Mary Prescott 88, Tuesday, January 15, 2019 Denning’s Ltd.

Emilio Zimmerman 88, Friday, January 4, 2019 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Aline Walton Monday, January 7, 2019 Denning’s Ltd.

Irene Reaume 81, Monday, January 14, 2019 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

James Blair 56, Monday, January 14, 2019 Denning’s Ltd.

Wilbert Shadd 95, Monday, January 14, 2019 McKinlay Funeral Home

Floyd John Lozon “Opie” 56, Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Denning’s Ltd.

Kiki Tsirakis 84, Thursday, January 17, 2019 McKinlay Funeral Home

Mrs. Leanne Clairmont 49, Monday, January 14, 2019 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home

James “Jim” Fisher 100, Thursday, January 17, 2019 McKinlay Funeral Home

Dianne Van Dolder 71, Thursday, January 17, 2019 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home

David Krzemien 68, Tuesday, January 15, 2019 Denning’s Ltd. Matthew Cook 49, Saturday, January 12, 2019 Denning’s Ltd.


60 Stanley Street, Blenheim (519) 676 – 9200


156 William St., Chatham 519.352.5120


245 Wellington St. W., Chatham 519-352-2710

1100 Stores Strong


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$2,000 to $30,000

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