2 minute read
Scotiabank supports CKHA effort
The Chatham Voice
Scotiabank has committed more than $67,000 in support of a program developed by a Chatham-Kent Health Alliance emergency department doctor.
Dr. Shawn Segeren developed Dynamic Simulation in April of 2020. He began by arranging a series of clinical simulation sessions focused on resuscitating patients with COVID-19.
Over the past two years, the program has branched out to offer a wide variety of critical-care simulation sessions and procedural skills days for emergency department physicians, regis-
Infrastructure and Engineering Services
Public Works tered nurses, respiratory therapists, and other specialists at CKHA.
Scotiabank has partnered with the CKHA Foundation in this effort. On May 2, Scotiabank delivered the first of two $33,600 installments for the program.
“As a Foundation, investing in innovative hospital programs is a crucial part of our mission and vision, and Scotiabank’s strong partnership in support of Dynamic Simulation will enable the growth of the program as it seeks to enhance the outstanding care delivered in our local emergency departments,” said Mary Lou Crowley, President
Public Notice of Pesticide Use
& CEO of CKHAF, in a media release. “Scotiabank has been a strong partner of the Foundation for many years, so today’s development really illustrates their ongoing commitment to enabling world-class health care here in Chatham-Kent.”
Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Chatham-Kent intends to utilize Green Stream Lawn & Vegetation Management Inc. and Veg-Tek Agri Inc. for the purpose of controlling noxious weeds along all municipal rural roadsides.
This pesticide use falls under Public Works Exception of the Cosmetics Pesticides Ban for the promotion of public health or safety.
The following pesticides registered under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada) will be used:
• ClearView Herbicide (Reg. #29752) containing the active ingredients Metsulfuron-methyl and Aminopyralid, present as potassium salt • Gateway Adjuvant (Reg.#31470) containing the active ingredients Paraffinic Oil, and Alkoxylated alcohol non-ionic surfactants
• Navius FLEX Herbicide (Reg. #30922) containing the active ingredients Metsulfuron–methyl and Aminocyclopyrachlor
The spring spray period is expected to take place between May 15 and June 15, 2023, and fall spray period is expected to take place between September 15 and October 15, 2023 for spot treatment. Application will be weather permitting and confined to weedinfested portions of the municipal right-of-way.
A map of the specific spray locations can be requested through the Chatham-Kent Public Works Department by emailing ckpw@chatham-kent.ca.
For further information, please contact:
Jordan Gray: Manager, Public Works South, Municipality of Chatham-Kent
P: (519) 360-1998 or 1-800-714-7497 ckpw@chatham-kent.ca
Steve Ford: Green Stream Lawn & Vegetation Management Inc.
P: (905) 510-1229 or sford@green-stream.ca
Trevor Caron: Veg-Tek Agri Inc.
P: (519) 809-4812 or trevorc@vegtek.com
Clinical simulation is a teaching method that allows health-care professionals to practice critical care scenarios and resuscitation using realistic situations and equipment. It is a safe and effective way to improve patient care and outcomes during high-pressure situations, according to Foundation officials.
“These inter-professional simulations have allowed our teams to work together to manage some very complex, interesting cases, which has really benefited the ED teams at both the Chatham and Wallaceburg sites,” Segeren said. “This strong financial support from Scotiabank will allow us to offer more high-fidelity simulations, leveraging new equipment that will allow us to better serve our ED teams, other hospital departments, and our community as a whole.”
For Scotiabank, this partnership is part of an ongoing priority to support the growth and prosperity of local communities and demonstrate a commitment to a better future for Canadians. “On behalf of Scotiabank, we are so proud to be a part of this important initiative and to support the outstanding work that Dr. Segeren’s Dynamic Simulation program is doing here at CKHA,” Scotiabank’s Mandy Furtado said.