1 minute read
How about ‘Galaxy?’
Editor: The new name that should be considered for the baseball team in Chatham is the “Chatham Galaxy.” Baseball has a rich heritage in Chatham. The first all-black team that won the Ontario Amateur Championship twice was the Chatham Coloured All Stars. They, as you know, were recently inducted them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4.
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Out of that rich baseball heritage came Fergie Jenkins, whose father played on that team. The name Galaxy honours the All Stars in name, but does not take away from its fame. Galaxy suggests an expansion of that racist baseball culture to the present where fully integrated teams are a reality.
The original logo was a star within a “C.” The new logo might be a “C” with a cluster of stars, one of which would be black. Just a thought.
Glen Wright Woodstock